
1.英文翻译 教育学论文摘要 在线等

According to the rule of cognitive constructivism learning process, and is not a simple input in the process of cognition, but between old and environment of two-way interaction meaning construction process. This work of teaching, and puts forward new requirements to change the traditional teaching mode for students in teacher leading to improve students' comprehensive quality education quality aspects. In the new curriculum standards of made corresponding requirements. Research-style teaching mode is the goal of current teaching conditions in the new teaching model is feasible. Through the question, guess and assumptions, experiment, data collection, analysis and assessment, exchange and cooperation in the process of cognition of the old students based on the new knowledge and new balance on real significance, from the master new knowledge effectively.Keywords: constructivism, The new curriculum, research-style。


2.【高分】教育类论文汉译英 就1段

【Summary 】the thesis whole distance of the education master degree guide a square slightly, namely the teacher be doing a thesis of each stage give the encouragement of student, concern, lead the way, order to stir, inspire, query, answer , dispel doubt and examine draft, suggestion, confidence, revise, embellish, guard a pass.It is also the process that the teachers and the students are of mutual benefit to win totally in the education science research.Can pass a way of establishing the control point during the period of guiding, unify various factor and link of influence thesis quality to bring into instruction visual field.Whole distance instruction the square has the essential point of oneself slightly.【Keyword 】academic degree thesis;Whole distance instruction square slightly;Control point;Explain。






4、关键词或主题词:关键词是从论文的题名、提要和正文中选取出来的,是对表述论文的中心内容有实质意义的词汇。关键词是用作机系统标引论文内容特征的词语,便于信息系统汇集,以供读者检索。 每篇论文一般选取3-8个词汇作为关键词,另起一行,排在“提要”的左下方。



(1)引言:引言又称前言、序言和导言,用在论文的开头。 引言一般要概括地写出作者意图,说明选题的目的和意义, 并指出论文写作的范围。引言要短小精悍、紧扣主题。










4.请英文高手帮忙翻译一下毕业论文摘要! 最好是英语或教育专业的同学

是翻译成英文吗?是的话就看下面:Education of a LiJiuChangXin punishment is the education about education, should use of punishment and how to use the punishment is reasonable, the ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign scholars have been arguing. In social legal system constantly improve civilization progress today how rational legally use of punishment to education child, still is now based education stage a teacher especially the teacher faces one of the biggest puzzles. Not reasonable and effective use of punishment means is the result of school teacher as corporal punishment in daring to beat and scold not by accident, no punches; students And some smaller daring the teacher is simply can't punish students, treats student's mistake can tube is pipe, don't also have to forget about it, deep afraid carelessly against student crown corporal punishment of notoriety. So on will only is not only not completely banned corporal punishment, the phenomenon of students' errors caused by instead of punishing not punishing teacher when, causing students lawlessness, no discipline sense and responsibility. This paper first chapter for introduction of education, puts forward the part punishment is introduced, the existing problems in the education of Chinese and foreign scholars to punish the definition, classification, punish necessity and rationality and implementing punishment principle and tactics and put forward their views and ideas. The second chapter through analyzing the characteristics of the elementary education in elementary school were summarized the four features: reasonable punish the austerity, suitability, abound in JianDuXing and relief of powerful. Puts forward education in the four functions: punishment for education and the social value of the implementation; Second, to maintain the order, guarantee the school teaching activities smoothly; Three, benefit students socialization; Four, is advantageous in raises the student good personality, learn to assume responsibility. Chapter 3 through case analysis, metaphors so education method to analyze the punishment of five types: deprive type of punishment, and compensatory type of punishment, and cancel the attention type of punishment, and indirectly the characteristics of punishment, and put forward ShengJiXing punish use method and precautions. The fourth chapter in primary school education put forward reasonable punished specific operation method. First, the preparation before implementing punishment, to formulate scientific and reasonable, operational stronger education punishment rules and create student "personal information database". Secondly, supervision and the process of implementing punishment investigate students held the mistakes made by class "hearing", pay attention to punish the art of execution. Finally, punish after the end of the follow-up work to rebuild good relationship between teachers and students, guiding students to correct errors and observe the effect, such as record punishment is a deviation timely correcting. Based on the theory of primary school education in combining the practice, the problem facing the primary education, analyses the nature and function of reasonable punishment and puts forward relevant strategies, the hope can you work in elementary school teachers provide some reference line.。

5.那位大哥大姐给个英语 关于教育的论文

这篇可以参考了,关于英语教育的,很长:)~~How to Perform the Function as a Reading Teacher ⅠIntroduction As we all know, reading is a very important part in second language teaching. Teacher plays a more important role in teaching reading. The dissertation mainly discusses the function of teacher (what teacher can do) in reading lessons and how to teach reading so as to perform the function of teacher. It is necessary to write the dissertation with an aim to help teachers to improve their teaching method and pay more attention to their research abilities. While today there exists some imperfect phenomenon. Teachers will help us learn how to read and how to improve our reading abilities. However, some one says that reading cannot be taught, it can only be learnt by oneself. This is the most universal opinion. Still, the students often cannot sense out the teachers' function in a reading lesson. They will say,“The teacher only told us to read and answer the questions given.”In this case, why not let the students read at home ? Does this mean there is nothing for the teachers to do? On the contrary, there is a great deal. We must admit that the teacher's function could only be reflected from the students' progress. So the role of teacher can only covered throughout the whole process of reading. Why we teach reading as teachers? Do we teach reading in order to teach language? Of course we do. We know exactly that reading is an important part of language course. We set the students into the situation of foreign languages. Then help them get a better understanding of how the language works and make better understanding. To some extent, teaching a reading lesson is a combination of language structure and the content (meaning), which means the ability to understand the content through the expression of the language. As teachers, they should make clear the relationship between students and them. They should make research on teaching method and also the students' learning method. The theme of the dissertation is to make masses accept the reading teachers' function. Reading teachers can guide the students to improve their reading skills. The teaching method offered in the dissertation fit the teaching practice. Both the teachers and the students will benefit. ⅡMain body In order to change the mind of the masses, we should look into the main role of reading teacher in detail. The students could not learn a foreign language aimlessly, so they need a guide. Teachers hold the great responsible for the reading lesson. The teacher's functions include these: 1. Read a lot to grasp the main resource diachronically If the teachers want to teach students reading skills, they should know how to read. That is, the teachers are the readers as well, just like the students. The teachers read in order to improve their teaching also enrich their knowledge storage, experience. The content which the teachers read maybe one day will become the students' knowledge. After knowing the importance of reading, we would concern about if the teachers act as good readers. Some teachers often read. They get the materials from magazines or newspapers or library books or even surfing the Internet. They read a lot and translate foreign language materials into Chinese. This job needs deep understanding. In the process of reading, the teachers use various kinds of reading skills to get the meaning of the materials. They begin to appreciate and value if the materials are suitable for the students to read. The text which the students use should read by the teacher first. After the first reading, the teachers will get a general comparison between many available materials. They will tell which the best material for students to read is and then they can plan their lessons according to the understanding of the material. While some teachers do very little reading in their spare time. They do not know that they have given up the best chance to improve their personal quality. Their prospect will be darker and darker. What these teachers should do is to convince themselves they can read a lot and find sometime fixed to read for themselves and their students. They take great responsibility for their students. Reading will benefit the teachers a lot. The teachers should develop a love of reading and regard reading as a kind of pleasure. The teachers who read a lot are probably excellent reading teachers. They will give free rein to the role of teacher throughout their life. 2. Let the students to clear about the organization of the reading materials The organization is the soul of the whole passage. To appr。

6.英语论文 开头

Listening comprehension is probably the most difficult task for almost all learners of English as a foreign language. So, now you know you are not alone!

Once you have begun to listen on a regular basis, you might still be grustrated by limited understanding. What should you do?

Here is some of the advice I give my students:

●Accept the face that you are not going to understand everything.

●Keep cool when you do not understand- even if you continue to not understand for a long time.

●Do not translate into your native language.

●Listen for the gist of the conversation. Don't concentrate on detail until you have understood the main ideas.

Translating creates a barrier between yourself and the person who is speaking

While you are listening to another person speaking a foreign language, the temptation is to immediately translate into your native language. This temptation becomes much stronger when you hear a word you don't understand. This is only natural as we want to understand everything that is said. However, when you translate into your native language, you are taking the focus of your attention away from the speaker and concentrating on the translation process taking place in your brain. This would be fine if you could put the speaker on hold. In real life, however, the person continues taking while you translate. This situation obviously leads to less- not more – understanding. I have discovered that translation leads to a kind of block in my brain which sometimes doesn't allow me to understand anything at all!


译文为在高等教育规模迅速扩张的同时When higher educational scale quick expansionism at the same time 制约教育教学质量和办学效益的深层次矛盾和问题不断凸显Restrict educational teaching quality and run a school problem and the deep level contradiction of benifit are constantly protruding to show 高等教育经费不足、师资力量不够、教育设施条件改善缓慢Higher educational funds are below , techers strength insufficient, educational facility condition improvement is slow 直接影响办学质量和水平Direct influence runs a school quality and level 于此同时At the same time 由于高校办学理念、管理体制、经营水平、学科专业、教育结构以及文化建设等方面不能适应规模迅速扩大和经济社会发展的要求Since college runs a school , concept, management system and operation are horizontal , the aspects such as subject professional, educational structure as well as cultural construction can not meet scale quick enlarge the requirement of and economic social development 有限的高等教育资源没有得到充分有效的利用Limited higher educational resource does not get fully effective use 这些矛盾和问题的存在It is these and contradictory and the existence of problem 集中反映为高等教育的数量与质量、结构与效益之间的不协调Concentration reflection is structure and quality and the quantity of higher education between benifit do not coordinate要解决上述问题Will solve above-mentioned problem高等教育就必须走一条数量扩张与质量提升相统一的协调型发展之路Higher education must go to a quantity expansionism the coordinative type development that unifies with quality promotion road 即坚持内涵式为主导模式Insist that intension type is leading pattern 内涵式发展是发展模式的一种类型Intension type development is a kind of type that develops pattern是以事物的内部因素作为主要动力和资源的发展模式Is is taking the internal factor of thing as major power and resource develop pattern 在发展形态上主要表现为事物内在属性的发展On developing form, major expression is the development of thing inner property强调的是规模适度、结构优化、质量提高、效益增进和适应性增强Emphasize is scale appropriate, structural optimization, quality raising and benifit enhance and adaptability strengthens因此,内涵式发展模式适应了高等教育改革的需要Therefore intension type develops pattern and has suited , is higher to educate the needs of reform承载着高等教育的质量和水平Bear level and the quality of higher education是实现高等教育可持续发展的理性选择。

is the reason option that realizes higher educational sustainable development其现实依据是:Its realistic basis is: 全文为When higher educational scale quick expansionism at the same time; Restrict educational teaching quality and run a school problem and the deep level contradiction of benifit are constantly protruding to show , higher educational funds are below , techers strength insufficient, educational facility condition improvement is slow, direct influence runs a school quality and level; At the same time, since college runs a school , concept, management system and operation are horizontal , the aspects such as subject professional, educational structure as well as cultural construction can not meet scale quick enlarge the requirement of and economic social development, limited higher educational resource does not get fully effective use. Concentration reflection and the existence of problem and these contradictions are structure and quality and the quantity of higher education between benifit do not coordinate. Will solve above-mentioned problem, higher education must go to a quantity expansionism the coordinative type development that unifies with quality promotion road, insist that intension type is leading pattern. Intension type development is a kind of type that develops pattern , is , is taking the internal factor of thing as major power and resource develop pattern. On developing form, major expression is the development of thing inner property, emphasize is scale appropriate, structural optimization, quality raising and benifit enhance and adaptability strengthens. Therefore intension type develops pattern and has suited , is higher to educate the needs of reform, bear level and the quality of higher education , is the reason option that realizes higher educational sustainable development. Its realistic basis is :我是学英语的,希望满意,你可以参考看看 o(∩_∩)o。
































1. Primary school English teacher uneven The primary school English teachers are basically switched to other teachers and their levels of English teaching can imagine the effect it had, together with primary school education is no pressure on the goal of teaching is not very clear, a lot of Teachers simply in order to meet the job is to teach and to teach, students do not care to master. In the teaching method was very monotonous machinery, in addition to fines and get students more time to be transcribed, seems to be nothing worth mentioning has been. Students interested in learning English slowly fading, the abolition of primary school entrance examination, Yi Gunao sent to the school, which suffered the first of the English teachers, as students from various primary schools, do not know, they have to start all over again, ABC is to say from the re-teaching, teaching time is (not to) can not meet. 2. English teaching in primary and secondary schools there is great convergence of the loopholes Although it is now also opened a primary school English, but in all primary schools teaching the variety of situations, and some schools in 2056 and the third-grade class, like school textbooks, because (they) did not learn of the original students, it is necessary to make up. As to primary content study can not be finished, (not) no one seems to be that secondary English teachers about. The secondary school English teachers in primary schools have not taught in English, the first teacher to teach the students do not know the actual English proficiency, students do not understand the habits and methods, all have to start all over again. While the first students in the school prior to the 7A would also like to learn preparatory courses, but that is condensed primary school English textbooks, students in a short time and is unable to digest, will also affect the future progress of the first elements could not finish school, it is necessary to the Two days, then the third, students learning English is clear that the time will be even more tense. (English language teaching in primary and secondary schools in rural areas of convergence there is an urgent need to address these vulnerabilities. I think that should be included in the primary and secondary schools under management. Since it is a nine-year compulsory education should not be further divided into primary and junior high school, but in fact primary school Office and the school are two separate units. Of course, related to institutional issues in a short period of time is not likely to solve, but to come up with a solution, otherwise, the teaching of English in the rural areas can only be a vicious circle.) Solution is The focus on below? 3. Class size too large Most of the class size in primary and secondary schools in rural areas too. In Jiangsu Province, a strong proponent of teaching in small classes, in northern Jiangsu has integrated educational resources, in order to reduce expenditure, all townships are a lot of merging of the small village, so that the number of high class. Teachers energy is limited classroom time is limited, the majority of our students to get an opportunity to practice, after-school and the lack of specific guidance on the English results can only be described as the worse. 4. Teaching method is lagging behind At present, English teaching in primary and secondary schools in rural areas are commonly used in the teaching of the practice is still speaking, teachers teach and students learn in order to have a purpose: to be a good test scores. As for the students to be able to understand, would not say that, both teachers and students do not care, "dumb English" very common in rural schools. 5, teaching and scientific research into less Disciplines in teaching and research, currently reluctant to invest in rural primary and secondary schools, teachers go out to be very few opportunities to learn, still in the mode of teaching practice combined with the stress.。


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