

3000?Patients with 1.1 obtains the relationship between gender, ageFrom table 1, cephalosporins, obtains cases for caused more than female patients with men, to explore. From the age of 18 ~ 65 years old, with the high incidence, the population ages, more opportunities.With the use of 1.2 obtainsFrom the table, it may appear, obtains for cephalosporins caused by the time most in one day.130 were reviewedWho is the second generation for developing cephalosporin, gram-positive bacterium and gram-negative bacterium has broad-spectrum antimicrobial effect. For in vitro cephalosporins, staphylococcus aureus, to display its streptococcus, fla., neisseria and haemophilus influenzae antibacterial function and the 1st and 2nd generation cephalosporin similar. For in vitro cephalosporins, shows the staphylococcus aureus and white have stronger antibacterial action. Hemolytic streptococcus, pneumococci and streptococcus viridans produce many strains of cefazolin for Ann sensitive. Dung of streptococcus, not for cephalosporins sensitivity.The in vitro showed to cefazolin, strong sensitivity for the gram-negative bacterium include escherichia coli, purple jasmine, fla., deformation and white clay. Other for Ann sensitive to cefazolin gram-negative bacterium include drench coccus, fla., salmonella bacteria and fungi, puluowangsi vuitton's. For Ann sensitivity of cefazolin little or no sensitive bacteria including pseudomonas aeruginosa, fla., enterbacteriaceae and weak sense of bacillus, fla., bacillus spindle's positive fungus and deformation of indoles, fla., Mr Charest bacteria.To gram-positive bacterium and function of cefazolin forest near, and to gram-negative bacteria, such as bloodsucking bacili, escherichia coli, crayresearch proteus mirabilis, excellent function, etc, enterbacteriaceae, folic acid, proteus indoles positive have antibacterial function. The mechanism for bacteria on the cell membrane proteins (PBPs) penicillin, ZhuanTaiMei acylation, restrain bacterial cell of the synthesis of influence, and cell cross connection adhesive peptide composition, make the cell division and growth is restrained, bacteria, and finally form length and death.Article 256 cases of adverse reactions from the data and Ann are allergic to the highest proportion of adverse reactions, main show is 46.1% rash, itching, urticaria, erythema, fever etc allergies. When necessary, usable 300 mu g/ml concentration on the solution, prevent skin test of adverse reactions.Prevention of 1.4 obtainsFor safety, reasonable and effective application of cephalosporins, use for should be strictly grasp indications and matters needing attention during use, this product to urine analyses, and renal function, if the loss should be stopped. And of aminoglycoside antibiotics combined application, it is generally thought that have synergy, but may aggravate renal damage, with a bit can affect drug effect in price.For Ann and developing of aminoglycoside drug compatibility, when not ms taboo in one container of infants, and the game was drugged, such drugs have allergy history for patients with unfavorable use cephalosporins, intramuscular injection. Renal insufficiency should be reduced and careful.。



3000?Patients with 1.1 obtains the relationship between gender, ageFrom table 1, cephalosporins, obtains cases for caused more than female patients with men, to explore. From the age of 18 ~ 65 years old, with the high incidence, the population ages, more opportunities.With the use of 1.2 obtainsFrom the table, it may appear, obtains for cephalosporins caused by the time most in one day.130 were reviewedWho is the second generation for developing cephalosporin, gram-positive bacterium and gram-negative bacterium has broad-spectrum antimicrobial effect. For in vitro cephalosporins, staphylococcus aureus, to display its streptococcus, fla., neisseria and haemophilus influenzae antibacterial function and the 1st and 2nd generation cephalosporin similar. For in vitro cephalosporins, shows the staphylococcus aureus and white have stronger antibacterial action. Hemolytic streptococcus, pneumococci and streptococcus viridans produce many strains of cefazolin for Ann sensitive. Dung of streptococcus, not for cephalosporins sensitivity.The in vitro showed to cefazolin, strong sensitivity for the gram-negative bacterium include escherichia coli, purple jasmine, fla., deformation and white clay. Other for Ann sensitive to cefazolin gram-negative bacterium include drench coccus, fla., salmonella bacteria and fungi, puluowangsi vuitton's. For Ann sensitivity of cefazolin little or no sensitive bacteria including pseudomonas aeruginosa, fla., enterbacteriaceae and weak sense of bacillus, fla., bacillus spindle's positive fungus and deformation of indoles, fla., Mr Charest bacteria.To gram-positive bacterium and function of cefazolin forest near, and to gram-negative bacteria, such as bloodsucking bacili, escherichia coli, crayresearch proteus mirabilis, excellent function, etc, enterbacteriaceae, folic acid, proteus indoles positive have antibacterial function. The mechanism for bacteria on the cell membrane proteins (PBPs) penicillin, ZhuanTaiMei acylation, restrain bacterial cell of the synthesis of influence, and cell cross connection adhesive peptide composition, make the cell division and growth is restrained, bacteria, and finally form length and death.Article 256 cases of adverse reactions from the data and Ann are allergic to the highest proportion of adverse reactions, main show is 46.1% rash, itching, urticaria, erythema, fever etc allergies. When necessary, usable 300 mu g/ml concentration on the solution, prevent skin test of adverse reactions.Prevention of 1.4 obtainsFor safety, reasonable and effective application of cephalosporins, use for should be strictly grasp indications and matters needing attention during use, this product to urine analyses, and renal function, if the loss should be stopped. And of aminoglycoside antibiotics combined application, it is generally thought that have synergy, but may aggravate renal damage, with a bit can affect drug effect in price.For Ann and developing of aminoglycoside drug compatibility, when not ms taboo in one container of infants, and the game was drugged, such drugs have allergy history for patients with unfavorable use cephalosporins, intramuscular injection. Renal insufficiency should be reduced and careful.。



Pharmacy is the branch of medical science concerned with the sources, nature, properties, preparation and use of medicinal drugs. Pharmacists are key professionals in the health care system who formulate and dispense drugs and play a central role in providing advice on the management of a patient's medication. The pharmacist is often the first point of contact between the public and the health care system, and is increasingly called upon to give advice in matters of health and hygiene. In addition, pharmacists play a role in the discovery and development of new drugs.

As a key professional branch of the health care system, pharmacists are sought after for positions in the public and private sector. Most pharmacists will opt for a career in either a hospital or a community pharmacy. However, employment opportunities also exist within the pharmaceutical industry, medical research institutes and the public service.

Pharmacy is a profession that requires a license to practice as a pharmacist. It is the (B.Sc. Pharm.) degree that makes you eligible for a license to practice as a pharmacist. Subjects studied in pharmacy include the pharmaceutical sciences- pharmaceutics, pharmacokinetics, pharmacology, pharmacy practice, etc. The main responsibility of the pharmacist is to provide safe and effective use of medication for the patient. The pharmacist is also responsible for the legal distribution of scheduled drugs. Pharmacology is a biological science and academic discipline that deals with the properties, uses and action of drugs and chemicals in living systems. A degree in pharmacology is a science degree BUT cannot be used in applying for a license to practice pharmacy.


in the Cost of Health Care: Providing the Solutions, Warren S. Grundfest; Ed.

Few information systems create a standardized clinical patient record in which there are discrete and concise observations of patient problems and their resolution. Clinical notes usually are narratives which don't support an aggregate and systematic outcome analysis. Many programs collect information on diagnosis and coded procedures


these reforms and the change will bring the huge impact for the medicine profession, the medicine circulation pattern will also have the huge change. But because our country medicine circulation structural reform relative lag, the medicine chain-like management compares with other professions also pales by comparison, the drugs implemented the sort management, the medicine retail the market to the foreign capital opening and so on, but also gave the medicine chain-like management to bring the huge opportunity. The medicine changes although the lag causes the medicine chain-like management to form the relative backwardness the aspect, although only then several years, in recent years, our country medicine profession reform dynamics enlarged unceasingly, the drugs circulation let loose gradually, but the development momentum is very swift and violentThe chain-like management is now the world general advanced business management way and the circulation configuration of organization, is also our country current distribution realm deepening reform and the structural adjustment main direction. In our country drugs retail sales domain, the chain-like pharmacy emerges。

6.药学论文 英文摘要翻译 帮我下 谢谢

The domestic product and enters the cephalosporinsoxime in two kind of infusion investigations into stability.


Goal: The research domestic product and enters the cephalosporinsoxime sodium to blend the stability in two kind of infusions.

Significance: The inspection domestic product and enters the cephalosporinsoxime sodium to blend the stability under the room temperature. Then for clinical provides the curative effect to be good, quality stable product.

Method: The establishment cephalosporinsoxime sodium in two infusions ultraviolet spectrophotometric method content determination method, the analysis intermixture under the normal temperature condition in 6h the medicine content change, and observes its outward appearance, the pH value.

Finally: Domestically produced and the import injection specific use cephalosporinsoxime sodium in 6h the intermixture outward appearance, the pH value and the ultra-violet spectrograph changes not obviously. Conclusion: Domestically produced and under import injection specific use cephalosporinsoxime stable normal temperature not remarkable difference.

Key word: cephalosporinsoxime; Two kind of infusions; Stability

7.求专业英文翻译啊,药剂的英语论文 谢谢啊

3.4.脂质体和细胞因子生产RL MLV 和医管局-MLV 的影响与无脂多糖的挑战,对肿瘤坏死因子-α 的生产,测试,在 2 和 24 小时。

在所有情况下,没有对细胞增殖的不利影响。如所料,独自 LPS 诱导肿瘤坏死因子-α 生产,显著上升达到的水平 15.1(±0.1) 吴/毫升和 24.2(±1.1) 吴/毫升为 2 和 24 小时的孵化而未经处理的 (即非刺激) 的单元格的响应不超过 0.3 吴/毫升。

这些数据作为例证巨噬细胞炎症挑战脂多糖的高的灵敏度。在非刺激巨噬细胞对这两种类型,在超过饱和绑定的浓度范围内脂质体的反应是类似未经处理的细胞,清楚地表明自己的脂质体没有不引起任何肿瘤坏死因子-α 反应。

类似的调查结果,但为医管局 ULV 非刺激巨噬细胞,还显示 6 小时孵化 [30]。2 小时孵化的脂多糖 stimulatedmacrophages 与 RL MLV 或与医管局 MLV,没有增加肿瘤坏死因子-α 生产以后生成的脂多糖单 (如图 5A)。

扩展的巨噬脂多糖刺激细胞 RL MLV 至 24 h 产生了类似的 2 h 孵化成果孵化 (如图 5A 和 B 进行比较)。类似的扩展孵化,但与医管局 MLV,产生了相当不同的结果: 肿瘤坏死因子-α 生产明显降低相比,诱导 LPS 独自 (图 5B)。

8.求英文翻译 论文用 不要翻译器翻译 药品包装材料是药品质量的保证,

Drug packaging materials is a guarantee of the quality of medicines,it is very important to make sure the medicine 's safety,efficiency ,stabilization 。

this thesis analyses the reason that how the packaging material influences the quality of medicine by elaborating these points below ,first: the material that contacts the medicine directly ; additive ; production crafts and so on, to make sure that the quality of the medicine steady and the broad masses can use safe and effiective medicine.。



我院自成立药品不良反应监测小组以来,坚持药品不良反应报告制度,开展药品不良反应的信息咨询工作。经过2 a多的努力,药品不良反应监测工作取得了一定成绩,探索出一套适合我院开展药品不良反应监测的方法。

现报告如下。 1 药品不良反应(ADR)的概念 ADR是指合格药品在正常用法用量下,出现的与用药目的无关的或意外的有害反应[1]。


2 ADR监测的目的 人们对ADR的认识是随着对药品的广泛使用,深入研究而逐步加强的。从20世纪60年代震惊中外的“反应停”(沙利度胺,thalidomide)事件到20世纪末引人关注的“苯丙胺”事件,ADR的危害一再向人们敲响了警钟。

国家ADR监测中心调查显示,全国住院患者中发生ADR 10%~20%,因ADR死亡者0.24%~2.9%,因ADR住院者0.3%~5%[2]。ADR的发生极大地危害了患者的身体健康与生存质量,增加了患者的治疗成本。

ADR报告与监测的目的就是通过规范报告和监测,加强上市药品的安全监管,发现存在安全隐患的药品,并通过适当的评价和控制来保障公众用药安全。 3 ADR监测工作程序 3.1 成立医院ADR监测小组 为了确保ADR监测工作的顺利进行,我院首先成立了ADR监测小组。

组长由业务院长担任,副组长由药剂科长和医务科长担任;监测员由各临床科室的主任、护士长担任;下设办公室,办公室主任由药房主任担任;成员由门诊药房、病区药房、急诊药房的主任以及资历较高的中级以上职称的药学技术人员组成;并设立ADR专家组。 3.2 明确ADR监测小组职能 接受上级主管部门ADR监测中心的业务指导,承担全院ADR监测资料的收集、整理、分析、评价及上报,负责ADR报告表的发放与管理工作,对各临床科室的ADR监测工作进行业务指导。


3.3 ADR报告的填写 医师、护士、药师等如发现患者用药过程中出现药品不良反应时,应填写药品不良反应报告表或电话通知ADR监测小组,小组成员及时到临床核实报告情况,填写药品不良反应报告表。应详细询问用药史,记录ADR的发生、发展、转归,包括ADR发生时期、症状、严重程度、持续时间、治疗干预、因果判断及预后等。

经与专家小组共同分析、评判、整理后上报。 3.4 ADR报告的收集 3.4.1 临床科主任、护士长的参与有利于ADR报告的收集。


3.4.2 药师到临床参加查房,是获取ADR资料的又一途径。药师定期到临床参加主治医生查房,一方面可参与临床用药,另一方面可观察患者的用药情况,尤其是ADR的情况。

3.4.3 注意门诊发药窗口ADR报告的意识培养。要求药房调配人员发现ADR后,及时与ADR监测小组的成员联系。

药师在发药窗口调配处方药品时,通过患者要求退药或用药咨询时,可发现药品不良反应,可先记下患者的电话或通讯地址以便跟踪填报。 3.5 ADR报告的反馈 将监测到的ADR信息及时反馈到全院各临床科室,并通知发生ADR的患者,使他们了解用药知识,防止ADR的再次发生。



4 体会 4.1 医院领导的重视是开展好ADR监测的前提 医院开展ADR监测工作,首先应得到院领导的足够重视。药剂科负责人应经常向医院领导回报开展此项工作对提高医疗质量,加强医院管理的重要性。

定期回报开展ADR监测工作的情况、取得的成绩、各兄弟医院开展ADR监测的有关信息,争取得到医院财力及人力的支持。 4.2 搞好ADR监测知识的宣传是开展ADR监测工作的基础 ADR监测工作是一项长期性医疗管理工作,但我们的部分医务人员对ADR的认识度仍然很低,存在认识上的误区。



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