论功能翻译理论 摘 要:中国传统翻译理论只有宏观的论述,缺乏方法论,操作性不强。
本文简述了功能翻译理论,详细地探讨了该理论的理论基础,并用关联理论予以论证,丰富了它的内容。 关键词:功能翻译理论;基础理论;阐释 Abstract: Chinese traditional translation theory consists only of translation principles without concrete methodology and it can not be applied to practical translating. This paper gives a brief account to functional translation theory, probes into its theoretical basis and makes convincing exposition of it by using relevance theory so that it enriches its content. Key words: functional translation theory; basic theory; exposition 功能翻译理论强调,翻译是一种特殊的交际形式,涉及三种文本:原语文本、译者的图式文本和译语文本。
一、功能翻译理论简述 (一)、功能翻译理论的要点 根据杂志上发表的论文、学术会议上宣读的论文、学术报告和出版的专著,功能翻译理论的要点简述如下: 1、分析概念段(conceptual paragraph,具有明确主题意义一个或多个自然段)和句子的修辞功能,使修辞功能的形式重现,从形式的等同中求得功能的等值,意义的等值,这种翻译叫做功能翻译。翻译应该是在修辞功能等值的前提下,遵守“信、达、X”规范;文体不同,翻译的目的不一样,X不一样。
(张梅岗,《中国科技翻译》,1994,(3);刘重德,《三湘译论》,湖南出版社,1995;周笃宝,《中国翻译》,2000,(2)) 2、功能翻译理论强调修辞形式等同和功能等值的一致性,修辞是手段,是形式;功能是修辞产生的结果或达到的目的,是内容的总和。修辞包括概念段内和句内的修辞,即语言语境的修辞,也包括情景语境、文化语境、语用语境的修辞。
(《科技英语修辞》,1998)换句话说,在概念段和句子中,语义、语法和语用三者合为一体表达修辞功能。 3、功能是靠结构(structures)来体现的,任何一种语言都是由四种符号元素(词、词标识、词序和语调)构成。
这条因果键是命题或语言事件构成的,也是它们的概念化的参考点。(《中国翻译》,1998,(5)此文已被美国Colby Information Center of Science & Culture收录,网上转载。)
4、功能翻译理论强调认知图式理论对翻译实践和翻译研究的作用,各种普遍结构和特殊结构的认知图式越具体、越丰富,对翻译研究和实践的能力就越强,是译者形成图式文本的基础。 5、功能翻译理论强调,翻译过程是个斡旋推理过程,因果链是逻辑推理的基本结构,利用已知信息,对非语言要素(如情景、文化和语用等语境)的修辞功能进行判断,产生正确的推时结论。
(《英汉功能翻译》,1999) (二)、功能翻译理论的方法论 我们用修辞功能等值的原则来看待翻译和翻译研究,自然有正确理解原文、翻译表达的一整套与此相应的方法论。这是功能翻译理论最突出的地方。
由于功能翻译已经有了比较完整的体系,因此本文只能概括一些基本的、主要的方法加以研究。 1、概念段的主题认知法 首先,把原文文本划分成概念段,研究概念段的主题思想,找出连接标志,抓住概念段的因果链(《科技英语修辞》),把握语言的功能取向和对概念段整体内容的正确理解。
2、功能分类法 根据功能分类语言学(Functional Typological Linguistics)把英语分为五大类修辞功能:描述功能、陈述功能、定义功能、分类功能和指令功能,每大类功能又划分出若干小功能,然后与汉语进行分类功能对比研究,探索译的规律。例如,英语陈述功能(陈述部分)总是放在句首,而汉语则置于句末。
(张梅岗:《中国翻译》,1999,(5);2000,(5);《中国科技翻译》,1998,(1、4)) 3、图式研究法 根据图式理论,研究和比较原语和目标语的各种结构的认知图式(cognitive schema),例如,英语的SVO句、SvoO句、SVOC句和被动句等各种句子的结构图式。与目标语的结构图式比较,研究发现它们的翻译规律和方法。
(张梅岗:《中国翻译》,1994,(1、5);《英汉功能翻译》1999)值得指出的是,用认知理论去研究结构图式尤为重要。请看下面两句: (1) The policeman caused Mary to die. (2) The policeman forced Mary to die. 这两句的结构完全是一样,只有动词的语义不同,而第一句是符合逻辑的,是正确的,第二句不符合逻辑,因而不正确。
2.SOS:学士论文 从功能对等的角度看英语儿童文学的翻译 该怎么写
【作者单位】: 浙江工贸职业技术学院基础部;
【关键词】: 功能对等 儿童文学 翻译
给你点建议与范例 列点提纲 然后你自己自由发挥 比如【摘要】: XX运用XX学理论,把翻译视为是跨语言、跨文化的交际活动,其功能对等理论思想产生了世界性的深远影响,在对文学翻译、科技翻译等领域里都有重要的指导作用。这种以"读者反映论"为核心的翻译理论为XX文学翻译批评提供了一个崭新的思路。作者就以《生活大爆炸》汉译本为例,辅以XX的功能对等理论指导,来探讨XX文学的翻译,并通过功能对等理论中的意义、风格和文化三个方面的分析比较,从实践个案上来证明功能对等理论在指导XX文学翻译上的实用性和适用性。
【作者单位】: XXXXXXX学院基础部;
【关键词】: 功能对等 XX文学 翻译
从晚清起,我国就开始大量翻译XX文学作品,这对我国XX文学的发展产生了深远的影响。但是至今在国内,XX文学翻译的研究还没有得到应有的重视,XX文学翻译仍一直处于研究的边缘地位。实际上,XX文学翻译绝非易事,译者不仅需要熟练使用两种语言,还要熟悉XX文学。。。.一路写下去,拿出点数据,例出点事例,作出点评价,修正点误区,也就差不多了,.. 手工劳动好累人的,并且是真心希望对你有所帮助.
4.我的毕业论文中引用奈达在《Language, Culture,and Translation 》中
" Nida on two levels: the highest level of equivalence and the lowest levels of equivalence. The highest level of the translation and the readers of the original readers should be able to understand and appreciate it the same way, this is translated by the pursuit of an ideal realm; the lowest level of the equivalence of a translation the reader should be able to penetrate to the translated text, and as the original readers how to understand and appreciate the original, this is the minimal translation equivalence ( Nida。
美国著名翻译理论家尤金?奈达(Eugene A. Nida)给翻译作出如下定义:Translation consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style. ( 所谓翻译,是指在译语中用最贴切、最自然的对等语再现原语的信息,首先达到词义对等,其次达到文体对等。”
尤金?奈达所提出的“功能对等”(functional equivalence)或“动态对等”(dynamic equivalence)是指:译文的读者和原文的读者在感受上基本相同。这个标准实际上就是以翻译实践的效果来检验翻译的准确性。
Distance Learning This paper will summarize two articles on distance learning and give the author ‟ s views on the benefits and obstacles of implementing distance-learning in a junior and senior high school learning environment. Jeannette McDonald, in her article: Is “ As good as face -to-face ” as good as it gets? (2002), raises a very important question as to whether “ [the] goal [of online learning should be] to meet existing standards of traditional education ” (McDonald, 2002) or “ has distance learning, and especially online education opened the door to enhanced strategies in teaching and learning ” (McDonald, 2002)? Online learning may just be “ doing different things ” (McDonald, 2002). What are these different things? Jeannette McDonald claims that “ distance education can be a frontier for new methods of communication giving rise to innovative teaching and learning practices that may not be possible in traditional, place-bound education ” (2002). The article discusses both the positive and “ potential negative impacts of online education ” (McDonald, 2002). There are many benefits to using online distance learning environments. Online education is available “ anyplace, anytime [for] global communities of lea rners based on shared interests” (McDonald, 2002). Jeannette McDonald claims that “ online education [with its] group-based instruction [and] computer mediated communication (CMC) provides an opportunity for new development and understanding in teaching and learning ” (2002). CMC encourages “ collaborative learning [by not providing] cues regarding appearance, race, gender, education, or social status bestowing a sort of anonymity to participants ” (McDonald, 2002). Distance also “ permits the expression of emotion (both positive and negative) and promotes discussion that normally would be inhibited. [Yet, this same] text-based [positive aspect of online learning], makes online education more cumbersome and therefore takes more time than face-to-face learning. [In addition,] the sheer bulk of messages can be overwhelming ” (McDonald, 2002). The learner only has the written text and no other “ non-verbal ” (McDonald, 2002) cues. This may confuse the learner and cause “ misunderstanding ” (McDonald, 2002). The article lists the “ seven principles of good practice in undergraduate education ” (McDonald, 2004) published in 1987 by the American Association of Higher Education Bulletin. Jeannette McDonald claims that “ online education has the potential to achiever all of these practices ” (2002). There is a need for quality and standards for distance learning. “ In April 2000, the institute of Higher Education Policy produced a study with 24 benchmarks for the success in Internet-based distance education ” (The Institute for Higher Education Policy, 2000). Although Jeannette McDonald feels that there are “ biases against distance learning programs ” (2002), her recommendation is “ to take advantage of the potential of online education [by striving] to understand the technology and how it affects human communication and interaction ” (2002). “ In the road to dotcom in education ” (2004), Mark David Milliron deals with a very progressive idea that suggests educators “slow … down from [their] busy lives… to be free to focus first on connecting with learners and connecting them to learning … before [they] end up feeling like [they] are no longer using technology, but are being used by it ” (Milliron, 2004). He compares education to a highway where educators are faced with many “ road hazards ” . Mark。
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