

Forcing employees to work is a serious infringement of personal rights and freedoms of workers,which is the ancient barbaric of re-appearance of slavery。

It is out of tune with the modern civilized society. In order to combat such acts, almost all countries in the world provise it to a crime , hoping that this harshest measure of peaceful times will work。For instince,in the case of "Shanxi Black Brick Kiln Case" ,which is judicial practice as a focus on China's Criminal Law, "the crime of forced employees to work" had a really natural analysis。

And it ought to be constructed that in China's Criminal Law the crime of “forced employees to work" has a criminal subject, an objective aspect, behavior, objects, providing a narrow, sentencing uniformity and criminal fines。Many other vague and unreasonable discomfort of the Department result in judicial practice of the law which is difficult to be reasonable and applicable。

It is difficult to combat and prevent the legislative intent of the act。That's why the crime of forcing employees to work exerts its utmost to improve the legislation.。


2.法学论文 英文摘要

As a civil rights, privacy in modern society, an increasingly important role. It also changes in society, given new development right to privacy is reflected in the contents of the expansion of right to privacy, protection, enhancement values of the change, and other privacy trends. New developments in privacy, and social and economic, cultural, science and technology is closely related to many factors.Keywords: privacy the new development trends。


3.法律论文 英文摘要

题目:With regard to criminal law theory in the understanding of a flagrant crime正文:Flagrant crime as a general social phenomenon, has been in existence for thousands of years of social history; including, in particular the concept of school as a flagrant crime committed, it can be said with the general sense of the crime have simultaneously; the concept of criminal law as a flagrant offense, has historically existed in thousands of human society. Openly committed as a criminal and the negative cultural expressions, whether it is the specificity of the Criminal Code norms on moral values or the reverse, and are worthy of criminal law theory researchers to explore in depth. However, for a long time, China's Criminal Law刑法理论界on the "objective elements constitute a crime," the study focus, multi-objective aspects of running an essential element, that is against the act, against the findings and results of behavior and the causal relationship between on; for the crime as an objective choice of the implementation of elements of the crime the way, but rarely get involved. In this paper, exploring a flagrant crime, not only confined to the study of criminal law perspective, but also learn from the crime, ethics, sociology, such as the perspective of the norms of a flagrant offense, the nature of black social evil, the negative value and its comprehensive evaluation contains. Author惟愿through so many levels, multi-angle discussion to a more deepening and comprehensive three-dimensional interpretation that the truth will be openly committed to maximize the show in the face of social and readers, so expect it to for the development of China's Criminal Jurisprudence criminal applications of the research on the subject domain, to make its own modest contribution.摘要的英文是:Abstract关键词是:Key words内容是:Flagrant;Flagrant crime。


This article carries out exposition, putting emphasis on the characteristics of virtual property rights and its legal attributes, basing on the various phases and characteristics created by the virtual property rights issues, as traced back to the network games;and propose that, virtual property rights is a kind of property rights that possesses real rights attributes and is adaptable to be standardized and protected using the rules of property law, through analysis of three different current view points regarding virtual property rights attributes.Key words: Virtual property; virtual property rights; object property (根据中国 人民法院报的英译); network games; legal attributes。

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"Marriage Law" for the couples joint property and personal property of some very detailed description, but the husband and wife together debt and the concept of personal debt is not very clear. In recent years, the name of a divorce in order to evade the debt is a frequent phenomenon, often couples in civil affairs departments or divorce agreement to divorce court mediation, agreed in the divorce agreement, to repay debt from one party and the main property to the other side is all. The judicial practice of more through divorce proceedings declared in the property deal with the terms of invalid on the grounds that the agreement against a third person (the creditors) the legitimate rights and interests. I think that this approach is open to question. In this paper, with some typical cases and analysis of their questions and then on how to distinguish between husband and wife together debt and personal debt, divorce and the husband and wife in marital debt settlement should follow the basic principles of the original were discussed; Finally, the common debt And personal debt settlement methods for analysis and settlement of property in a few common issues further elaborated


婚内债务Marital debt

债务清偿Debt Settlement


To the rapid pace of Internet development, an impact on every corner of society, it is a profound impact on people's production and life, the ever-changing all this people. The number of real-life situation, the network world, the number of questions will be refracted. Infringement of the digital network ever-expanding activity, the network began to rise up to copyright disputes, and the emergence of substantial. Network environment growing problem of copyright protection experts and scholars attention。

7.法学论文 英文摘要

As a civil rights, privacy in modern society, an increasingly important role. It also changes in society, given new development right to privacy is reflected in the contents of the expansion of right to privacy, protection, enhancement values of the change, and other privacy trends. New developments in privacy, and social and economic, cultural, science and technology is closely related to many factors.

Keywords: privacy the new development trends


Legal Issues of equity contribution Keywords: equity investment capital Abstract text:The traditional system of company capital is mainly the following three: legal capital system, the authorized capital system and compromise the capital system, a clear system based on the company's capital, but also established the principle of the traditional capital, that the principle of capital determination, the same principles of capital and capital maintain the principle. As the national capital system features the company's in-depth exploration and legislative changes in practice proved that the credit is phasing out the capital, and assets of the credit into the move is an extension for the investment in the form laid a basis in reality. Equity is a comprehensive right to independent existence, in the transfer of different types of equity also have some differences in the equity capital to be invested before the need to carefully determine the suitability of investment options. Determine options are available as investment in the form to be on the equity capital of eligibility to study, I mainly refer to the Japanese jurists Shimura rule the United States in its "current physical investment research," a book on the current property investment eligibility of the "four elements said, "that uncertainty, the value of existing properties, and independent evaluation of the possibility of transfer of the four elements may be on the equity capital of eligibility to be demonstrated. Two Legal countries in terms of equity investment regulations are quite different, as the representative of the United States common law countries, more relaxed way of contribution, you can use debt, equity, labor, credit and other funding. But in Germany, Japan-based civil law countries regulate the way of investment is more conservative, does not allow labor, credit and other financing, equity capital of the way they are developed more stringent procedures. The author describes several of these countries share capital of the legal regulation profiles. In explaining the basis of legitimacy of equity capital, equity capital further in-depth study of the company, the economic environment at the potential benefits and drawbacks in practical operation in the measure of equity capital the role of the pros and cons, or any future legal risk to pre- Judgement and prevention. Equity contribution of the legal problems faced by, generally divided into two types of equity capital before the share to the existence of defects, that is, equity capital due to defects caused by legal issues arising equity contribution; the other is in the process of equity investment assessment, performance of the program violated the law, legal problems caused by equity investment. Equity investment made in a number of aspects of theoretical discourse, the value of their own uncertainty and operational not standardized, will share the company, the investee company, its creditors and the interests of minority shareholders and other companies to a certain legal risk, the author of five aspects of equity capital from a legal recommendation that the conditions of strictly limited funding, assessment verification process control, information disclosure of equity capital, equity investment limits and restrictions on investment in equity and equity re-investment to fill the responsibility.。

9.法律论文 英文摘要

The crime takes the common social phenomenon blatantly, has existed in the social history several thousand years; And is specially violates blatantly as the criminology concept, may say with the general sense crime synchronization production; But violates blatantly as the criminal law concept, also has existed historically in human society over a thousand years. Commits the achievement one kind of criminal offense and negative cultural performance blatantly, regardless of being in the criminal law standard particularity or the ethical value reversion, is worth the criminal law theory researcher inquiring into thoroughly. However, since long, our country criminal law theorists to penology on “crime constitution objective important document” research attention spot, multi-deliveries in objective aspect necessary important document, namely harm behavior, harm result and behavior and in result causal relation; Regarding chooses the important document as the crime objective aspect the crime to implement the method, actually rarely has stepping. This article to blatantly crime inquisition, not only limits to the penology research angle of view, but also from the criminology, ethics, the sociology and so on multi-angle of view discussion violates blatantly separately standard, essence, social wicked evil, negative valence value implication and quality synthetic evaluation. The author only hopes through so many stratification planes, the multi-angle of view discussion, can and comprehensive clarifies by the even more three-dimensional deepening shows, will violate blatantly the inside story maximum limit presents in society and in front of the reading public, thus expected that it can develop our country criminal activity jurisprudence, the criminal application discipline research universe of discourse, makes own contribution slightly.。


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