This design is a bridge SanShui blunt - 13 meters of prestressed concrete composite beam bridge design. This design, the first chapter is divided into three chapters, including engineering project outline, Engineering geological conditions. The second chapter to the upper structure design, including the upper structure size worked, Internal force calculation and combination, Reinforced calculation and layout, The loss of prestress calculation, Stress calculation, Normal use limit state calculation and deformation calculation, Setting (arch. The third chapter of the structure design, including capping beam bridge pier, the size of the cast-in-place pile, column, stress calculation, reinforced arrangement and rationality.
Keywords: prestressed concrete beam bridge internal stress calculation combined advance arch degrees
2.桥梁毕业设计 摘要翻译
Zhuzhou Shifeng the preliminary design of the bridge (to a row simply supported continuous beam construction program)
The design of the bridge is mainly Zhuzhou Shifeng the preliminary design of the upper structure. Zhuzhou Shifeng Bridge to the use of simply-supported method for first after the lifting of prefabricated construction girder into a simply supported beam, and then inter-beam removal of temporary support to form cast-in-place continuous beam, main beam of the use of such a high degree of box girder, span of 30 meters.
The design is composed of eleven chapters, the first chapter for the introduction, a brief bad environment surrounding the project, the design requirements, construction methods; chapter for the bridge-and longitudinal and cross-sectional layout; the third chapter for the cross-section geometric properties;第四五六Chapter for the calculation of internal forces and internal forces at the internal force composition; Chapter VII of the estimates for the pre-stressed beam of steel, arranged;第八九chapter for prestressed reinforcement after the loss and the calculation of internal forces; Chapter beam intensity-based check. Chapter XI for the stress, deformation, and other check.
Keywords: prestressed concrete simply supported continuous beam bridge construction for the internal force to the internal force portfolio at pre-camber
Steel Bridge for construction of cast-in-place bracket above program Abstract: Great River Bridge as an example, a high steel bridge pier for cross-cast-in-place construction design corbel brackets and the other end of the reaction force imposed by the balance method. The design not only improves the cast-in-place construction of the safety factor also decreased the use of materials, easy to operate to shorten the construction period, effective to reduce the project cost. Keywords: balanced brackets。
Pick to
Continuous rigid-frame bridge is one of prestressed concrete continuous girder bridge, generally using cross-section girders. Continuous rigid-frame structure can cross, also can be adopted to loosen, the edge across a continuous rigid-frame structure, bearing beam system. Continuous rigid-frame bridge spanning capacity, the difficulty in construction, maintenance, ShuShun driving, low cost, simple in design of long-span prestressed concrete bridge, this bridge is preferred
The design for the span of 55 + 100 + 55m 9m wide, bridge, divided into two lanes of continuous rigid-frame bridge. Main construction method of the cantilever construction. Design process as follows: firstly, the main structure and details of the girder determine size, design USES box beam, the height of a parabolic girder bridge, using the change, the second computer software dr structure analysis. To estimate the number of longitudinal prestressed steel beam and decorate prestressed. Again, the calculation and the resultant loss of prestress, times. Then the intensity checking further section.
Keywords: prestressed concrete continuous rigid-frame structure of the bridge, the cantilever construction method, the resultant
Pick toContinuous rigid-frame bridge is one of prestressed concrete continuous girder bridge, generally using cross-section girders. Continuous rigid-frame structure can cross, also can be adopted to loosen, the edge across a continuous rigid-frame structure, bearing beam system. Continuous rigid-frame bridge spanning capacity, the difficulty in construction, maintenance, ShuShun driving, low cost, simple in design of long-span prestressed concrete bridge, this bridge is preferredThe design for the span of 55 + 100 + 55m 9m wide, bridge, divided into two lanes of continuous rigid-frame bridge. Main construction method of the cantilever construction. Design process as follows: firstly, the main structure and details of the girder determine size, design USES box beam, the height of a parabolic girder bridge, using the change, the second computer software dr structure analysis. To estimate the number of longitudinal prestressed steel beam and decorate prestressed. Again, the calculation and the resultant loss of prestress, times. Then the intensity checking further section.Keywords: prestressed concrete continuous rigid-frame structure of the bridge, the cantilever construction method, the resultant。
其中最著名的当推河北省赵县的赵州桥,还有北京丰台区的卢沟桥。 赵州桥横跨在洨河上,是世界著名的古代石拱桥,也是造成后一直使用到现在的最古的石桥。
这些石刻狮子,有的母子相抱,有的交头接耳,有的像倾听水声,有的像注视行人,千态万状惟妙惟肖。 早在13世纪,卢沟桥就闻名世界。
它地处入都要道,而且建筑优美,“卢沟晓月”很早就成为北京的胜景之一。 卢沟桥在我国人民反抗帝国主义侵略战争的历史上,也是值得纪念的。
1937年7月7日中国军队在此抗击日本帝国主义的侵略,揭开抗日战争的序幕。 为什么我国的石拱桥会有这样光辉的成就呢?首先,在于我国劳动人民的勤劳和智慧。
再其次,我国富有建筑用的各种石料,便于就地取材,这也为修造石桥提供了有利条件。 两千年来,我国修建了无数的石拱桥。
can god. The poet love the arch bridge in China compared to the rainbow bridge is "lying, said," FeiHong rainbow "" the water arch bridge described as" wave "changhong lie.In the world QiaoLiangShi stone appear on early. This bridge is not only form graceful, but also firm structure, can decades hundreds of years and even thousands of years across the rivers, the above a role in traffic.China's arch has a long history. The water that we mentioned in the note ", "bridge" traveler, completed in AD about 282 years, may be the earliest recorded the arch. China's arch almost is everywhere. These bridge diverse forms, size is differ, 。
(我是对的)The entire proceeding cost of construction import the main body of a book has been discussed break the ice , detailed, is indebted to the stage issuing contract of the stage , the stage being under construction , being completed for having been in progress in domestic current situation and concrete cost of construction control method expounding detailedly and to the stage , design stage affecting five big main stage- investment decision of cost of construction, suggests that priority controlling in our country bridgework cost of construction ought to shift toward investment decision stage and design stage. And point out the in fact absent focal point project that possessions controls self, but lie in the concrete conscientious people, people's professional ethics quality is really all core in controlling, method however person reach the purpose implement. And the personnel who recommends inspection and control actively in culture is got involved in from designing that the stage is OK, the cost of construction consulting company suggesting that a few special field beginning to dodge just from the earlier stage are accurate , trusty participates in. Have detailed the wisdom how to mount master of synthesis from certain degree, a general cost of construction controlling the bridge project's.。
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