This thesis focused on the comparative analysis on the connotations of "animal words" in different cultures. Some of these words may have similar meanings, but some can associate with totally different connotations at all. As there are similarities, such as in living conditions and natural threats, shared by all the nations on earth, it is possible that some phrases, descriptions of the objective world can have the similar or even same meanings across cultures. The animal image among Chinese and English speakers is one of the examples. Chinese people harness oxen to plough lands in farming whereas the British use horses instead. Thus, the world "ox" can refer to "strong" in Chinese language, so as the word "horse" in English.The word "cat" is another example which carries rich and diverse cultural connotations in English because of the adoration of cat in western culture. As cats are so thoroughly known by the western people, it is unsurprising that there are numerous "cat" related proverbs and idioms, from feeling expression to the description of a bad woman. OK!这样子应该好了。
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