可以通过matlab 节点写入传递函数,给你一段matlab建立传递函数的代码吧,希望有用
clear all;
close all;
ts=0.001; %采样时间
sys=tf(1770,[1,60,1770]); %传递函数参数
[num,den]=tfdata(dsys,'v'); %传递函数的分子和分母从线性模型
y_1=0;y_2=0;y_3=0; %输出初始化
u_1=0.0;u_2=0.0;u_3=0.0; %输入初始化
找到labview有关的外文文献 要原文我有Development of a Distant Laboratory using LabVIEW*K. K. TAN, T. H. LEE and F. M. LEUDepartment of Electrical Engineering, National University of Singapore, 10, Kent Ridge Crescent,Singapore 119260. E-mail: kktan@nus.edu.sgThis paper presents the development of a distant laboratory experiment for engineering students atthe National University of Singapore. The experiment is concerned with real-time modeling andcontrol of a pilot-scale DC servo motor. The World-Wide-Web (WWW), with its ability to delivermultimedia and graphics across the world, is used as the medium to link the student to a remoteexperimental setup located in the distant laboratory. This paper describes the hardware andsoftware constructs which facilitate students to perform the experiment remotely and efficiently,using only a commonly available, user-friendly web browser.------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INTRODUCTIONMASS PRODUCTION of books has made educationavailable to many, and provided the fundamentalresources for the system of mass educationtoday. At the dawn of the information technology(IT) age, available infrastructure and technologiesare well poised to bring education to even more byallowing individuals to carry more responsibilityfor their own learning and achieve independence ofthought and action by means of distant education.In the present era, distant education is becomingimportant and necessary for several reasons. Withthe advent in IT, the exponential rate in theaccumulation of information and rapid changesin information and technology necessitates anongoing education and professional development.Distant education, with the tremendous potentialin terms of time and space flexibility, has much tooffer in this respect. This is particularly true forthe engineering profession where rapid advancementin technology and innovation necessitatesmore efficient and flexible means of accumulatinglatest know-how and updated information. This isalso probably a reason for the changing studentdemographics as life-long continuous learning hasbecome the sole means necessary for engineers toremain relevant and competitive. A large percentageof university students, especially thosepursuing higher degrees, are enrolled on a parttimebasis with full family and work commitments.Convenience and flexibility in the curriculum in acontinuing education system is thus of utmostimportance.Distant education has been through severalstages since its inception in the mid to late 1800s[1]. Development of inexpensive and faster postalservices in Europe and across the United Statesgave birth then to the correspondence or homestudy form of education. Readings, study guidesand other print materials are sent to students bymail. Students gain credit by completing specificassignments. This is the first generation of distanteducation. In the late 1960s and early 1970s, thesecond generation of distant education surfacedthrough the use of recorded media such as radios,televisions, audiotapes and telephones. These newways of communication complement the studyguides and local library resources available.Distant education, in its present generation, isturning towards the powerful integration ofcomputers and telecommunications to bring onreal time interaction. The Internet is the world'slargest, most powerful computer network connectingpersonal computers, sophisticated mainframes,and supercomputers around the globe. TheWorld-Wide-Web (WWW), as the fastest growingInternet service, is seen as an effective tool fordistant learning. The WWW project, started byTim Berners-Lee while at CERN (the EuropeanLaboratory for Particle Physics) [2], seeks to builda `distributed hypermedia system'. The WWWprovides Internet users with a uniform and convenientmeans of accessing the wide variety ofresources (pictures, text, data, sound, video)available on the Internet. Popular softwareinterfaces, such as Internet Explorer (IE) andNetscape, facilitate navigation and use of thework* Accepted 9 September 1999. infrastructure cripples the usefulness ofWWWas a。
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