






因为这个爱人就在他身边,那就是他的母亲。 在这部争议很大的作品里,人们探讨的更多的是心理层次和社会层次方面的东西。

很多的时候把融在里面的爱情,解释为一种情节Odipus Complex:,这个源于古希腊的英语词汇,虽然历史很悠久,但却让人们研究了几千年,直到今天,还没有一个真正的结果。也许人类不敢正视自己身上存在着的和现实社会不协调的东西,也许这个社会已经形成了一个定势,没有人能够去打破。

我们只有沿着自己为自己设定的道路,走下去,永不回头。 结论,最有人伦的不伦之爱,这是一种爱情,最起码也要算是爱情之树上的一个分叉。











母亲莉迪亚则是一位经过良好教育的女子,她读了很多书和诗歌,崇尚思想,喜欢和有教养的男人讨论宗教以及哲学、政治等问题。 这样的一个家庭是十分不和谐的,父亲喜欢和矿工们去喝上几盅,喜欢纵欲享乐;母亲却一生戒酒,古板拘谨。

D.H.劳伦斯生活在家庭的飘摇之中,他所记得的是家门外的沃克街上白腊树的树枝在大风的呼啸中发出尖叫声,与家里母亲的尖声争吵、父亲的雄壮的男人声音和咒骂声混合在一起。 在这样的家庭中,他身体孱弱,敏感,富观察力,记忆力极佳,同时——为母爱所控制着。


《儿子与情人》是关于一个男子如何被畸形的母爱所束缚 ,又试图挣扎从中解脱但最后以失败而告终的故事。西方文学评论家往往会把此故事与弗洛伊德性心理学联系起来 ,认为此书“是对恋母情结的生动展示”。

本文针对这一观点提出不同看法 ,通过对社会背景、故事情节、人物刻画等方面的详尽分析 ,指出此小说的悲剧不仅具有心理方面的原因 ,更有其深刻的社会及经济方面的原因。小说作者劳伦斯就这样以一个不寻常的恋母故事展示了西方世界中带有普遍意义的社会、政治及家庭问题 谈起劳伦斯的成名作《儿子与情人》 ,西方文学评论家往往会把它与弗洛伊德的性心理学理论中的恋母情结联系起来。

此书常被认为“是对恋母情结的生动展示”① 。根据弗氏的理论 ,由于一个男孩出世后与母亲在一起的时间最长 ,而且在衣食住行等各方面对母亲的依赖也最大 ,从某种意义上讲 ,母亲就是他的第一个情人。

一旦这孩子有能力将他的母亲与其他人加以比较 ,他会本能地认为他的母亲就是世界上最完美的人 ,其他任何人的母亲也无法比拟。与此同时 ,他也感受到了父亲的影响 ,他比母亲更强大 ,而且母亲也爱着父亲 ,他便竭力使自己的举止象父亲 … 与其说这是一本描述畸形家庭关系的小说,倒觉得它更像一本心理探索小说。









Abstract : "Sons and Lovers", Which is the landmark of Lawrence 's creations, is an autobiographical psychoanalytic novel. Applying the realistic skill, Lawrence describes the growth of a boy born. In Middle England, and reveals the tragedy of the miner's son. The novel has rich and profound connotation, of which the love tragedy between Paul and Miriam is the most moving point and occupies an important position in the novel. The general perspective toward the main cause of the tragedy is the disturbance of the Oedipus complex. However, from the writer's point of view, what results in the tragedy is the nature defects of the two, and the disparity between their values of love and religion. Paul persues the unity of body and soul. His first failure of love affair is attributed to his over concentration on spiritual life, and the second failure is Miriam's personalities are broken, which are the inevitable product of the malformed society and family.。





Abstract : "Sons and Lovers", Which is the landmark of Lawrence 's creations, is an autobiographical psychoanalytic novel. Applying the realistic skill, Lawrence describes the growth of a boy born. In Middle England, and reveals the tragedy of the miner's son. The novel has rich and profound connotation, of which the love tragedy between Paul and Miriam is the most moving point and occupies an important position in the novel. The general perspective toward the main cause of the tragedy is the disturbance of the Oedipus complex. However, from the writer's point of view, what results in the tragedy is the nature defects of the two, and the disparity between their values of love and religion. Paul persues the unity of body and soul. His first failure of love affair is attributed to his over concentration on spiritual life, and the second failure is Miriam's personalities are broken, which are the inevitable product of the malformed society and family.。

6.谁能帮帮我该下论文呢 儿子与情人 保罗的性格分析 全英文的~~花钱也


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内容介绍 保罗出身于一煤矿工人家庭,父母婚姻不和,哥哥英年早逝,保罗成为母亲唯一的希望。


一次次的冲突令母亲心力交瘁,一病不起。 保罗也终于摆脱羁绊,走上独立自主之路。

评论家认为本书为弗洛伊德的“恋母情结”理论提供了有力的佐证,是广大读者不可多得的人生宝鉴。 购买此商品的顾客也购买了 ·地下怪兽(魔眼少女佩吉·苏) ·荆棘鸟(精装) ·情人([法]杜拉斯) 查看此商品的顾客也查看了 ·儿子与情人/名著名译插图本 ·恋爱中的女人(彩色插图本)/名家名译 ·虹 ·名利场 ·笑面人 基本信息 基本信息 ·出版社:北京燕山出版社 ·ISBN:754021516X ·国别:United Kingdom/英国 ·版次:2005-06-01 ·出版日期:2005-6-1 ·开本:32 ·精简装:平装 ·页数:331 目 录 序言 第一部 第一章 莫莱尔夫妇的新婚岁月 第二章 保罗出生,另一场争斗 第三章 爱的转移——弃夫从子 第四章 保罗的少年时代 …… [看更多目录] 所属分类 图书 > 小说 > 世界名著 > 欧洲 > 英国 书评 序言 人生的意义是什么呢?千百年来的圣贤人、普通人几乎都曾不同程度探求过,到如今似乎仍无定论,也许这根本就是一个无解的问题。









很多情节都暗示了这种母子关系,劳伦斯认为这种关系阻碍了保罗和其第一个女友的爱情发展,因为保罗的母亲认为她要失去她惟一钟爱的人。 她用尽一切办法阻止保罗和其第一个女友的结合。


克拉拉给了他感官上的快乐,但毫无精神可言,她的纵情使保罗感到压抑,最终决裂。 保罗开始怀疑自己是不是有问题。




但它具有写实派的框架与结构,真实地再现了矿区工人的悲惨生活,它现在依然是英国最有价值的描写工人生活的小说之一。 劳伦斯对人生意义的探讨结论有其不妥的一面,但确是积极的。



Analysis of Paul's Oedipus Complex in Sons and Lovers 1. Introduction1.1 About D.H. LawrenceD. H. Lawrence, is one of the most original and controversial English writers of the 20th century. He was considered one of the “makes” of modern English fiction. Lawrence took human relationship, especially that of men and women, as his major theme. His novels are full of scenes of sensuous beauty, with a lot of naturalistic details. His works turned out to be a challenge to conventional morality. And some people rejected them, especially Lady Chatterley's Lover (1928), as pornographic. But his books are filled with ideas and they penetrate into the shadows of the human psyche. In his works, Lawrence showed the instinctual force in human nature and offered a critique of modern industrial society. Lawrence's life time was short, but he left a lot of controversial and characteristic literary works. There are many discription of undisguised sexual activities in his works which are based on English native country, but its main intention is to express a keen criticism of society. Both social criticism and characters' psychological exploration are the basic characteristics of Lawrence's works.His first novel was Sons and Lovers (1913). His other enduring works are the Rainbow (1915), Women in Love (1920), The Lost Girl (1920), and so on, and the book that brought him his ill-fame was, of course, Lady Chatterley's Lover. Up to now, there are many scholars who study his works, especially his Sons and Lovers. Some scholars research the religion of the book, and some talk about its pregnant meaning, and some argue the structure and style, even some survey the feminism in the book. This paper intends to talk about the main character, Paul's distortion of personality and feeling by analyzing his Oedipus complex and its meaning. 1.2 About Sons and LoversSons and Lovers (1913), containing many autobiographical details, is Lawrence's masterpiece and also his most popular novel. It tells the story of a miner's family-the Morel family. Mrs. Morel is disillusioned with her husband, a coarse and hard-drinking miner. Therefore, she places all her expectations on her sons, especially Paul. As Paul grows older, tensions develop in this relationship, until his passions for another two women involve him into a fatal conflict of love and possessiveness. This book has been regarded by critics as a brilliant illustration of Freud's theory of Oedipus complex. 2. A general review of Oedipus complex This concept is introduced in Interpretation of Dreams (1899), “referring to the two Greek legends: the Theban hero Oedipus who unknowingly slew his father and married his mother, and its female analogue, Electra who helped slay her mother. If the child can't smoothly pass through this mental stage, there should occur an 'infantile neurosis' that is an important forerunner of similar reactions during the child's adult life. The superego also has its origin in the process of overcoming the Oedipus complex. Freud considered the reactions against the Oedipus Complex the most important social achievements of the human mind.”〔1〕 We speak of “love” when we lay the accent upon the mental side of the sexual impulses and disregard, or wish to forget for a moment, the demands of the fundamental physical or “sensual” side of the impulses. At about the time when the mother becomes the love-object, the mental operation of repression has already began in the child and has withdrawn from him the knowledge of some part of his sexual aims. Now with the choice of the mother as love-object is connected all that which, under the name of “the Oedipus Complex,” has become of such great importance in the psychoanalytic explanation of the neuroses, and which has had a perhaps equally important share in causing the opposition against psychoanalysis。

There is no possible doubt that one of the most important sources of the sense of guilt which so often torments neurotic people is to be found in the Oedipus complex. 。Now what does direct observation of children, at the period of object-choice before the latency period, show us in regard to the Oedipus complex? Well, it is easy to see that the little man wants his mother all to himself, finds his father in the way, becomes restive when the latter takes upon himself to caress her, and shows his satisfaction when the father goes away or is absent. He often expresses his feelings directly in words and promises his mother to marry her; this may not seem much in comparison with the deeds of Oedipus, but it is enough in fact; the kernel of each is t。


Analysis of Paul's Oedipus Complex in Sons and Lovers 1. Introduction1.1 About D.H. LawrenceD. H. Lawrence, is one of the most original and controversial English writers of the 20th century. He was considered one of the “makes” of modern English fiction. Lawrence took human relationship, especially that of men and women, as his major theme. His novels are full of scenes of sensuous beauty, with a lot of naturalistic details. His works turned out to be a challenge to conventional morality. And some people rejected them, especially Lady Chatterley's Lover (1928), as pornographic. But his books are filled with ideas and they penetrate into the shadows of the human psyche. In his works, Lawrence showed the instinctual force in human nature and offered a critique of modern industrial society. Lawrence's life time was short, but he left a lot of controversial and characteristic literary works. There are many discription of undisguised sexual activities in his works which are based on English native country, but its main intention is to express a keen criticism of society. Both social criticism and characters' psychological exploration are the basic characteristics of Lawrence's works.His first novel was Sons and Lovers (1913). His other enduring works are the Rainbow (1915), Women in Love (1920), The Lost Girl (1920), and so on, and the book that brought him his ill-fame was, of course, Lady Chatterley's Lover. Up to now, there are many scholars who study his works, especially his Sons and Lovers. Some scholars research the religion of the book, and some talk about its pregnant meaning, and some argue the structure and style, even some survey the feminism in the book. This paper intends to talk about the main character, Paul's distortion of personality and feeling by analyzing his Oedipus complex and its meaning. 1.2 About Sons and LoversSons and Lovers (1913), containing many autobiographical details, is Lawrence's masterpiece and also his most popular novel. It tells the story of a miner's family-the Morel family. Mrs. Morel is disillusioned with her husband, a coarse and hard-drinking miner. Therefore, she places all her expectations on her sons, especially Paul. As Paul grows older, tensions develop in this relationship, until his passions for another two women involve him into a fatal conflict of love and possessiveness. This book has been regarded by critics as a brilliant illustration of Freud's theory of Oedipus complex. 2. A general review of Oedipus complex This concept is introduced in Interpretation of Dreams (1899), “referring to the two Greek legends: the Theban hero Oedipus who unknowingly slew his father and married his mother, and its female analogue, Electra who helped slay her mother. If the child can't smoothly pass through this mental stage, there should occur an 'infantile neurosis' that is an important forerunner of similar reactions during the child's adult life. The superego also has its origin in the process of overcoming the Oedipus complex. Freud considered the reactions against the Oedipus Complex the most important social achievements of the human mind.”〔1〕 We speak of “love” when we lay the accent upon the mental side of the sexual impulses and disregard, or wish to forget for a moment, the demands of the fundamental physical or “sensual” side of the impulses. At about the time when the mother becomes the love-object, the mental operation of repression has already began in the child and has withdrawn from him the knowledge of some part of his sexual aims. Now with the choice of the mother as love-object is connected all that which, under the name of “the Oedipus Complex,” has become of such great importance in the psychoanalytic explanation of the neuroses, and which has had a perhaps equally important share in causing the opposition against psychoanalysis。

There is no possible doubt that one of the most important sources of the sense of guilt which so often torments neurotic people is to be found in the Oedipus complex. 。Now what does direct observation of children, at the period of object-choice before the latency period, show us in regard to the Oedipus complex? Well, it is easy to see that the little man wants his mother all to himself, finds his father in the way, becomes restive when the latter takes upon himself to caress her, and shows his satisfaction when the father goes away or is absent. He often expresses his feelings directly in words and promises his mother to marry her; this may not seem much in comparison with the deeds of Oedipus, but it is enough in fact; the kernel of each is 。







因为这个爱人就在他身边,那就是他的母亲。 在这部争议很大的作品里,人们探讨的更多的是心理层次和社会层次方面的东西。

很多的时候把融在里面的爱情,解释为一种情节Odipus Complex:,这个源于古希腊的英语词汇,虽然历史很悠久,但却让人们研究了几千年,直到今天,还没有一个真正的结果。也许人类不敢正视自己身上存在着的和现实社会不协调的东西,也许这个社会已经形成了一个定势,没有人能够去打破。

我们只有沿着自己为自己设定的道路,走下去,永不回头。 结论,最有人伦的不伦之爱,这是一种爱情,最起码也要算是爱情之树上的一个分叉。


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