作者向国际科技英文期刊投稿后,有的论文是即刻被刊物采纳发表,原稿即是终稿(FINAL VERSION)。但大多数论文却不能如此, 在经过初审后只能有条件地被刊物接受,之后论文返回作者进行修改,经过修改后的论文要再送交编辑部,接受复审。从出版的角度而言,这种修改过程是十分必要的,是保证科技论文发表质量和期刊出版质量的重要环节。
现在国际上的英文学术期刊大多是同行审稿(PEER REVIEW),即请两位审稿人(REVIEWERS) 审阅一篇论文,有的是三位或更多 (也有的刊物是由编委会的成员审稿,不对外邀请)。但不论是几位,每一位审稿人的意见都很重要,作者要认真考虑。修改后的论文还要再重新回到主编或编辑部进行复审。许多期刊邀请参与复审和初审的人是一样的,所以作者在修改论文原稿时,最好能按审稿人提出的修改意见,仔细全面地修改彻底,否则修改后的论文很有可能不会顺利通过复审。有些论文修改一次就可以过关,被刊物采纳。但也有不少论文要反复修改许多遍,才最后被刊物接纳发表。在网上投稿的论文每经过一次修改,在投稿系统上都有记录,作者和主编均可以随时查询(参阅“国际英文科技期刊网上投稿详解”)。但无论文章修改过多少遍,只要没有被刊物接受,稿件就会始终徘徊在刊物的投稿系统内,不会进入出版社的出版系统。理论上讲,只有被编辑部最终接受的稿件,才会经主编或编辑部到达出版社,由出版社经手后进入出版程序。而送到出版社的稿件原则上讲必须是终稿,也称定稿,不能再有改动。换句话说,在此之前作者可以对论文的文字和内容进行不断的修改和补充,直到审稿人满意为止。然而一旦论文被期刊接受,稿件送到出版社后,作者对稿件的修改将受到极大的限制。作者可以在收到校样后对稿件进行有限制的改动,但对原稿的进一步完善则近乎不可能了。
Baidu搜索“英文论文修改”可以找到一些公司, 有几家论文修改服务的公司也可供参考:essaystar,shinewrite,enpaper,internationalediting都提供相关的英文论文修改和编辑服务。
对作者而言, 精益求精,力求论文的完美无瑕是无可厚菲的。但从出版角度出发,不合事宜的追求完美会造成很多事与愿违的麻烦。笔者认为,送交出版社的稿件即然叫终稿就应该是名副其实的最后的定稿,不应该有大的错误,更不能再无休止地改动。尤其是科技文章,其出版和发表的核心重点是文章的科学内容,而不是文字和语言的华美。如果是科学内容有误,是一定要改动的。
1. 完成论文当天不要进行修改
2. 列好一个checklist,然后逐条审视你的文章
3. 你可以使用软件来检查,但是别寄全部希望于它们
4. 大声的朗读你自己的文章
5. 让室友或朋友帮你修改你的文章
大部分 论文题目 都可以更改的
到时候 在答辩前的 一个月
你们会与你们的导师 见面
见面的时候 你和导师沟通 即可
就说当时没有想好 现在想改过来
很多 考生 都改的
只要i做好 沟通工作
包括 毕业论文的成绩
一定要 谦虚谨慎
再见 祝您好运
English is students` weakness over years. We can analyze from some universities of test scores of cet-4,cet-6, tem-4 and tem-8, and scores of individual writing are significantly lower. Many students do not express out the beauty of composition and their writing ability is low, due to basic language differences. Some common errors in their composition are structural confusion, expression unclear or weak coherence. "Chinese-English phenomenon " is very obvious in these errors. It becomes difficult for students who are studying english. The basic reason of “Chinese-English phenomenon” is that those language learners do not grasp language knowledge well. They use Chinese language regulations and idiomatic usage in English narrative writing. Thus, learners should know the differences and similarities in thoughts of different nations. Learning a foreign language is not only master the pronounciation, grammar, vocabulary or idioms, but also know the points of view of people who choosed this language, and their way to observe the world. Also,learners need to understand how they use their languages to reflect their thoughts about this society, their habits and behavior,and the most important, their" soul of language". This is to understand their social culture. Thus, language learning and understanding of the culture reflected by the language are inseparable. (小问题:英语中尽量不要用;这个符号,也尽量不要用also 来开始一个句子。
虽然专业词汇不懂,但是看第一句话语法就有问题Traveling Salesman Problem(TSP)is a typical NP-hard problem in combinatorial optimization field,the solution time with problem size increases exponentially。
field,the 中间要加个连接词的吧eg:and。Traditional optimization algorithms have用has比较好吧,needs, that based ,that 连接词奇怪了的,用so or therefore吧,而且这句话主语错了吧,急人,问题很多啊。
based on intelligent algorithms for TSP 改TSP which is based on intelligent algorithms.that combination of 改which combined.And can convergence to the overall optimal solutions by Metropolis criteria.改 and Metropolis 。..is the best. using 改Using,后面的S小写。
请把开头大小写区分开,很多都是错的,下面这个问题不修改了。According to the characteristics of TSP problem and simulated annealing algorithm, Design of the city's position and its algorithm rules。
换换比较好,The design of 。
is according to 。
Path difference designed改 Path difference are designed .Experimental result改The test result比较好。感觉问题很多的,你要好好修改啊,机器翻得吧,词汇没看哦。
7.(英文)帮忙修改下 要进论文的
Automobile exhaust catalytic technology in China was started in the early nineteen seventies,Chinese first automobile factory starting to purification of red flag car tail gas in 1973.At that time, most of the domestic researches focusing on the rare earth catalyst , especially the catalyst containing rare earth perovskite structure, China was the catalyst of purification characteristics. But overall, the catalytic purification technology progress is slow, only reaching the equivalent of the United States of America technology status in nineteen seventies , behind its overall level of 10 ~ 20 years. In the late nineteen ninties, China began to implement the provisions of vehicle emission control that it should be installed in every car. At that time, the actual use effect of the domestic catalytic purifier products is really poor for the low technology content. The purification effect of the short-lived purifier , after a short time of loading operation,being only in a short period of time,which is generally low or not meeting the standards. The market mature products are the main catalyst product cooperation with foreign technology and assembly abroad,which through the actual use of results of domestic rare earth catalytic purifier knowable, not of precious metal containing catalyst in activity, durability, anti S and P poisoning, far less noble metal catalysts, unable to meet the new emission regulations. Then the domestic research institutions focusing back on the rare earth metal three way catalysts, began to more in-depth research and product development.In 2000, some three yuan performance of catalyst researched the same level of similar foreign products. The three element catalyst product at present domestic development, has fully met the euro 1, Euro 2 emission regulations, has the industry transformation to engineering, conditions, and many products are prepared or have already been put into mass production.The life-span of the domestic catalyst products in performance is similar to the foreign products.However, the domestic purifier products still only share a small part of our domestic market ,and the most are still imported and assembled in the foreign countries.There are mainly 3 reasons for the above:(1) there is a certain gap between China and the abroad on the research and development of domestic three element catalyst , purifier products in terms of performance stability and reliability of quality;(2) level of automobile industryi, the engine and vehicle development ability of China is relatively backward,(3) The foreign manufacturers' products have began to capture Chinese market.看得好头痛。