




【作者单位】: 吉林师范大学博达学院; 【关键词】: 邪恶 文明 科学 教育 人性恶 蝇王 威廉·戈尔丁 黑暗 自我认知 人类社会 【分类号】:I561.074【正文快照】:威廉·戈尔丁(William Golding,1911~1994)是一名英国小说家。1954年他发表了短篇小说《蝇王》,并获得了巨大的声誉。




【作者单位】: 吉林师范大学博达学院;

【关键词】: 邪恶 文明 科学 教育 人性恶 蝇王 威廉·戈尔丁 黑暗 自我认知 人类社会



威廉·戈尔丁(William Golding,1911~1994)是一名英国小说家。1954年他发表了短篇小说《蝇王》,并获得了巨大的声誉。戈尔丁在西方被称为“寓言编撰家”,他运用现实主义的叙述方法编写寓言神话,承袭西方伦理学的传统,着力表现“人心的黑暗”这一主题,表现出作家对人类未来的



Lord of the Flies 。

Peaceful nothingness. Before the boys arrive on the island, it is picturesque, serene, and undisturbed. The boys land on the untouched island in amazement of its beauty. The island was covered in grasses, and trees, with a lagoon that was "blue of all shades and shadowy green and purple" (p. 10). Uncorrupted, the island was similar to the Garden of Eve until Adam and Eve entered slowly ruining its perfection。Ordered civilization. Ralph orders a civilization out of nothingness, by establishing laws in which everyone on the island has a job to do and a purpose to survive. They function like that of people all over the world, with rules, and duties, and a common goal to simply stay alive. Lack of clarity and instilled fear lead to the collapse of any ordered way of living。

Savage chaos. Slowly destructive changes start to occur and with the newfound fear, and lack of control, the boys begin to alter their ways of thinking, as they gradually turn into beasts. They turn to Jack, the hunter, who has completely lost his mind, in hopes that he will teach them to protect themselves from the evils of the island. What they do not realize, is that the evils of the island are really only made up of themselves. Their civilization, As soon as the boys land on the island, Ralph immediately takes control of the situation. His idea in establishing a democratic government of rules and obligations is a good one. In the beginning, everyone listens to what everyone has to say and their creation of a civilized society comes together quite quickly. From the first meeting, it seems as though everyone wants to make life on the island work, and that they all know right from wrong, good from bad. There are two keys to making and maintaining a newly created world. First, there must be laws made so that people have guidelines to live by. "We'll all have rules! Lots of rules!" (p. 33). With cooperation, they have no trouble in establishing laws and a system of government. The next key in creation and maintenance is for there to be an absolute leader, one who people will listen to. Since "there aren't any grownups" (p. 33), Ralph understands that one of the boys must take charge in looking after everyone. It is quite obvious that he immediately feels superior, because he announces that whoever has to conch "won't be interrupted. Except by me" (p. 33). The obvious symbol for any law and order that is on the island, is the conch shell. Ralph uses this for power to call meetings, and whoever talks into the conch is always heard - including Piggy. Ralph's idea of a civilized society is that everyone should have a say in the government. He was kind to almost all of the boys; however, he gave them too many freedoms and liberties, which is when their society began to fall apart. The boys would much rather play and enjoy the island then tend to it, and since there was no stress on following the rules, no one followed any of the laws originally established. Ralph's civilization fell apart because he did not know how to keep people in line or force them to obey any guidelines. He tried to be a friend as opposed to a political leader, and when things began to go wrong, the boys became afraid, and searched for a leader who had more was powerful and brave, so that he could protect them. Ralph had no trouble in establishing order, but because he was too nice, and too swept away by the idea that they were free from following rules, he immediately lost power over the boys, which is showed by the product of absolute chaos in the end of the novel.。

4.蝇王 英文简介

Lord of the Flies is a novel by Nobel Prize-winning English author William Golding about a group of British boys stuck on anuninhabited island who try to govern themselves with disastrous results. Its stances on the already controversial subjects of human nature and individual welfare versus the common good earned it position 68 on the American Library Association's list of the 100 most frequently challenged books of 1990–1999. In 2005 the novel was chosen by TIME magazine as one of the 100 best English-language novels from 1923 to 2005. It was awarded a place on both lists of Modern Library 100 Best Novels, reaching number 41 on the editor's list, and 25 on the reader's list. In 2003, the novel was listed at number 70 on the BBC's survey The Big Read.

Published in 1954, Lord of the Flies was Golding's first novel. Although it was not a great success at the time – selling fewer than 3,000 copies in the United States during 1955 before going out of print – it soon went on to become a best-seller, and by the early 1960s was required reading in many schools and colleges; the novel is currently renowned for being a popular choice of study for GCSE English Literature courses in the United Kingdom. It has been adapted to film twice in English, in 1963 by Peter Brook and 1990 by Harry Hook, and once in Filipino (1976).



The story takes place in the distant future times. In a nuclear war, a plane carrying a group of boys from the south toward the evacuation of the United Kingdom. The aircraft was attacked by a forced landing on a deserted Pacific coral island. These children are temporarily absent from the civilized world.No aircraft, no adults, a lot of hard work built up the human civilization at stake. Island, conditions were appalling, to the lucky children who survived a threat, but even the greatest danger from these innocent children had their own. In the absence of adults, the children began living on the island. Ralph is a 12-year-old son of British naval commander, his elegant manners, optimistic self-confidence and control for adults from the freedom and joy if. He sounded will be scattered throughout the island to organize the children, was elected at the plenary session leaders.Children under the leadership of Ralph tent, picking fruit, lit the fire to wait for help.At first the children in an isolated island to live in harmony, and also enjoyable, but with the "beast" the emergence of a small island of peace in harmony is broken, the children will soon split into two factions: one faction to Ralph for representatives insist on the island to establish the order of civilized society, such as the requirements of urine in the designated locations, to meet and raise their hands when they should speak, the beach is always lit a fire as a signal for help. The other is represented by the choir leader Jack, who of these civilizations, and scoff at the practice of democracy, and uphold the original evil of human nature, as well as the destruction of the instinct of destruction. Jack pretentious, and Ralph is very dissatisfied with elected leaders.He was assigned to go hunting, hunting of wild boar then inserted in a head on the pickets and forced other children to follow the example of barbarians into colorful face painting, surrounded by the wild boar headCarnival flies, but they are allowed to help the fire out, thus losing a valuable opportunity to be saved. The frightening thing is that more later, the latter tend to prevail more and more children joined the group of people. Away from the norms of human civilization and its constraints, the person has undergone an unprecedented evil nature of the release, so that they gradually into the "evils" of the abyss.Leadership in order to win, Jack has been attacked with Ralph's home, in the fierce fighting, the best friend Ralphof Aberdeendied in the melee, Simon was killed indiscriminately stick, Ralph himself into a tight encirclement. Boys kill each other, the entire island into terror. This group of boys here, the eventual total destruction of all, the whole island in the burn in the fire. Critical juncture, a British warship fires on the island discovered, in time came, Ralph survived. Ralph finally realize his desire to be saved, but he is very sad for the companions of the fallen human nature and the non-stop crying 。

。 望楼主采纳 谢谢。

6.蝇王 英文简介

Lord of the Flies is a novel by Nobel Prize-winning English author William Golding about a group of British boys stuck on anuninhabited island who try to govern themselves with disastrous results. Its stances on the already controversial subjects of human nature and individual welfare versus the common good earned it position 68 on the American Library Association's list of the 100 most frequently challenged books of 1990–1999. In 2005 the novel was chosen by TIME magazine as one of the 100 best English-language novels from 1923 to 2005. It was awarded a place on both lists of Modern Library 100 Best Novels, reaching number 41 on the editor's list, and 25 on the reader's list. In 2003, the novel was listed at number 70 on the BBC's survey The Big Read.Published in 1954, Lord of the Flies was Golding's first novel. Although it was not a great success at the time – selling fewer than 3,000 copies in the United States during 1955 before going out of print – it soon went on to become a best-seller, and by the early 1960s was required reading in many schools and colleges; the novel is currently renowned for being a popular choice of study for GCSE English Literature courses in the United Kingdom. It has been adapted to film twice in English, in 1963 by Peter Brook and 1990 by Harry Hook, and once in Filipino (1976).更多内容自己谷歌/维基基。


The story takes place in the distant future times. In a nuclear war, a plane carrying a group of boys from the south toward the evacuation of the United Kingdom. The aircraft was attacked by a forced landing on a deserted Pacific coral island. These children are temporarily absent from the civilized world.No aircraft, no adults, a lot of hard work built up the human civilization at stake. Island, conditions were appalling, to the lucky children who survived a threat, but even the greatest danger from these innocent children had their own.。

8.蝇王第一章和第二章英语内容简介 十万火急

Chapter 1: The Sound of the Shell Piggy and Ralph meet up with each other after escaping from their shot-down plane. A large scar was made in the untouched jungle, symbolizing the first of man's destruction on the island. A war is going on in the outside world, and now for the rest of the book, everyone will be isolated from it and put into their own "world." Piggy spots a conch shell, and tells Ralph how to use it to make a noise. Ralph does so, and calls all of the other boys on the island who crashed down with the plane. Jack and his Choir, Simon, Sam and Eric, and many other characters join in an assembly (including the littl'uns, which are the youngest kids at about 6 or 7 years old). Rules are set down, and Ralph is to be chief. There is no one else on the island but the young boys, so Jack decides to take his choir out to hunt for wild pigs, although he is unsuccessful in killing a small pig with his knife.Significance: While Jack's first attempt to kill the pig failed, his quote "next time。

" foreshadowed his future of savage hunting.Chapter 2: Fire on the Mountain Ralph calls another assembly, and reminds everyone that they are completely alone on the island, and there are no adults. Jack recounts his failure in killing the pig, and reiterates the need for skilled hunters. Several rules are made up, such as "whoever holds the conch gets to speak." Unexpectedly, an unnamed littl'un with a birthmark on his face tells about a "beastie" that he saw somewhere on the island. The general consensus from the others is that there is no such thing, and it must be his imagination.Ralph then suggests making a signal fire, which would be necessary if they hope to get rescued. The boys scramble off to gather wood to build a fire. Unsure of how to light it, they finally grab Piggy's specs and focus the sunlight to ignite their fire. They were not careful, however, and soon the fire is engulfing half the forest near the mountain. The little boy with the birthmark is noticed to be missing, swallowed up by the raging fire.Significance: Piggy is averse to most of the other boys, who he thinks are acting like little children (they are children, obviously, but Piggy acts like the adult figure). He cites their irresponsibility in dealing with the fire. Jack also shows signs of belligerence when he argues with Ralph about the signal fire, and claims that "The conch doesn't count on the mountain!"。




























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