

a framework of information technology-based agriculture information dissemination system to improve crop productivity 一种基于用于提高作物产量的农业信息传播系统的信息技术框架 current science, vol. 88, no. 12, 25 june 2005 当代科学,第88卷,第12号,2005年6月25日 p. krishna reddy* and r. ankaiah 作者(印度)介绍 p. krishna reddy is in the international institute of information technology,gachibowli, hyderabad 500 019, india; r. ankaiah is in the national seed project, acharya n.g. ranga agricultural university, hyderabad 500 030, india. municated by sms is described. the system has two types of warnings: push-type warnings are sent regularly or when certain criteria are met, as specified by the user, while pull-type warnings are sent on the user's request by sms. a web-based dss, which require data updated frequently by the user, has been enabled for operation by sms. applying widely distributed and well-known technology, the sms systems make information and decision support available to the farmer whenever he needs it and wherever he is. the paper describes the sms systems and analyses the uptake by users. piled and the language of presentation examined for each of the programme. the diversity of the languages in nigeria presupposes that for farmers to have access to agricultural information through the radio and television, the language of presentation has to be based on that of the listeners. the study recommends that information sources to farmers should explore multilingual sources to ensure farmers' access to agricultural information. keywords: multilinguality, agricultural information access, nigeria, farm broadcast parative study of Chinese & Western food cultures will help us increase cross-cultural awareness that tolerating, understanding, and furthermore, appreciating and respecting cultural difference is essential if we are to achieve cross-cultural competence during the interaction. Moreover, as we communicate with people from different cultures, we will learn more about them and their way of life, including their history, values and the substance of their personality, and eventually, we will understand them better, or feel empathy with them. Based on the above-mentioned purposes, the author of this thesis hopes this research, to some extent, be of significance both theoretically and practically. 2. Theoretical Foundations 2.1 Defining culture What is culture? How to define it? Culture is a system of shared benefits, values, customs, behaviors, and artifacts that the members of a society use with their world and with one another, and that are transmitted from generation through learning (Longman Dictionary, 2002:535) We define culture as the deposit of knowledge, experience, beliefs, values, actions, attitudes, meaning。


3.跪求高手英语翻译 要写毕业论文 求帮个忙 黑龙江省是我国的农业大

Heilongjiang is China's large agricultural province, rich in agricultural resources become China's Heilongjiang Province, make an important commodity grain production base , where there is a lot of food and other agricultural products are sold abroad each year , after joining the WTO, the deepening of grain and other agricultural markets open to export of grain and other agricultural products in Heilongjiang Province has opened a new space , but also posed a serious challenge to its international competitiveness. Heilongjiang Province is rich in natural resources needed for the development of agriculture , labor resources, is one of the three world-famous black soil zone , the total cultivated area and land reserve resources can be developed account for more than one- tenth of the country . Meanwhile , Heilongjiang Province is located in the hinterland of Northeast Asia , China and Northeast Asia is linked to the geographical center for the export of grain and other agricultural commodities provide a favorable environment and geographical advantages. In this paper, based on the development background of grain export trade in Heilongjiang Province , the status and characteristics of the main problems with the current Heilongjiang Province in exports of food should be concerned about , identify constraints Heilongjiang grain exports factors proposed to improve grain exports countermeasures in Heilongjiang Province and recommendations。

4.英语作文 你为什么选择农学这门专业

Why did you choose your major?


I choose English as my major because I always wanted to work in international business and English is the language in the global marketplace.


As our economy becomes increasingly global,I think English is a basic skill that is required for almost any professional.


I took many business English classes to prepare myself for the business world.





What mad you choose business as your major?


What led you to choose your major field of study?





I want to take this chance to thanks to my tutor----XXX, a lecturer of School of Foreign Languages and Cultures. In the process of composing this paper, he gives me many academic and constructive advices, and helps me to correct my paper. Except these, he also gave me the opportunity to do my teaching practice.

At the same time, I would like to appreciate my literature teacher, who gives me useful literature knowledge and information in this paper. He is XXX.

At last, I am very grateful of my dear friends, XXX, XXX, who offered me the confidence and discuss with me about my paper. Of course, I do need to thanks my father, XXX, my mother, XXX, because of their warm care I can grow up well.






*discourse (学术)讨论,研讨用的论文

*paper 作业形式的,为达到某一目的或效果(如学位)而写的


Abstract With the information age developing, IT is getting more and more important on agriculture function. So strengthens agricultural technology informationization constructs is necessary for improving agricultural synthesis productivity and constructs agricultural technology informationization. Developing an Agricultural Technology Asp is getting to be an important subject. It can receive some agricultural technology consultations from the farmer friends; it can also promote agricultural technician to guide and help these farmers in all aspects. So Agricultural Technology Asp is worth tasking seriously and studying. The article combined the need that our college constructs national demonstrative college with the actual need. The article analyzed and designs an Agricultural Technology Asp on line. This Asp made full of Agricultural science and technology intelligence resources and Information technology resources in our college to strengthen our college's social service work. This Asp played active roles in regional economic development and socialism new rural reconstruction.The article's fundamental analysed ASP's technical system structure. The article discussed B/S structure and the use of ASP in WEB system. The system under the Windows 2003 Server operating system used IIS to built Web Virtual Server, and used ADO controls to access Access 2003 Database. The article analyzed the need of this system and made sure of entire frameworks and the entire design. The article analyzed all modules in Agricultural Technology Asp in detail and defined all of the modules' function demand and design. It realized all kinds of the function which proposed in analysis stage. The article summarized the system operation, the test result showed that the system's operation condition is stable; the users' responses are good. So the Asp can perform in the network environment.The Agricultural Technology Asp system has been used on Liaoning Agricultural College's campus network. Key Words: agricultural technology; network; information service; Asp; Web。



以下截自Wordvice的英文写作资源页面[Introduction]The Introduction consists of an opening line. This openingline can be a generalization about life that pertains to your topic. It can alsobe a quotation. Another segway into the introduction is to start it with alittle anecdote (or story). By "breaking the ice" so to speak withthe reader, you are luring him or her into the rest of your essay, making itaccessible and intriguing. Once you have "introduced" theIntroductory paragraph with a generalization, quotation, or anecdote, you canwrite vaguely for a few sentences or simply jump into the crust of theargument. When you feel you are ready to introduce the specific focus of theessay, then you write the thesis statement. The thesis statement shouldgenerally come at the end of the Introductory Paragraph. If you are writingabout a particular book, author, or event, you should name it (in entirety) inthe thesis statement. You should also list your argument with its supportingevidence in this sentence. Essentially, the thesis statement is your taglinefor the essay and the final sentence of the Introduction.


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