
1.求 法律英语的 论文

Plea bargain, also known as defense trade, defense negotiations, plea agreement, the United States six or seven decades on behalf of the emergence of a criminal system, that is, before the trial, the prosecutor, and the defense through the preparation, and then the two sides to negotiate, bargain. If the prosecutor, the defense to meet the requirements, then the prosecutor, or to withdraw the charges, or downgrade charges, or requests in the future mitigation of punishment. "Plea Bargaining" is now widely used and accepted as legitimate by the U.S. Supreme Court proceedings.In the U.S., has to file an indictment or information the book cases, not have to be resolved through the trial stage, and now more and more widespread through "plea bargaining" to. Before the hearing, the parties must be careful preparation, including two lawyers who met with potential witnesses, to obtain expert evidence, gather information about cases and so on, and then the prosecution and the defense to negotiate outside the court, as market transactions, it said Plea Bargaining. If the defense to meet the prosecution's request to be the prosecution of its lighter, reducing processing or withdrawn charges. As in the robbery, for example, U.S. law will be divided into three,A robbery can be sentenced to fifteen years imprisonment, reduced to three if the robbery, the penalty is imprisonment for seven years. Pairs of the plea bargain made public litigation, the court may accept or reject. If the court accepted the plea bargain, the court shall notify the accused, the court will plea bargain embodied in the ruling. If the court rejected the plea bargain, the court shall notify the parties of this fact, recorded in the volume, and give the defendant a chance to reply to withdraw his guilty.For the plea bargain this approach, the United States there are two different views, supporters believe that the implementation of plea bargaining has three advantages:1, can be "credible" conviction, given that nearly 90% of the guilt of the accused to reply, that is admission of guilt;2, closed quickly, can save time and costs;3, in some cases settled out of court as well, if a person has a criminal record, he will be discriminated against losing their jobs, to families and society a series of questions.Opponents believe that this practice is in fact the trial has become a trade deal with criminal cases in this way is not depending on the facts and the law, but the negotiations depends on the level of skills and tools is a system of adversarial trial One distortion is a concession to those who violate the law, and therefore advocate the abolition of this practice.。


"Difficult to Enforce" The problem is to haunt the Court's work has been a major issue,

The "Difficult to Enforce criminal with civil attached" is more concerned about social issues. Currently this issue has the attention of domestic and foreign scholars, some scholars have made for this problem a series of studies, that can learn from New Zealand, the United States and other countries have done a national compensation system. In judicial practice, since 2004, China began to study and build up the implementation of relief fund system. But no matter the system or the implementation of the national assistance fund for the compensation system, Are only a certain extent, ease the difficulty in enforcement of criminal civil cases brought with the pressure and social contradictions, does not fundamentally solve the problem of difficult enforcement of criminal civil attached.

3.法律论文摘要 翻译英文 专业高手进

Will people as commodity behavior, the prodect, with human trafficking in our criminal behavior has become a nuisance of social concern about China's present criminal law, though with a regulation, but along with the economic development, the widening gap between the urban and rural, judicial practice selling adult male (14 years old), sell the coolie cherished and trafficking LiangXingRen case also common occurance. In our criminal law in a concrete analysis about human trafficking crime legislation, we can see the trajectory of the criminal law on the crime human trafficking in legislation and regulations and exposed, should be perfected. DefectsI think our current trafficking women, children, the object has obvious limitation limits, no human trafficking sin. Legislative law should be strict, I hope our country criminal law can establish human trafficking and buying abducted population of sin, And the victim will against human trafficking as sin (except under the age of 14) is one of the components. Make women, children, other than the population also should be protected and judicial organs more favorable and control of any criminal activity human trafficking.。


对设立仲裁第三人制度的反思 本份论文资料包括:开题报告,中英文摘要,论文,目录,文献综述,任务书,答辩,中期检查表,等 论文编号:SS032 摘 要 近年来,随着国际争议的日益增多和日趋复杂,涉及仲裁协议的当事人以外的第三人的情况客观存在,理论界对于是否应该设立仲裁第三人制度存在很大分歧,本文阐述了争议双方的主要观点及理由,并列举了世界上其他国家对仲裁第三人制度的立法及实践经验。


同时,设立第三人制度还将严重违背仲裁的效益、公平与保密等价值取向。关键词:仲裁第三人 仲裁协议 诉讼 Abstract In recent years, with the increasing and the more complex of the international dispute,third party in arbitration which is not involved in the arbitration exists, theorists argue whether the third human of system should exist,this article elaborated the two parties major point and the reason, and enumerated the legislation and the experience in the other countries,throughout the theoretical and practical analysis. The article from arbitrates the third person of concept the discrimination to begin, to arbitrates introduces the third person of system's theory to contend with the practice manner performs the comparative analysis, embarks from the arbitration intrinsic principle, through comparison internationally some general procedures, unifies our country lawsuit and the arbitration legislates and practices, thought that in the arbitration should not have the third person of system. Because arbitrates is different with the lawsuit, in the arbitration sets up the third person of system to have the significant theory barrier, namely the arbitration power's origin is the arbitral agreement, the arbitration power and the lawsuit power has the essence to distinguish, this is doomed to arbitrate cannot imitate the lawsuit to set up the third person of system. At the same time, will set up the third person of system also seriously to violate the arbitration the benefit, fair and value orientations and so on security.Key Words:third party in arbitration proceedings;arbitration agreement;lawsuit 目 录目 录 。

I摘要 。

IIAbstract 。

..III引言 。

1一、仲裁第三人的概念辨析 。

.2二、仲裁中引入第三人制度的理论争鸣与实践态度 。

..3(一)理论争鸣 。


.. 41.有关仲裁立法对仲裁第三人的规定 。


.. 6三、仲裁中不宜设立第三人制度 。



. 92.仲裁权主要来源于仲裁协议的授权。

.. 9(二)设立第三人制度将严重背离仲裁的价值取向 。


. 102.设立第三人制度将可能使仲裁的保密特性丧失 。

.10结论 。


.. 12致 谢 。

13 以上回答来自: /53-1/1968.htm。


您好!您的论文意思大致如下:Is the crime of dereliction of duty organs of staff in the discharge of their duties or responsibilities in the course of dereliction of duty, practicing favoritism or abuse of power, causing public property, the state and the interests of the people suffered a major loss of conduct. Dereliction of duty seriously harm the national interests of the people, endangering the market economic order, against the interests of the people's livelihood, dignity trampled on the rule of law. However, because of the social harm of the crime of dereliction of duty not enough awareness of the crime of dereliction of duty is not very profound, China's criminal law provisions relating to the crime of dereliction of duty there are many immature, unreasonable, reflected in the judicial practice, criminal law, the guidance of scientific theory can not Dereliction of duty of the judicial practice, so that the punishment of the crime of dereliction of duty very passive. In recent years, dereliction of duty and there growing trend. Therefore, we focus on the crime of dereliction of duty of the main issues of research, in the main basic theory of the crime of dereliction of duty, under the premise of the study will focus on controversial issues and difficult problems, the crime of dereliction of duty and the main legal provisions of the lack of proposals to improve . To sum up, this book consists of four parts. The first part is the crime of dereliction of duty on China's main changes. Introduces the main crime of dereliction of duty and the right to interpret the relevant legislative provisions. The second part is the main crime of dereliction of duty on the connotation and extension. First the perspective of academic assessment, absorption from the right content, in the light of the crime of dereliction of duty and the main organs of the important relationship between the state organs and the general characteristics define the scope, and then summed up his crime of dereliction of duty on the main content of the understanding. In explaining the crime of dereliction of duty extension of the main principles on the basis of the existence of the controversial subjects that, finally, to define the crime of dereliction of duty main extension. The third part is the crime of dereliction of duty China's main flaws. According to the first part of the law and the authority to interpret the provisions, summed up the legislative, judicial interpretation, legislative interpretation of the defect, below in the hope that the legislative proposals in a bid to avoid these errors. The fourth part of the crime of dereliction of duty is to improve China's main provisions of the specific ideas and suggestions. First of all the main crime of dereliction of duty on perfecting the need for academia and other legislative proposals for assessment, then put forward their point of view. 晕,真长。



Chinese abstract of legal profession


[法] legal profession ;


论文[lùn wén]


paper; thesis; dissertation; treatise; discourse ;


摘要[zhāi yào]


abstract; (摘录下来的要点) summary; remark; tabloid;


(摘录要点) make a summary; make an abstract ;


毕 业 设 计(论 文) Graduation Design (Thesis) ( — 年) 题 目: 民事执行难成因及解决 分 院: 专 业: 班 级: 学 号: 学生姓名: 指导教师: 起讫日期: 毕业设计(论文)原创性声明 本人郑重声明:所呈交的毕业设计(论文)是本人在导师指导下独立进行的研究工作所取得的研究成果。


本人完全意识到本申明的法律后果由本人承担。 毕业设计(论文)作者签名: 日期: 年 月 日 毕业设计(论文)版权使用授权书 本毕业设计(论文)作者完全了解学院有关保留、使用毕业设计(论文)的规定,同意学校保留并向国家有关部门或机构送交设计(论文)的复印件和电子版,允许设计(论文)被查阅和借阅。

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但是,不容讳言,在现实生活中,仍有少数人法制观念淡薄,他们无视法律,故意逃避或拒不执行生效法律文书所确定的义务,造成民事执行中的“执行难”问题。 如今,“民事执行难”已经成为人民法院工作的难点和社会关注的热点,这个问题不解决,不仅影响了法律所保护的当事人的合法权益的顺利实现,更重要的是它严重影响了人民法院的形象,损害了社会主义法律的权威,将直接影响到国家改革、发展、稳定的局面。

关键词: 诉讼 民事执行 人民法院 1 目 录 摘要………………………………………………………………………………… 1 Abstract…………………………………………………………………………… 2目录………………………………………………………………………………… 3 引 言…………………………………………………………………………… 1 第1章我国民事执行的现状 ……………………………………………………2 1。 1民事执行概述 …………………………………………………………………2 1。

2 关于民事执行权定位的现有观点……………………………………………2 第2章 民事“执行难”的危害性………………………………………………3 2。1法律判决得不到有效执行的危害………………………………………………3 第3章 民事执行难的主要原因…………………………………………………4 3。

1执行立法滞后…………………………………………………………………4 3。2法律意识单薄…………………………………………………………………5 3。

2。1公民尊重、遵守法律的意识淡薄………………………………………5 3。

2。2地方党政机关尊重、遵守法律的意识单薄………………………………5 3。

3地方保护主义干扰严重 …………………………………………………5 3。4法院自身工作存在问题………………………………………………………5 3。

4。1、执行体制不健全………………………………………………………6 3。

4。2 执行机构和队伍存在的不足…………………………………………6 3。

4。3 执行的期限过长,导致当事人产生执行无效率的失落感……………6 第4章民事执行难问题的解决方法………………………………………………7 4。

1当事人如何解决难与收取执行款的问题……………………………………7 4。2制定统一的强制执行法………………………………………………………7 4。

3 完善法院各项工作机制………………………………………………………8 4。3。

1提高执法队伍的整体素质…………………………………………………8 4。3。

2强化执行方式改革…………………………………………………………8 4。3。

3规定明确的执行时限………………………………………………………8 4。 3。

4 形成有效的制约与监督机制……………………………………………9 结 论 …………………………………………………………………………10 参考文献 ………………………………………………………………………… 11 后 记 ………………………………………………………………………… 12 3 引 言 20世纪80年代以来,执行工作逐渐成为人民法院工作的重心之一,“执行难”问题也日益成为全社会瞩目的焦点。 然而,在我国民事诉讼理论上,历来有“重审判轻执行”的流弊,民事执行一直是民事诉讼法研究的薄弱环节。


8.求法学专业翻译(英文)论文摘要 在线等

Along with our country socialist market economy development, the specially industrialization and the urbanization launch massively, will destroy the environment right infringement question and the relief by the environmental pollution and the ecology which will create becomes a next our country's big social question. In the past limited regarding the spirit damage compensate fundamental research to the pure civil law domain. However the environment right infringement possibly brought the victim property, the bodily harm already does not need to question. Because but the environment right infringement took one kind of special abuse of authority, it has own characteristic, is turning over to aspects and the tradition abuse of authority and so on responsibility principle, causal relation to recognize, to present evidence responsibility, limitation of action has the obvious difference. Then the environment right infringement can request the spirit damage compensate, how requests the compensation, how compensates, compensation scope as well as compensation focal point questions and so on standard, until now method educational world still unable to agree, not yet forms the unified viewpoint. The various countries' has the stipulation early regarding environment right infringement in non-property right harm and the spiritual harm compensation. How profits from success of experience the Western developed country, the establishment has our country characteristic environment right infringement spirit damage compensate system, becomes question which the law educational world urgently awaits to be solved. The taking this into consideration, this article draws up angle of from the environment right infringement, the union below, "about Determination Civil Right infringement Spirit Damage compensate Responsibility Certain Question Explanation", the factor which in the environment right infringement the spirit damage compensate characteristic, the principle and the determination spirit damage compensate amount should consider does elaborates.。


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