Chapter 6: Property Management Functions (I) 第六章 物业管理职能(一) Having looked at how requirements for management vary by property type, we will now examine a manager's day-to-day duties in more detail. Like many working people, a property manager wakes up in the morning, dresses for work, eats breakfast, and drives to an office (either on or off the managed premises). Once there, what does he or she do? We will first list all of the functions and then cover the most important ones in greater detail. 在看到随物业类型不同管理要求的变化之后,我们现在详细查看一个物业经理日常职责。
MAKING A MANAGEMENT PLAN As the agent of the property owner, the property manager is bound to carry out the owner's objectives. Making explicit those objectives is the first step in creating a management plan. As we have seen, properties under paid management may be very small, or they may be multimillion-dollar complexes. A management plan can be equally simple or elaborate, as suits the scope of management and the market area of a property. Regardless on size, it is important to make a plan (which could range from a handwritten half page to 50 pages typed and bound, depending on the project…). Here we should note that a management plan for any size property contains three points: (1) an analysis of the competitive environment; (2) an analysis of the property itself, and (3) enumeration of the owner's objectives and recommendations for achieving them. 制定管理计划 作为业主的代理人,物业经理有责任实现业主的目标。创建管理计划的第一步是使这些目标明晰化。
MAKING A BUDGET A manager collects money, pays the bills, and sends what is left to the owner in millions or hundreds. A budget is essential for two reasons: (1) to regulate cash flow that is , to make sure sufficient cash is on hand to meet obligations like taxes, mortgage payments, operating expenses, and special capital improvements (e.g., new roof) when needed; and (2) to measure performance to act as a standard for measuring the manager's success in meeting objectives. 制定预算 物业经理筹钱,付账,然后把或多或少的结余结算给业主。预算是必要的,有两个原因:(1)调节现金流,用来确保手头有充足现金以应付必须时的如税收,抵押金,运营费用,及特别设备改建(如,新屋顶)这些负担;及(2)在会议目的中做为权衡表现的标准用来衡量物业经理成功与否。
PAYING EXPENSES; KEEPING BOOKS AND RECORDS The property manager must see to it that operating expenses, real estate taxes, insurance premiums, and mortgage payments are paid when due. Depending on the arrangement, a manager may be authorized to sign checks or may only prepare a list of payments for the owner's attention. The manager also keeps records of income and outlays and works with the owner's accountant in preparing annual financial statements and tax returns. The manager may also be responsible for reports required by government authorities. 支付费用、保留记录 物业经理务必保证运营花费,房地产税,保险费,抵押金到期时已经支付。取决于安排,物业经理可能被授权签署支票或者仅仅预备一张让业主留意的费用列表。
Chapter 7: Property Management Functions (II) 第七章 物业管理职能(二) Showing and renting space Although marketing real estate is a function distinct from managing it, the two are often combined in the hands of the property manager or management firm. In the case of apartment buildings, the manager actually on the site (the resident manager) usually shows vacant apartments and may handle lease negotiations as well. In the case of commercial or office space, leasing is often performed by specialists within a property management firm or may be handled by a separate brokerage firm. 展示和出租空间 尽管。
Along with economic development and urban development, residential areas are increasingly becoming the mainstream of living, residential property management is targeted at the needs of the market came into being in contemporary society. computerized residential property management system for small residential users and managers better protect the property management business processing and the development of such a residential property management system software become necessary things. To add this design as a starting point, add to the current technologies used for comparison and ideological arguments, and profoundly expounded on the use of database technology to achieve VB+ACCESS small property management system advantages, highlights areas of property management system to achieve the functions, and business processes, system processes, database design, functional modular design, realization, operation, and maintenance of the development process, the final design of the problems encountered in highlighting, analysis and solutions, and after the operation of the system to achieve a qualitative analysis of the results and make conclusions.。
3.求一篇关于物业管理的英文 (期刊)论文 要求(多了更好)
Title: Strategic Property Management: How Can Local Authorities Develop a Property Strategy?
Author(s):Virginia Gibson
Journal:Property Management
Page:9 - 14
DOI: 10.1108/02637479410064223
Publisher: MCB UP Ltd
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5.求一篇关于物业管理的英文 (期刊)论文 要求(多了更好)
The necessity for accurate speech recognition systems capableof handling adverse environments with multiple speakershas in recent years fueled speech separation and enhancementresearch [1, 5, 3, 2, 6, 4]. This has resulted in numeroustechniques with varying degrees of success, most ofwhich employ multiple microphones [1, 3, 2, 6, 4]. Beamformingtechniques, for example, utilize knowledge aboutthe direction of the speech source of interest in order to reducenoise from other directions. The resulting SNR gainis significant as long as a large number of microphones areavailable [6, 4]. Independent Component Analysis (ICA),on the other hand, is capable of producing large SNR gainswith few microphones [1, 3]. However, ICA has severallimitations that have hampered its application in real-worldsituations [1, 6].Interestingly, both of these popular techniques (as wellas many other speech separation techniques) are similar inthe sense that they are not specifically designed to functionfor speech signals. Speech has certain characteristics whoseutilization can provide a significant edge in the de-noisingand signal separation tasks [2, 5].In this paper, we extend the phase error filtering techniqueinitially proposed in [2] to include the magnitudesof the two microphones in addition to the phase information.This technique transforms two noisy time-domain signalsrecorded by two microphones into their time-frequency(TF) representations. For each time-frequency componentor block, a phase-error measure is derived from the informationin both microphones. Based on this, the time-frequencyblock for each microphone is scaled by a masking value betweenzero and one. Basically, TF blocks with large phaseerrorsare 'punished' by a small mask value (0) and TFblocks with small phase-errors are 'rewarded' by a largemask value (1).In the following sections, we formulate four different TFmasks and analyze them theoretically, through SNR-gainsimulations, and digit recognition experiments.。
Who is the owner of the assets? It is not a laughing matter. In the rural area of Chinese mainland, both the individual farmer and the rural household could be regarded as the owner of assets (double-level owner system). Corresponding to the “collective ownership by the working people” adopted by Constitution, the laws and regulations optionally adopts the terms such as the collective economic organizations of village, township or town, the villagers' committee, the sub-committee of villagers, other forms of rural collective economic organizations in a village, and even the government in township or town level. Under current legal system, there is a familiar conception in Chinese “suo you zhi” (the system of ownership) which is quite different to the original words “property” used by Karl Marx and F. Engels in Manifesto of the Communist Party, one of their greatest works. Under such circumstances, the law would be doomed to be a political proclamation rather than a purified and exercisable law on property rights; and therefore, the boundary between one's rights to another's would hardly be distinguishable.。
高校物业管理探讨 一、学生生活区的管理 学生宿舍是广大学生日常生活、学习、娱乐的主要场所,是学生的家,可以说其管理状况的优劣直接关系到学生的学习环境、人身安全以及身心健康等切身利益。
如何为莘莘学子们营造一个温馨的家,我们认为应做好如下三个方面的工作: (一)建立规范的质量管理体系,从制度上保证学生公寓的有效管理。凡有条件的学生公寓管理单位,建议引入1509001:2000版质量认证,使学生公寓的管理、服务达到高标准,让学生在公寓享受星级的服务。
具体表现为: 1、建立一套行之有效的管理规程,比如:员工手册、人事管理制度、岗位职责、员工考核及奖罚规定、管理目标考核评审办法等。 2、建立一套有效的控制程序,比如:文件控制、质量记录控制、管理评审控制、人力资源控制、基础设施与工作环境控制、服务实现的策划与控制、与顾客有关的过程控制、采购控制、外包业务控制、顾客财产控制、不合格服务控制、顾客投诉处理控制、纠正措施控制、预防措施控制等。
3、建立完善的维修工作规程,比如:顾客报修处理工作规程,公寓设备、设施运行、保养、维修工作规程,消防设备操作规程以及仓库管理制度等。 4、制定完善的行政工作规程,比如:会议制度,合同管理制度,培训管理制度,办公环境管理制度,分包服务管理规定,文件管理制度以及采购管理制度。
5、制定公寓区工作规程,比如:床位分配与安排管理规定,生活秩序管理规定,水电管理规定,家具管理规定,住宿收费管理规定,作息制度,标识管理规定,服务质量检查管理规定,学生投诉处理管理规定,回访学生管理规定,突发事件或异常情况处理规程,学生住宿与毕业离校管理工作规程,热水开水房管理规程,公寓区消防安全管理规程,公寓洗衣、保洁管理规程等。 (二)学生公寓文化建设 在按照1509001:2000版要求认真做好日常管理、服务工作的同时,学生公寓还需要抓好公寓文化建设。
1.为方便广大学生的学习、交流娱乐和亲朋来访,最好在每栋宿舍配备文化室,可设课桌、电视、报刊杂志等基本设施。 2 .宣传、发动学生积极参与定期、不定期的公寓内务评比等活动,并对优胜宿舍进行表彰和奖励。
3.规范公寓周围和内部标识,室内外增设盆景绿化、美化公寓环境。 4.要求管理员温馨提示与问候,比如:在天气寒冷时,问声“您好!衣服穿够了吗?”;同学下课时,问声“肚子饿了吧?”;晚自习回来时,问候一声“您好,辛苦了,早点睡觉”;下雨时,提醒同学“您带伞了吗?”… …以及设立天气预报等温馨提示,于细微处体现对学生的关爱。
5.积极配合学校团委、学生处等部门做好学生心理辅导室(心灵之约)的相关工作。 6.聘请学生为公寓管理助理,参与学生宿舍的管理过程。
7.有条件的可考虑设立学生公寓小报,鼓励学生发表各类文章,以可以对学生公寓的管理和服务提出意见和建议,从而加强管理部门和学生之间的沟通。 (三)管理队伍建设 1.提高标准配备管理干部队伍,不断引进学士、硕士等高学历人才充实管理队伍,不断提升管理水平。
2.坚持招聘年轻的中专、大专以上学历人才,并通过竞争上岗,使管理员、区域主管更年轻化,更具专业、更贴近学生,从而使管理服务水平不断得到升华。 3.结合学生公寓特点组织培养一支公寓专业保洁队伍和综合维修队伍以及日常保安、消防队伍。
4.加快公寓智能化建设,不断投入安装监控系统和公寓出入刷卡系统(或指模识别系统),采用“智能化设施+流动保安巡逻+管理员巡查”模式,确保学生公寓安全。 二、教工住宅区的管理 很多高校的教工住宅都是福利分房,一般都建在校园范围内。
以往是由学校实行一般性的行政管理。房改后各高校对教工住宅管理不一,我们认为对高校教工住宅实行专业规范的物业管理,可以考虑从以下几个方面着手: (一)住宅区的改造 由于原住宅不具备规范的商品房基本条件,为此在实行物业管理时应首先对住宅区进行必要的改造,完善相应的设施。
有条件的学校可适当送嫁妆(拨付一定的经费进行各方面的改造),使教工住宅区基本形成相对规范的小区,比如: 1.旧住宅(公共部分)、旧道路:进行维修、翻新。 2.合理调整、改造,补充水电、消防等公共设施。