1.急:计算机毕业论文 摘要翻译 关于云计算的:中文如下:云计算,是
But approached and difficult to master.
In recent years, cloud computing is wind at home and abroad, boisterous.
However, cloud computing from concept to landing in fact only from starting in 2010.
Before this can only as cloud computing market introducing stage.
At present, the most simple cloud computing technology in network services have everywhere, such as a search engine, network mailbox, users just enter the simple instructions that can get enormous amounts of information.
But, from a new business model development cycle, especially from domestic see the situation, the current cloud computing is only as primary development, or education, is still at the stage.
This paper mainly for Microsoft's cloud computing technology in Microsoft's cloud computing platforms infrastructure application research, this paper expounds the cloud computing research background, development present situation, the system structure, various cloud, service level, advantages;
概括分析了云计算中 基础设施即服务模式的概念、技术层次、储存服务、安全性。
Summary analysis of the cloud computing infrastructure namely service mode of the concepts, technical level, storage service, safety.
Finally the cloud platform small programs running.
With expectations that concluded,.
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3.非常:求翻译大神啊,计算机毕业论文 摘要翻译 关于云计算的:
Nowadays,with the development of internet technology, in the fashion of rapid development of information and increase by geometric progression of information processing technology, cloud computing emerges as the times require. Cloud computing, as a new internet mode, will be the basic mode in future. After coming up with the concept of "cloud", the internet giant such as Amazon, Microsoft, Intel, and IBM and so on followed orderly. And then the fashion of "cloud" was popular around the world soon. This paper mainly gives a brief introduction about the concept , background, and development process of cloud computing. The development and application of cloud computing in information management brings huge convience to people's work and life.。