4、关键词或主题词:关键词是从论文的题名、提要和正文中选取出来的,是对表述论文的中心内容有实质意义的词汇。关键词是用作机系统标引论文内容特征的词语,便于信息系统汇集,以供读者检索。 每篇论文一般选取3-8个词汇作为关键词,另起一行,排在“提要”的左下方。 主题词是经过规范化的词,在确定主题词时,要对论文进行主题,依照标引和组配规则转换成主题词表中的规范词语。
5、论文正文: (1)引言:引言又称前言、序言和导言,用在论文的开头。 引言一般要概括地写出作者意图,说明选题的目的和意义, 并指出论文写作的范围。引言要短小精悍、紧扣主题。 〈2)论文正文:正文是论文的主体,正文应包括论点、论据、论证过程和结论。主体部分包括以下内容: a.提出-论点; b.分析问题-论据和论证; c.解决问题-论证与步骤; d.结论。
6、一篇论文的参考文献是将论文在和写作中可参考或引证的主要文献资料,列于论文的末尾。参考文献应另起一页,标注方式按《GB7714-87文后参考文献著录规则》进行。 中文:标题--作者--出版物信息(版地、版者、版期):作者--标题--出版物信息 所列参考文献的要求是: (1)所列参考文献应是正式出版物,以便读者考证。 (2)所列举的参考文献要标明序号、著作或文章的标题、作者、出版物信息。
论文摘要是对论文的内容不加注释和评论的简短陈述,要求扼要地说明研究工作的目的、研究方法和最终结论等,重点是结论,是一篇具有独立性和完整性的短文,根据内容的不同,摘要可分为以下三大类:报道性摘要、指示性摘要和报道指示性摘要。 中文摘要一般不宜超过300字,外文摘要不宜超过250个实词。
扩展资料: 毕业论文撰写意义: 1、撰写毕业论文是检验学生在校学习成果的重要措施,也是提高教学质量的重要环节。大学生在毕业前都必须完成毕业论文的撰写任务。
毕业论文是大学生才华的第一次显露,是向祖国和人民所交的一份有分量的答卷,是投身社会主义现代化建设事业的报到书。 一篇毕业论文虽然不能全面地反映出一个人的才华,也不一定能对社会直接带来巨大的效益,对专业产生开拓性的影响。
但是,实践证明,撰写毕业论文是提高教学质量的重要环节,是保证出好人才的重要措施。 2、通过撰写毕业论文,提高写作水平是干部队伍“四化”建设的需要。
在经济建设中,作为领导人员和机关的办事人员,要写指示、通知、总结、调查报告等应用文;要写说明书、广告、解说词等说明文;还要写科学论文、经济评论等议论文。 在当今信息社会中,信息对于加快经济发展速度,取得良好的经济效益发挥着愈来愈大的作用。
参考资料来源:百度百科——论文摘要 参考资料来源:百度百科——毕业论文。
Since our reform and opening to the world, china has been make great strides forward and change greatly in all fields such as economy, culture and politics .when its comes to culture,the strides are showed on the rise of female's educational level and The ratio of female in universities and colleges.even the ratio reach up to 50%.we know that the graduated students is one of the main part of job hunters.The inequalities between the sexes were mirrored in social life ,especially in obtaining employment .
The inequalities between is obvious, most of company would like to choose male instead of female when meeting the same condition interviewee, and female often given lower salary compare with male when doing the same work in the same company according to sex determination. It is worthwhile to note that female are more likely restricted and aggression in gender inequality in obtaining employment.gender inequality effect female's development and future, neglect social integration, harm social cooperation of genders, which lead to consequence seriously such as the lack of coordination between male and female, sound development and the normal operation . the root cause of these problems include sexual discrimination, employing units exist prejudice and angular impression involved in different vocations and some personal reasons from students as professional choice and mental qualities.in order to resolve these problems, we need the public change those angular impressions, employing units
broad vision with development. Meanwhile, as students, who need build health personality and learn more useful knowledge.
The paper will analyze and discuss
the phenomenon of gender inequality of universities and college students in china ,and
conclude some effective Issues and Countermeasures
4.毕业设计论文摘要的翻译谁会啊 高分急求
With the expansion of business scale, warehouse management system will play an increasingly important role. Convenient and efficient warehouse management system, can provide strong backing for production and operation and strong support.
This article is designed and implemented a warehouse management system. Zai full analysis of the basis of application requirements, the design of the system's overall functionality and modules, 采用 B / S development model, Yi JAVA, JSP etc. as the development language, using Tomcat server and the SQL Server 2000 background database, the implementation of the warehouse Yewujiqi operations management information storage and retrieval functions. Through storage management, a database management, report generation management, warehouse personnel management, storage location information management modules to achieve integrated management of the warehouse. Final system can be used for general warehouse management unit to become efficient warehouse management and security, you can quickly and easily achieve the goods in the registration database management, the library storage, inventory management and other operations, so that well-organized enterprise storage management for enterprises to create good conditions for healthy development.
献,可以在谷歌,用英文文献名+空格+PDF 这样比较容易找到。
4、关键词或主题词:关键词是从论文的题名、提要和正文中选取出来的,是对表述论文的中心内容有实质意义的词汇。关键词是用作机系统标引论文内容特征的词语,便于信息系统汇集,以供读者检索。每篇论文一般选取3-8个词汇作为关键词,另起一行,排在“提要”的左下方。 主题词是经过规范化的词,在确定主题词时,要对论文进行主题,依照标引和组配规则转换成主题词表中的规范词语。
5、论文正文: (1)引言:引言又称前言、序言和导言,用在论文的开头。 引言一般要概括地写出作者意图,说明选题的目的和意义, 并指出论文写作的范围。引言要短小精悍、紧扣主题。 〈2)论文正文:正文是论文的主体,正文应包括论点、论据、论证过程和结论。主体部分包括以下内容: a.提出-论点; b.分析问题-论据和论证; c.解决问题-论证与步骤; d.结论。
6、一篇论文的参考文献是将论文在和写作中可参考或引证的主要文献资料,列于论文的末尾。参考文献应另起一页,标注方式按《GB7714-87文后参考文献著录规则》进行。 中文:标题--作者--出版物信息(版地、版者、版期):作者--标题--出版物信息 所列参考文献的要求是: (1)所列参考文献应是正式出版物,以便读者考证。 (2)所列举的参考文献要标明序号、著作或文章的标题、作者、出版物信息。
Abstract: security is a heavy topic, safety education is an eternal theme. With the rapid development of China's education system, the development of rural kindergarten quickly, it also brings many security problems. Children's self-protection and self-saving ability weak, need to be protected and taken care of special. The safety work of the kindergarten, in relation to the whole garden of life of teachers and students, to the development of the whole society and affects every parents heart. Rural kindergarten kindergarten and facilities, social harm to children, the threat of food hygiene and disease prevention, early childhood round-trip transportation, kindergarten teachers and teachers and children themselves not to damage the safety education existence serious security concerns, the main reason is the local departments of supervision and management of the working poor and kindergarten the system is not perfect etc.. Current situation of rural kindergarten security problems of this subject and its causes were analyzed, elaborated the countryside kindergarten security to increase government input, support, help to improve the conditions of rural kindergarten Office Park, to strengthen the management of the kindergarten, teachers' safety management, safety education training. The prevention of sudden safety education, let the children learn to help themselves. Establishment of safety evaluation system effectively, increase accountability. In order to avoid and reduce the kindergarten safe accident, take effective measures, for the rural child safety, healthy growth to provide security. Keywords: Rural Kindergarten; safety; safety management; safety of young children。
The network has brought people convenient efficiency and unprecedented convenient, but also in the defining, network privacy, in 2010 the leakage of wikipedia decryption event is raging, visible network is increasingly typical for personal and social information security brought hidden trouble. So the network environment safety problems for the personal information society has the significant practical significance. this
Article mainly USES the comprehensive analysis, comparison and questionnaire survey research methods, the research in network environment of the personal information security problems in network times, first under the current situation of information security problem analysis, and then find out now to the safety of personal information, stressed that the research the significance of the personal information security. Second, that of the network environment for understanding, as well as to the current situation of the network environment and analyzes the reasons. Again, narrative network environment and personal information security the connection in the network environment, personal information security problem how to produce, and generated after impacts. Finally, through the production of questionnaire methods to different class society personage research from the result of the investigation, to consider the analysis to the conclusion that individual under the network environment, for personal information security put forward with personal point of view and counter measures. Finally put forward from strengthen the legal system and to the supervision of the network ethic of Suggestions.
Key word: network environment; Personal information; Survey analysis; Network supervision
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