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abstract : since 1978 college entrance examination has been resumed,the students take being a university student as the highest purchase ,while being admitted by famous as gaining the steady work.To improve the whole qulity of nationals,on 1998 along with the implement of merging Colleges and Universities and enlarging recruitment,high level education was transferred from elite education to mass education. The former so-called the most favored students become a common one.With the increasing enrollment yearly the contradiction of Employment of university students became more and more intense. Especially under the influence of the global financial crisis,the situation of employment of university students is not optimistic,and for granted receive general concern from Central government , the State Council and all the community of sociaty.The current status of university students and employment situation have ascended as social issues. Recently central government and State Council issue a series of preferential policies for college students,in the form of encouraging them to create business and practice in grass-roots ,so as to alleviate the social problems of employment of university students.key words: university students in our country , Employment situation and the current status , social issues, reasons and measures analysis 翻的好辛苦 ! - -。
第一段翻译如下 Resident participation has got quicker development , has still been has having certain problem but , how to have boosted broader active resident participation becoming the problem that the government and the expert scholar show solicitude for under in recent years, depending on government's taking seriously and driving. The investigation the main body of a book is drawn up by the fact that the resident participates in condition to Shanghai city Xu Hui District Tian Lin housing estate, discovers the deficiency that the resident there exists in participation middle , analyses a resident participating in insufficient cause , discusses the relevance countermeasure from aspect such as economy , culture , technology. 第二段翻译如下 Except the introduction, the outside , the main body of a book are four parts concretely mark. Part I is that the resident participates in the theoretical analysis that community development and the community build mainly, rationale that the resident participates in including participating in the conceptual boundary stablely to community development and the resident. Part II has described current situation and have problem that the current Chinese urban resident community participates in, and the case being in progress with Shanghai city Xu Hui District Tian Lin housing estate for the example has analysed. Have discussed restricting the factor that the resident participates in , including the analysis to tradition politics culture analysis , economic and social development mainly and so on on the Part III basis in consulting already some research results of in the homeland and being tied in wedlock case study. Part IV uses abroad useful experience and method of work for reference , tier of face , quality have proposed that the urban resident participates in current situation suggestion and countermeasure, in order to degree and mass promoting resident participation improving our country face to face tier from cultural layer face , the technology. 第三段翻译如下 The organization form thinking , being able to by building community autonomous rule system , perfecting resident participation, reinforces the main body of a book coming to improve the condition that the resident participates in resident quality accomplishment. 文章有些长、、望认真看完、、标准人工翻译、、希望可以帮助你、、。
Since our reform and opening to the world, china has been make great strides forward and change greatly in all fields such as economy, culture and politics .when its comes to culture,the strides are showed on the rise of female's educational level and The ratio of female in universities and colleges.even the ratio reach up to 50%.we know that the graduated students is one of the main part of job hunters.The inequalities between the sexes were mirrored in social life ,especially in obtaining employment .
The inequalities between is obvious, most of company would like to choose male instead of female when meeting the same condition interviewee, and female often given lower salary compare with male when doing the same work in the same company according to sex determination. It is worthwhile to note that female are more likely restricted and aggression in gender inequality in obtaining employment.gender inequality effect female's development and future, neglect social integration, harm social cooperation of genders, which lead to consequence seriously such as the lack of coordination between male and female, sound development and the normal operation . the root cause of these problems include sexual discrimination, employing units exist prejudice and angular impression involved in different vocations and some personal reasons from students as professional choice and mental qualities.in order to resolve these problems, we need the public change those angular impressions, employing units
broad vision with development. Meanwhile, as students, who need build health personality and learn more useful knowledge.
The paper will analyze and discuss
the phenomenon of gender inequality of universities and college students in china ,and
conclude some effective Issues and Countermeasures