So according to the Environmental Protection Agency, swapping your old incandescent bulbs for the latest eco-friendly technology can reduce energy use by 50 to 75%. And with Congress getting close to passing an energy bill to phase out that 125-year-old incandescent, it might be time to get, well, enlightened on the latest energy-saving options. There are so many different kinds of light bulbs. You have light emitting diodes - LEDs, CFLs - compact fluorescent light bulbs, halogens. It's really confusing. What should I be buying? You can either buy a very inefficient bulb very inexpensively, your grandma's bulb, the incandescent bulb. Or you can spend more money up front and pay far less in the other use for they last a lot longer for either compact fluorescent or you can find one in LED bulb. Right now compact fluorescents cost a fair amount of money to buy, but that money is more than paid off in the lifetime of the bulb. But in the compact fluorescent are some things which you don't want to get into the environment. So you got to recycle those. It's Important to know that CFLs do contain about five milligrams of mercury. That's a tiny amount. It's about the same as a pen prick. But mercury is a toxic chemical, so you want to take caution especially should your CFL break or burn out. The Environmental Protection Agency has a comprehensive guide to proper CFL disposal. And another new option you might want to consider are LED or light emitting diode bulbs. Now these bulbs are harder to find and they're significantly more expensive, about 30 to 40 dollars each. But they also last a lifetime. They are also mercury-free, so you don't have to worry about toxicity should they break. And whatever bulbs you choose, be sure to consider additional steps to limit your electricity usage. For example, dimmable lights which its motion sensors are great way to curb energy use. So for more information on efficient lighting applications and other ways to save energy, check out the CNN Money.COM/REALESTATE. Glossary。
LED是英文light emitting diode(发光二极管)的缩写,它的基本结构是一块电致发光的半导体材料,置于一个有引线的架子上,然后四周用环氧树脂密封,起到保护内部芯线的作用,所以LED的抗震性能好。 发光二极管的核心部分是由p型半导体和n型半导体组成的晶片,在p型半导体和n型半导体之间有一个过渡层,称为p-n结。
这种利用注入式电致发光原理制作的二极管叫发光二极管,通称LED。 当它处于正向工作状态时(即两端加上正向电压),电流从LED阳极流向阴极时,半导体晶体就发出从紫外到红外不同颜色的光线,光的强弱与电流有关。
二、LED光源的特点 1. 电压:LED使用低压电源,供电电压在6-24V之间,根据产品不同而异,所以它是一个比使用高压电源更安全的电源,特别适用于公共场所。 2. 效能:消耗能量较同光效的白炽灯减少80% 3. 适用性:很小,每个单元LED小片是3-5mm的正方形,所以可以制备成各种形状的器件,并且适合于易变的环境 4. 稳定性:10万小时,光衰为初始的50% 5. 响应时间:其白炽灯的响应时间为毫秒级,LED灯的响应时间为纳秒级 6. 对环境污染:无有害金属汞 7. 颜色:改变电流可以变色,发光二极管方便地通过化学修饰方法,调整材料的能带结构和带隙,实现红黄绿兰橙多色发光。
如小电流时为红色的LED,随着电流的增加,可以依次变为橙色,黄色,最后为绿色 8. 价格:LED的价格比较昂贵,较之于白炽灯,几只LED的价格就可以与一只白炽灯的价格相当,而通常每组信号灯需由上300~500只二极管构成。 三、单色光LED的种类及其发展历史 最早应用半导体P-N结发光原理制成的LED光源问世于20世纪60年代初。
当时所用的材料是GaAsP,发红光(λp=650nm),在驱动电流为20毫安时,光通量只有千分之几个流明,相应的发光效率约0.1流明/瓦。 70年代中期,引入元素In和N,使LED产生绿光(λp=555nm),黄光(λp=590nm)和橙光(λp=610nm),光效也提高到1流明/瓦。
到了80年代初,出现了GaAlAs的LED光源,使得红色LED的光效达到10流明/瓦。 90年代初,发红光、黄光的GaAlInP和发绿、蓝光的GaInN两种新材料的开发成功,使LED的光效得到大幅度的提高。
在2000年,前者做成的LED在红、橙区(λp=615nm)的光效达到100流明/瓦,而后者制成的LED在绿色区域(λp=530nm)的光效可以达到50流明/瓦。 四、单色光LED的应用 最初LED用作仪器仪表的指示光源,后来各种光色的LED在交通信号灯和大面积显示屏中得到了广泛应用,产生了很好的经济效益和社会效益。
而在新设计的灯中,Lumileds公司采用了18个红色LED光源,包括电路损失在内,共耗电14瓦,即可产生同样的光效。 汽车信号灯也是LED光源应用的重要领域。
1987年,我国开始在汽车上安装高位刹车灯,由于LED响应速度快(纳秒级),可以及早让尾随车辆的司机知道行驶状况,减少汽车追尾事故的发生。 另外,LED灯在室外红、绿、蓝全彩显示屏,匙扣式微型电筒等领域都得到了应用。
五、白光LED的开发 对于一般照明而言,人们更需要白色的光源。1998年发白光的LED开发成功。
蓝光LED基片安装在碗形反射腔中,覆盖以混有YAG的树脂薄层,约200-500nm。 LED基片发出的蓝光部分被荧光粉吸收,另一部分蓝光与荧光粉发出的黄光混合,可以得到得白光。
全文要找网站管理员下载。ponents of the converter were calculated detailedly; the histogram of losses in various components was given. In this paper, a thermal simulation model of a LED driver was established. The thermal field and thermal stress analysis of the driver was done by using the software EFD Pro 8.2, and the temperature rise from various parts and the temperature field distribution of the PCB were obtained. By analyzing the reasons leading to overheating and unideal heat distribution, corresponding thermal simulation using an improved model was carried out. Finally, the comparison and analysis of experimental measurement results and simulation results were given.In this paper,a new type of tapped-inductor quasi-resonant converter prototype was designed and set up. The detailed design process and methods of the major parameters of the circuit components were given,including the design of tapped -inductor, of resonant capacitor, selection of MOSFET, of output rectifier diode and output filter capacitor. The main parameters of the prototype were: input voltage 176-265Vac, output voltage 4-7V, and constant output current 700mA. Experimental measuring results showed that the efficiency of the prototype was full compliant with the designed requirements, and the efficiency was up to 85% at full load.。
LED概述LED(Light Emitting Diode),发光二极管,是一种固态的半导体器件,它可以直接把电转化为光。
LED是英文light emitting diode(发光二极管)的缩写,它的基本结构是一块电致发光的半导体材料,置于一个有引线的架子上,然后四周用环氧树脂密封,即固体封装,所以能起到保护内部芯线的作用,所以LED的抗震性能好。 发光二极管的核心部分是由P型半导体和N型半导体组成的晶片,在P型半导体和N型半导体之间有一个过渡层,称为P-N结。
这种利用注入式电致发光原理制作的二极管叫发光二极管,通称LED。 当它处于正向工作状态时(即两端加上正向电压),电流从LED阳极流向阴极时,半导体晶体就发出从紫外到红外不同颜色的光线,光的强弱与电流有关。
汽车信号灯也是LED光源应用的重要领域。 对于一般照明而言,人们更需要白色的光源。
这种通过蓝光LED得到白光的方法,构造简单、成本低廉、技术成熟度高,因此运用最多。 上个世纪60年代,科技工作者利用半导体PN结发光的原理,研制成了LED发光二极管。
然而照明需用的白色光LED仅在近年才发展起来,这里向读者介绍有关照明用白光LED。LED Summary LED (Light Emitting Diode), light-emitting diode, is a solid state semiconductor devices, which can be directly converted into electricity to light. LED is the heart of a semiconductor chip, the chip is attached to one end of a stent, is the negative side, the other end of the power of the cathode, the entire chip package to be epoxy resin. Semiconductor chip is composed of two parts, part of the P-type semiconductor, it inside the hole-dominated, the other side is the N-type semiconductor, here is mainly electronic. But linking the two semiconductors, among them the formation of a "PN junction." When the current through the wires role in this chip, will be pushing e-P, P zone in the hole with electronic composite, and then to be issued in the form of photon energy, and this is the principle of LED luminescence. The wavelength of light that is the color of light, is formed by the PN junction of the decisions of the material. LED history 50 years ago, people have to understand semiconductor materials can produce light of the basic knowledge, the first commercial diodes in 1960. English is the LED light emitting diode (LED) acronym, and its basic structure is an electroluminescent semiconductor materials, placed in a wire rack, then sealed with epoxy resin around, that is, solid package, Therefore, the protection of the internal batteries can play the role of line, so the seismic performance LED good. LED is the core of the P-type semiconductor and components of the N-type semiconductor chips, the P-type semiconductor and N-type semiconductor between 。
5.LED智能节能照明控制系统的设计 的外文翻译
,但是,nowaday即使作出最强大的LED仍然是一个量级过每个LED的低通量,和两个数量级,每流明成本太高显著渗透到一般照明市场。通量/ LED跳将需要的包装和夹具整合的重大改进,进一步降低到10 - K / W的范围从LED结点到环境的热阻。
因此,使用多个,紧凑型光源的白光一代必须提供:1)统一的空间混色及强度分布均匀。 2)颜色和强度的白光维修。
撤消修改Yǐ zài guòqù jǐ nián de gāo gōnglǜ LED jùdà jìnbù, xiànzài yǒu míngxiǎn de qūbié, zài wàiguān hé xìngnéng zhǐbiāo hé LED gùtài dēngjù de zǔxiān shèjì de LED. , Dànshì,nowaday jíshǐ zuòchū zuì qiángdà de LED réngrán shì yīgè liàng jíguò měi gè LED de dī tōng liàng, hé liǎng gè shùliàngjí, měi liúmíng chéngběn tài gāo xiǎnzhù shèntòu dào yībān zhàomíng shìchǎng. Tōng liàng/ LED tiào jiāng xūyào de bāozhuāng hé jiājù zhěnghé de zhòngdà gǎijìn, jìnyībù jiàngdī dào 10 - K/ W de fànwéi cóng LED jié diǎn dào huánjìng de rè zǔ. Jiàngdī měi liúmíng chéngběn fāngmiàn de jìnzhǎn jiānglái zì gōngyì de gǎijìn, tǐjī zēng dà sèzé chúnzhèng hé gāo jiàzhí de lì jī de bái applications.One de shìchǎng shèntòu lǜ, jiéguǒ àidíshēng de dēngsī báichì dēngpào de shíjì de fǎ xiàn bǎinián zhīhòu, wǒmen hái bùnéng jiǎng “Gùtài zhàomíng”, dàn wǒmen xiànzài yǐ jiējìn zúyǐ kàn chū wèilái gùtài zhàomíng de lúnkuò.LED tèxìng [3] dōu yuǎn yuǎn dī yú chuántǒng dēngjù chóng xiàn. Fāguāng èrjíguǎn zài liúmíng 在过去几年的高功率LED巨大进步,现在有明显的区别,在外观和性能指标和LED固态灯具的祖先设计的LED。 ,但是,nowaday即使作出最强大的LED仍然是一个量级过每个LED的低通量,和两个数量级,每流明成本太高显著渗透到一般照明市场。
通量/ LED跳将需要的包装和夹具整合的重大改进,进一步降低到10 - K / W的范围从LED结点到环境的热阻。降低每流明成本方面的进展将来自工艺的改进,体积增大色泽纯正和高价值的利基的白applications.One的市场渗透率,结果爱迪生的灯丝白炽灯泡的实际的发现百年之后,我们还不能讲“固态照明”,但我们现在已接近足以看出未来固态照明的轮廓。
,但是,nowaday即使作出最强大的LED仍然是一个量级过每个LED的低通量,和两个数量级,每流明成本太高显著渗透到一般照明市场。通量/ LED跳将需要的包装和夹具整合的重大改进,进一步降低到10 - K / W的范围从LED结点到环境的热阻。
因此,使用多个,紧凑型光源的白光一代必须提供:1)统一的空间混色及强度分布均匀。 2)颜色和强度的白光维修。
(1) Along with the constant improvement of the lighting projects of the cities and the development of the lighting technologies of the semiconductor, It has become a necessary trend of the development that illumination and decoration with LED lights are applied
(2) With the continuous improvement of the illumination projects of the city and the development of illumination technologies of the semiconductors. It has become an inevitable trend of the development to use LED lights to give illumination and decorations
(3) In the wake of the ceaseless improvement of the lighting projects of the city and the development of the lighting technologies of the
semiconductors. To utilize the lighting/ illumination and the decorations of LED lights has become an inexorable / irresistible tendency /trend of the development
(4) In pace with the unceaseing improvement of the urban lighting projects and the development of the lighting technology of the semiconductors.
It has become an irresistible / inevitable / inexorable trend /tendency of the development to make a use of the lighting and decoration of LED lights.
(5) It is considered an inexorable trend of the development that the illumination /lighting and decorations of the LED lights must be employed /applied in pace with / along with / in the wake of the ceaseless/ unceasing/ continuous improvement of te urban lighting projects and development of the lighting technology of the semiconductors.
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