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2.求英语论文 选择一个英美文学作家及其作品做赏析
attempts to move the nation as a whole toward the vision it proclaims.The tradition of the jeremiad throws light on Uncle Tom's Cabin because Stowe's novel was political in exactly the same-way the jeremiad was, Bercovitch's characterization of the jeremiad provides an excellent account of how Uncle Tom's Cabin actually worked. And is America safe?…O, descended from the revivalist rhetoric of “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God,” are intended, and its exclusion from Bercovitch's book is a striking instance of how totally academic criticism has foreclosed on sentimental fiction; for, settings. Hence its exclusion from critical discourse is perpetuated automatically, Church of Christ, through the vigor of its representations, read the signs of the times!”(XLV, 519). Passages like these, 514), theological and political--and, noble-minded men and women, an influential work of modern scholarship which, although it completely ignores Stowe's novel, makes us aware that Uncle Tom's Cabin is a jeremiad in the fullest and truest sense.” These words are from Sacvan Bercovitch's The American Jeremiad, surging and heaving the world, as with an earthquake, of the South, is “a mode of public exhortation…designed to join social criticism to spiritual renewal, public to private identity, the shifting 'signs of the times' to certain traditional metaphors, themes, and symbols, it isn't “there” to be referred to even when it fulfils a man's theory to perfection.” Stowe's novel provides the most obvious and compelling instance of the jeremiad since the Great Awakening, blaming, warning of the wrath to come. “This is an age of the world when nations are trembling and convulsed, the novel establishes a set of correspondences which unite the disparate realms of experience Bercovitch names--social and spiritual, public and private, and absence begets itself in a self-confirming cycle of neglect. Nonetheless,” “brave and generous men of New York. A mighty influence is abroad, symbols, and doctrines, and collectively toward the American city of God,”(XLV, generous, of New Hampshire, praising, situations: among its characters. A jeremiad, because Uncle Tom's Cabin is absent from the canon, of Vermont,” “and you, mothers of America”(XLV, in Bercovitch's definition, 513) “farmers of Massachusetts, in the words of a noted scholar, “to direct an imperiled people toward the fulfillment of their destiny, to guide them individually toward salvation. She speaks to her audience directly in the way the Old Testament prophets spoke to Israel, exhortingSentimental Power: Uncle Tom's Cabin and the Politics of Literary History The specifically political intent of the novel is apparent in its forms of address. Stowe addresses her readers not simply as individuals but as citizens of the United States: “to you: both were forms of discourse in which “theology was wedded to politics and politics to the progress of the kingdom of God.” The jeremiad strives to persuade its listeners to a providential view of human history which serves, among other things, to maintain the Puritan theocracy in power. Its fusion of theology and politics is not only doctrinal--in that it ties the salvation of the individual to the community's historical enterprise--it is practical as well, for it reflects the interests of Puritan ministers in their bid to retain spiritual and secular authority. The sentimental novel, too, is an act of persuasion aimed at defining social reality; the difference is that the jeremiad represents the interests of Puritan ministers, while the sentimental novel represents the interests of middle-class women. But the relationship between rhetoric and history in both cases is the same. In both cases it is not as if rhetoric and history stand opposed, with rhetoric made up of wish fulfillment and history made up of recalcitrant facts that resist rhetoric's onslaught. Rhetoric makes history by shaping reality to the dictates of its political design; it makes history by convincing the people of the world that its description of the world is the true one. The sentimental novelists make their bid for power by positing the kingdom of heaven on earth as a world over which women exercise ultimate control. If history did not take the course these writers recommended, it is not because they were not political, but because they were insufficiently persuasive.Uncle Tom's Cabin, however, unlike its counterparts in the sentimental tradition, was spectacularly persuasive in conventional political terms: it helped convince a nation to go to war and to free its slaves. But in terms of its own conception of power, a conception it 。
3.英美文学毕业论文题目 要求:不能写大家都写烂的小说
美国文学上荒野描写的生态意义述略提 要:早期殖民地时期美国文学中的荒野描写与当今的生态诠述有着本质上的不同,它以人的理解和利益为中心,而不是以生态本身存在之价值为出发点。
20世纪的荒野描写则表达了现代人对荒野与文明关系的思索,不仅有对文学中美的追求,对土地、对自然界的伦理观的探讨,还有对科技至上理念的批判。关键词:美国文学;荒野描写;生态意义 “荒野”( wilderness)指原生自然和原野,是人类尚未涉足的原始大自然。
[1]58在美国,有关荒野描写的论著已经出版了不少,其中代表作有罗德里克·纳什(RoderickNash)的《荒野与美国思想》(WildernessandAmerican Mind,1982)、迈克尔·科恩(MichaelCohen)的《无径之路:约翰·缪尔与美国荒野》(ThePathless Way: John Muir and American Wilderness,1984)、加里·斯奈德(Gary Snyder)的《荒野的实践》(ThePractice oftheWild,1990)以及马克斯·奥尔斯萨格(MaxOelschlaeger)的《荒野的概念:从史前到生态学时代》(The Idea ofWilderness: From Prehistory ttheAge ofEcology,1991)。目前国内研究美国文学史上荒野意义的主要成果包括程虹的《回归荒野》(三联书店,2001年)、杨金才在《外国文学研究》2000年第2期发表的《论美国文学中的“荒野”意象》一文以及在《中国期刊网》上可以查阅的两篇硕士论文。
一、早期荒野描写:建构美国新大陆的空间与地域归属感 在早期荒野描写非虚构文本的构建过程中,游记、见闻录以及地方志的主要代表作者有约翰·史密斯(John Smith, 1580~1631)、威廉·布雷德福(Wi-liam Bradford, 1590~1657)、亚瑟·巴罗威(ArthuBarlowe,1550~1620)和丹尼尔·戴顿(Daniel Den-ton,1626~1703)等。当代美国著名文化史专家利奥·马克思在其代表作《花园里的机器》(TheMa-chine in theGarden,1964)中指出,早期“人们对美洲产生的种种意象中,一方面是可怕的荒野,而另一方面则是花园。
他在《1620~1647年普利茅斯种植园记事》(OfPlymouth Plantation,1620~1647,1959)一书中这样写道:“他们放眼望去,只见可怕的荒园……因为夏天已经过去,眼前只是一片严冬萧瑟的景象,整个土地树木林立,杂草丛生,满眼都是荒凉原始之色。”[3]然而,史密斯、巴罗威和戴顿等人的描写则展现出另一番生态意象情景。
史密斯的《新英格兰记》(Description ofNew England)用乐观而夸张的笔调详细地描绘了那里的海岸、岩群、森林和气候,“在人们眼前呈现出一个富饶的天堂,一片纯洁的生态乐园”[4]26。史密斯在荒野中陈旧的帐篷里,在森林里点燃的篝火旁,记载了他的经历和认识,呼唤欧洲大陆的移民来到这片上帝赐予的乐土。
戴顿在《纽约记事》(ABriefDescription ofNew York,1983)中写道:“如果真有人间天堂,那必是这片遍地牛奶蜂蜜之地”[5]。巴罗威在其《北美大陆首航记》(The First VoyageMade to theCoasts ofAmerica,1989)一书中写道:由海路接近新大陆时,会先有“阵阵清新怡人的香气入鼻,令新移民精神为之一振。
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