中美家庭教育与个人能力培养 论文编号:YY077 字数:6261,页数:20 Abstract Nowadays, the personal quality of talents is critical amid the fierce international competition environment. To some extent, the competition of talents is the competition of the ability that parents train children. So the ideas and methodology of family education will affect training effectiveness. This essay attempts to compare family education between China and America in terms of educational purpose, educational result and educational method, analyze the reasons for forming educational differences between the two countries, and then propose the enlightenment for Chinese family education reform. Some family educational practices in USA can provide reference for Chinese family educational reform which intends to bring up more independent, adaptive, innovative, self-initiative Chinese children in today's complex society. Key Words Family education; ability training; China; America 摘 要 当今,国际竞争日益激烈,而这种竞争归根到底是人的素质的竞争,是人才培养的竞争。
关键词 家庭教育;能力培养;中国;美国 Contents Abstract。
..I Key Words。
.I 摘要。
II 关键词。
.II Introduction。
.1 I. The Comparsion of Two Countries Family Education。
.2 A. The Comparison of Education Purpose 。
2 B. The Comparison of Education Method 。
..3 3 C. The Comparison of Education Result。
4 II. Analyzing Reasons for Different Family Education Modal between China and America。
.5 A. The Difference of the Historical Background 。
..5 B. The Difference of the Economic Shape 。
.5 C. The Difference of Social Conditions 。
..6 D. The Difference of Cultural Traditions 。
7 III. Measures to Improve Individual Ability 。
..9 A. Changing Suitable Educational Concept。
9 B. Understanding Definite Educational Purpose。
.10 C. Adopting Suitable Educational Ways 。
..11 Conclusion。
13 Acknowledgements。
14 Bibliography。
.15 以上回答来自: /54-2/2288.htm。
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