

Many of the critics who have critiqued Jonathan Swift's Gulliver's Travels have used the word extraneous more then once. Swift was viewed as an insane person who was a failure in life. But this is far from the truth. Swift wrote Gulliver's Travels, a book that has been assigned to students for years, and it is written from experience. Swift's experience with the Tories and their conflicts with the Whigs caused him to write books that mock religious beliefs, government, or people with views differing from his own. In one of these books, Gulliver's Travels, Swift criticizes the corruption of the English government, society, science, religion, and man in general. In Gulliver's first travel, in which he visited Lilliput, Gulliver is faced with the minute people, called Lilliputians. Now while this is the premise for a fantasy story, Swift uses the events within to make severe criticisms of England between reigns of Queen Anne and George the first. The people of Lilliput are about six inches tall, and there size signifies that their motives, acts, and humanity are in the same, dwarfish (Long 276). In this section, the royal palace is accidentally set on fire, containing the empress inside. Instead of making his way across town, to the ocean, squashing the people of Lilliput as he goes, Gulliver makes use of his urine to save the palace. While this vulgar episode was a display of bravery, it infuriated the emperor, causing revenge to be vowed on Gulliver. Rather then be happy that both the emperor and the palace are not in ruin, the littleness of the government and the people in general is displayed in this act. Another display of this is the fact that Gulliver is used as the Emperor's absolute weapon, but the emperor only uses him to conquer his world of two islands. This makes the emperor's ambition seem extremely low (Bloom, Interpretations 84-5). Swift also criticizes the religious beliefs of the Lilliputians and England in the first story. In Lilliput, Ministers were chosen strictly on agility, or their ability to walk a tightrope or stick jumping. They were able to maintain their rank of minister as long as they could keep these defeating these tasks (Swift, Writings 89). The political parties of the English government are represented by the conservative High Heels who depict the Tories, and the progressive Low Heels, or Whigs. As per their names, the distinguishing mark of the parties is the height of their heels. Within these two parties, Swift criticizes the English political parties, and the Prince of Wales (Brady 21). Swift also mocks the religion war that was going on in England, through the use of the war between Lilliput, and its nearest neighbor, Blefuscu. Swift's use of the terms High Heels and Low Heels to compare the meaningless battles of the Whigs and Tories, such as the height of heels (Swift, Writings 81). With Gulliver's next travel, we find him in Brobdingnag. His voyage shows us the filthy mental and physical characteristics of man. Here, Gulliver is confronted with an adult nurse. The nurse's repulsive action of revealing her breasts to Gulliver. This reminds him of how the Lilliputians found his skin full of crater like pores, and stumps of hair growing from them. The odor of the immense creatures is offending, and it caused Gulliver to recall the fact that the Lilliputians were also offended of his body odor (Bloom, Interpretations 27-8). In Laputa, Gulliver is confronted with the old age Struldbuggs, which look utterly hideous resulting from old age, and the deterioration of their bodies. The Yahoos from the land of Houyhnhnms are filthy, uncivilized creatures, who use their own dung as a weapon. In these descriptions, Swift criticizes both the moral and physical corruption of man (Bloom, Critical Views 87). Gulliver's first owner in Brobdingnag represents the selfishness of man. Gulliver is constantly displayed in public, abused for the profit of the owner. When his owner finds out that Gulliver is weakening, he sells him immediately, at a high price in order to milk every last penny out of Gulliver. Gulliver's third voyage, to the floating island of Laputa is one of the most satirical of the whole book. In this voyage Swift criticizes the Royal Society of England, in which he says is composed of useless philosophers, inventors, and scientists. The floating island signifies that the inhabitants are composed of the same airy constitution as the environment (Long 276). Projects done by such people are summed up by "the Universal Artist," who directs his followers to turn useful things into the exact opposite, which results in useless achievements. Some of the experiments held were to create tangible air, wool-less sheep, and horses with stone hooves. 。


格利佛游记 介绍 Gulliver's Travels (1726, amended 1735), is a novel by Anglo-Irish writer and clergyman Jonathan Swift that is both a satire on human nature and a parody of the "travellers' tales" literary sub-genre. It is Swift's best known full-length work, and a classic of English literature.The book became popular as soon as it was published (John Gay said in a 1726 letter to Swift that "it is universally read, from the cabinet council to the nursery); since then, it has never been out of print.The book presents itself as a simple traveller's narrative with the disingenuous title Travels into Several Remote Nations of the World, its authorship assigned only to "Lemuel Gulliver, first a surgeon, then a captain of several ships". The text is presented as a first-person narrative by the supposed author, and the name "Gulliver" appears nowhere in the book other than the title page. The unabridged publications of the text begin with a fictional letter entitled "The Publisher to the Reader" and "A letter from Captain Gulliver to his cousin Sympson" which present the fact that the original account has been edited and published without the permission of Lemuel Gulliver. The book proper then is divided into four parts, which are as follows.It is uncertain exactly when Swift started writing Gulliver's Travels, but some sources suggest as early as 1713 when Swift, Gay, Pope, Arbuthnot and others formed the Scriblerus Club, with the aim of satirising then-popular literary genres. Swift, runs the theory, was charged with writing the memoirs of the club's imaginary author, Martinus Scriblerus. It is known from Swift's correspondence that the composition proper began in 1720 with the mirror-themed parts I and II written first, Part IV next in 1723 and Part III written in 1724, but amendments were made even while Swift was writing Drapier's Letters. By August 1725 the book was completed, and as Gulliver's Travels was a transparently anti-Whig satire it is likely that Swift had the manuscript copied so his handwriting could not be used as evidence if a prosecution should arise (as had happened in the case of some of his Irish pamphlets). In March 1726 Swift travelled to London to have his work published; the manuscript was secretly delivered to the publisher Benjamin Motte, who used five printing houses to speed production and avoid piracy.[2] Motte, recognising a bestseller but fearing prosecution, simply cut or altered the worst offending passages (such as the descriptions of the court contests in Lilliput or the rebellion of Lindalino), added some material in defence of Queen Anne to book II, and published it anyway. The first edition was released in two volumes on 26 October 1726, priced 8s. 6d. The book was an instant sensation and sold out its first run in less than a week.Motte published Gulliver's Travels anonymously and, as was often the way with fashionable works, several follow-ups (Memoirs of the Court of Lilliput), parodies (Two Lilliputian Odes, The first on the Famous Engine With Which Captain Gulliver extinguish'd the Palace Fire。

) and "keys" (Gulliver Decipher'd and Lemuel Gulliver's Travels into Several Remote Regions of the World Compendiously Methodiz'd, the second by Edmund Curll who had similarly written a "key" to Swift's Tale of a Tub in 1705) were produced over the next few years. These were mostly printed anonymously (or occasionally pseudonymously) and were quickly forgotten. Swift had nothing to do with any of these and specifically disavowed them in Faulkner's edition of 1735. However, Swift's friend Alexander Pope wrote a set of five Verses on Gulliver's Travels which Swift liked so much that he added them to the second edition of the book, though they are not nowadays generally included.。


Gulliver's Travels was unique in its day; it was not written to woo or entertain. It was an indictment, and it was most popular among those who were indicted — that is, politicians, scientists, philosophers, and Englishmen in general. Swift was roasting people, and they were eager for the banquet.Swift himself admitted to wanting to "vex" the world with his satire, and it is certainly in his tone, more than anything else, that one most feels his intentions. Besides the coarse language and bawdy scenes, probably the most important element that Dr. Bowdler deleted from the original Gulliver's Travels was this satiric tone. The tone of the original varies from mild wit to outright derision, but always present is a certain strata of ridicule. Dr. Bowdler gelded it of its satire and transformed it into a children's book.After that literary operation, the original version was largely lost to the common reader. The Travels that proper Victorians bought for the family library was Bowdler's version, not Swift's. What irony that Bowdler would have laundered the Travels in order to get a version that he believed to be best for public consumption because, originally, the book was bought so avidly by the public that booksellers were raising the price of the volume, sure of making a few extra shillings on this bestseller. And not only did the educated buy and read the book — so also did the largely uneducated.However, lest one think that Swift's satire is merely the weapon of exaggeration, it is important to note that exaggeration is only one facet of his satiric method. Swift uses mock seriousness and understatement; he parodies and burlesques; he presents a virtue and then turns it into a vice. He takes pot-shots at all sorts of sacred cows. Besides science, Swift debunks the whole sentimental attitude surrounding children. At birth, for instance, Lilliputian children were "wisely" taken from their parents and given to the State to rear. In an earlier satire (A Modest Proposal), he had proposed that the very poor in Ireland sell their children to the English as gourmet food.Swift is also a name-caller. Mankind, as he has a Brobdingnagian remark, is "the most pernicious race of little odious vermin that Nature ever suffered to crawl upon the surface of the earth." Swift also inserted subtly hidden puns into some of his name-calling techniques. The island of Laputa, the island of pseudo-science, is literally (in Spanish) the land of "the whore." Science, which learned people of his generation were venerating as a goddess, Swift labeled a whore, and devoted a whole hook to illustrating the ridiculous behavior of her converts.In addition, Swift mocks blind devotion. Gulliver, leaving the Houyhnhnms, says that he "took a second leave of my master, but as I was going to prostrate myself to kiss his hoof, he did me the honor to raise it gently to my mouth." Swift was indeed so thorough a satirist that many of his early readers misread the section on the Houyhnhnms. They were so enamored of reason that they did not realize that Swift was metamorphosing a virtue into a vice. In Book IV, Gulliver has come to idealize the horses. They embody pure reason, but they are not human. Literally, of course, we know they are not, but figuratively they seem an ideal for humans — until Swift exposes them as dull, unfeeling creatures, thoroughly unhuman. They take no pleasure in sex, nor do they ever overflow with either joy or melancholy. They are bloodless.。

4.《格列夫游记 》英语作文









5.《格列夫游记 》英语作文





6.Reading Reflections on Gulliver's Travels 格列佛游记得得讽刺手法 800











内容提要: 《格列佛游记》由四部分组成:利立浦特(小人国)游记、布罗卜丁奈格(大人国)游记、勒皮他(飞岛)游记和慧骃国游记。

作者以神奇的想象、夸张的手段、寓言的笔法,不留情面地对十八世纪前半期的英国社会进行全面的批判,尤其对统治阶级的腐败、无能、无聊、毒辣、荒淫、贪婪、自大等作痛快淋漓的鞭挞。 目录: 译序 格列佛船长给他的亲戚辛浦生的一封信 出版者致读者 第一卷 利立浦特游记 第一章 作者略述自身及其家庭——出游的最初动机——海上船只失事,泅水逃生——利立浦特境内安全登陆——被俘,押解到内地。

第二章 利立浦特皇帝在几位贵族的陪同下前来看在押的作者——描写皇帝的仪容与服饰——学者们奉命教授作者当地语言——他因性格温顺博得皇帝的欢心——衣袋受到搜查,刀、手枪被没收。 第三章 作者给皇帝和男女贵族表演一种极不寻常的游戏——描写利立浦特宫廷中的各种游乐活动——作者接受某些条件后获得自由。

第四章 关于利立浦特首都密尔敦多以及皇宫的描写——作者与一位大臣谈帝国大事——作者表示愿为皇帝效劳对敌作战。 第五章 作者以特殊战略阻止了敌人的侵略——被授予高级荣誉称号——不来夫斯库皇帝遣使求和——皇后寝宫失火;作者帮忙抢救了其余的宫殿。

第六章 关于利立浦特居民的情况:他们的学术、法律、风俗和教育儿童的方法——作者在该国的生活方式——他为一贵妇人辩护。 第七章 作者得到消息,有人阴谋指控他犯有严重的叛国罪,只好逃往不来夫斯库——他在那里受到欢迎。

第八章 作者侥幸找到离开不来夫斯库的办法,经历一些困难后,安全回到自己的祖国。 第二卷 布罗卜丁奈格游记 第一章 关于一场大风暴的描写;船长派出长舢板去取淡水;为了看看那是什么地方,作者随长舢板一同前往——他被丢在岸上;被一个当地人捉住,随后带到一个农民家里——他在那里受到招待,接着发生了几起事件——关于当地居民的描写。

第二章 关于农民女儿的描写——作者被带到一个集镇,接着被带到了首都——旅途中的详情。 第三章 作者奉召入宫——王后从他的农民主人手里把他买下来献给国王——他和国王陛下的大学者们辩论——朝廷为作者提供了一个房间——他深得王后的欢心——他为祖国的荣誉辩护——他和王后的侏儒吵嘴。

第四章 关于这个国家的描写——修改现代地图的建议——国王的宫殿及首都概况——作者旅行的方式——主要庙宇的描述。 第五章 作者经历的几件险事——一名罪犯被处决的情形——作者表演航海技术。

第六章 作者讨好国王和王后的几种方法——他表现了他的音乐才能——国王询问关于英国的情况,作者就此所做的叙述——国王的意见。 第七章 作者对祖国的爱——他提出一项对国王极为有利的建议,却遭拒绝——国王对政治一无所知——该国学术很不完善,且范围狭窄——该国法律、军事和政党的情况。

第八章 国王和王后到边境巡行——作者随侍——作者详细叙述他离开这个国家的情形——他回到英国。 第三卷 勒皮他 巴尔尼巴比 拉格奈格 格勒大锥 日本游记 第一章 作者开始第三次航海——为海盗所劫——一个心肠毒辣的荷兰人——他来到一座小岛——他被接入勒皮他。

第二章 勒皮他人的性格和脾气——他们的学术——国王及其朝廷——作者在那里受到的接待——当地居民恐惧不安——妇女的情形。 第三章 在现代哲学和天文学中已经解决了的一种现象——勒皮他人在天文学上的伟大进展——国王镇压叛乱的手段。

第四章 作者离开勒皮他——他被送往巴尔尼巴比——到达巴尔尼巴比首府——关于首府及其近郊的描写——作者受到一位贵族的殷勤接待——他和贵族的谈话。 第五章 作者得到许可前往参观拉格多大科学院——科学院概况——教授们所研究的学术。

第六章 再说科学院——作者提出几项改进的意见,都被荣幸地采纳了。 第七章 作者离开拉格多——到达马尔多纳达——没有便船可坐——短途航行到达格勒大锥——受到当地行政长官的接待。

第八章 格勒大锥概况(续)——古今历史订正。 第九章 作者回到马尔多纳达——航行至拉格奈格王国——作者被拘禁——被押解到朝廷——他被接见的情形——国王对臣民十分宽大。

第十章 拉格奈格人受到作者的赞扬——关于“斯特鲁德布鲁格”的详细描写;作者与一些著名人士谈论这个话题。 第十一章 作者离开拉格奈格,坐船前往日本——又从那儿坐一艘荷兰船到阿姆斯特丹,再从阿姆斯特丹回到英国。

第四卷 慧骃国游记 第一章 作者出外航海,当了船长——他的部下图谋不轨,把他长期禁闭在舱里,后又弃他于一块无名陆地——他进入这个国家——关于一种奇怪动物“野胡”的描写——作者遇见两只“慧骃”。 第二章 作者由一只“慧骃”领到家中——关于房屋的描写——作者受到接待——“慧骃”的食物——作者因吃不到肉而感到痛苦,但最终找到了解决的办法——他在这个国家吃饭的方式。

第三章 作者得到“慧骃”主人的帮助和教导,认真学习它们的语言——关于这种语言的介绍——几位“慧骃”贵族出于好奇前来看望作者——他向主人简单报告他的航海经过。 第四章 “慧骃”的真。


there I studied physic twoyears and seven months, knowing it would be useful in long voyages.

Soon after my return from Leyden, I was recommended by my goodmaster, Mr. Bates, to be surgeon to the Swallow, Captain AbrahamPannel, commander; with whom I continued three years and a half,making a voyage or two into the Levant, and some other parts. WhenI came back I resolved to settle in London; to which Mr. Bates, mymaster, encouraged me, and by him I was recommended to severalpatients. I took part of a small house in the Old Jewry; and beingadvised to alter my condition, I married Mrs. Mary Burton, seconddaughter to Mr. Edmund Burton, hosier, in Newgate-street, with whomI received four hundred pounds for a portion.

But my good master Bates dying in two years after, and I having fewfriends, my business began to fail; for my conscience would notsuffer me to imitate the bad practice of too many among mybrethren. Having therefore consulted with my wife, and some of myacquaintance, I determined to go again to sea. I was surgeonsuccessively in two ships, and made several voyages, for six years,to the East and West Indies, by which I got some addition to myfortune. My hours of leisure I spent in reading the best authors,ancient and modern, being always provided with a good number ofbooks; and when I was ashore, in observing the manners anddispositions of the people,


这是简介: Context Jonathan Swift, son of the English lawyer Jonathan Swift the elder, was born in Dublin, Ireland, on November 30, 1667. He grew up there in the care of his uncle before attending Trinity College at the age of fourteen, where he stayed for seven years, graduating in 1688. In that year, he became the secretary of Sir William Temple, an English politician and member of the Whig party. In 1694, he took religious orders in the Church of Ireland and then spent a year as a country parson. He then spent further time in the service of Temple before returning to Ireland to become the chaplain of the earl of Berkeley. Meanwhile, he had begun to write satires on the political and religious corruption surrounding him, working on A Tale of a Tub, which supports the position of the Anglican Church against its critics on the left and the right, and The Battle of the Books, which argues for the supremacy of the classics against modern thought and literature. He also wrote a number of political pamphlets in favor of the Whig party. In 1709 he went to London to campaign for the Irish church but was unsuccessful. After some conflicts with the Whig party, mostly because of Swift's strong allegiance to the church, he became a member of the more conservative Tory party in 1710. Unfortunately for Swift, the Tory government fell out of power in 1714 and Swift, despite his fame for his writings, fell out of favor. Swift, who had been hoping to be assigned a position in the Church of England, instead returned to Dublin, where he became the dean of St. Patrick's. During his brief time in England, Swift had become friends with writers such as Alexander Pope, and during a meeting of their literary club, the Martinus Scriblerus Club, they decided to write satires of modern learning. The third voyage of Gulliver's Travels is assembled from the work Swift did during this time. However, the final work was not completed until 1726, and the narrative of the third voyage was actually the last one completed. After his return to Ireland, Swift became a staunch supporter of the Irish against English attempts to weaken their economy and political power, writing pamphlets such as the satirical A Modest Proposal, in which he suggests that the Irish problems of famine and overpopulation could be easily solved by having the babies of poor Irish subjects sold as delicacies to feed the rich. Gulliver's Travels was a controversial work when it was first published in 1726. In fact, it was not until almost ten years after its first printing that the book appeared with the entire text that Swift had originally intended it to have. Ever since, editors have excised many of the passages, particularly the more caustic ones dealing with bodily functions. Even without those passages, however, Gulliver's Travels serves as a biting satire, and Swift ensures that it is both humorous and critical, constantly attacking British and European society through its descriptions of imaginary countries. Late in life, Swift seemed to many observers to become even more caustic and bitter than he had been. Three years before his death, he was declared unable to care for himself, and guardians were appointed. Based on these facts and on a comparison between Swift's fate and that of his character Gulliver, some people have concluded that he gradually became insane and that his insanity was a natural outgrowth of his indignation and outrage against humankind. However, the truth seems to be that Swift was suddenly incapacitated by a paralytic stroke late in life, and that prior to this incident his mental capacities were unimpaired. Gulliver's Travels is about a specific set of political conflicts, but if it were nothing more than that it would long ago have been forgotten. The staying power of the work comes from its depiction of the human condition and its often despairing, but occasionally hopeful, sketch of the possibilities for humanity to rein in its baser instincts.。

10.用英语简介 格列佛游记

英国作家乔纳森.斯威夫特的小说《格列佛游记》讲述了航海医生格列佛的几次离奇经历. 首先他来到一个叫“利立浦特”的小人国,帮助国王打败了同样是小人国的“不来夫古斯”,受到国人的崇敬,但也因此得罪了朝中显要不得已逃到“不来夫古斯”,在他们的帮助下“做”船逃离那个充满是非的小人世界。



在巫人岛“格勒大椎”的一位巫人贵族家里他见到了形形色色的著名人物并了解到一些历史事件的“真相”;见到了荷马和亚里士多德及因不当注解两位作品而羞于见作者本人的众多“学者”。 在“拉格奈格”他见到了长生不死的“斯特鲁布鲁格”在得知这些永远不会死但已经失去了生存的原始意义后,他改变了以往的人生观、价值观,对与为什么活着进行了另一个角度的思考。

在“惠妍”这个被善良、淳朴、智慧、优雅的马统治的国度里,他见到了一种叫“耶胡”的畜生对人类所有缺点、弱点以及队人性中卑鄙与丑恶夸张的展示,并为自己也是一个“耶胡”而感到万分的羞耻。 全书语言生动、流畅质朴,在讽刺小说里独树一帜,特别是影射与反语运用的非常精彩 . (以下是用在线翻译上面内容: /ss/fy.htm)British writer Jonathan. Swift's novel "Gulliver's Travels" tells the doctor Gulliver Navigation several bizarre experiences. First, he went to one called "Lilliput" in Lilliput, helping the king is a villain to defeat the same country "can not Fugu Si" by the people's reverence, but also so offended forced to flee North Korea and prominent to "not come Fugu Si" in their help to "do" ship to escape the villain in the world that is full of right and wrong. In Brobdingnag, "Brading Neiger," he became the king's pet 。

In the flying island "Peeler him" he saw a stupid, conceited king and nobles; ridiculous ridiculous scientists and their scientific experiments - to extract sunlight from cucumbers, to extract nutrients from the feces 。

In the witch the Isle of Man, "Engler Ojo" in a witch who aristocratic family he had seen all sorts of famous people and learned a number of historical events of the "truth"; saw Homer and Aristotle, and two because of inappropriate comments The author himself ashamed to see the works of the many "scholars." In the "Lagenaige," died a natural death, he saw a "Sitelubu Kruger" in that they will never die but have lost the original meaning of existence, he changes the outlook on life, values, right Why is alive and had another perspective to ponder. In the "Hui-yin" which is good, honest, intelligent, elegant horse ruled country, he saw something called "Yehuda" and all the beasts of human weaknesses, the weaknesses of human nature as well as the team mean and ugly display of exaggerated, and for herself as well as a "Yehuda" and felt very shame. The book language vivid, smooth plain, in the satirical novel, unique, especially the use of innuendo and anti-language is very exciting.。


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本文主要为您介绍音乐治疗毕业论文爱问,内容包括关于音乐疗法的论文一篇,写篇论文关于中文流行音乐将要写一篇关于中文流行音乐的论文,应,谈音乐修养对唱歌的作用毕业论文啊谈音乐修养对唱歌的作用毕业论。音乐疗法(music therapy),是通过生理
















本文主要为您介绍化学专业毕业论文选题目录,内容包括谁给我几个有关化学论文的题目,化学论文课题可以写,求几个好的高一化学论文题目。化学专业成教毕业论文参考题目 教学法方向1.国外化学课程改革的历史及发展趋势研究2.我国化学课程改革




本文主要为您介绍政府财务管理方法探讨毕业论文,内容包括急求关于财务管理毕业论文一篇,财务管理存在的问题及对策怎么简述论文,财务管理专业的毕业论文可以写哪些,感觉都不知道写什么搜狗。财务管理毕业论文 浅谈新环境下的企业财务管理




















本文主要为您介绍关于家电销售的毕业论文,内容包括帮我写一篇关于市场营销方面的论文,60008000字,我把我有的分全,急求一篇关于“国美营销策略的分析”的毕业论文,有关家电销售的参考文献。市场营销论文 企业绿色营销策略探析 摘要:论文阐述




本文主要为您介绍江苏纺织业出口的问题及对策研究毕业论文,内容包括当前我国纺织品出口贸易的现状、问题及对策的论文,江苏服装进出口的现状及其分析的论文,江苏服装进出口的现状及其分析的论文。摘要] 在全球纺织品配额制度取消以后,我国的




本文主要为您介绍音乐治疗毕业论文爱问,内容包括关于音乐疗法的论文一篇,写篇论文关于中文流行音乐将要写一篇关于中文流行音乐的论文,应,谈音乐修养对唱歌的作用毕业论文啊谈音乐修养对唱歌的作用毕业论。音乐疗法(music therapy),是通过生理












本文主要为您介绍工程造价管理研究毕业论文总结,内容包括求关于工程造价的论文,2000字左右的,求工程造价方面的论文50007000字,急用哪位能提供一下,工程造价专业引论心得体会(题目自拟)急。浅谈如何加强工程造价管理摘要: 迈入新世纪,具有中国




本文主要为您介绍有关环境工程的毕业论文,内容包括帮忙写篇关于环境工程专业的毕业论文,环境工程毕业论文题目可以选择,环境工程毕业论文怎么写。污水再生利用有关问题的探讨 关键词 污水 回用问题 分析 摘要:用水量的增加对现有水资源的压