

You will learn about the effect of mold cooling, position of cooling channel, and cooling method for each part.The temperature of a mold has a great impact on molding.For example, if the temperature of the mold is too low, molten plastic will not flow smoothly through the runner or the gate, thus may not fill up in the cavity.On the other hand, if the temperature is too high, it will take too long to cool down and solidify the molten plastic, so the molding cycle will be longer.Therefore, by controlling the temperature of the mold, the following effects can be expected. Molding cycle can be shortened by reducing time for cooling and solidification of molten plastic. The surface quality or measurement accuracy of parts can be improved by better mold ability. Warp or stress in a part can be avoided that is caused when mold shrinkage varies due to different thickness, leading internal stress difference. Effective mold cooling is done by pouring cold water into the mold through a cooling channel. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Let''s see the detailed explanations of a cooling channel. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Position of Cooling Channel To effectively cool down a mold, decide on a position of the cooling channel considering the following remarks.Adjust the mold temperature by pouring a large amount of water having a temperature close to the temperature required for molding. Increase the number of the cooling channels rather than enlarge the diameter of one cooling channel. Make sure to cool a cores (insert) which are difficult to cool, such as a thick core, a large size slide core, or a loose core. Use mold material that has high heat conductivity to improve effectiveness of cold water. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cavity Cooling Position a cooling channel as shown in the figure below for cavity cooling.Since the numbers shown are for a general case, it is necessary to consider the position of a cooling channel according to molding material, molding shape, or mold material type.Also, the cold water should flow from where the temperature of molten plastic is higher (closer to the gate) in the same direction as the molten plastic flows. Example of 2 dimensional cooling channel Pour cold water over the top side of parts. Example of 3 dimensional cooling channel Pour cold water to wrap parts.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Core (Insert) Cooling The cooling methods of core (insert) are listed below: If the core is too small for a cooling channel to go through:Cools down the core by inserting a copper rod or heat pipe that is highly efficient in heat conduction into the core and then cooling down the copper rod or heat pipe. If the core is large enough to go through a cooling channel.Cools down by jet method in which cold water is flushed through a pipe attached to the channel. Regular core cooling:Cools down by baffle method in which a dividing plate is attached in the cooling channel on the core and cold water is poured to cross over the plate. If there is a large cooling channel in a core:Coolds down by inserting metal fittings in the cooling channel and pouring cold water in a spiral stream.If the core is too small for a cooling channel or heat pipe to go through:Make a core of beryllium copper and cool it down.。


You will learn about the effect of mold cooling, position of cooling channel, and cooling method for each part.The temperature of a mold has a great impact on molding.For example, if the temperature of the mold is too low, molten plastic will not flow smoothly through the runner or the gate, thus may not fill up in the cavity.On the other hand, if the temperature is too high, it will take too long to cool down and solidify the molten plastic, so the molding cycle will be longer.Therefore, by controlling the temperature of the mold, the following effects can be expected. Molding cycle can be shortened by reducing time for cooling and solidification of molten plastic. The surface quality or measurement accuracy of parts can be improved by better mold ability. Warp or stress in a part can be avoided that is caused when mold shrinkage varies due to different thickness, leading internal stress difference. Effective mold cooling is done by pouring cold water into the mold through a cooling channel. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Let''s see the detailed explanations of a cooling channel. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Position of Cooling Channel To effectively cool down a mold, decide on a position of the cooling channel considering the following remarks.Adjust the mold temperature by pouring a large amount of water having a temperature close to the temperature required for molding. Increase the number of the cooling channels rather than enlarge the diameter of one cooling channel. Make sure to cool a cores (insert) which are difficult to cool, such as a thick core, a large size slide core, or a loose core. Use mold material that has high heat conductivity to improve effectiveness of cold water. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cavity Cooling Position a cooling channel as shown in the figure below for cavity cooling.Since the numbers shown are for a general case, it is necessary to consider the position of a cooling channel according to molding material, molding shape, or mold material type.Also, the cold water should flow from where the temperature of molten plastic is higher (closer to the gate) in the same direction as the molten plastic flows. Example of 2 dimensional cooling channelPour cold water over the top side of parts. Example of 3 dimensional cooling channelPour cold water to wrap parts.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Core (Insert) Cooling The cooling methods of core (insert) are listed below: If the core is too small for a cooling channel to go through:Cools down the core by inserting a copper rod or heat pipe that is highly efficient in heat conduction into the core and then cooling down the copper rod or heat pipe. If the core is large enough to go through a cooling channel.Cools down by jet method in which cold water is flushed through a pipe attached to the channel. Regular core cooling:Cools down by baffle method in which a dividing plate is attached in the cooling channel on the core and cold water is poured to cross over the plate. If there is a large cooling channel in a core:Coolds down by inserting metal fittings in the cooling channel and pouring cold water in a spiral stream.If the core is too small for a cooling channel or heat pipe to go through:Make a core of beryllium copper and cool it down.。




The Journal of Hand Surgery / Vol. 21A No. 2 March 1996

Trends in Pharmacological Sciences Vol.29 No.2

Journal of Cell Science 122 (17)





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……Previously, we showed that retinal progenitors, photoreceptors and RPE cells can be generated from ES cells by mimicking developmental processes in a stepwise fashion in vitro (Ikeda et al., 2005; Osakada et al.,2008; Osakada et al., 2009).


Ikeda, H., Osakada, F., Watanabe, K., Mizuseki, K., Haraguchi, T., Miyoshi, H., Kamiya, D., Honda, Y., Sasai, N., Yoshimura, N. et al. (2005). Generation of Rx+/Pax6+ neural retinal precursors from embryonic stem cells. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 102, 11331-11336.



IntroductionMachining aims to generate the shape of work-piece form a solid body,or to improve the tolerances and surface finish of a previously formed work-piece,by removing excess materials in the form of chips. Machining is capable of creating geometric configurations,tolerances, and surface finishes often unobtainable by any other technique.However, machining removes materials, which has already been paid for, in the form of relatively small particles that are more difficult to recycle and are in greater danger of becoming mixed. Therefore,developments often aim at reducing or-if at all possible-eliminating machining, especially in mass production.For these reasons, machining has lost some important markets, yet, at the same time, it has also been developing and especially having captured new markets with the application of numerical control.Some feel for the important of machining may be gained from the observation that in 1983 there were about 2 million metal-cutting machine tools in the unite states ( of which some 5% were numerically controlled ) and that labor and overhead costs amounted to $125 billion, or 3% of the GNP.。


MR. JOHN GALSWORTHY A SHEAF. By John Galsworthy. London : Heine- mann. MR. GALSWORTHY speaks very mod- estly of this book the " wild oats of a novelist " he calls it, and adds that he took no wanton pleasure in the sowing. But the book is very much more than a collection of stray papers. It is indeed a tract for the times, none the less timely because much of it was written before the war, and all the more satisfy- ing because it displays exactly the same spirit after that overwhelming disaster as it displayed before it. Mr. Galsworthy had always something of the preacher in his composition. He calls his sermons " pleas " ; but, after all, pleading has always been at least as much the true function of the pulpit as exhortation. And both as a pleader and a moralist Mr. Galsworthy is inspired by that earnest, persuasive influence which can only spring from self-evident and open-hearted sin- cerity. He is earnest, and he is consistent. The spiritual assaults of the years of war have only served to strengthen in him that deep, humane creed which he urged upon us in the days of universal nonchalance, when we dreamt that we were all at ease in our inns, and that life was going very well in a world of comfortable and comforting convenience. Not many men have 285 Tradition and Change faced the facts, both before and after the war, so calmly and dispassionately as Mr. Galsworthy; and few have so much to say that can light up the candelabra in the brain of others. Every page of his book glows with suggestion. His " wild oats " are come to a ripe harvest of sympathy and judgment. If we were asked to sum up in a phrase the intellectual ideal which Mr. Galsworthy diffuses, we should be inclined to describe it as a sense of proportion. His intellectual standard is the natural standard of the public-school and uni- versity man, refined and clarified by the rare capacity to appreciate where our public-school and university product falls short of its own ambition. That standard is indisputably good, so far as it exalts the virtues of self-restraint, of modesty, and of public spirit ; it is no less certainly bad in so far as it fosters caste dis- tinctions, splits the nation up into unnecessary and dangerous antagonisms, and represents the unimportant details of conduct and demeanour as the most significant evidences of character and breeding. The world, in which the problem of the proper relations of a turn-over collar and a bow-tie has become a problem by which a man is judged fundamentally and finally, cannot possibly be a world that is ruled by a true and healthy sense of proportion. Yet it was upon trifles like this, a few years back, that social criticism erected its barriers between a man-of- breeding and " a bounder." But what should be the true standard of differ- ence ? What is the KaXoicayaQos, and what " the bounder ? " Mr. Galsworthy's own definition 286 Mr. John Galsworthy fills the stage to satisfaction. The " gentle man " is he who has " an inborn reverence for due pro- portion, a natural sense of harmony and rhythm, and a consequent mistrust of extrava- gance." And his antithesis the intolerable per- son is " just a man without sufficient sense of proportion to know that he is not so important in the scheme of things as he thinks he is." That is an excellent contrast, and it points, perhaps, the only true path to happiness. For the /caXo/cayaflo? would see life and all its issues ruled and domin- ated by the golden law of Nature ; everything physical and spiritual should work out its own salvation upon the lines of its natural and whole- some development. This may seem trite enough as a beginning ; but when the principle gets followed up to its logical conclusions, it throws various illuminating side-lights upon time-worn traditions and customs. For if Nature is to be given her way, it becomes clear that it ought to be as repugnant to a well-balanced mind to see a horse's tail docked to a tar-brush, as to witness the deformity of limb and brain inflicted upon childhood by insanitary life in a fcetid back slum. It follows also that wisdom would regard as the fume of a little mind all that vanity which makes a fuss about the tightness of a skirt or the fulness of a sleeve. " Fashions," says Mr. Galsworthy, " are the guardian angels of vulgarity " : the refined and balanced temperament scorns to change its standards like a milliner's block'. It chooses to move along steady, definite lines, to a goal that embodies the triumph of the common welfare. The attainment of that goal, however, implies 287 Tradition and Change the readjustment of many prevailing concessions to the selfishness of mankind. Take, 。


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