

orientation and innovation in outdoor advertising design(户外广告设计的创新理念) Abstract: With the pace of China's market economy continues to accelerate, there is bound to affect the enterprise's survival and development. In addition to improving its own internal business management system and product quality, and often would resort to outdoor advertising in the mass media for product promotion, corporate image promotion, because advertisers, especially in outdoor advertising design, targeted, targeted, consumers appear places, outdoor advertising is also arise where a corresponding, to enable enterprises to increase even greater benefits. Outdoor advertising design and placement should fully take into account the different geographical groups of aesthetic and consumer preferences, in large and medium cities and rural areas should also be targeted advertising is different, and even between the city and neighboring cities are different, in the Advertising location choice, advertisers and advertising companies should avoid over-concentration of outdoor advertising of lots released, where too much visual interference factors, often can not be accurate and clear transmission of advertising messages, but should choose advertising patchwork of lots, ambient lighting at night to avoid interfering with an accurate flow of advertising content, while the ad is released, Ad-designed social environmental factors can not be ignored in order to target advertising design as a starting point; For example: product concentration in the electronic business point of sale with the food content and form completely different food advertising, in the content, it can be from a cultural Folk connotation dig, while electronic products to reflect the role of technology and knowledge, there must be a certain degree of cultural taste, because the consumer groups in the present is the relative concentration of highly educated groups. Only in-depth investigation and analysis, to understand their aesthetic preferences, targeted to develop accurate and targeted advertising creative and marketing tools, it Be able to achieve the desired results. To Beijing and Guangzhou as an example, Guangzhou, outdoor advertising design like the straight to the point, given away, which is Guangzhou's fast-paced lifestyle and preferences related to outdoor advertising in Beijing is seeking a taste and mood, only the scientific and precise positioning, will receive good results, kind of "a world of paper copy line" strategy will not work. Japan's Toyota Motor in China, a long period of research, playing a "must have car to the Piedmont Road, there are roads there must be Toyota," a very Chinese advertising language, click on China's Ai Chezu impressed. A place where there is consumer groups, outdoor advertising will accordingly appear where it is. In the countryside, our outdoor advertising design for the performance of township consumer groups content, and thus the performance of our content and form of outdoor advertising design and urban differences should be so adapted to local people's aesthetic form of expression, can be a more appropriate and easier to impress people. Conversely, Right one from the content and form of outdoor advertising are better designed to reflect the degree of feedback can be a reflection of a regional consumer base level of the cultural heritage and style. Third, the quality of positioning People's lives can not do without advertising, but advertising will not be able to leave the consumer, China's current need to have entertainment, humor, and viewing of advertising works, so that the audience in a relaxed, pleasant atmosphere, to accept the transmission of messages; Therefore, the understanding of consumer psychology, with high-quality advertising works impress people. Creative design is the positioning of outdoor advertising from the concept expressed by the form of a special theme of the performance of ads, with the design of practical and emotional connotation graphics, outdoor advertising design creativity without trend, without borders. Creative design is constantly on the ideological and cultural innovation, rather than the technical design. Creativity to reflect the human spirit, reflecting cultural. How to do creative, is advertisers and advertising planning, writers, designers are commonly faced challenges. The creative design of outdoor advertising signs must have a clear form of language into the sales of graphic language, and have the aesthetic connotation and denotation. Gestalt psychology, on the form of aesthetic vision, perception analysis, stressed the importance of。


orientation and innovation in outdoor advertising design(户外广告设计的创新理念) Abstract: With the pace of China's market economy continues to accelerate, there is bound to affect the enterprise's survival and development. In addition to improving its own internal business management system and product quality, and often would resort to outdoor advertising in the mass media for product promotion, corporate image promotion, because advertisers, especially in outdoor advertising design, targeted, targeted, consumers appear places, outdoor advertising is also arise where a corresponding, to enable enterprises to increase even greater benefits. Outdoor advertising design and placement should fully take into account the different geographical groups of aesthetic and consumer preferences, in large and medium cities and rural areas should also be targeted advertising is different, and even between the city and neighboring cities are different, in the Advertising location choice, advertisers and advertising companies should avoid over-concentration of outdoor advertising of lots released, where too much visual interference factors, often can not be accurate and clear transmission of advertising messages, but should choose advertising patchwork of lots, ambient lighting at night to avoid interfering with an accurate flow of advertising content, while the ad is released, Ad-designed social environmental factors can not be ignored in order to target advertising design as a starting point; For example: product concentration in the electronic business point of sale with the food content and form completely different food advertising, in the content, it can be from a cultural Folk connotation dig, while electronic products to reflect the role of technology and knowledge, there must be a certain degree of cultural taste, because the consumer groups in the present is the relative concentration of highly educated groups. Only in-depth investigation and analysis, to understand their aesthetic preferences, targeted to develop accurate and targeted advertising creative and marketing tools, it Be able to achieve the desired results. To Beijing and Guangzhou as an example, Guangzhou, outdoor advertising design like the straight to the point, given away, which is Guangzhou's fast-paced lifestyle and preferences related to outdoor advertising in Beijing is seeking a taste and mood, only the scientific and precise positioning, will receive good results, kind of "a world of paper copy line" strategy will not work. Japan's Toyota Motor in China, a long period of research, playing a "must have car to the Piedmont Road, there are roads there must be Toyota," a very Chinese advertising language, click on China's Ai Chezu impressed. A place where there is consumer groups, outdoor advertising will accordingly appear where it is. In the countryside, our outdoor advertising design for the performance of township consumer groups content, and thus the performance of our content and form of outdoor advertising design and urban differences should be so adapted to local people's aesthetic form of expression, can be a more appropriate and easier to impress people. Conversely, Right one from the content and form of outdoor advertising are better designed to reflect the degree of feedback can be a reflection of a regional consumer base level of the cultural heritage and style. Third, the quality of positioning People's lives can not do without advertising, but advertising will not be able to leave the consumer, China's current need to have entertainment, humor, and viewing of advertising works, so that the audience in a relaxed, pleasant atmosphere, to accept the transmission of messages; Therefore, the understanding of consumer psychology, with high-quality advertising works impress people. Creative design is the positioning of outdoor advertising from the concept expressed by the form of a special theme of the performance of ads, with the design of practical and emotional connotation graphics, outdoor advertising design creativity without trend, without borders. Creative design is constantly on the ideological and cultural innovation, rather than the technical design. Creativity to reflect the human spirit, reflecting cultural. How to do creative, is advertisers and advertising planning, writers, designers are commonly faced challenges. The creative design of outdoor advertising signs must have a clear form of language into the sales of graphic language, and have the aesthetic connotation and denotation. Gestalt psychology, on the form of aesthetic vision, perception analysis, stressed the importance of。



1、解读香港设计师李永铨的海报 2、平面设计中的形态设计 3、版面设计中的“平面空间” 4、产品文化性“主题”与造型依据 5、导向21世纪的设计机构 6、平面设计中的精神与物质 7、突破传统的传统—平面设计中的传统与现代 8、谈平面设计中的创意 9、数字的微笑—数字在平面设计中的运用 10、立足本土,放眼世界 11、非纸类材质在书籍装帧中的运用 12、“博古”与“薄古”(以古论今) 13、包装设计的价值观 14、中国广告人为什么对幽默说不 15、论“力动”与海报设计 16、电脑图标的功能与特色 17、浅谈吉祥物的造型设计 18、谈广告的图形构成 19、交错在传统与时尚间的茶眼饮包装设计 20、广告活动应强调互动性(谈“热力奥运”活动与受众之间的互动关系) 21、浅谈对以文字为主题的招贴的视觉感受 22、浅谈现代插图的“立体化”趋势 23、从西式符号到中国图式(寻找中国商标设计的自我理念) 24、图画的文字,汉字的图化(浅谈中国文字的视觉运用) 25、浅谈沟通在文化性广告中的重要作用 26、浅谈当今旅游食品包装的设计理念 27、旅游产品包装与区域旅游品牌关系(寻找两者见的最佳契合点及其表现方式) 28、浅谈酒包装设计中的情感互动 29、从中山陵的广告设计中浅谈设计中的文化性 30、从“福田繁雄”的作品中的矛盾空间看创造性思维的发展。


orientation and innovation in outdoor advertising design(户外广告设计的创新理念) Abstract: With the pace of China's market economy continues to accelerate, there is bound to affect the enterprise's survival and development. In addition to improving its own internal business management system and product quality, and often would resort to outdoor advertising in the mass media for product promotion, corporate image promotion, because advertisers, especially in outdoor advertising design, targeted, targeted, consumers appear places, outdoor advertising is also arise where a corresponding, to enable enterprises to increase even greater benefits.Outdoor advertising design and placement should fully take into account the different geographical groups of aesthetic and consumer preferences, in large and medium cities and rural areas should also be targeted advertising is different, and even between the city and neighboring cities are different, in the Advertising location choice, advertisers and advertising companies should avoid over-concentration of outdoor advertising of lots released, where too much visual interference factors, often can not be accurate and clear transmission of advertising messages, but should choose advertising patchwork of lots, ambient lighting at night to avoid interfering with an accurate flow of advertising content, while the ad is released,Ad-designed social environmental factors can not be ignored in order to target advertising design as a starting point; For example: product concentration in the electronic business point of sale with the food content and form completely different food advertising, in the content, it can be from a cultural Folk connotation dig, while electronic products to reflect the role of technology and knowledge, there must be a certain degree of cultural taste, because the consumer groups in the present is the relative concentration of highly educated groups. Only in-depth investigation and analysis, to understand their aesthetic preferences, targeted to develop accurate and targeted advertising creative and marketing tools, itBe able to achieve the desired results. To Beijing and Guangzhou as an example, Guangzhou, outdoor advertising design like the straight to the point, given away, which is Guangzhou's fast-paced lifestyle and preferences related to outdoor advertising in Beijing is seeking a taste and mood, only the scientific and precise positioning, will receive good results, kind of "a world of paper copy line" strategy will not work.Japan's Toyota Motor in China, a long period of research, playing a "must have car to the Piedmont Road, there are roads there must be Toyota," a very Chinese advertising language, click on China's Ai Chezu impressed. A place where there is consumer groups, outdoor advertising will accordingly appear where it is. In the countryside, our outdoor advertising design for the performance of township consumer groups content, and thus the performance of our content and form of outdoor advertising design and urban differences should be so adapted to local people's aesthetic form of expression, can be a more appropriate and easier to impress people. Conversely,Right one from the content and form of outdoor advertising are better designed to reflect the degree of feedback can be a reflection of a regional consumer base level of the cultural heritage and style.Third, the quality of positioningPeople's lives can not do without advertising, but advertising will not be able to leave the consumer, China's current need to have entertainment, humor, and viewing of advertising works, so that the audience in a relaxed, pleasant atmosphere, to accept the transmission of messages; Therefore, the understanding of consumer psychology, with high-quality advertising works impress people.Creative design is the positioning of outdoor advertising from the concept expressed by the form of a special theme of the performance of ads, with the design of practical and emotional connotation graphics, outdoor advertising design creativity without trend, without borders. Creative design is constantly on the ideological and cultural innovation, rather than the technical design. Creativity to reflect the human spirit, reflecting cultural. How to do creative, is advertisers and advertising planning, writers, designers are commonly faced challenges.The creative design of outdoor advertising signs must have a clear form of language into the sales of graphic language, and have the aesthetic connotation and denotation. Gestalt psychology, on the form of aesthetic vision, perception analysis, stressed the importance of the 。


Since the reform and opening up, China's growing soft drinks market, gradually prospered. As the world's giant soft drink industry, Coca-Cola, with its strong brand, strong capital, advanced management and excellent marketing, has been retaining its position in the industry. This paper intends to start its advertising strategy, trying to apply the theoretical framework of ad-related basis, analyze and summarize the success of Coca-Cola advertising strategy, and to further explore the reasons for its success in order to provide a reference for the domestic beverage industry. Requirements: simple and concise, to reject China's English.西西``。




本人思想端正,能吃苦耐劳,有崇高的理想和伟大的目标,注重个人道德修养,养成良好的生活作风,乐于助人,关心国家大事。 在校期间,本人一直勤奋学习,刻苦钻研,通过系统地学习掌握较为扎实的基础知识。

由于有良好的学习作风和明确的学习目标,曾获得“优秀团员”、“三好学生”等荣誉,得到了老师及同学们的肯定,树立了良好的学习榜样。 在课余时间,本人积极参加体育锻炼,增强身体素质,也热爱劳动,积极参加校开展的各项文体活动,参加社会实践,继承和发扬了艰苦奋斗的精神,也参加了校文学社和书法协会,丰富了课余生活,使自己在各方面都得到了相应的提高。


7.写个毕业论文 1000字

当沉思成为一种习惯,像光在水中旅行;当孤独彷徨不再出现,像秋晨的红叶一样自然;当梦想越过了现实,心灵远离了徘徊,当追求与执著亲密无间,此时我们便到了高三。 三年的高中生活已接近尾声,感觉很有必要总结一下高中三年的得失。这可以使自己回顾以前所走的路,也可以看清楚自己将来的路。 本人自入学以来,一直遵守学校的各项规章制度。具有良好的思想品质,各方面表现优秀,具有强烈的集体荣誉感,做事坚持实是求是的原则。在课余时间,本人积极参加体育锻炼,增强身体素质。积极参加学校开展的各种文体活动,积极参加社会实践继承和发扬艰苦奋斗的精神,丰富了课余生活,使自己的各方面都有所提高。 在三年的高中生活中,我与老师结下了浓厚的师生情谊。更在学习的互帮互助中,与同学建立了良好的学习关系和结下了纯真的友谊。我的优点有很多,特别是诚实、热情、遵守纪律等方面表现突出,在给老师同学留下了深刻的印象。 时光匆匆,现在高三的我变得容易敏感,容易轻易的被撩起心中的情愫。于是,我学会了轻易的感慨,学会了轻易得感动,也学会了轻易得受伤。有时莫名其妙的一丝丝烦恼冷不防的爬上了心头,迅速占领了本来明亮的心。一个眼神,一声话语都会使灰色的天空突然下起了倾盆的大雨,更不用说一场失败的考试,我想在这个时候。该给自己的心情吹吹风了。 心情疲倦,我喜欢沐浴在夕阳的余晖中,感受着“夕阳无限好,只是近黄昏”的落寞。橘红色云彩簇拥着金黄的太阳慢慢的沉落,青春的活力被柔和在夕阳的余温之中,夕阳渗透着经历沧桑的成熟韵味。于是我有一种想哭的冲动,是心情的宣泄,还是对夕阳的礼赞。我自己也不知道,大地万物都似乎沉醉在这片余热之中,是一种飘逸的感觉,夕阳似乎在告诉我们,受伤才是成就自我的过程。 当我们走过岁月,踏过万水千山。被苦水浸过,被烈火烧过,在我们心中总会留下许多的爱,信念和感悟。父母头上一丝丝的白发,突然发现他们都老了。我知道,对他们最能弥补的只是一张大学的通知书。于是,在每个寂寞的晚上我用心苦读,为了补偿心中那份永远的遗憾。 临近高考,越来越明白,匆匆人生,总是充满荆棘和坎坷,漫漫长途中,我告诉自己,给自己信心,给自己希望,给自己拼搏的勇气,给自己一盏明灯。去寻找属于自己的幸福,人生的痛苦总会烟消云散,一切该来,一切不该来的人,也应该顺其自然,在销烟弥漫的高三里,高考才是我的一切。 总之,三年的高中生活是我人生这条线上的一小段,是闪闪发光的一段,它包涵了汗水和收获,对我规划人生起着至关重要的作用。



"什么是平面设计"作为你毕业论文的主题 下面的资料给你参考 资料一 一个好的广告的标准 一个优秀的广告并不是以美观(当然这些是必不可少的)来衡量的,而是看它是否适合你的广告对象。

说白了就是它是否能够刺激销售。 优秀创意人的基本素质 理性和感性兼备,具有广泛的知识面和丰富的生活阅历。

理性:分析总结广告逻辑的合理性。 感性:快速感应所适合版面的色彩、位置、大小以及应该赋予消费者的感觉。

对于图片的注意事项: 1、图片必须有一个鲜明的主体。

2、图片宜产生一悬念,用以吸引观看。 3、功能性产品的图片,使用前后对比极有说服力。

4、照片的吸引力更胜手绘。 5、使用明星照片能加强记忆力。

6、图片中只需重点突出一个卖点,不宜过于繁复。 7、人物脸部不宜大与实际尺寸。

8、过于历史性的图片无吸引力。 9、以目标消费对象的心态来考虑图片主体。

10、“婴儿”、“小动物”、“性”为主体的图片最具影响力。 11、男性产品使用性感女郎可能会造成男性对产品的忽视。

12、彩色图片的吸引力比黑白的高出1倍。 13、食品类广告馋涎欲滴的照片必不可少。

对于排版的注意事项: 1、重要的英语标题不宜使用全大写。(降低认知度) 2、标题不宜重叠与图片之上。

(干扰视线) 3、标题中无标点。(通常情形下) 4、内文每行不宜过长。

(人们习惯阅读的文字为每行40字) 5、内文排列必须有条理有规律,不能过于凌乱(不便阅读)。 6、内文宜使用白底黑字,细线体字。

(有助阅读) 7、深底反白的内文极难阅读。(加快眼部疲劳) 8、如内文很长如何处理? ●标题与内文间穿插副标题。

●内文首字放大。 ●内文中穿插小标题。

●段末留白,分清段落。 ●重要段落或语句加粗。

●使用符号引导视线。 9、中文的标点符号一直是中文字体的败笔,空隙太大,使得排版中(尤其是内文)会出现很多漏洞,使整个排版不严谨、不精致,建议将所有标点符号的字距缩小50%。

10、内文文字大小控制在7-9Pt。 资料二 当今,有一点可以肯定的是,设计的领域在扩大,这是一个需要设计的世界。


并间接对我们的生存空间造成巨大的视觉污染。谁为我们的视觉空间负责?! 本文虽从大设计概念出发,但在论述过程当中更偏向于平面设计方向,总结设计、平面设计的知识结构,平面设计的技巧,平面设计的设计元素,平面设计的手法,平面设计的风格等等,根据我个人的认识,并结合很多资料,进行一些浅显的讨论,目的是为了能够揭示设计的基本问题及核心精神。

对设计师个人起着普遍意义和作用的问题的总结,使设计人员能够明白这一职业自己的知识结构、素养、原则、职业道德、责任等等。 论文中的内容,为避免教条化,请考虑到理论与实践当中的差距作为对设计的认识、思维的方法论,其只具有一般性的指导作用。

第一章:理解平面设计 了解设计的定义和概念将是了解设计的第一步,有助于了解我们作为一名准平面设计师的职责范围。 第一节:平面设计的正名与分类 设计一词来源于英文"design",包括很广的设计范围和门类建筑:工业、环艺、装潢、展示、服装、平面设计等等,而平面设计现在的名称在平常的表述中却很为难,因为现在学科之间的交叉更广更深,传统的定义,例如现行的叫法“平面设计(graphis design)视觉传达设计、装潢设计……,这也许与平面设计的特点有很大的关系,因为设计无所不在、平面设计无所不在,从范围来讲用来印刷的都和平面设计有关,从功能来讲“对视觉通过人自身进行调节达到某种程度的行为”,称之为视觉传达,即用视觉语言进行传递信息和表达观点,而装潢设计或装潢艺术设计则被公认为极不准确的名称,带有片面性。

现在,在了解了对平面设计范围和内涵的情况下,我们再来看看平面设计的分类,如形象系统设计、字体设计、书籍装帧设计、行录设计、包装设计、海报/招贴设计……可以这样说有多少种需要就有多少种设计。 另外,商业设计与艺术设计很显然是存在的。

第二节:平面设计的概念 设计是有目的的策划,平面设计是这些策划将要采取的形式之一,在平面设计中你需要用视觉元素来传播你的设想和计划,用文字和图形把信息传达给受众,让人们通过这些视觉元素了解你的设想和计划,这才是我们设计的定义。一个视觉作品的生存底线,应该看他是否具有感动他人的能量,是否顺利地传递出背后的信息,事实上她更象人际关系学,依靠魅力来征服对象,你的设计有抓住人心的魅力吗?是一见钟情式的还是水到渠成式的,你需要象一个温文尔雅的绅士还是一个不修边幅的叛逆之子,或是治学严谨的学者。



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本文主要为您介绍毕业论文排版过程中,内容包括毕业论文排版需要哪些步骤,如何进行论文排版,怎么进行毕业论文word页面排版。1. 一定要使用样式 , 除了Word原先所提供的标题、正文等样式外,还可以自定义样式。如果你发现自己是用选中文字然后




















本文主要为您介绍有关于证券的毕业论文,内容包括证券方面的毕业论文题目,有关证券方面的毕业论文的文献,求有关证券的论文一篇。证券经纪业务的发展现状和前景 2、 证券自营业务的发展现状和前景 3、 证券投行业务的发展现状和前景 4、 证








本文主要为您介绍物理学师范专业毕业论文,内容包括本科师范类物理专业毕业论文选什么题目有新意,大学物理学毕业论文,物理专业毕业论文格式是怎么样的。大学物理实验论文 您的位置: 首页>>网上选课>>注意事项 大学物理实验论文 时间:2008-1-8




本文主要为您介绍毕业论文排版过程中,内容包括毕业论文排版需要哪些步骤,如何进行论文排版,怎么进行毕业论文word页面排版。1. 一定要使用样式 , 除了Word原先所提供的标题、正文等样式外,还可以自定义样式。如果你发现自己是用选中文字然后












本文主要为您介绍电竞系统毕业论文,内容包括谁有关于电子竞技与体育运动的论文,计算机毕业论文/设计题目,请问什么叫第七媒体想写篇关于电子竞技的论文,里面说,网游和电。电子竞技体育产业的发展背景 1.电子竞技概念。电子竞技产生于网络