

汉语言文化差异的对比一、英汉语句差异 (一 )英汉词汇现象对比 1 .意义差异“ 英语是综合型语言 ,词化程度相当高 ,即在英语词汇中存在大量分析型语言 (如汉语要用一个短语甚至一个句子才能表达单个词 )。

” [ 2 ]译者熟练掌握英语的这种特点 ,就可以使译文简洁。英语中有不少单个动词隐含着“make +宾语 +补语 ” 的意思 ,“v . + adv” ,“v . + like” “v .+with” 这些复杂的意思。

英语一个动词 ,汉语要用一个短语词组来表达。如果在汉译英中正确运用这种动词 ,就简洁多了。

由于名词尤其是抽象名词大都是从动词或形容词派生来的 ,而很多动词或形容词都有自己习惯的主语或并与之搭配 , 因此单个抽象名词隐含一个主谓或动宾结构的内容。 2 .词类差异 “ 英汉语言的最大差异之一便是体现在动词的运用上 ” [ 3 ]。

汉语动词灵活多变 ,表现力极强。沈家煊认为 ,汉语在句法上遵循时间顺序的相似原则 ,这是因为汉语缺乏形态变化而采用直接映照的方法。

[ 4 ]汉语句序体现认知次序 ,多述谓成分线性排列。因此“ 汉语中动词使用频率远比英语为高。

” [ 5 ] 在表达一些复杂的思想时 ,汉语往往借助动词 ,按时间顺序逐步交待、层层铺开 ,给人以舒缓明快的感觉。从使用方法上来看 ,汉语动词的连用和叠用非常普遍 ,而在英语中习惯用非谓语动词形式。

例如:他出去迎接妈妈。He went out t o meet hismother . (汉语后一个动词在英语中变成不定式 )英语句子中 ,主要采用主谓结构。

由于句中的谓语动词受动词形态变化的约束 ,句子中一般只能有一个谓语 ,它是句子的轴心。然后借用名词来表达 ,而名词之间则使用介词加以串通。

所以英语中名词与介词等词类占优势。下例中英语中的名词、介词等只能译成相应的汉语动词:He cried at the news . 听到这个消息他哭了。

此外还有搭配方面的差异等。 (二 ) 英汉句法现象对比 1 .句型差异 英语表达常呈“ 浓缩性现象 ” ,汉语表达常呈“ 展开性现象 ” 。

“ 由于英民族常取‘浓缩型 ’ 的思维方式 ,喜欢将众多的信息靠多种手段集中于一个单位加以思考 ,因而表达时往往倾向于取较低的句法单位。 ” “ 而汉民族往往更趋向于把问题层层铺开 ,用节节短句逐点交代。

” [ 6 ]因此 ,英语多用长句 ,而汉语中短句占优势。例如:We have achieved an extraordinary technol ogical capabil2ity which enables us t o seek out uni maginably distant civiliza2ti on even if they are no more advanced than me . (我们已经具备了一种非凡的技术能力 ,这种技术能力使我们搜索到无比遥远的文明世界 ,即使他们和我们一样不先进。

)英语表达复杂的意思时 ,偏爱借助连接词 (如上句中的 which、even if )用长句连贯地加以表达。而汉语言则相反 ,侧重于用短句。

如上例中 ,把一个长句分解成三个短句 ,使整个句子节奏分明 ,脉络清楚 ,正所谓“ 大珠小珠落玉盘 ” 。因此长句和短句的习惯差异在我们平时的翻译中要加以注意。

2 . 英汉句序差异 英语和汉语复合句中主句和从句之间的时间顺序和逻辑顺序不完全相同。彭宣维统计表明 ,在主从关系上 ,英语中的因果、条件、假设以及时间状语从句的位置比较灵活 ,“ 在这一点上比汉语的表达手段多出近一倍。

” [ 7 ]但是 ,“ 复合结构中从句在前 ,主句在后仍是汉语复合句的典型顺序。 ” [ 8 ]为此 ,彭宣维对汉语的主从复合句 (包括时间、方式、条件、原因等 )的分布进行了统计 ,结果表明 , 汉语基本上是按“ 从句 -主句 ” 的方式组织。

如:Please tellme when you have a p r oblem. 如有问题 ,请给我打电话。 二、英汉语言思维差异 归根到底 ,上述词句间的差异源于语言主体间的思维差异。

“ 思维方式的差异 ,正是造成语言差异的一个重要原因。 ” [ 9 ]翻译的过程 ,不仅是语言形式的转换 ,更是思维方式的变换。

(一 ) 形合思维与意合思维 “ 英语句子结构比较紧凑 ,句子内部连接之处 , 一般都要用具体的词语来体现 ,也就是王力先生所说的‘形和 ’ 。 ” “ 汉语句子结构比较松散 , 连词用得不多 ,但意思是连贯的 ,这就是王力先生所说的‘意和 ’ 。

” [ 10 ]形合和意合是分析思维和综合思维的各自具体表现。“ 形合 ” 就是主要靠语言本身的结构手段来表达意思;“意合 ” 主要靠句子内部逻辑关系来表情达意。

英汉两种语言形合、意合思维的差异对翻译有着深远的影响。 (二 ) 抽象思维与形象思维的差异 中运用抽象词的频率大大高于汉语。

汉语用具体词表达的事情 , 英语中往往用抽象词:戴安娜代表了热情 ,责任 ,风度和美丽。Diana was theessence of compassi on, of duty, of style, of beauty .现代汉语中抽象词的使用也大增 ,如以“ 性 ” 、“观 ” 、“ 化 ” 等结尾的词 ,例如:科学性、荣辱观、园林化等。

(三 )被动思维与主体思维的差异英语中凡是不必说出主动者 ,或者为了使方便、叙述客观、语气委婉等往往都是用被动语态 ,所以被动语态极其常见。相比之下 ,汉语的被动语态使用范围窄得多 ,而主动语态用得多。

三、英汉文化差异 沃尔夫的语言相对论认为语言类型的不同影响人们认识世界的方式。 [ 11 ]反过。


这是未修改的!前言结论部分Preface : Implement open policy, expand external trade , it is countries all over the world that move towards the modernized only way. After World War II, Japan , West Germany economic rejuvenation and prosperity, mainly depended on developing foreign trade to a great extent, utilize the foreign capitals and introduce technology. Developing countries are for instance Argentina, India , Mexico , Brazil , Singapore ,etc., since the sixties of the 20th century, export trade has increased too quickly. The foreign trade of countries , such as Russia , eastern Europe ,etc. is increasing constantly too, and introduce the key equipment and technology from the western countries, have promoted the development of national economy. Drawing the experience of the western countries, we must take the road to opening to the outside world unswervingly , because it is the only way of economic development of various countries, we should be from this question of great attention of strategy. Since entering 1990s, since the end of cold war between east and west, the momentum of the trade internationalization was held more and more, the barrier of international trade is removed, new International Trade Organization set up in succession, the certain areas have already broken through the restriction of the national boundaries and formed the united market . The constant development of international trade, has presented the new characteristic Conclusion: These new characteristics of international trade are the objective response that the economic globalization is being deepened constantly. The global survey report that the global investment prospect of The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development of the United Nations predicts the system shows, the global foreign direct investment question expert of overwhelming majority , trans-corporation and investment promote the organizations to all predict, within short middle period in the future, the global foreign flow of direct investment will show a tendency to increase, overall arrangement that this will change international trade and flow into and divide the work with the industry deeply further. The trade revenue and expenditure divided with the national boundaries can't already reflect the balanced state of trade in the realistic economic life , interdependence and factor of rubing run side by side and increase thereupon , and the mechanism construction of global trade lags behind seriously, the stability influencing world commerce to increase on quite great degree, may become the great factor of restricting steady development of the world economy and trade .。


这是未修改的!前言结论部分Preface : Implement open policy, expand external trade , it is countries all over the world that move towards the modernized only way. After World War II, Japan , West Germany economic rejuvenation and prosperity, mainly depended on developing foreign trade to a great extent, utilize the foreign capitals and introduce technology. Developing countries are for instance Argentina, India , Mexico , Brazil , Singapore ,etc., since the sixties of the 20th century, export trade has increased too quickly. The foreign trade of countries , such as Russia , eastern Europe ,etc. is increasing constantly too, and introduce the key equipment and technology from the western countries, have promoted the development of national economy. Drawing the experience of the western countries, we must take the road to opening to the outside world unswervingly , because it is the only way of economic development of various countries, we should be from this question of great attention of strategy. Since entering 1990s, since the end of cold war between east and west, the momentum of the trade internationalization was held more and more, the barrier of international trade is removed, new International Trade Organization set up in succession, the certain areas have already broken through the restriction of the national boundaries and formed the united market . The constant development of international trade, has presented the new characteristic Conclusion: These new characteristics of international trade are the objective response that the economic globalization is being deepened constantly. The global survey report that the global investment prospect of The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development of the United Nations predicts the system shows, the global foreign direct investment question expert of overwhelming majority , trans-corporation and investment promote the organizations to all predict, within short middle period in the future, the global foreign flow of direct investment will show a tendency to increase, overall arrangement that this will change international trade and flow into and divide the work with the industry deeply further. The trade revenue and expenditure divided with the national boundaries can't already reflect the balanced state of trade in the realistic economic life , interdependence and factor of rubing run side by side and increase thereupon , and the mechanism construction of global trade lags behind seriously, the stability influencing world commerce to increase on quite great degree, may become the great factor of restricting steady development of the world economy and trade .。

4.跪求英语论文题目 范围要小一点的

一、翻译类毕业论文选题 1.Study on Translation of Trade Marks and Culture 商标翻译与文化研究 2.The Social and Cultural Factors in Translation Practice 影响翻译实践的社会和文化因素 3.On the Translation of English Idioms 论英语习语的翻译 4.Study on Features and Translation of English Idioms 英语习语翻译特点研究 5.The Comparison and Translation of Chinese and English Idioms 中英习语翻译与比较 6.Study on Loyalty in English-Chinese Translation 中英互译的忠实性研究 7.Cultural Equivalence in Translation 翻译中的文化对等性研究 8.Literature Translation and the Important of it 文学翻译与重要性研究 9.On the Du Fu's Poems Translation 论杜甫的诗词翻译 10.The Analysis of Techniques for Learning a Foreign Language Through Translation 通过翻译学习外语的技巧分析 11.中英颜色词的文化差异及翻译 Cultural Differences and Translation in Chinese and English Color words 翻译中不可译性的文化阐释 12.An Cultural Perspective on Untranslatability 中英动物文化内涵的不同及翻译 13.Cultural Connotation and Translation in Chinese and English Animals 浅论翻译中的译者主体性发挥的度 14.On Degree of Translator's Subjectivity in Translation 修辞策略在广告英语中的效用探究 15.A Probe of the Effect of Rhetorical Devices in English Advertisement 16.Error Analysis of the English Translation of the Information about Scenic Spots in Wuhan 武汉旅游景点资料的英译错误分析 17.Semantic--Transliteration-the Most Favorable Method for Translating Foreign Words into Chinese 音意兼译—外来词中译之首选方法 18.A Tentative Study on the Cohesion and Coherence in Sun Zhili's Chinese Translation of Pride and Prejudice 浅论《傲慢与偏见》孙致礼中译本的衔接与连贯 19.Chinese Translation of Attributive Clauses in English for Science and Technology 科技英语中定语从句的汉译 20.Film Titles and Their Translation——A cross-cultural perspective 从跨文化角度分析电影片名及其翻译 21.Translating Expressions on Public Signs from Chinese into English 汉语公示语英译 22.论文化差异与翻译 Cultural differences and translation 23.商标名的翻译原则与品牌文化 The Translation Principle of Brand Names and Brand Culture 24.英文电影片名的翻译策略与翻译方法研究 On Translation of English Film Names 25.意美、音美、形美--英文商标的汉译 Beauty in Sense, Sound and Form--On Translation of English Trademarks into Chinese 26.中文商标英译探 On the Translation of Trademarks from Chinese into English 二、文化类毕业论文选题 27.国际商务谈判中的双赢语用策略 The Win-Win Pragmatic Strategies in International Business Negotiation 28.Grice 的合作原则在国际商务谈判中的应用 The Application of Grice's Cooperation Principle in International Business Negotiation 29.中西文化面子观差异对比分析 An Analysis on Differences between Chinese and Western Ideas on Face 30.中西文化中女性角色意识差异及其对职业发展影响 Differences between Chinese and Western Role Awareness of Women and the Effects on Their Career Development 31.英语学习中文化障碍 Cultural Obstacles in English Learning 32.从中西委婉语的对比透视中西文化差异 Understand Chinese and English Cultural Differences through the Comparison between Chinese and western Euphenism 33.中英禁忌语比较 A Comparison between Chinese and English taboos 34.从隐私权看中西文化差异 A Comparison between Chinese and Western Cultural Differences from the Aspect of Privacy right 35.中西社会习俗比较 A Comparison Between Chinese and Western Social Conventions 36.言语行为理论及其应用 Speech Act and its Application 37.湖北经济学院英语自主学习现状调查 A Survey on the Students' English Autonomous Learning in Hubei University of Economics 38.湖北经济学院双语课程学习现状调查 A Survey on Bilingual Courses' Learning in Hubei University of Economics 39.1The Cultural Connotation of English Etymology and the Teaching of English Vocabulary 英语词源的文化内涵与词汇教学 40.English idioms—A Mirror Reflecting British Culture 英语习语与英国文化反映 41.On Values of Chinese from Perspective of Lexicon 从词汇角度读中国人的价值观 42.On Cultural Differences of Body Language between English and Chinese 论中英体态语文化差异 43.The Analysis on the Differences of Interpersonal Relationship between Eastern and Western People 东西方人际关系要素差异探析 44.Approach to Cultural Differences in Sino-U.S. Business Negotiation and its Impacts 中美商务谈判中的文化差异及其影响探析 45.Asymmetrical Features of Politeness Principle in Cross-cultural Communication 跨文化交际中的礼貌原则。


中英饮食差异中文 中西方的饮食方式有很大不同,这种差异对民族性格也有影响。



虽然从卫生的角度看,这种饮食方式有明显的不足之处,但它符合我们民族“大团圆”的普遍心态,反映了中国古典哲学中“和”这个范畴对后代思想的影响,便于集体的情感交流,因而至今难以改革。 西式饮宴上,食品和酒尽管非常重要,但实际上那是作为陪衬。







ENGLISH Center the western diet way has very greatly differently, thiskind of difference is also influential to the national disposition. InChina, any banquet, no matter is any goal, all only can have one kindof form, is everybody sits in a circle all round, shares. The banquetmust use the round table, this formally has created one kind ofunity, politeness, altogether the interest atmosphere. The delicacydelicacies put on table of people's centers, it not only is the objectwhich table of people appreciates, tastes, also is a table of peoplesentiments exchange intermedium. The people mutually propose a toast,mutually offer food to a guest, urge the vegetable, in front of thehappy thing, has manifested the moral excellence which between thepeople mutually respects, gives precedence out of courtesy. Althoughlooked from the hygienic angle, this diet way has the obviousdeficiency, but it conforms to our nationality "the happy ending" theuniversal point of view, had reflected in the Chinese classicalphilosophy "and" this category to the descendant thought influence, isadvantageous for the collective emotion exchange, thus until now withdifficulty reforms. Western-style banquets, food and liquor although count for much, butin fact that takes the set-off. The banquet core lies in thefriendship, through with the adjacent seat visitor's betweenconversation, achieves the friendship the goal. If and the danceresembles the banquet friendship compared to, then may say, theChinese type banquet is just like is a group dance, but thewestern-style banquet is just like is men's and women's socialdancing. Thus it can be seen, the Chinese type banquet and thewestern-style banquet friendship goal very is all obvious, onlyChinese type banquet more terrains now complete meal friendship, butthe western-style banquet manifests much between the neighboringguest's friendship. Is the western popular buffet is more obviouswhich with the Chinese diet way difference. This law is: Will possessfood 11 to exhibit, everybody 各取所需, will not need to fix onthe seat eats, takes a walk the freedom, this way will be advantageousfor between individual emotion exchange, will not will certainly allspeeches to suspend on the tabletop, also has displayed the westernperson to the individuality, to the self- respect. But respectivelyeats each, mutually did not harass, lacks some Chinese to chat thehappy altogether happy affective tone. Therefore, in the final analysis or between perceptual and rationaldifference. But, this kind of difference as if in the fuzziness whichchanges along with the science development. More and more many Chineseby no longer only pay great attention to the vegetable the color, thefragrance, the taste, but paid great attention to its health and thenutrition. In has experienced after in particular the non- standard.Also, the people because of the more and more busy work, thought theChinese meal starts too troubles, was inferior to Ha。


Red and White-----the Dual Symbolic Colors of Tess白色和红色-----苔丝的双重象征色 Fang Hongjian-the Tragic Figure Struggling in “Fortress Besieged” 挣扎于“围城”中的悲剧人物-方鸿渐 Hester and Dimmesdale's Attitudes towards Love and life in The Scarlet Letter 论《红字》中海斯特和丁梅斯代尔对爱情、罪恶、生活的态度 On Sister Carrie's Criticism upon American Society论>对美国社会的批判意义 On Scarlett's Attitude towards Life关于斯佳丽的生活观 On the Characterization of Picaresque Huck论哈克的流浪汉形象 On the Moral Spirit in the Great Gatsby. 论《了不起的盖茨比》中的道德观 Thomas Hardy's Pessimism in Tess of the D'urbervelles托马斯.哈代在《德伯家的苔丝》中的悲观主义 A Study of Tom Joad in the Grapes of Wrath《愤怒的葡萄》的中汤姆 约德研究 Mark Twain's Linguistic Style in The Adventures of Tom Sawyer 浅析《汤姆索娅历险记》中马克 吐温的语言风格 On the Characteristics of Uncle Tom汤姆叔叔的性格分析 A Study of the Themes in a Farewell to Arms《永别了,武器》的主题思想研究 The Tragic Fate of “a Pure Woman” in the Conflict of the Individual and the Society “一个纯洁女人”在人与社会发展冲突中的悲剧命运 On the Language Style of a Midsummer-Night's Dream论《仲夏夜之梦》的语言风格 The Social Significance of Swift's Gulliver's Travels《格列佛游记》的社会意义 The Psychological Analysis in Macbeth论莎士比亚《麦克白》的心理刻画 Inflexible Ada in Cold Mountain《冷山》中执著的艾达 On the Romanticism and Realism of Alice in Wonderland论爱丽丝梦游仙境的童话性与现实性 On the Tragicomedy of Rebecca in Vanity Fair论《名利场》中利蓓加的悲喜一生 On the Humour of Oliver Twist论《雾都孤儿》的幽默艺术 Tom Jones, a Dissipated but Kindhearted Man放荡而又善良的汤姆琼斯 The Free Will and Rebellious Spirit in Paradise Lost失乐园》中的自由意志和反叛精神 《On the Development of Shylock's Character论夏洛克的性格发展 Morality and Criticism in Tom Jones评《汤姆 琼斯》中的道德观与批评观 On Imogen, the New Feminine Image in Cymbeline论《辛白林》中伊慕琴的新女性形象 Burns' View on Love and Friendship论彭斯的爱情友谊观 The Reflection of Art and Life in Ode on a Grecian Urn and Ode on a Nightingale希腊古瓮颂》《夜莺颂》中艺术与生活的对照 The Womanism in "The Color Purple"紫色》中的《妇女主义 On the Differences between Chinese and Westerners in Non-language Communication谈中国人和英美人非语言交际的差异 On the Contribution of the American Blacks during American Civil War美国黑人在美国历史上的贡献 On American Black English浅谈美国黑人英语 On the Differences of the Marriage Concept between Chinese and American浅谈中美婚姻观念的差异 A Contrastive Analysis of Table Manners and Culture between China and Western Countries 中西方国家的餐桌礼仪与文化的对比分析 On the Ideological Content in Bacon's Essays论培根散文的思想性 Women's Movement in 1960s in American美国六十年代的妇女运动 Analysis the negative effects of violent television and movie on children浅析影视暴力对青少年儿童的负面影响。


Chinese and Western Culture ComparisonWhat are the major differences between chinese and western culture? I'll list down a few differences:West:1. Western culture is based on individualism rather than on mass (collectivism). For instance, in the US, you always talk about individual rights, instead of placing the whole society above your own self. This is clearly different in China where a country, society or family are placed above your own self.2. Western culture is adventurous and exploration based. Westerners like to discover new things, invention and expand outwards. For instance, bungee jumping is considered adventurous and common in western culture, but you will probably find no-one doing such a thing in China.3. Western culture is based on science, which attempts to resolve people and nature's relationship.4. West uses law to resolve people and people's relationship. You can never find 'law' well-established in China. For 2000 years, China is a land that's based on human relationship rather than law. 5. West uses 'god' and religion to resolve human and spiritualism relationship. In case of problems with your own self, you just pray to god.6. A culture that expands and develop outwards.Chinese Culture:1. A culture based on masses (collectivism). People placed country and family above your own self.2. A culture that is based on humanism and people3. To resolve the relationship betwen man and nature, the chinese attempts to fuse the human and 'heaven' as one. (天人和一)4. To resolve people and people's relationship, chinese uses ethics and tolerance (中恕之道)5. To resolve human and spiritualism, chinese emphasizes internal cultivation (修身养性)6. A focus on balance and mean. By 'mean', it means 'middle way'. You don't go into extremism. Peace is always honoured.7. Pay homage to heaven and earth, as well as bearing a remembrance to the homeland. (敬仰天地,思乡怀土) This was accorded to the fact that chinese had been a farming civilization and therefore will be more prone to remember their land.8. A culture that expands internally rather than outwards.Some of the disadvantage of old chinese culture:1. Debase women and chauvanistic2. An over-emphasis on past history instead of present (lacks pragmatism)Can you list some more differences? Any comments and contributions are appreciated.-----------And I must say I am surprised you didn't note the fact that Westerners can be incredibly, crassly ignorant about the world around them, and be arrogant and overbearing about that to boot. I don't believe it is a generalisation when I say that alot of the corporate West's interest in the East is selfish, exploitative, and self-serving.。


一、翻译类毕业论文选题 1.Study on Translation of Trade Marks and Culture 商标翻译与文化研究2.The Social and Cultural Factors in Translation Practice 影响翻译实践的社会和文化因素3.On the Translation of English Idioms 论英语习语的翻译4.Study on Features and Translation of English Idioms 英语习语翻译特点研究5.The Comparison and Translation of Chinese and English Idioms 中英习语翻译与比较6.Study on Loyalty in English-Chinese Translation 中英互译的忠实性研究7.Cultural Equivalence in Translation 翻译中的文化对等性研究8.Literature Translation and the Important of it 文学翻译与重要性研究9.On the Du Fu's Poems Translation 论杜甫的诗词翻译10.The Analysis of Techniques for Learning a Foreign Language Through Translation 通过翻译学习外语的技巧分析11.中英颜色词的文化差异及翻译 Cultural Differences and Translation in Chinese and English Color words 翻译中不可译性的文化阐释12.An Cultural Perspective on Untranslatability 中英动物文化内涵的不同及翻译13.Cultural Connotation and Translation in Chinese and English Animals 浅论翻译中的译者主体性发挥的度14.On Degree of Translator's Subjectivity in Translation 修辞策略在广告英语中的效用探究15.A Probe of the Effect of Rhetorical Devices in English Advertisement16.Error Analysis of the English Translation of the Information about Scenic Spots in Wuhan 武汉旅游景点资料的英译错误分析17.Semantic--Transliteration-the Most Favorable Method for Translating Foreign Words into Chinese 音意兼译—外来词中译之首选方法18.A Tentative Study on the Cohesion and Coherence in Sun Zhili's Chinese Translation of Pride and Prejudice 浅论《傲慢与偏见》孙致礼中译本的衔接与连贯19.Chinese Translation of Attributive Clauses in English for Science and Technology 科技英语中定语从句的汉译20.Film Titles and Their Translation——A cross-cultural perspective 从跨文化角度分析电影片名及其翻译21.Translating Expressions on Public Signs from Chinese into English 汉语公示语英译22.论文化差异与翻译 Cultural differences and translation 23.商标名的翻译原则与品牌文化 The Translation Principle of Brand Names and Brand Culture24.英文电影片名的翻译策略与翻译方法研究 On Translation of English Film Names25.意美、音美、形美--英文商标的汉译 Beauty in Sense, Sound and Form--On Translation of English Trademarks into Chinese26.中文商标英译探 On the Translation of Trademarks from Chinese into English 二、文化类毕业论文选题27.国际商务谈判中的双赢语用策略 The Win-Win Pragmatic Strategies in International Business Negotiation 28.Grice 的合作原则在国际商务谈判中的应用 The Application of Grice's Cooperation Principle in International Business Negotiation 29.中西文化面子观差异对比分析 An Analysis on Differences between Chinese and Western Ideas on Face30.中西文化中女性角色意识差异及其对职业发展影响 Differences between Chinese and Western Role Awareness of Women and the Effects on Their Career Development 31.英语学习中文化障碍 Cultural Obstacles in English Learning32.从中西委婉语的对比透视中西文化差异 Understand Chinese and English Cultural Differences through the Comparison between Chinese and western Euphenism33.中英禁忌语比较 A Comparison between Chinese and English taboos34.从隐私权看中西文化差异 A Comparison between Chinese and Western Cultural Differences from the Aspect of Privacy right 35.中西社会习俗比较 A Comparison Between Chinese and Western Social Conventions36.言语行为理论及其应用 Speech Act and its Application37.湖北经济学院英语自主学习现状调查 A Survey on the Students' English Autonomous Learning in Hubei University of Economics 38.湖北经济学院双语课程学习现状调查 A Survey on Bilingual Courses' Learning in Hubei University of Economics39.1The Cultural Connotation of English Etymology and the Teaching of English Vocabulary 英语词源的文化内涵与词汇教学 40.English idioms—A Mirror Reflecting British Culture 英语习语与英国文化反映41.On Values of Chinese from Perspective of Lexicon 从词汇角度读中国人的价值观42.On Cultural Differences of Body Language between English and Chinese 论中英体态语文化差异43.The Analysis on the Differences of Interpersonal Relationship between Eastern and Western People 东西方人际关系要素差异探析44.Approach to Cultural Differences in Sino-U.S. Business Negotiation and its Impacts 中美商务谈判中的文化差异及其影响探析45.Asymmetrical Features of Politeness Principle in Cross-cultural Communication 跨文化交际中的礼貌原则的非对称性研究46。


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