The Newspaper Society represents the regional newspaper industry. Although over 83% of the adult British population already read a regional newspaper - and that readership is still growing - newspaper companies are extending their audience reach across a range of websites and online services, broadcast channels and publications. These still concentrate upon the local content, which research continues to confirm is the industry's unique strength, and why its services are valued, trusted and acted upon by their readers in their local communities. But the industry's development of these multi-media portfolios means that those readers are now able to obtain local news, information, entertainment and advertising from the regional press, in the way that suits their changing lifestyle, using their choice of the traditional and new media services available. In addition to the industry's 1,300 core regional newspaper titles, the latest NS Annual Industry Survey has shown that the number of regional press websites increased from 509 in 2004 to 828 in 2005, the number of stand-alone magazines and niche publications grew from 400 to nearly 600 and the number of regional press owned radio stations grew from 20 to 28. There are developments such as Channel M in Manchester. There were 16 launches of new regional newspaper titles. E-editions, websites, podcasts, mobile phones and related services allow people to access news and entertainment on the move, whilst blogging enables readers to get directly involved with their newspaper. The new media services encourage such interactivity. Audiovisual material generated by the newspapers' own journalists, readers, advertisers, news agencies and others are increasingly part of the media mix offered by newspaper websites and other new media services. Video streaming is used by an increasing number of publishers, to provide news, sport and local information. These platforms are proving increasingly popular
2.论文 把外文文献翻译成中文并使用,会不会被查重
1、若用户提交的论文是MS Word格式,且按照MS Word格式生成了文档目录,检测系统会自动识别论文章节,按论文实际章节信息显示论文内容。
2、若学位论文不存在明显的章节信息,或者不是MS Word格式论文,则系统会自动按照每段1万余字符切分学位论文,按照切分后的结果显示。
当别的CAT工具如雨后春笋般的出现时,甚至大有青出于蓝而胜于蓝之势,然而Trados 早已占领了最大的市场份额,无人能敌。但是使用它翻译文件的过程中经常会遇到各种问题,有时候导致翻译无法进行,或者翻译完的文件无法导回原来的格式,给翻译和项目经理带来很大不便。
翻译Word文件时,以依附形势存在,但是它的Tageditor功能十分强大,可以作为翻译绝大多数文件格式的平台。但至于它在2005年6月被SDL 收购的真正原因,至今不得而知。
SDLX:也是不错的翻译工具,功能也很强大,但起步比Trados 晚得多。可以作为翻译所有文件格式的独立平台,原文和译文对称显示,给人感觉很直观,所有操作在一个界面完成,并可以时时察看源文件和目标文件。
功能较Trados 有很多过人之处,但个别地方还有不足,比如只能用MDB格式的TM,文件中的码有时候比较复杂,识别整句能力不强等。在成功收购了Trados之后,如虎添翼,借助Trados的销售网络和名气,顺利开拓自己的市场和知名度,银子大大地有。
2009 年年初推出了SDL Studio 2009,结合了SDLX 和 Trados 优势于一身,具体内容可参考我的另一篇原创。顺便说一句,2009自带的Trados 2007 中的Tageditor 实在是差劲的很,很难想象版本高了,速度反而却慢得要命---打开一个TTX文件有时候甚至需要3-4个小时。
Deja Vu:CAT 领域的后起之秀,有强大的文件处理功能,独立的操作平台,左右对称的直观界面,可以接受TMX格式的TM。最出色的是自带的QA功能,最大的缺点是码多,不太好处理。
MemoQ:和Deja Vu 十分相像,刚刚起步,个人也试着用过几次,感觉还不错,某些方面比Deja Vu 还要高,但是还是码的问题让人头疼。据说它可以让使用其他CAT工具的用户直接过渡到MemoQ上,没有试过。
Logoport:Lionbridge 的免费产品,嵌入Word工具中,至于它的RTF文件是怎么做出来的,不得而知。它使用在线的TM服务器,可以很多译员同时翻译一个文件,TM时时共享,这和免费使用可以说是Logoport最大的优势,但是因为使用在线的TM,可能是他们服务器在国外的原因,每打开一个翻译单元格,都要花费一两秒钟的时间,译员怨声不断。
初次看到分析出来的Log文件,可能会受到误导,认为那些100%匹配不用翻译,其实Logoport是用本文件将要翻译出来的TM结果分析未曾翻译的文件,乍一看好似很多匹配,实际上都是需要翻译的“新词”,不过,匹配部分算钱的办法还算合理,比Trados匹配部分要高很多。Wordfast:能和SDL Trados 抗衡的为数不多的CAT 之一,最初的版本和Logoport一样,是嵌入Word中的,但是他不是免费的,翻译的效果和用Trados Workbench翻译出来的东西一样,Unclean 文件的码也十分相近,可以用Trados Clean 或升级TM。
后来2008年年末出的版本就高级多了,也是个独立的平台,PM做出来的文件是TXML格式的,一般需要连接在线的TM才能读出匹配来,所以盗版至今没有发现。Transit: 据说欧洲语言之间翻译很多用这个工具,我所知道的东方语言只有韩语用过这个工具。
最近新出了一个NXT版本,不知道用起来会怎么样。Idiom:是个免费的工具,操作简单易学,翻译界面类似Deja Vu,也有码的问题。
Google 产品的翻译项目指定使用软件(之前是Trados)。发给翻译的文件由客户端制作,最终翻译文件也是在客户端生成。
In the human history the scale has been until now biggest since the history in, affects a profoundest technical revolution, the computer application quite has already been widespread, all computers joins the networking already day after day maturely the world in, every day has the capacity for alcohol information to gallop in each kind of computer network. Specially the INTERNET net popularization, it changed the tradition transmission medium transfer mode, moreover is extremely inexpensive interactive international correspondence media. Realized “the non-paper work” using the INTERNET technology this concept the sink deep into the hearts of the people, the campus net is already completing resources sharing, the Internet visit, the educational administration management, the electron as a school informationization construction platform prepares a lesson and so on the aspects to play the vital role. The service teaching, raises the teaching level and the effect is the core goal and the core value which the campus net constructs, how uses the existing resources, comes to serve well the school teaching, serves in the school supervisory work, is suspends in front of us a common proposition. At present, the school student information and the teaching and administrative staff information management way also pauses in the manual operation foundation, each semester and the school year, the teacher needs to spend the massive time to register the student information, but the administrative personnel also needs to spend the much time to proofread the management. Simultaneously forms the information book the time delay which transmits in the teacher and between the guidance place, runs into the student and the teaching and administrative staff changes over to exits, also because each school unit manages the way to be different, but creates the information the flaw or omits.In order to reduce the teaching and administrative staff complicated to copy out the work, to strengthen the school household register information management the conveniences, this topic mainly aims at the primary research which the university school household register information management carries on. The present paper from school demand analysis obtaining, has made a quite systematic analysis and the discussion to the graduation project software design concept and the procedure realization process. Key words: Household register management; B/S system; Jsp; Struts。
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