4、关键词或主题词:关键词是从论文的题名、提要和正文中选取出来的,是对表述论文的中心内容有实质意义的词汇。关键词是用作机系统标引论文内容特征的词语,便于信息系统汇集,以供读者检索。 每篇论文一般选取3-8个词汇作为关键词,另起一行,排在“提要”的左下方。
(1)引言:引言又称前言、序言和导言,用在论文的开头。 引言一般要概括地写出作者意图,说明选题的目的和意义, 并指出论文写作的范围。引言要短小精悍、紧扣主题。
学前教育(Preschool Education)是由家长及幼师利用各种方法、实物,有系统、有计划而且科学地对孩童的大脑进行各种刺激,使大脑各部位的功能逐渐完善而进行的教育。我不知道你说的是什么级别的论文?期刊论文?本硕学位论文?不管是什么论文,你可以从概念里发现选题。
Study on the Child Image of the Catcher in the Rye From Linguistic Perspective 从语言的角度分析《麦田里的守望者》中的儿童形象 A CHILD OF NATURE: ON EMILY DICKINSON'S NATURE COMPLEX 璞玉无暇,浑然天成:论艾米莉。
狄金森的自然情结 A POLYPHONIC ANALYSIS OF THE SOUNF AND FURY “对位法”分析《喧哗与骚动》 The Use of Zero Article Before Class Nouns 类名词前的零冠词用法解析 An Analysis of Factors of Martin Eden's Suicide 导致马丁。 伊登自杀因素的分析 Factors Affecting Marriage in Pride and Prejudice A Probe into Anti-slavery of Mark Twain--From the Perspective of Jim in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn 探讨马克吐温的反奴隶制--对《哈克贝利芬历险记》中吉姆的分析 The Use OF Body Language In English Teaching 肢体语言在英语教学中的应用 Task-based Language Teaching and Its Application in China 任务教学法及其在中国的应用 Various Circumstances That the Inversion Is Used Under and Comparison with Chinese 运用到状的多种情形及与汉语的比较 Individual Factos Contributing to Gatsby's Tragedy 导致盖茨比悲剧产生的个人因素 The Direct Method and Its Application in Juvenile English Teaching 直接教学法及其在少儿英语教学中的应用 On Social Factora to the Failure of the Americam Dream——A Contrast between Gatsby and Willy Loman 论美国梦破灭的社会因素——盖茨比和威力洛曼的比较 On the Psychological Development of Tom in The Grapes of Wrath论《愤怒的葡萄》中汤姆的心理变化 Study on the Teaching of Culture 浅析文化教学 Culture Conmflicts in English Teaching 英语教学中的文化冲突 Cultural Differences of Chinese and English Color Words 中英颜色词的文化差异 A Research of Rhetoric in Jane Eyre 关于《简爱》中修辞的研究 On the Causes of Tess's Tragedy 论苔丝悲剧的原因 On Symbolism and Portraiture in The Great Gatsby 论《了不起的盖茨比》中的象征主义和人物描写 Multianalysis of "the Lost Generation" in The Sun Also Rises 透视《太阳照样升起》中的“迷惘的一代” On Robinson Crusoe's Character 鲁滨逊人物分析 The Use of Symbolism in Scarlet Letter 论《红字》中象征手法的运用 On the Writing Features Of The Cal l of the Wild 论《野性的呼唤》的写作手法 Character Analysis of Santiago in The Old Man and The Sea 《老人与海》主人公——桑提亚哥形象分析 Communicative Approach of English Teaching 英语教学之交际法 On the Theme of For Whom the Bell Tolls 论《丧钟为谁而鸣》的主题思想 How to Be a Good Guide in English Teaching in Middle School 怎样在中学教学中做好引导者###现代教师必备素质一个有效率的英语教师应当具备的特征英语教师所应具备的素质优秀的英语教师应该具备的素质论教师的有效性评估与教师自我提高“有效教师”的性格与角色泛读课中的教师角色教师如何理解其教学角色教师在成人教育中的角色教师在英语教学中培养学习自主性的角色浅析中美高校外语专业师生关系的定位比较中美英语教学中的师生合作中美英语课堂中的师生互动课堂教学中的师生关系中学课堂管理策略英语教学方法及其应用交际法及其英语口语教学中的应用交际法教学中的语法教学交际法在基础英语教学中的作用交际法在英语教学中的作用交际法在中国中学英语教学中的作用交际教学法在口语教学中的作用交际教学法在我国中学中的问题及改进方法交际式教学法在中国英语教学中的局限性中学英语课堂交际实践中的问题及改进浅谈提高综合应用语言的能力论提高听力教学的有效方法如何有效的进行英语听力教学运用听力策略提高听力理解怎样进行中学英语听力教学中国学生的英语发音问题英汉语音对比及教学策略词汇表达教学中的文化教学中学英语词汇系统家教学高中英语词汇教学技巧论词汇教学与练习论词汇教学中的上下译文译法论交际化次会教学派生法词汇教学浅论词汇在外语教学中的重要性如何教好高中英语词汇英语作为第二语言的词汇教学技巧阅读中的词汇教学阅读中的词汇突破因特网在中国英语教育中的应用网络环境下的英语教学英语教学中的计算机辅助教育《鲁宾逊漂流记》中的个人主义济慈诗歌中神话典故的研究论 《傲慢与偏见》中婚姻与金钱的关系解读《傲慢与偏见》中简。
奥斯丁的婚姻观论作者对《傲慢与偏见》里的社会态度简。 奥斯丁在《傲慢与偏见》中的妇女意识《傲慢与偏见》中由性格所决定的婚姻句子的省略与成份结构论词意变化的因素浅析矛盾修辞法怎样做一名合格的翻译者关于典故的翻译英汉翻译中长句、难句的处理英汉语言中动物词汇文化内涵之比较中国与西方国家的礼仪对比文化冲击——东西方不同的礼节中美家庭文化及其根源的对比010 Fuzzy Words and Their Uses in Human Communication 011 Ambiguity and Puns in English 012 Some basic consideration of style 013 English by Newspaper 014 English Personal Pronouns: a 。
具体看你的方向而定1 、关于幼儿教师职业倦怠感的研究。
2 、关于幼儿争抢行为及其教育策略的研究。 3 、关于幼儿“告状”行为的研究及其指导策略。
4 、关于幼儿不良饮食习惯的教育研究。 5 、关于幼儿“人来疯”现象及其教育策略的研究。
6 、父母教养方式对儿童社会性发展的影响研究。 7 、幼儿教师工作压力现状的研究。
8 、幼儿教师社会支持的现状研究。 9 、幼儿教师家庭支持的现状研究。
10 、幼儿同伴关系对幼儿社会性发展的研究。 11 、幼儿园的奖惩制度与幼儿教师工作积极性的相关研究。
12 、幼儿教师心理健康状况及其影响因素的研究。 13 、关于幼儿学习兴趣的培养途径和方法的研究 14 、关于幼儿争抢玩具的现象及其教育策略的研究 15 、关于幼儿冲突行为及其干预策略的研究。
16 、关于父亲角色对幼儿社会性发展的影响的研究。 17 、关于幼儿欺负行为及其干预策略的研究。
18 、关于父母教育态度的一致性对幼儿社会性发展的研究 19 、关于幼儿园开展英语教育的可行性研究。 20 、关于某市师范学院学前教育专业本科毕业生就业取向的研究。
21 、关于幼儿园的社会支持现状研究。 22 、关于家长选择幼儿园时的主导因素研究。
23 、关于家长对幼儿园教育期望的现状研究。 24 、关于家长在幼儿园教育活动中的配合现状研究。
25 、35 岁以下年轻父母的早教观念的现状研究。 26 、关于父亲与母亲对于幼儿发展认识上的差异研究。
27 、关于幼儿教师离岗,跳槽现状的研究。 28 、关于家长对幼儿园开展双语教育的认识研究。
29 、关于幼儿教师对幼儿园开展双语教育的认识研究。 30 、关于小班幼儿教师与大班幼儿教师的工作压力的对比研究。
31 、关于男幼儿与女幼儿在师幼互动中的差异因素研究。 32 、关于小班幼儿性别认同的现状研究。
33 、关于大班男女幼儿对幼儿教师形象认识的研究。34 .幼儿园各年龄班阅读材料的选择情况调研 35 .幼儿园活动区材料的选择、开发和利用情况调研 36 .幼儿园课程内容综合化情况调研 37 .幼儿园园本课程开发情况调研 38 .行动研究与幼儿教师的专业成长 39 .学前教育本 ( 专 ) 科院校的培养规格与模式的研究 40 .学前教育专业学生对课程设置满意度的调研 41 .某市民办幼儿园教师发展现状及对策研究 42 .某市主城区幼儿园安全教育实施现状研究 43 .某市主城区家庭亲子共读现状研究 44 .某市农村幼教事业发展的现状及对策研究 45 .民间游戏在幼儿园课程实施中的个案研究 46 .幼儿园男教师专业认同对其专业发展的影响研究 47 .学前教育专业男生的心理问题及对策研究 48 .幼儿教师专业自主发展问题研究 49 .学习型幼儿园构建策略研究 50 .幼儿园双语教学的个案研究 51 .幼儿家庭闲暇教育的个案研究 52 .提高幼儿园教师队伍稳定性的对策研究 53 .农村幼儿园健康教育的现状、问题及其对策 54 .幼儿园分享阅读教学活动实施策略研究 55 .幼儿园与小学数学课程衔接的个案研究仅供参考。
幼儿钢琴教学中学习兴趣培养1.1万字 11页 目 录 中文摘要…………………………………………………………………………… 英文摘要…………………………………………………………………………… 绪 论 ……………………………………………………………………………… 一)、导致幼儿钢琴学习中兴趣缺乏的主要原因 ……………………………… 二)、幼儿钢琴学习中兴趣培养的重要作用 …………………………………… 第一部分 创设优异的音乐环境诱发幼儿学习音乐的兴趣 …………………… 一)、适时适地为幼儿欣赏经典音乐作品 ……………………………………… 二)、采用多种趣味教学形式使幼儿感受音乐培养直接兴趣 ………………… 三)、搭建表演平台让幼儿体验成功的乐趣 …………………………………… 第二部分 幼儿钢琴教材的选用 ………………………………………………… 一)、选用有形象有标题趣味性强的钢琴教材 ………………………………… 二)、选用幼儿熟知的中外儿歌改编的钢琴教材 ……………………………… 三)、选用中国民歌改编的钢琴小曲 …………………………………………… 第三部分 突出教学情趣培养幼儿学习钢琴的兴趣 …………………………… 一)、教师要注重语言艺术性和趣味性 ………………………………………… 二)、把技能技巧的学习融合到音乐情境之中 ………………………………… 三)、采用新颖的授课形式 ……………………………………………………… 四)、在赏识教育中培养幼儿的自信心 ………………………………………… 第四部分 结论 …………………………………………………………………… 参考文献…………………………………………………………………………… 后 记……………………………………………………………………………… Exlore The in Terest Training and Teaching Method of Piano For Kids Abstract:The elegancy piano sound can bring enjoy to kids to let them have interested in study at the beginning. But the interest at the beginning is not stable. They can easily feel bother while big amount of basic exercises coming letting them fade of the interest of beginning. Actually each kid has enough capacity. We, as a piano teacher, are look forward to teaching the kids in the course of enjoy and happiness. Except love, our education should be with good measure so that continuing to push, improve their interest in the field of study and letting them to study piano enjoyable and happiness just like playing game.The article force on how to improve the music and play interests, music environmental and text choosing during education for little kids. Would like to get a result what most important function for study interest in field of the piano study of kids and show clearly that the study interest is key for kids and try to find the best way and measure to improve the piano education for kids.Key words: Kids; Training; Music interest; Teaching method;Music environmental 参考文献 [1]尹爱青.当代主要音乐教育体系及教学法[M].长春:东北师范大学出版社 [2]张凯.音乐心理[M].重庆:西南师范大学出版社 [3]周广仁.钢琴演奏基础训练[M]. 北京:高等教育出版社 下载地址 e again. Please do not think I am critical of China, there are so many things I admire and respect in China but as a westerner I firmly believe we all learn from each other when we talk about our differences, as good friends should. Today I will speak on four main subjects of western education:- 1, A General Introduction to the Western Educational Environment 2. Teachers and Teaching Beliefs in Western Countries 3. The Differences between Chinese and Western Students 4. The Changing ClassroomWhen Chinese teachers talk about western education they think it is all the same in every western or foreign country but education is very different in England from America while Australia is different again from England and America and South Africa is very different again with its heavy teaching of African culture A GENERAL INTRODUCTION TO THE WESTERN EDUCATIONAL ENVIRONMENTSouth Africa is considered to have one of the best educational systems in the world and since 2005 has focused heavily on literacy, mathematics and the African culture of art, history and music The Australian educational system prepares students for adult life and makes sure that all students have knowledge and a very clear understanding of the world we all share. Meanwhile the English educational system prepares students for opportunities, responsibilities and the experiences of the adult life they will have in the future.The American educational system is considered one of the worst in the world with very badly paid teachers. The man collecting garbage in the streets earns more money than American teachers. There are very over crowded classrooms and some schools do not have enough money to look after their students properly. Further more, American teachers have eight weeks summer holidays each year but do not receive pay for all this time. Many are forced to find work as waiters or serve in a shop to support their families or themselves during this time.Many excellent American school teachers now work in foreign countries such as China where education and teachers are respected.TEACHERS AND TEACHING BELIEFS IN WESTERN COUNTRIES Most teachers of the world teach with books, in a classroom with a blackboard but it is the communication skills and culture of each country all over the world that creates the differences in our classrooms, and yet in many ways, we are all the same.We believe our Western teachers must have a kind heart, be very patient with a strong generosity, endurance and strength. Further more, in our class room the student is the most important person not the teacher. We are there to help, advise and encourage students on their journey to adulthood.We do not believe in shouting at a student if they get an answer wrong, it is not a terrible crime because next time, or the time after that, or the time after that they will get it right if you encourage and guide them along. We firmly believe in the west that you, as a teacher set students on the path for success. If you shout at a student enough they will lose heart and never get it right. Surely a teacher encourages, helps and inspires students to do better not only for themselves but for their parents and China We all need to ask ourselves how many good students have been lost to us, and our countries, because of bad teaching both here and in the west.The bond, and communication, formed between a teacher and student is very important to us, in fact, we consider this one of the most important responsibilities we have. We become friends of a kind and this friendship, and guidance continues long into adulthood. When my students achieve in adult life they come and tell me and I fell so proud and happy for them.As western teachers we constantly move around the classroom and try, every lesson, to talk to each individual student. I also make direct eye contact with students because in the western culture we believe that you are not a good person unless you look a person directly in the eye when speaking to them. My students are encouraged to get up and walk over to me when they have a question or need help.I teach English so my class room is very noisy because we believe that students must talk in English for the entire class to me or to each other. How else will they learn to speak English? I talk for only 20% of my class time and the st。
1、试论陈鹤琴幼儿教育思想的现实意义 2、试论陶行知幼儿教育思想的现实意义 3、试论张雪门幼儿教育思想的现实意义 4、论游戏是幼儿园的基本教育活动 5、传统游戏(或玩具)的教育价值探新 6、论幼儿入园前的准备 7、家、园合作是幼儿教育发展的必然趋势 8、试论幼儿园应成为社区幼儿教育中心 9、关于幼儿提问的研究 10、幼儿(小班托班)自我服务能力的调查 11、幼儿(大中班)自我服务及参与家庭劳动情况的调查 12、幼儿教育小学化(非正常化)倾向的调查分析 13、班级中幼儿伙伴交往情况的观察分析 14、幼儿同伴交往中混龄交往的研究 15、教师对幼儿游戏指导策略和能力的调查 16、自由游戏中教师参与及指导情况的调查 17、幼教机构儿童意外伤害事故的调查研究 18、关于幼儿园一日生活中各类活动时间的调查 19、幼儿园常规教育研究 20、幼儿户外活动现状研究 21、乡土教育资源在幼儿园教育中的运用 22、利用农村自然环境促进儿童主动发展的行动研究 23、中班幼儿环保意识和行为培养的行动研究 24、关于某某省编《幼儿计算用书(小班)》使用情况的调查 25、《幼儿园教育指导纲要(2001)》与《幼儿园教育大纲(1983)》的比较研究 26、托幼机构“特色教育”的调查与思考 27、现阶段某地区幼儿教师专业素质的调查 28、现阶段某地区幼儿教师心理健康的调查 29、幼儿园教研活动的调查研究 30、行动研究与幼儿教师的专业成长 31、幼儿园男教师若干个案调查研究 32、农村教师工作状况和工资状况的调查研究 33、某地区某园教师聘任制实施情况的调查研究 34、某地学前教育的调查 35、某地混合班教育的调查 36、幼儿园对家庭教育指导的实践与研究 37、家园合作培养幼儿良好行为习惯的研究 38、几例隔代教养幼儿的个案研究分析 39、某地区儿童学前教育社会需求的调查研究 40、某地区民办儿童学前机构近年来发展的调查研究 41、某地区幼儿园办园成本的调查研究。
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