
1.求PLC相关英文文献 以及 中文翻译——毕业设计急用


希望帮得了你。 Central Processing Unit (CPU) is the brain of a PLC controller. CPU itself is usually one of the microcontrollers. Aforetime these were 8-bit microcontrollers such as 8051, and now these are 16-and 32-bit microcontrollers. Unspoken rule is that you'll find mostly Hitachi and Fujicu microcontrollers in PLC controllers by Japanese makers, Siemens in European controllers, and Motorola microcontrollers in American ones. CPU also takes care of communication, interconnectedness among other parts of PLC controllers, program execution, memory operation, overseeing input and setting up of an output. PLC controllers have complex routines for memory checkup in order to ensure that PLC memory was not damaged (memory checkup is done for safety reasons).Generally speaking, CPU unit makes a great number of check-ups of the PLC controller itself so eventual errors would be discovered early. You can simply look at any PLC controller and see that there are several indicators in the form. of light diodes for error signalization. System memory (today mostly implemented in FLASH technology) is used by a PLC for a process control system. Aside form. this operating system it also contains a user program translated forma ladder diagram to a binary form. FLASH memory contents can be changed only in case where user program is being changed. PLC controllers were used earlier instead of PLASH memory and have had EPROM memory instead of FLASH memory which had to be erased with UV lamp and programmed on programmers. With the use of FLASH technology this process was greatly shortened. Reprogramming a program memory is done through a serial cable in a program for application development. User memory is divided into blocks having special functions. Some parts of a memory are used for storing input and output status. The real status of an input is stored either as “1”or as “0”in a specific memory bit/ each input or output has one corresponding bit in memory. Other parts of memory are used to store variable contents for variables used in used program. For example, time value, or counter value would be stored in this part of the memory. PLC controller can be reprogrammed through a computer (usual way), but also through manual programmers (consoles). This practically means that each PLC controller can programmed through a computer if you have the software needed for programming. Today's transmission computers are ideal for reprogramming a PLC controller in factory itself. This is of great importance to industry. Once the system is corrected, it is also important to read the right program into a PLC again. It is also good to check from time to time whether program in a PLC has not changed. This helps to avoid hazardous situations in factory rooms (some automakers have established communication networks which regularly check programs in PLC controllers to ensure execution only of good programs). Almost every program for programming a PLC controller possesses various useful options such as: forced switching on and off of the system input/outputs (I/O lines), program follow up in real time as well as documenting a diagram. This documenting is necessary to understand and define failures and malfunctions. Programmer can add remarks, names of input or output devices, and comments that can be useful when finding errors, or with system maintenance. Adding comments and remarks enables any technician (and not just a person who developed the system) to understand a ladder diagram right away. Comments and remarks can even quote precisely part numbers if replacements would be needed. This would speed up a repair of any problems that come up due to bad parts. The old way was such that a person who developed a system had protection on the program, so nobody aside from this person could understand how it was done. Correctly documented ladder diagram allows any technician to understand thoroughly how system functions. Electrical supply is used in bringing electrical energy to central processing unit. Most PLC controllers work either at 24 VDC or 220 VAC. On some PLC controllers you'll find electrical supply as a separate module. Those are usually bigger PLC controllers, while small and medium series already contain the supply module. User has to determine how much current to take from I/O module to ensure that electrical supply provides appropriate amount of current. Different types of modules use different amounts of electrical current. This electrical 。


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Central Processing Unit (CPU) is the brain of a PLC controller. CPU itself is usually one of the microcontrollers. Aforetime these were 8-bit microcontrollers such as 8051, and now these are 16-and 32-bit microcontrollers. Unspoken rule is that you'll find mostly Hitachi and Fujicu microcontrollers in PLC controllers by Japanese makers, Siemens in European controllers, and Motorola microcontrollers in American ones. CPU also takes care of communication, interconnectedness among other parts of PLC controllers, program execution, memory operation, overseeing input and setting up of an output. PLC controllers have complex routines for memory checkup in order to ensure that PLC memory was not damaged (memory checkup is done for safety reasons).Generally speaking, CPU unit makes a great number of check-ups of the PLC controller itself so eventual errors would be discovered early. You can simply look at any PLC controller and see that there are several indicators in the form. of light diodes for error signalization. System memory (today mostly implemented in FLASH technology) is used by a PLC for a process control system. Aside form. this operating system it also contains a user program translated forma ladder diagram to a binary form. FLASH memory contents can be changed only in case where user program is being changed. PLC controllers were used earlier instead of PLASH memory and have had EPROM memory instead of FLASH memory which had to be erased with UV lamp and programmed on programmers. With the use of FLASH technology this process was greatly shortened. Reprogramming a program memory is done through a serial cable in a program for application development. User memory is divided into blocks having special functions. Some parts of a memory are used for storing input and output status. The real status of an input is stored either as “1”or as “0”in a specific memory bit/ each input or output has one corresponding bit in memory. Other parts of memory are used to store variable contents for variables used in used program. For example, time value, or counter value would be stored in this part of the memory. PLC controller can be reprogrammed through a computer (usual way), but also through manual programmers (consoles). This practically means that each PLC controller can programmed through a computer if you have the software needed for programming. Today's transmission computers are ideal for reprogramming a PLC controller in factory itself. This is of great importance to industry. Once the system is corrected, it is also important to read the right program into a PLC again. It is also good to check from time to time whether program in a PLC has not changed. This helps to avoid hazardous situations in factory rooms (some automakers have established communication networks which regularly check programs in PLC controllers to ensure execution only of good programs). Almost every program for programming a PLC controller possesses various useful options such as: forced switching on and off of the system input/outputs (I/O lines), program follow up in real time as well as documenting a diagram. This documenting is necessary to understand and define failures and malfunctions. Programmer can add remarks, names of input or output devices, and comments that can be useful when finding errors, or with system maintenance. Adding comments and remarks enables any technician (and not just a person who developed the system) to understand a ladder diagram right away. Comments and remarks can even quote precisely part numbers if replacements would be needed. This would speed up a repair of any problems that come up due to bad parts. The old way was such that a person who developed a system had protection on the program, so nobody aside from this person could understand how it was done. Correctly documented ladder diagram allows any technician to understand thoroughly how system functions. Electrical supply is used in bringing electrical energy to central processing unit. Most PLC controllers work either at 24 VDC or 220 VAC. On some PLC controllers you'll find electrical supply as a separate module. Those are usually bigger PLC controllers, while small and medium series already contain the supply module. User has to determine how much current to take from I/O module to ensure that electrical supply provides appropriate amount of current. Different types of modules use different amounts of electrical current. This electrical supply is usually not used to start external 。


Central Processing Unit (CPU) is the brain of a PLC controller. CPU itself is usually one of the microcontrollers. Aforetime these were 8-bit microcontrollers such as 8051, and now these are 16-and 32-bit microcontrollers. Unspoken rule is that you'll find mostly Hitachi and Fujicu microcontrollers in PLC controllers by Japanese makers, Siemens in European controllers, and Motorola microcontrollers in American ones. CPU also takes care of communication, interconnectedness among other parts of PLC controllers, program execution, memory operation, overseeing input and setting up of an output. PLC controllers have complex routines for memory checkup in order to ensure that PLC memory was not damaged (memory checkup is done for safety reasons).Generally speaking, CPU unit makes a great number of check-ups of the PLC controller itself so eventual errors would be discovered early. You can simply look at any PLC controller and see that there are several indicators in the form. of light diodes for error signalization. System memory (today mostly implemented in FLASH technology) is used by a PLC for a process control system. Aside form. this operating system it also contains a user program translated forma ladder diagram to a binary form. FLASH memory contents can be changed only in case where user program is being changed. PLC controllers were used earlier instead of PLASH memory and have had EPROM memory instead of FLASH memory which had to be erased with UV lamp and programmed on programmers. With the use of FLASH technology this process was greatly shortened. Reprogramming a program memory is done through a serial cable in a program for application development. User memory is divided into blocks having special functions. Some parts of a memory are used for storing input and output status. The real status of an input is stored either as “1”or as “0”in a specific memory bit/ each input or output has one corresponding bit in memory. Other parts of memory are used to store variable contents for variables used in used program. For example, time value, or counter value would be stored in this part of the memory. PLC controller can be reprogrammed through a computer (usual way), but also through manual programmers (consoles). This practically means that each PLC controller can programmed through a computer if you have the software needed for programming. Today's transmission computers are ideal for reprogramming a PLC controller in factory itself. This is of great importance to industry. Once the system is corrected, it is also important to read the right program into a PLC again. It is also good to check from time to time whether program in a PLC has not changed. This helps to avoid hazardous situations in factory rooms (some automakers have established communication networks which regularly check programs in PLC controllers to ensure execution only of good programs). Almost every program for programming a PLC controller possesses various useful options such as: forced switching on and off of the system input/outputs (I/O lines), program follow up in real time as well as documenting a diagram. This documenting is necessary to understand and define failures and malfunctions. Programmer can add remarks, names of input or output devices, and comments that can be useful when finding errors, or with system maintenance. Adding comments and remarks enables any technician (and not just a person who developed the system) to understand a ladder diagram right away. Comments and remarks can even quote precisely part numbers if replacements would be needed. This would speed up a repair of any problems that come up due to bad parts. The old way was such that a person who developed a system had protection on the program, so nobody aside from this person could understand how it was done. Correctly documented ladder diagram allows any technician to understand thoroughly how system functions. Electrical supply is used in bringing electrical energy to central processing unit. Most PLC controllers work either at 24 VDC or 220 VAC. On some PLC controllers you'll find electrical supply as a separate module. Those are usually bigger PLC controllers, while small and medium series already contain the supply module. User has to determine how much current to take from I/O module to ensure that electrical supply provides appropriate amount of current. Different types of modules use different amounts of electrical current. This electrical supply is usually not used to start external 。


[1]Michel Gilles.Programmabe Logic Controllers:Architecture and Application Wiley.1990.

[2]G.L.Batten. Programmabe Controllers:hardware.software and Application..New York:MC Graw-Hill.1994.

[3]Cheded.Al-Mulla. Control of a four-level elevator system using a programmable logic controller. International Journal of Electrical Engineering Education,2003

6.求关于PLC 的外文的 参考文献 就是书名 作家 年份,要英文的

A water pumping control system with a programmable logic controller (PLC) and industrial wireless modules for industrial plants—An experimental setup

ISA Transactions, In Press, Corrected Proof, Available online 3 December 2010

Ramazan Bayindir, Yucel Cetince


[1]Michel Gilles.Programmabe Logic Controllers:Architecture and Application Wiley.1990.

[2]G.L.Batten. Programmabe Controllers:hardware.software and Application..New York:MC Graw-Hill.1994.

[3]Cheded.Al-Mulla. Control of a four-level elevator system using a programmable logic controller. International Journal of Electrical Engineering Education,2003


Kevin Collins , PLC Programming for Industrial Automation , Exposure Publishing (February 5, 2007)

John R. Hackworth , Frederick D. Hackworth ,Programmable Logic Controllers: Programming Methods and Applications,Prentice Hall (April 21, 2003)


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