'窗口中就一个LABEL,名称:lblInfo'这个带有动画 Option Explicit Dim lZQ As Long Dim lCW As Long Dim dStart As Double '开始时间 Dim dStop As Double '停止时间 Dim iNum As Integer '字数 Dim lTime As Long ' Dim iTime As Integer Dim iCode As Integer Dim iScorce As Integer '分数 Dim bOK As Boolean Private Sub Form_DblClick() '开始 Me.Timer1.Enabled = True dStart = Time End Sub Private Sub Form_Resize() Me.lblInfo.Top = Me.Height - 1000 End Sub Private Sub Form_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer) If dStart <> 0 Then If KeyCode = iCode Or KeyCode = iCode - 32 Then' If iCode <= 90 And Shift <> 2 Then '大写' Beep' lCW = lCW + 1' Else lZQ = lZQ + 1 iScorce = iScorce + 1' End If Else Beep lCW = lCW + 1 iScorce = iScorce - 1 End If End If bOK = True lTime = 0 iTime = 0 If iScorce < 0 Then iScorce = 0 Me.lblInfo.Caption = "总字数:" & iNum & ";正确数量:" & lZQ & ";错误数量:" & lCW & ";正确率:" & Round(lZQ / iNum * 100, 2) & "%;得分:" & iScorce '" ' , "统计" Call Timer1_Timer End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() Me.Timer1.Interval = 50 Me.Timer1.Enabled = False End Sub Private Sub Timer1_Timer() Static i As Integer Static j As Integer Static k As Integer Static l As Integer Me.AutoRedraw = True Me.KeyPreview = True If lTime * Me.Timer1.Interval / 1000 >= 500 Then '规定500秒任务 GoTo OVER End If If ((iTime * Me.Timer1.Interval) Mod 5000 = 0) Or bOK = True Then '每个字规定最多显示5秒钟 If iTime <> 0 Then lCW = lCW + 1 iScorce = iScorce - 1 If iScorce < 0 Then iScorce = 0 Me.lblInfo.Caption = "总字数:" & iNum & ";正确数量:" & lZQ & ";错误数量:" & lCW & ";正确率:" & Round(lZQ / iNum * 100, 2) & "%;得分:" & iScorce '" ' , "统计" End If iTime = 0 bOK = False Me.Cls Randomize i = Int(Rnd() * Me.ScaleWidth - 500) j = Int(Rnd() * Me.ScaleHeight - 500) k = Int(Rnd() * 90) + 10 '字号 l = Int(Rnd() * 26) '产生52个字母的其中一个 'l = Int(Rnd() * 53) '产生52个字母的其中一个 If l <= 25 Then '大写 l = 65 + l Else l = 97 + l - 26 End If iCode = l '记录 Me.CurrentX = i Me.CurrentY = j Me.FontSize = k Me.Print Chr(l) iNum = iNum + 1 l = 0 Else Me.Cls l = l + 1 If i - 100 * l < 100 Then l = 0 Me.CurrentX = Me.Width - 500 i = Me.Width - 500 Else Me.CurrentX = i - l * 100 End If Me.CurrentY = j Me.FontSize = k Me.Print Chr(iCode) End If If iNum >= 100 Then GoTo OVER iTime = iTime + 1 lTime = lTime + 1 Exit Sub OVER: Me.Timer1.Enabled = False dStop = Time If iScorce < 0 Then iScorce = 0 Me.lblInfo.Caption = "总耗时:" & Round((dStop - dStart) * 24 * 3600, 2) & "秒," & vbCrLf & "总字数:" & iNum & ";正确数量:" & lZQ & ";错误数量:" & lCW & ";正确率:" & Round(lZQ / iNum * 100, 2) & "%;得分:" & iScorce lTime = 0 iTime = 0 iNum = 0 End Sub。
'窗口中就一个LABEL,名称:lblInfo'这个带有动画Option ExplicitDim lZQ As LongDim lCW As LongDim dStart As Double '开始时间Dim dStop As Double '停止时间Dim iNum As Integer '字数Dim lTime As Long 'Dim iTime As IntegerDim iCode As IntegerDim iScorce As Integer '分数Dim bOK As BooleanPrivate Sub Form_DblClick() '开始 Me.Timer1.Enabled = True dStart = TimeEnd SubPrivate Sub Form_Resize() Me.lblInfo.Top = Me.Height - 1000End SubPrivate Sub Form_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer) If dStart <> 0 Then If KeyCode = iCode Or KeyCode = iCode - 32 Then' If iCode <= 90 And Shift <> 2 Then '大写' Beep' lCW = lCW + 1' Else lZQ = lZQ + 1 iScorce = iScorce + 1' End If Else Beep lCW = lCW + 1 iScorce = iScorce - 1 End If End If bOK = True lTime = 0 iTime = 0 If iScorce < 0 Then iScorce = 0 Me.lblInfo.Caption = "总字数:" & iNum & ";正确数量:" & lZQ & ";错误数量:" & lCW & ";正确率:" & Round(lZQ / iNum * 100, 2) & "%;得分:" & iScorce '" ' , "统计" Call Timer1_TimerEnd SubPrivate Sub Form_Load() Me.Timer1.Interval = 50 Me.Timer1.Enabled = FalseEnd SubPrivate Sub Timer1_Timer() Static i As Integer Static j As Integer Static k As Integer Static l As Integer Me.AutoRedraw = True Me.KeyPreview = True If lTime * Me.Timer1.Interval / 1000 >= 500 Then '规定500秒任务 GoTo OVER End If If ((iTime * Me.Timer1.Interval) Mod 5000 = 0) Or bOK = True Then '每个字规定最多显示5秒钟 If iTime <> 0 Then lCW = lCW + 1 iScorce = iScorce - 1 If iScorce < 0 Then iScorce = 0 Me.lblInfo.Caption = "总字数:" & iNum & ";正确数量:" & lZQ & ";错误数量:" & lCW & ";正确率:" & Round(lZQ / iNum * 100, 2) & "%;得分:" & iScorce '" ' , "统计" End If iTime = 0 bOK = False Me.Cls Randomize i = Int(Rnd() * Me.ScaleWidth - 500) j = Int(Rnd() * Me.ScaleHeight - 500) k = Int(Rnd() * 90) + 10 '字号 l = Int(Rnd() * 26) '产生52个字母的其中一个 'l = Int(Rnd() * 53) '产生52个字母的其中一个 If l <= 25 Then '大写 l = 65 + l Else l = 97 + l - 26 End If iCode = l '记录 Me.CurrentX = i Me.CurrentY = j Me.FontSize = k Me.Print Chr(l) iNum = iNum + 1 l = 0 Else Me.Cls l = l + 1 If i - 100 * l < 100 Then l = 0 Me.CurrentX = Me.Width - 500 i = Me.Width - 500 Else Me.CurrentX = i - l * 100 End If Me.CurrentY = j Me.FontSize = k Me.Print Chr(iCode) End If If iNum >= 100 Then GoTo OVER iTime = iTime + 1 lTime = lTime + 1 Exit SubOVER: Me.Timer1.Enabled = False dStop = Time If iScorce < 0 Then iScorce = 0 Me.lblInfo.Caption = "总耗时:" & Round((dStop - dStart) * 24 * 3600, 2) & "秒," & vbCrLf & "总字数:" & iNum & ";正确数量:" & lZQ & ";错误数量:" & lCW & ";正确率:" & Round(lZQ / iNum * 100, 2) & "%;得分:" & iScorce lTime = 0 iTime = 0 iNum = 0End Sub。
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