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因此、音乐.5ykj、二度空间的概念等、选择的教学内容:ing letting them fade of the interest of beginning. Actually each kid has enough capacity. We, as a piano teacher, are look forward to teaching the kids in the course of enjoy and happiness. Except love, our education should be with good measure so that continuing to push, improve their interest in the field of study and letting them to study piano enjoyable and happiness just like playing game.The article force on how to improve the music and play interests, music environmental and text choosing during education for little kids. Would like to get a result what most important function for study interest in field of the piano study of kids and show clearly that the study interest is key for kids and try to find the best way and measure to improve the piano education for kids.Key words: Kids; Training; Music interest; Teaching method;Music environmental 参考文献 [1]尹爱青.当代主要音乐教育体系及教学法[M].长春:东北师范大学出版社 [2]张凯.音乐心理[M].重庆:西南师范大学出版社 [3]周广仁.钢琴演奏基础训练[M]. 北京:高等教育出版社 下载地址 。
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