

The characteristics of the world top 500 enterprises and its enlightenment to Chinese enterprises A, the definition of us-funded enterprises in the world World us-funded enterprises that adopt diversified business, implement the strategy of globalization, assets, strong, has a large and strong, the core competitiveness of enterprises has significant influence on the development of world economy and stability of the world's leading multinational companies.Second, the world a us-funded enterprise features1) ability to innovate Everything in the world has a production, development and decline of life cycle.Enterprise as economic actors also undergoes a start-up period, rising period, height, decay time and ruin the life course.Enterprise is the key of the length of the life cycle after a start-up period, how to accelerate the rise period, prolong their heyday, the arrival of the postponed its decline period.Product life cycle relative to the enterprise life cycle is short, the enterprise must develop more innovative products of market value, one or several products meet after rising and heyday, when its not yet enter the decline phase, the other one or several products have reached the peak.So interlocking, bobo is connected, the enterprise will be endless.In 2004, in "fortune" the world "of the" top 500 enterprises in the 21st, annual revenues of $80.501 billion of Siemens to reveal a "longevity" enterprise: the secret of technology innovation.After more than a century and a half of the long journey, Siemens technology innovation constantly, constantly develop innovative products, always all is given priority to with invention of technology innovation in the work first, attaches great importance to scientific research and development work, and constantly put scientific research achievements into realistic productivity as soon as possible.Can say, Siemens is the birth and development of enterprises in technological innovation.Technology innovation has become a strong core of the enterprise values, become thick accumulation of enterprise culture, is the source of continuously improve enterprise core competitiveness.2) the implementation of the strategy of differentiation Differentiation strategy is the product or service provided by enterprises implement differentiation, to establish enterprise something unique in the industry, is to build enterprise core competitive ability.The implementation of differentiation strategy to make the enterprise the management in the industry competition superior and obtain higher returns.Positioning differentiation is to provide customers with unique product and industry competition is very different and super service, by customer requirement and enterprise competence of matching to determine the positioning of the enterprise, as the essence of the differentiation strategy.Porsche as Germany's small and medium-sized automobile company, in a wide variety of automotive industry, only choose sports as main products, with high and new technology to create excellent performance and is famous for its excellent quality, framed with a "technology" to harness the wisdom, roam the motorists customers.Thus formed the unique product positioning, unique customer orientation, unique price positioning, as well as to meet the needs of customers and constant innovation of technology, unique in the world of its own, as the world's largest special automobile manufacturing company, Germany's famous sports car production enterprises, become the model of implementing differentiation strategy.3) the brand advantage The world famous brand, refers to the world market with outstanding performance, get customer recognition and favor, have a huge effect, with a strong competitive advantage of product brand, trademark and trade name.As the world famous brand, must have the following characteristics: first, has the high international reputation.Second, has the very high international reputation.Third, has great economic value.Fourth, have a high degree of international market share and market globalization.Fifth, brand culture and product has a high degree of international integration.In an increasingly turbulent and changeable market economy, brand has become a winning customer loyalty and enterprise for long-term survival and growth of the key.In 2004, in "fortune" the world ranked 70th in the "top 500" enterprises, the annual business income is 48.318 billion dollars in unilever as the world's top consumer goods manufacturers, in the process of its development, has been successful for more than international brand acquisition operation, and good at would buy local 。


商务英语语用失误及其文化解读 摘要:商务英语写作是一种跨文化交际技能。

一些作者写作时往往参照汉语商务文化及语用规则进 行思维表达,造成不同程度的语用失误,影响国际商务活动的正常开展。本文从中英文化视角对部分商 务英语语用失误作对比分析,认为商务英语信函写作教学不能与商务文化脱节,既要教会学生掌握英语 表达技能,还要教会他们掌握商务英语的文化内涵及其语用规则,才能使学生胜任跨文化商务英语沟通 工作。

关键词:商务写作;语用失误;跨文化交际 一般人认为,只要掌握好商务英语专业知识和基 本写作技巧,就能够完全胜任涉外商务工作。其实事 情并非如此简单。

如果作者不了解英汉商务文化的语 境差异及其语用规则,信函写作有可能出现各种意想 不到的语用失误,影响商务活动的正常开展。但是, 由于商务英语语用失误十分微妙,不像语法或语义失 误那样容易识别,所以一般很难引起人们的注意和重 视。

因此,英语函电写作教学重语言能力训练(可 能是无意识地),轻商务英语文化意识和语用能力培 养的现象还比较普遍。以往人们对商务英语写作失误 的研究一般停留在语言形式和写作方法的层面上,到 目前为止还很少见到从文化层面探讨商务英语写作语用 失误现象的文章。

笔者认为,只有从文化层面而不是 单纯从语言形式平面对这些语用失误现象进行剖析, 才能透过表层的语言现象了解作者语用失误的心理文化 取向及其思维轨迹。这对提高商务英语写作教学质 量,增强学生的商务英语文化意识和语用能力将有一 定的帮助。

一、商务语用失误与文化心理差异 谈到英语语用失误,有必要涉及语用学 (Prag m atics)这一重要的语言学分支。它是20世纪 70至80年代由西方学者们建立和发展起来的一门独立 的新学科,是研究在不同的交际环境下如何正确地理 解和运用语言的一门学问。

以往人们只是关注语言的形式或功能,即重视语 言的语法和语义功能的研究。[1]但是使用语言不只是讲 究遣词造句的正误问题,更重要的是语言使用是否合 适、得体。

本文中的语用失误是指交际者使用的语言 不合适、不得体,带有明显的汉语言文化思维特征和 语用特征。语言与文化密不可分,而文化与哲学更是 紧密相连。

两者都给民族的思维模式、语言行为以及 其深刻的影响。探讨商务英语语用失误现象,不可不涉及与民族文化有着千丝万缕联系的传统语言哲学观和 英汉两种语言的文化属性。

从语言哲学视角看,中国语言哲学观是治世的, 旨在通过治世达到“天人合一、言行合一”。[2]道家 和儒家思想主张人应“……不言而善应”、“慎言、戒言”等。

西方哲学和语言观是创世的,其文化偏 爱语言行为,相信其创造力。以个体本位为取向的西 方文化认为语言是延伸自我、改造他人的工具,所以 西方人惯于表现自己,说话直截了当,愿意表达内心 世界,反映了西方人以自我为本位的行为价值观。

而 以群体价值观为取向的中国人往往性格内敛,说话委 婉含蓄,不轻易表露内心世界,很少与人对立,反 映了中国人的中庸处世之道。显然,人的语言行为特 征除了有先天秉赋因素外,传统文化对人的处世态度 和语言行为有着十分重要的影响。

从语言文化属性看,中国文化属于人文文化, 西方文化属于科学文化。中国文化重综合、轻分 析,重意会、轻言传。

科学文化重物质、轻人伦、重分析、轻综合,重概念、忌笼统,价值取向以 功利为本位。[3]人文文化和科学文化在思维方式上的 主要差别表现在以下几方面: 首先,中国人重直觉与具象,西方人重理性与 逻辑,在语言上表现为汉语词汇的形象性和英语词汇 的功能性。

第二,中国人重整体,西方人重个体, 这表现在汉语词汇意义一般比较笼统,英语词义一般 比较具体。汉语表意比较模糊,英语表意比较准确。

第三,汉语重意念,英语重形式,这主要表现在汉 语句子衔接靠语义逻辑,而英语则重视句子形式上的 衔接。英汉心理文化的差异对语言的影响无所不在, 给跨文化交际造成了不少障碍。

二、商务英语语用失误的心理文化剖析 商务英语属于专门用途英语(English for Special Purposes),其语言有着鲜明的行业性特点和独特的语 体风格。英汉两种语言根植于不同的文化土壤。

其差 异不仅表现在思维表达方式上,而且表现在受隐性文 化制约的语用交际规则上。学习者在尚未意识到这种 文化差异的存在或没有掌握其特定文化语境下的语用规 则的情况下,很可能不自觉地参照汉语文化语境和语 用规则进行写作思维和表达,结果会犯各种难以察觉 的语用失误。

文化因素造成的英语表达汉化现象是多 层次性的。它们可以出现在商务英语表达的各个层 面,包括词汇层、句子层、段落乃至篇章层。

笔者 择其一二,略加分析。 1.人称使用不当 文化对语言的影响无所不在。

在英汉语中,即 使是很普通的人称指示代词,使用规则也不尽相 同。[4]统计资料表明,汉语使用第一人称和第二人称 代词比英语多,而英语第三人称的使用频率比汉语要 高。

这反映出英汉民族微妙的心理文化差异。中国人 的交际和关注对象更多集中在“我”和“你”之间, 谈论第三者则相对少一些。



商务英语专业毕业论文参考题目 一、1、商务英语的特点及翻译技巧2、商务英语函电翻译技巧3、商务英语信函的语体分析3、浅谈商务信函的文体特征4、商务英语学习方法探究5、商务英语学习中跨文化交际能力的培养6、国际商务谈判中应注意的文化因素7、商务谈判中的跨文化冲突8、试论普通英语与商务英语的差异9、商务谈判中的语言艺术10、商标名称的翻译与策略11、广告英语的分类与分析12、试论文化因素对商务活动的作用13、商务英语听力策略研究14、商务英语写作问题研究15、商务英语考试技巧研究16、电子商务对国际贸易的影响及对策17、The Ways to Increase the Competitiveness ofChina's Export Goods18、TheAdvantages and the Disadvantages of China's Cheap Labor in Its Foreign Trade19、Multinational Corporations Help ChinaDevelop Its Economy20、Export and Import Are Equally Necessary toChina 二、1、初析英文广告句式结构及修辞的功能2、从文化视角比较中英文广告语言3、国际商务英语信函话语分析4、商务英语发展现状浅祈5、商务英语翻译技巧6、商务英语函电中的文化因素初探7、商务英语专业人才培养模式改革与实践8、试论文化导入在商务英语教学中的作用9、中英文广告标题的共同点10、中英文广告传播之语言特色及跨文化问题11、商品译文的品牌形象对商务英语翻译教学的启示12、商务英语翻译标准初探13、试论商务英语写作的简洁礼貌原则及写作技巧14、我国在国际贸易中实施反倾销的应对策略15、现代商务英语书信的写作风格和语法特点16、英文广告的特点及翻译17、从修辞方面浅探商务英语的语言特色18、浅议国际贸易的几点理论创新19、高职高专商务英语专业教学模式探讨20、商务英语翻译技巧21、商务英语书面语篇词汇特点分析22、礼貌原则在商务英语信函写作当中的应用 三、1、商务英语的特点及翻译技巧 2、商务函电翻译的用词技巧 3、商标名称的翻译与策略 4、商务谈判中的语言艺术 5、商务谈判的文化障碍 6、商务英语课程设置的探讨 7、商务谈判中英语的重要性 8、商务英语学习中跨文化交际能力的培养9、商务谈判中的跨文化冲突10、商务英语阅读研究 11、商务英语写作问题研究 12、商务英语考试技巧研究 13、商务英语听力策略研究 14、商务英语考证口语考试技巧研究 15、商务英语交往中的礼貌原则 16、如何翻译好日常商务文书 17、商务英语信函的语体分析 18、浅谈商务信函的文体特征 19、英语商务信函和合同中被动语态的语用意义及其翻译 20、商务英语汉英翻译中从句的运用技巧 21、商务谈判的艺术性 22、跨文化的商务谈判 23、商务英语的特征与翻译 24、商务英语写作中的错误与商务英语写作教学之间的关系 25、汉译英中遇到新词语的译法问题 26、浅谈涉外合同英语特色27、商务英语背景知识与商务英语28、广告英语的分类及分析 29、国际商务谈判中的“文化壁垒”30、英语口语或语法在商务领域中的应用 四、1、论文化因素对英汉翻译的影响 2、商务英语的特点及翻译技巧 3、商务函电翻译的用词技巧 4、商标名称的翻译与策略 5、商务谈判的艺术性 6、跨文化的商务谈判 7、美国英语习语与文化 8、中美日常交际中的文化差异 9、TheCultural Comparison in Business Activities 商务活动中的中西方文化差异 10、商务英语交往中的礼貌原则 11、如何翻译好日常商务文书 12、商务英语信函的语体分析 13、浅谈商务信函的文体特征 14、英语商务信函和合同中被动语态的语用意义及其翻译 15、商务英语汉英翻译中从句的运用技巧 16、论跨文化因素对商业广告英语翻译的影响 17、跨文化商务交际中的语言和非语言因素 18、浅谈英语告示语的语言特色与翻译 19、商务英语信函的用语特征分析(An Analytical Term Features ofEnglish Business Correspondence ) 20、商务英语学习方法 21、跨文化交际与中西文化冲突 22、国际商务中的跨文化交际问题 23、商务谈判中的跨文化冲突 24、国际商务谈判中应注意的文化因素 25、国际商务谈判中的“文化壁垒” 26、广告英语的分类及分析 27、商务英语背景知识与商务英语Business Knowledge and Business English 28、虚拟语气与商务英语表达Subjunctive Mood and Business English 29、跨文化交际在商务英语学习中的运用Utilization of Cross-culture Communication in BusinessEnglish Learning 30、商务英语学习中跨文化交际能力的培养Developing Cross-culture Communication Skill in BusinessEnglish Learning 31、商务英语在国际营销中的作用The Role of Business English in International Marketing32、礼仪在商务谈判中的作用 33、Etiquettein Business Activities 商务活动中商务礼仪 五、1、商务英语信函的写作特点2、商务谈判中的跨文化冲突3、商务英语中的委婉策略4、商务英语书信翻译的特点5、商务英语听力理解障碍分析及对策6、网络与商务英语学习7、商务活动中的中西方文化差异8、商务英语专业毕业生就业岗位之探讨9、礼仪在商务谈判中的作用10、影响高职学生口语能力的因素及对策11、浅谈高职学生英。


Recent Developments in Translation Studies as Seen from Three Representative Books Published in the 1990's Dan SHEN Abstract: In the field of translation studies, despite the existence of multiple approaches, two trends of development seem to have been dominating in recent years: one based on linguistics in the wide sense; the other marked by a historical-descriptive orientation. While the two trends of development are contrastive with each other, they share one thing in common, namely, both being essentially empirical, forming a contrast to translation studies with a somewhat 'purely' theoretical orientation. The present paper offers a discussion of some recent developments in the field by way of reviewing three representative books published in the 1990's. Through the present review, we may get a glimpse not only of the characteristics of the two major trends of development, but also of certain features of the theoretical versus the empirical orientation. Key words: translation studies, developments, representative books 20世纪80年代初以来,西方翻译研究进展迅速。

如果说西方译学研究在60和70年代的突飞猛进主要得益于语言学的快速发展的话,在近二十年里,文化研究、文学研究、人类学、信息科学、认知科学、心理学和广义上的语言学等均对翻译学科的发展起了较大的推进作用(参见Gentzler 1993, Neubert & Shreve 1992)。尽管翻译研究的方法纷呈不一,但近年来可以说有两大派别占据了主导地位:一派以广义上的语言学(尤其是语篇语言学和话语分析)为基础,致力于建构和发展经验性质的翻译科学;另一派则从历史的角度通过描写的方式来研究翻译问题,意在揭示翻译实践与研究中蕴含的文化与政治因素(参见Venuti, 1997)。


The Impact of Enterprise Resource Planning Systems on Management Accounting: An Australian Study Abstract Information technology is significantly changing the operating practices of an increasing number of companies globally. These developments have important implications for the accounting profession and in particular accounting practices in the twenty-first century. This study examines the development of enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems as a means of illustrating how changes in information technology allows all systems in a company to be linked to manage operations holistically. The study investigates the change in accounting systems using a sample of Australian companies with emphasis on the adoption of ERP systems including the potential impact of ERP on capital budgeting processes. The results show that ERP systems are changing management accounting practices, although at this stage, the impact on capital budgeting techniques appears to be limited. The findings contribute to the emerging body of literature on the development of ERP systems and its impact on management accounting teaching and research. Key words: Management accounting, capital budgeting, enterprise resource planning systems, information technology. 1. Introduction During the past decade an increasing number of companies have been impacted by information technology in terms of computerized transaction processing and electronic telecommunications such as that done with the Internet, intranet, and extranet. For competitive reasons, companies have had to change from manual and then mainframe systems to what has been called enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems. An ERP system has a common database or data warehouse that links together all systems in all parts of a company including, for example, capital budgeting with financial, control, manufacturing, sales, fixed assets, inventory, human resources modules, etc. An ERP system, by linking all systems through a data warehouse, allows a company to manage its operations holistically. A second impact of ERP systems has been a general shift to manage at the activity level rather than at the more abstract level of financial transactions. This means that management accounting, with its focus on activities, can be most effective when it is used with ERP systems to incorporate the activity level for costing and performance measurement. To be effective an ERP system will contain an extensive chart of accounts or codes for activities such as accurate recording and tracking of activities, revenues and costs. The coding incorporates stable entities of a business, such as divisions, plants, stores, and warehouses. At a detailed level there are codes for functions such as finance, production, sales, marketing, and materials management. There are also the traditional financial account codes such as assets, liabilities, revenues, and expenses, and the central ERP feature of coding processes, activities, and sub-activities. There must be consistent coding among all parts of a company in order for them to relate to one another. As the ERP system incorporates activities in terms of quantities of resources, including labour, a record of resource use is maintained. Therefore, performance can be measured in physical terms and compared to standards, which allows for the calculation of variances. This performance measurement at the activity level serves as a feedback system on efficiency and effectiveness. The confusion from abstract monetary measures is erased, and what is actually happening with the conversion of resources into goods and services can be seen. ERP systems have the potential to change management ccounting systems with more detailed, more integrated, and faster produced information. To date the research on the impact of ERP systems on management accounting can best be described as preliminary. It has involved case studies of one or two companies at a time and some field studies. The findings from these studies have been largely anecdotal. Also, some have been deductive in that arguments based on ERP attributes have been made on how management accounting should be affected. For instance, in a field study, Cook et al. (2000) described activity-based capital budgeting at a division of a US telecommunications company. The findings from Cook et al.'s field work suggests that ERP systems can increase the effectiveness of capital budgeting by anchoring financial numbers to activities rather than stopping at monetary measures with pre-ERP practices. The 。


金华外贸行业商务英语人才需求状况的调研 此份论文包括,任务书,论文,开题报告,调研表,论文字数:4702,页数:13 论文编号:YY207 【摘要】随着我国经济的迅速发展和国际交流日益增多,我国与世界的距离进一步缩小,对外经贸业务也呈现出前所未有的繁荣景象。

本课题主要针对近年来金华地区对商务英语专业人才需求状况,以金华等中心城市劳动力市场为研究对象,进行多角度的分析,并以此为基础,提出重点关注学生学习能力的培养和综合素质的教育;明确课程开发和专业建设与地方经济发展的关系;同时提出对商务英语专业有建设性的启示,以便给人才和企业同时带来更好的效益。Abstract: With the rapid development of economy in our country and frequent contacts between different countries, intercultural communication is getting more and more,which has further shortened the distance between China and the whole world, with an unprecedented prosperity appearing in the foreign trade business. This subject is mainly concerned with the situation of the demand for business development. With labor market in the key city like Jinhua as its research target, we make analysis from various angles, then based on that we put forward the idea of paying close attention to the development of students' learning ability and comprehensive quality, make clear the relation of course development and profession to local economy, and raise constructive inspiration for business English profession so that it can offer greater benefits to talents and enterprises. 【关键词】金华地区,商务英语,人才需求,综合素质Key words: Jinhua, business English, talent needs, overall quality Contents 1. A brief introduction of the present international situation and foreign trade company in Jinhua prefecture……………………………….…………………11.1 Social background…………………………………………………………………….11.2 An introduction of foreign trade in Jinhua。

..1 2. An investigation and analysis on commercial English professional demand……………………………..……………………………………………….22.1 An analysis of enterprises' need changes for professional personnel in recent years…………………………………………………………………………………32.2 An analysis of enterprises' need for personnel types and ability requirements……4 2.3 The current supply-demand situation of business English talents in Jinhua…………5 2.4 A research on quality requirements for graduates of business English………….6 3. A forecast on the development prospect and new requirement of foreign trade business………………………………………………………………………………74. Constructive inspiration for business English majors…………。

..84.1 The development of academic ability keeping pace with education of comprehensive quality………………………………………………………………………………..84.2 Course development, major reform and new major setting should keep pace with local economic development………………………………………………………。84.3 To pay attention the development of students' ability of using technology and crosswise developing…………………………。

.95. Concluding remarks…………………………………………………………。..10References…………………………。

………………………………………………….10 以上回答来自: /54/。


商务英语专业毕业论文参考题目一、1、商务英语的特点及翻译技巧2、商务英语函电翻译技巧3、商务英语信函的语体分析3、浅谈商务信函的文体特征4、商务英语学习方法探究5、商务英语学习中跨文化交际能力的培养6、国际商务谈判中应注意的文化因素7、商务谈判中的跨文化冲突8、试论普通英语与商务英语的差异9、商务谈判中的语言艺术10、商标名称的翻译与策略11、广告英语的分类与分析12、试论文化因素对商务活动的作用13、商务英语听力策略研究14、商务英语写作问题研究15、商务英语考试技巧研究16、电子商务对国际贸易的影响及对策17、The Ways to Increase the Competitiveness ofChina's Export Goods18、TheAdvantages and the Disadvantages of China's Cheap Labor in Its Foreign Trade19、Multinational Corporations Help ChinaDevelop Its Economy20、Export and Import Are Equally Necessary toChina二、1、初析英文广告句式结构及修辞的功能2、从文化视角比较中英文广告语言3、国际商务英语信函话语分析4、商务英语发展现状浅祈5、商务英语翻译技巧6、商务英语函电中的文化因素初探7、商务英语专业人才培养模式改革与实践8、试论文化导入在商务英语教学中的作用9、中英文广告标题的共同点10、中英文广告传播之语言特色及跨文化问题11、商品译文的品牌形象对商务英语翻译教学的启示12、商务英语翻译标准初探13、试论商务英语写作的简洁礼貌原则及写作技巧14、我国在国际贸易中实施反倾销的应对策略15、现代商务英语书信的写作风格和语法特点16、英文广告的特点及翻译17、从修辞方面浅探商务英语的语言特色18、浅议国际贸易的几点理论创新19、高职高专商务英语专业教学模式探讨20、商务英语翻译技巧21、商务英语书面语篇词汇特点分析22、礼貌原则在商务英语信函写作当中的应用三、1、商务英语的特点及翻译技巧 2、商务函电翻译的用词技巧 3、商标名称的翻译与策略 4、商务谈判中的语言艺术 5、商务谈判的文化障碍 6、商务英语课程设置的探讨 7、商务谈判中英语的重要性 8、商务英语学习中跨文化交际能力的培养9、商务谈判中的跨文化冲突10、商务英语阅读研究 11、商务英语写作问题研究 12、商务英语考试技巧研究 13、商务英语听力策略研究 14、商务英语考证口语考试技巧研究 15、商务英语交往中的礼貌原则 16、如何翻译好日常商务文书 17、商务英语信函的语体分析 18、浅谈商务信函的文体特征 19、英语商务信函和合同中被动语态的语用意义及其翻译 20、商务英语汉英翻译中从句的运用技巧 21、商务谈判的艺术性 22、跨文化的商务谈判 23、商务英语的特征与翻译 24、商务英语写作中的错误与商务英语写作教学之间的关系 25、汉译英中遇到新词语的译法问题 26、浅谈涉外合同英语特色27、商务英语背景知识与商务英语28、广告英语的分类及分析 29、国际商务谈判中的“文化壁垒”30、英语口语或语法在商务领域中的应用 四、1、论文化因素对英汉翻译的影响 2、商务英语的特点及翻译技巧 3、商务函电翻译的用词技巧 4、商标名称的翻译与策略 5、商务谈判的艺术性 6、跨文化的商务谈判 7、美国英语习语与文化 8、中美日常交际中的文化差异 9、TheCultural Comparison in Business Activities 商务活动中的中西方文化差异 10、商务英语交往中的礼貌原则 11、如何翻译好日常商务文书 12、商务英语信函的语体分析 13、浅谈商务信函的文体特征 14、英语商务信函和合同中被动语态的语用意义及其翻译 15、商务英语汉英翻译中从句的运用技巧 16、论跨文化因素对商业广告英语翻译的影响 17、跨文化商务交际中的语言和非语言因素 18、浅谈英语告示语的语言特色与翻译 19、商务英语信函的用语特征分析(An Analytical Term Features ofEnglish Business Correspondence ) 20、商务英语学习方法 21、跨文化交际与中西文化冲突 22、国际商务中的跨文化交际问题 23、商务谈判中的跨文化冲突 24、国际商务谈判中应注意的文化因素 25、国际商务谈判中的“文化壁垒” 26、广告英语的分类及分析 27、商务英语背景知识与商务英语Business Knowledge and Business English 28、虚拟语气与商务英语表达Subjunctive Mood and Business English 29、跨文化交际在商务英语学习中的运用Utilization of Cross-culture Communication in BusinessEnglish Learning 30、商务英语学习中跨文化交际能力的培养Developing Cross-culture Communication Skill in BusinessEnglish Learning 31、商务英语在国际营销中的作用The Role of Business English in International Marketing32、礼仪在商务谈判中的作用 33、Etiquettein Business Activities 商务活动中商务礼仪五、1、商务英语信函的写作特点2、商务谈判中的跨文化冲突3、商务英语中的委婉策略4、商务英语书信翻译的特点5、商务英语听力理解障碍分析及对策6、网络与商务英语学习7、商务活动中的中西方文化差异8、商务英语专业毕业生就业岗位之探讨9、礼仪在商务谈判中的作用10、影响高职学生口语能力的因素及对策11、浅谈高职学生英语。


英语饮料广告中的语用预设研究 字数:4962.页数:17 论文编号:YY217 Abstract Advertising language has received a thorough study from different aspects. With the development of linguistics, the studies on advertising language are inclined to the relationship between language and context. In this case, pragmatic presupposition appears to be the very tool for its sensitive nature to context. In addition, common ground and appropriateness of pragmatic presupposition also make great contribution to the concise and economical advertisement. However, other properties like one-sidedness, subjectivity and latency are equally noticed. Proper exploitation of these features may develop useful market strategies. Therefore, it is of great significance to study advertising language from pragmatic presupposition perspective. The thesis focuses on the phenomenon of pragmatic presupposition in English advertisement for beverage. Based on the foundational theory, the classifications and functions of pragmatic presupposition are exposed by qualitative study method. Meanwhile, a case study is conducted to tentatively explore the distribution and frequency of each type by quantitative analysis. Research findings show that pragmatic presupposition occurs in 94% of the collected 100 drinks advertisements; the state presupposition accounts for the largest percentage (40%) among all five classifications , followed by belief presupposition, behavior presupposition, existential presupposition and fact presupposition, for 22%, 14%, 13%, 5% respectively. Key Words: advertising language pragmatic presupposition function classifications description 摘要 广告语言的研究一直以来都备受各个领域学者们的青睐。






其余的信仰预设、行为预设、存在预设和事实预设分别占22%、14%、13%和5%。 关键词:广告语 语用预设 功能 分类描写 目录 Abstract 。

..1 摘要。

.2 Chapter 1 Introduction。

3 Chapter 2 Literature Review 。

.4 2.1 Previous studies on pragmatic presupposition abroad 。

4 2.2 Previous studies on pragmatic presupposition at home。

.. 5 Chapter 3 Theoretical Foundations。

..6 3.1 The definitions of pragmatic presupposition 。

..6 3.2 The characteristics of pragmatic presupposition。

. 7 3.2.2 Subjectivity。

..7 3.2.3 Latency 。

7 3.3 The classifications of pragmatic presupposition in print advertisement language 8 3.3.1 Existential presupposition 。

8 3.3.2 Fact presupposition。

. 8 3.3.3 State presupposition。

.9 3.3.4 Belief alue presupposition。

9 3.3.5 Behavior presupposition。

10 3.4 Functions of pragmatic presupposition in drink advertisement language。

10 3.4.1 Concise function。

.10 3.4.2 Euphemism function 。

.11 3.4.3 Persuasive function 。

11 Chapter 4 Case Study。

11 4.1 Research aims 。

..11 4.2 Data collection。

.12 4.3 Data analysis 。

..12 4.3.1 Statistic numbers 。

..12 4.3.2 Analysis findings。

14 Chapter 5 Conclusion 。

..15 5.1 General summary 。

15 5.2 Limitations of present study 。



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1. 《影响中国学生英语口语流利性的障碍研究》 2. 《跨文化交际中英语口语能力的培养》 3. 《商务英语的特点及翻译技巧》 4. 《商务英语函电在对外贸易中的作用》 5. 《单证员/报关员/跟单员等在国际贸易中的地位》 6. 《商务英语函电翻译技巧》 7. 《商务谈判中英语的重要性》 8. 《浅谈出口结汇风险的防范》 9. 《中国退税制度的改革及其影响》 10. 《商标名称的翻译与策略》 11. 《外贸企业信用风险管理与控制》 12. 《2007年外资银行在我国本土注册探讨》 13. 《我国利用国际贷款/国际援助现状分析》 14. 《WTO与我国反倾销探讨》 15. 《我国对外直接投资之现状》 16. 《内陆地区对外贸易发展策略研究》 17. 《中印两国两国对外贸易战略分析》 18. 《人民币升值对我国出口贸易的影响》 19. 《浅谈商务英语写作时避免修饰语错位的方法 》 20. 《商务函电翻译的用词技巧》 21. 《外商直接在华投资探讨》 22. 《社会文化迁移对中国式英语的影响》 23. 《我国外贸出口品牌战略的实施与研究》 24. 《商务英语专业口语课程教学探讨》 25. 《入世对我国农产品贸易的影响与对策研究》 26. 《应对经济全球化,加快我国企业跨国经营》 27. 《英语写作中常见中式英语分析》 28. 《入世商务英语写作的研究》 29. 《制单工作在国际结算中的地位》 30. 《关税壁垒与非关税壁垒探讨》 31. 《浅谈实质利益谈判法》 32. 《国际电子商务发展面临的新问题》 33. 《学生商务英语写作中的错误与商务英语写作教学之间的关系》 34. 《大学生在运用定语从句时常见错误及分析其原因》 35. 《跨国公司在华扩张模式透析》 36. 《汉译英中遇到新词语的译法问题》 37. 英汉互译中词义的不对应(文化意义、风格意义、修辞意义等) 38. 形象语在写作中的修辞效果 39. 形象语在英汉诗歌互译中处理手段上的差异 40. 我国中小企业开拓国际市场之探讨 41. "10+1"自由贸易区未来前景展望 42. 汉语中新词汇的翻译技巧 43. 商务英语的特征与翻译 44. 珠江三角洲外贸现状及存在的问题 45. 南昌现利用外资纵谈 46. 广州/深圳等地区三资企业结构分析 47. 浅谈广州等地区外贸企业的困境与出路。


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本文主要为您介绍拉丁毕业论文题目,内容包括舞蹈论文题目哪个好写,论文:如何培养少儿拉丁舞的兴趣题目背景,求一个新颖的舞蹈论文题目。学术堂整理了十五个舞蹈论文题目供大家进行选择: 让“民族舞龙”闪耀于体育课堂 2、 健康中国视域下民







