/smpp/312329796-50698708/content~db=all~content=a739480595~frm=titlelink /smpp/content~db=all~content=a739483160~frm=abslink /10.1080/0308883032000051612
The Animated Resurrection of the Legend of the White Snake in Japan Tze-yue G. Hu
University of Oklahoma, School of International and Area Studies, Tze.Yue.G.Hu-1@ou.edu
This article analyses and elucidates the factors involved inthe animated reappearance of the Legend of theWhite Snake in Japan in the 1950s. Driven by the multiple demands of a new post-Second World War era inEast and Southeast Asia, where the businessof making new images was more urgent, profitable and competitivethan ever before, the tale served both microand macro purposes. Since the legendary talewas well known in the Chinese-speaking world and was initiallya joint film project between Japan and HongKong, one would have expected the producers (Toei Animation Studio) to envisage the animated tale as primarilyfor Chinese audiences. However, the Japaneseproducers had, or later discovered, a wider hidden agenda inmaking the film that promised more lucrativeand geopolitical rewards. Using the conceptof 'performativity', this article interprets thecourse of the animated performance within severaldimensions, and traces the history of the foundationalrole of Toei Animation Studio and its dream-making enterprise.
Key Words:animating the fantastic • folktales • Japan and the West • Japan's post-Second World War animation development • joint film projects in the 1950s • performance studies • performativity • Toei Animation Studio
Animation, Vol. 2, No. 1, 43-61 (2007)
DOI: 10.1177/1746847707074701
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