e-国际贸易与企业实施问题的分析 姚钟华 张涛 文献来自:经济问题 2004年 第08期 跨国经营企业国际市场进入方式选择的影响因素研究 宋亚辉 郭继鸣 李胜歌 文献来自:河北工业大学学报 2004年 第06期 跨国公司无国籍化的发展趋势及其政策含义 邱巍 巫宁耕 文献来自:经济科学 2001年 第02期. 东亚跨国公司的竞争优势 吴先明 文献来自:世界经济文汇 2002年 第04期 浅析中国企业跨国经营的国际竞争力 蔡筱霞 文献来自:林业财务与会计 2004年 第08期 论中国企业跨国并购 武勇 谭力文 文献来自:经济问题探索 2004年 第08期 有关跨国公司与国际技术转移的理论分析 王学鸿 文献来自:宁德师专学报(哲学社会科学版) 2000年 第03期 中国企业跨国并购的动因——兼谈邓宁国际生产折衷理论在发展中国家跨国并购中的适用性 李金环 文献来自:黑龙江对外经贸 2004年 第09期 现代西方跨国公司理论的发展 林丹明 文献来自:南开管理评论 1997年 第02期 风险感知与国际市场进入战略决策的互动研究——兼论中国企业跨国经营的风险防范 许晖 文献来自:经济问题探索 2004年 第10期 创国际名牌做跨国企业 肖莹 文献来自:中国纺织报 2006年 国际贸易发展趋势与我国企业的策略 王方 全伟 文献来自:国际经贸探索 2002年 第01期 国际贸易中企业国际营销战略阶段研究及中国企业国际营销战略的演变 徐頔 林媛 杨翠平 文献来自:财经界(下半月) 2007年 第02期 跨国零售集团采购会:国际贸易方式的创新 汪素芹 文献来自:国际贸易问题 2002年 第11期 我国跨国经营企业实施国际税收筹划策略分析 杨惠芳 文献来自:国际贸易问题 2003年 第08期 巧用国际资本 加快我国企业跨国经营 张菁 文献来自:冶金财会 1996年 第04期 我国企业海外投资战略浅谈 张凌 2002 (页数: 3) 中文期刊 经济前沿 中国跨国企业的形成与发展特征 史彧 2002 (页数: 3) 中文期刊 黑龙江对外经贸 跨国企业并购与中国企业的对策 何茂青 2001 (页数: 2) 中文期刊 中国信息导报 国际灰市场对跨国经营企业的经济影响分析 周宏 1996 (页数: 7) 中文期刊 北方工业大学学报 跨国并购的盈利可能性:对称与非对称两种情况的分析 胡峰 华东理工大学学报(社会科学版) 2003/01 经济全球化背景下我国参与国际竞争对策研究 杜建耀 改革与战略 2003/10。
[1] 杨建成, 孟菲, 李子豪. 我国家电产业出口发展战略浅析:比较优势还是竞争优势[J]. 特区经济 , 2008,(02)
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[7] 林毅夫, 蔡昉, 李周. 比较优势战略与金融危机[J]. 江西财经大学学报 , 1999,(04)
[8] 刘涛. 中国外贸风险机理分析与对策[J]. 浙江金融 , 2005,(12)
[9] 韩树明. 赶超战略与比较优势战略:比较与思考[J]. 当代经济研究 , 2003,(04)
[10] 匡远凤, 龙方, 匡远配. 中国“三农”问题的出路——基于比较优势战略的理论思考[J]. 中国农村小康科技 , 2004,(11)
我的是毕业论文参考文献 很有用
《国际服务贸易》 李小牧
程宪 程大中
王文举 安广实 经济日报出版社
《国际服务贸易发展趋势及动因分析》 刘绍坚
《服务业跨国转移的趋势、影响及对策》 王子先,王雪坤,杜娟.
《国际服务贸易》 饶友玲
《国际服务贸易》 程宪
《国际服务贸易》 刘东升 中国金融出版社
国家统计局 (modity trade in the globalisation processes. Jenicek, V 2007 (页数: 10) 西文期刊 Agricultural Economics / Zemedelska ekonomika A political economic analysis of U.S. rice export programs to Japan and South Korea: a game theoretic approach. Lee, D S; Kennedy, P L 2007 (页数: 12) 西文期刊 American Journal of Agricultural Economics Trade reform and poverty—Lessons from the Philippines: A CGE-microsimulation analysis Caesar B. Cororaton; John Cockburn 2007 (页数: 23) 西文期刊 Journal of Policy Modeling。
感觉相关的就行吧,这是我今天刚交老师的 Solidarity trade The current fair trade movement was shaped in Europe in the 1960s. Fair trade during that period was often seen as a political gesture against neo-imperialism: radical student movements began targeting multinational corporations and concerns that traditional business models were fundamentally flawed started to emerge. The slogan at the time, “Trade not Aid”, gained international recognition in 1968 when it was adopted by the UNCTAD (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development) to put the emphasis on the establishment of fair trade relations with the developing world. The year 1965 saw the creation of the first Alternative Trading Organization (ATO): that year, British NGO Oxfam launched "Helping-by-Selling", a program which sold imported handicrafts in Oxfam stores in the UK and from mail-order catalogues. In 1969, the first Worldshop opened its doors in the Netherlands. The initiative aimed at bringing the principles of fair trade to the retail sector by selling almost exclusively goods produced under fair trade terms in “underdeveloped regions”. The first shop was run by volunteers and was so successful that dozens of similar shops soon went into business in the Benelux countries, Germany, and in other Western European countries.Throughout the 1960s and 1970s, important segments of the fair trade movement worked to find markets for products from countries that were excluded from the mainstream trading channels for political reasons. Thousands of volunteers sold coffee from Angola and Nicaragua in Worldshops, in the back of churches, from their homes, and from stands in public places, using the products as a vehicle to deliver their message: give disadvantaged producers in developing countries a fair chance on the world's market, and support their self-determined sustainable development. The alternative trade movement blossomed, if not in sales, then at least in terms of dozens of ATOs being established on both sides of the Atlantic, of scores of Worldshops being set up, and of well-organized actions and campaigns attacking exploitation and foreign domination, and promoting the ideals of Nelson Mandela, Julius Nyerere, and the Nicaraguan Sandinistas: the right to independence and self-determination, to equitable access to the world's markets and consumers.团结贸易 现今公平贸易运动形塑于1960年代的欧洲,公平贸易于这时期通常被视为一种反抗新帝国主义的政治姿态,基进的学生运动开始关注跨国公司,并出现了一种认为传统商业模式基本上是有缺陷的共识,那时的口号“贸易,而非援助”(Trade not Aid),被1968年所召开的联合国贸易及发展会议(United Nations Conference on Trade and Development,简称UNCTAD)所采用,并得到国际认同,会议中强调与发展中世界建立公平的贸易关系。
1965年诞生了第一个另类贸易组织(Alternative Trading Organization,简称ATD):那年,英国的非政府组织乐施会(Oxfam)发起了”以销售来帮忙”(Helping-by-Selling)的活动,一个以邮购及在乐施会商店销售进口手工艺品的计划。1969年,第一个“世界商店”在荷兰开张,这个开创性的构想,是以销售符合公平贸易规则的“发展中区域”的产品,将公平贸易的法则带入零售部门,第一个商店由志工营运,非常成功,之后数十个类似的商店开始在比利时、荷兰、卢森堡及德国等其他西欧国家开始营业。
1. Risk-Based Capital Standards and the Riskiness of Bank Portfolios: Credit and Factor Risks [5.317%] Steven R. Grenadier & Brian J. Hall1995 Downloadable (with restrictions)! Bank risk-based capital (RBC) standards require banks to hold differing amounts of capital for different classes of assets, based almost entirely on a credit risk criterion. The paper provides both a theoretical and empirical framework for evaluating such standards. A model outlining a pricing methodology for loans subject to default risk is presented. The model shows that the returns on such loans are affected by the complicated interaction of the likelihood of default, the consequences of default, term structure variables, and the pricing of factor risks in the economy. When we examine whether the risk weights accurately reflect bank asset risk, we find that the weights fail even in their limited goal of correctly quantifying credit risk. For example, our findings indicate that the RBC weights overpenalize home mortgages, which have an average credit loss of 13 basis points, relative to commercial and consumer loans. The RBC rules also contain a significant bias agains 2. Pricing Derivatives on Financial Securities Subject to Credit Risk [5.058%] Jarrow, Robert A & Turnbull, Stuart MDownloadable (with restrictions)! Author(s): Jarrow, Robert A & Turnbull, Stuart M. 1995 Abstract: This article provides a new methodology for pricing and hedging derivative securities involving credit risk. Two types of credit risks are considered. The first is where the asset underlying the derivative security may default. The second is where the writer of the derivative security may default. The authors apply the foreign currency analogy of R. Jarrow and S. Turnbull (1991) to decompose the dollar payoff from a risky security into a certain payoff and a 'spot exchange rate.' Arbitrage-free valuation techniques are then employed. This methodology can be applied to corporate debt and over the counter derivatives, such as swaps and caps. Copyright 1995 by American Finance Association. 3. The nature of credit risk in project finance [5.057%] Marco SorgeDownloadable ! Author(s): Marco Sorge. 2004 Abstract: In project finance, credit risk tends to be relatively high at project inception and to diminish over the life of the project. Hence, longer-maturity loans would be cheaper than shorter-term credits. 4. Valuation of Credit Risk in Agricultural Mortgages [5.056%] Sherrick, Bruce J & Barry, Peter J & Ellinger, Paul N2000 Downloadable (with restrictions)! A credit-risk valuation model is developed and empirically implemented to estimate the cost of loss distributions across a broad set of loan-level and pool-level characteristics is used to assess insuring against credit risks in pools of agricultural mortgage loans. Probabilistic information about insurance valuation and solvency likelihood. The effects on the value of credit-risk insurance of pool size, deductibles, timing alterations, premium loadings, adverse loan selection, and changing underwriting standards are also estimated. Results indicate that actuarial insurance costs are initially highly sensitive and then become relatively insensitive as pool size increases. Copyright 2000 by American Agricultural Economics Association 5. Could Regional and Cantonal Banks Reduce Credit Risk through National Diversification? [5.055%] Bertrand Rime2007 Downloadable! This paper evaluates the reduction of credit risk that can be achieved in Switzerland by a national diversification of bank lending. Using a credit risk model based on corporate default rates, I find that the risk of a nationally diversified loan portfolio is up to 20% smaller than the sum of the risks of regional portfolios. From a financial stability perspective, this substantial risk diversification potential should motivate particular scrutiny on the more than hundred Swiss banks staying on the regional business model. 6. The Credit Risk Transfer Market and Stability Implications for U.K. Financial Institutions [5.052%] Li L. Ong & Jorge A. Chan-LauDownloadable ! Author(s): Li L. Ong & Jorge A. Chan-Lau. 2006 Abstract: The increasing ability to trade credit risk in financial markets has facilitated its dispersion across the financial and other sectors. However, specific risks attached to credit risk transfer (CRT) instruments in a market with still-limited liquidity means that its rapid expansion may actually pose problems for financial sector stability in the event of a major negative shock to credit markets. This paper attempts to quantify the exposure of major U.K. financial groups to credit 。
《国际贸易》参考文献目录(1)Steven Husted, Michael Melvin, International Economics[M], (the fifth edition),高等教育出版社,2002,影印版(2)Dominick Salvatore, International Economics[M], (the fifth edition),清华大学出版社,1997,影印版(3)保罗.克鲁格曼.黄胜强译.克鲁格曼国际贸易新理论[M].中国社会科学出版社,2001(4)迈克尔.波特.李明轩,邱如美译.国家竞争优势[M].华夏出版社,2002(5)陶明,吴申元等.服务贸易学[M].山西经济出版社,2001(6)亚当.斯密.国民财富的性质和原因的研究[M].商务印书馆,1981(7)大卫.李嘉图.政治经济学及赋税原理[M].商务印书馆,1981(8)B俄林.地区间贸易与国际贸易[M].商务印书馆,1986(9)朱彤.发展中国家在WTO中的地位和利益[M].经济科学出版社,2001(10)温思美.农产品国际贸易[M].中国农业出版社,2002(11)陈同仇、薛荣久.国际贸易(1997年版).对外经济贸易大学出版社.第一章(12)李岳云.国际贸易基础.中国农业科技出版社.第一章(13)杨全发.新编国际贸易.中山大学出版社.第一章(14)《世界经济》杂志(15)《世界经济研究》杂志(16)《国际商报》(17)《国际贸易》杂志(18)《国际贸易问题》杂志(19)《WTO导刊》杂志。
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1/100【题 名】国际贸易载体发展趋势论【作 者】黄蕾【刊 名】当代经济.2007(01X).-72-742/100【题 名】国际贸易保护的新趋势【作 者】张晓霞【刊 名】企业研究.2007(6).-48-493/100【题 名】浅议当代国际贸易发展的新趋势及我国的对策【作 者】刘斌【刊 名】新西部:下半月.2007(04X).-28-284/100【题 名】未雨绸缪早谋良策——国际贸易金融服务发展新趋势与现实应对【作 者】周红军【刊 名】中国外汇.2007(5).-60-615/100【题 名】论当前国际贸易壁垒新趋势与我国应对策略【作 者】苏启东【刊 名】集团经济研究.2007(02X).-53-546/100【题 名】国际贸易的发展趋势与我国的战略对策【作 者】陈梅【刊 名】集团经济研究.2007(01Z).-53-537/100【题 名】知识经济时代国际贸易发展的新趋势及对策【作 者】张哲【刊 名】集团经济研究.2007(01S).-57-578/100【题 名】国际贸易发展趋势与我国的外贸战略调整【作 者】杨雪【刊 名】商业时代.2007(2).-26-289/100【题 名】国际贸易的“绿色化”趋势与林业院校有特色外贸人才培养目标模式探讨【作 者】寻舸【刊 名】商场现代化.2007(01S).-288-28910/100【题 名】国际完善政府采购制度的新趋势——联合国国际贸易法委员会《采购示范法》修订的方案与思路【作 者】徐焕东【刊 名】国际贸易.2006(12).-57-6011/100【题 名】浅谈国际贸易的发展及趋势【作 者】王荣忠【刊 名】商场现代化.2006(11X).-27-2712/100【题 名】论国际贸易壁垒发展的趋势及我国的应对措施【作 者】任涛【刊 名】黑河学刊.2006(6).-28-3113/100【题 名】国际贸易融资业务的创新趋势【作 者】黄海宁【刊 名】新金融.2006(11).-36-4014/100【题 名】当前国际贸易的发展趋势及若干思考【作 者】詹晓丽【刊 名】武汉船舶职业技术学院学报.2006,5(5).-88-9115/100【题 名】我国电子出版物国际贸易现状与趋势分析【作 者】李军【刊 名】北京印刷学院学报.2006,14(5).-38-4116/100【题 名】新制度经济学和国际贸易与投资理论整合研究趋势【作 者】孔凡保【刊 名】经济学动态.2006(9).-71-7517/100【题 名】国际贸易发展的新趋势与我国的对策【作 者】杨丹辉【刊 名】经济管理.2006(17).-28-3218/100【题 名】国际贸易新形势下的标准化发展趋势和特点【作 者】唐金彬 王云 杨安礼【刊 名】船舶标准化与质量.2006(4).-6-1119/100【题 名】农产品国际贸易发使趋势与我国农业的发展【作 者】张炎【刊 名】农业经济.2006(8).-78-7920/100【题 名】多边贸易框架下国际贸易摩擦的发展趋势【作 者】齐东锋【刊 名】经济纵横.2006(6).-39-4121/100【题 名】形势有望好转——我国农产品国际贸易的现状、问题及趋势展望【作 者】吴杨[1] 王学成[2]【刊 名】国际贸易.2006(5).-28-3222/100【题 名】基于支持向量回归的国际贸易发展趋势的预测研究【作 者】郑一华【刊 名】科技资讯.2006(9).-210-21123/100【题 名】保持发展趋势 提高发展质量——在2006年中国国际贸易学会新春座谈会上的发言【作 者】石广生[1,2,3]【刊 名】国际贸易论坛.2006(2).-1-424/100【题 名】国际贸易壁垒变动对企业行为影响的内在机理与演进趋势【作 者】杨小力[1] 杨林岩[2] 冯宗宪[1]【刊 名】经济经纬.2006(3).-21-2425/100【题 名】电子商务环境下国际贸易运营趋势问题的研究【作 者】柯飞帆【刊 名】科技与经济.2006,19(2).-57-6026/100【题 名】国际贸易发展呈现六大趋势【作 者】国华 亚东【刊 名】世界标准信息.2006(3).-86-8927/100【题 名】透视禽流感对禽类产品国际贸易的影响——对国际动物疫病区域化管理发展新趋势的思考【作 者】李凯年 逯德山【刊 名】家禽科学.2006(4).-3-628/100【题 名】国际贸易新趋势及我国对策【作 者】何枭吟【刊 名】北方经济:综合版.2006(1).-51-5229/100【题 名】国际贸易中技术壁垒的新趋势【作 者】一凡【刊 名】世界标准信息.2006(2).-117-11930/100【题 名】浅谈国际贸易的电子商务趋势【作 者】鲍科益【刊 名】集团经济研究.2006(02X).-199-19931/100【题 名】国际贸易发展新趋势【作 者】张伟【刊 名】合作经济与科技.2006(01S).-14-1532/100【题 名】试论国际贸易竞争的新趋势【作 者】易露霞【刊 名】商场现代化.2005(11Z).-1-233/100【题 名】国际贸易自由化背景下贸易保护的新趋势及动因分析【作 者】范兆斌[1] 左正强[2]【刊 名】商业研究.2005(21).-37-4134/100【题 名】经济全球化条件下国际贸易秩序变迁的新特点和新趋势【作 者】石磊 唐海燕【刊 名】对外经济贸易大学学报:国际商务版.2005(5).-5-8,1335/100【题 名】当前国际贸易壁垒发展演变的趋势及我国的应对策略【作 者】刘琦 罗礼萍【刊 名】现代企业.2005(9).-44-4536/100【题 名】国际贸易发展的新趋势与中国企业的策略选择【作 者】徐万华【刊 名】湖北经济学院学报:人文社会科学版.2005,2(9).-25-2637/100【题 名】应收款转让法律的国际统一化趋势——以《国际贸易应收款转让公约》为中心【作 者】高润恒【刊 名】政治与法律.2005(4).-65-7038/100【题 名】当前国际贸易发展的六大趋势【作 者】无【刊 名】对外经贸统计.2005(3).-2。
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