
1.人力资源论文的英文摘要 希望您能帮翻译,谢谢

The high performance of management has already become the content that enterprises are pursuing constantly, but while adopting to improve the tool which manage efficiency in all, encourage already becoming a more and more important link, is being paid close attention to by the enterprise day by day. Encouragement is a manpower resources development important means, it is shown as and given and satisfied or limited people's demand desire appropriately, and the essence is people's intensity of willinging at the time of pursuing a certain set objective. In know, encourage, have mistaken idea with thinking method much administrative staff, even produced very great negative effect on the company. Then discuss here how the administrative staff goes to know the characteristic that the staff encourage and thinking method, thus bring the high performance to enterprises。


[Abstract]: The human resources of the modern enterprise is the most valuable resources, the effective development and scientific and rational management of human resources is the key to business success. After the reform and opening up, China's private enterprises with their own social resource allocation efficiency advantages in the economic field has been an important place. The development of private enterprises in China's economic development is the main driving force behind one of the private economy in the national economy status change is reflected in the private enterprises. Private enterprises in the fierce market competition to be developed by leaps and bounds necessary to strengthen human resources management. As a result, how to strengthen and improve human resources management of private enterprises in China are private enterprises in the development process to be most pressing problem. China's private enterprises to conduct analysis of the human resources management to explore a direct and realistic significance. First of all, this paper demonstrates strengthen and improve China's private enterprises of the importance of human resource management and the need, and then listed private enterprises of Human Resources Management of the existence of a number of issues, problems and the reasons were analyzed, put forward last Strengthen and improve China's private enterprises human resources management to the specific countermeasures.。



What steps to take It is important to take appropriate steps to prepare for your leave of absence or resignation for military service. Before deployment … Review the Uniformed Services Employment and Re-employment Rights Act (USERRA) which protects the job rights of individuals who voluntarily or involuntarily leave employment positions to undertake military service. To review your rights and benefits under USERRA Provide advance notice of your upcoming military service and a copy of your orders (on military letterhead) to your supervisor and the Human Resources (HR) Uniformed Services Coordinator. Request your military leave of absence with your supervisor (i.e., LWOP, military leave, or annual leave.) Provide to your supervisor whatever information is required for promotion to the next position level if interested in being considered for a career-ladder and/or competitive promotion while on active duty and forward it through your chain before departing for military leave. For more information go to Section 2353 of the DEA Personnel Manual on Active Military Duty Employee Benefits and Entitlements at


The manpower resources management of coal enterprise visits at the beginning Summary: In reform and opening-up over the past 30 years, it is 30 years when the coal enterprise gets tremendous development too. The contribution to GDP of the coal economy soars year by year. The coal economy becomes and promotes the important strength for producing development of strength of the society. However, in the era of knowledge-driven economy, the coal enterprise of our country has talents' inadequate natural endowment from the day of emerging, because low-level management mode and the defects of backward talent's idea and system in the course of developing, make the coal enterprise fall into the inefficient manpower resources management mistaken idea. The already imperfectly becoming the bottleneck of development of coal enterprise of the human resources management system of the coal enterprise at present. This text has proposed combining manpower resources management with business strategy on the issue that to this; Strengthen enterprise's post management, distinct power and responsibility; Set up the performance management style which meets the characteristic of coal enterprise; Setting up has salary mode that this trade characteristic and corporate culture combine together; Strengthen the training function of the human resources; Combine modern management in manpower resources management, strengthen solutions such as the application of human resources management,etc.. This text has carried on the comprehensive summary on the basic conception, content, meaning of manpower resources management at first. Secondly, from the resource distribution of manpower, human resources system, the human resources are used, the human resources encourage facing the management current situation of the resources of talent of coal enterprise to analyze all sides. Made a concrete analysis of the development trend of talent's resource management of coal enterprise finally, have put forward the corresponding solution. Keyword: Human resources, the current situation of coal enterprise, development trend。

5.人力资源管理论文摘要的英语翻译 急用

Along with the deepening of the socialist market economy development, as well as the establishment of modern enterprise system, enterprise healthy, long-term development of increasingly become the backbone of economic prosperity, in the actual operation and management process, human resources has gradually demonstrated its traditional material resources priority the importance of an enterprise's core resources. Human resources management of an enterprise level, and ultimately determines the competitiveness of enterprises, how to achieve effective development and scientific and rational management of human resources are key to the success of enterprises. Therefore, how to strengthen and improve the enterprise human resources management are the current businesses in the development process The most pressing problem for enterprise analysis of human resources management to explore the direct and realistic significance. The paper first describes the content of human resources management, characteristics, specific mission, objectives, significance, etc., and then through Shenyang Qi Xing Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. company status quo analysis, to identify the company's human resources management at all exist questions, and finally put forward to strengthen and improve the enterprise human resource management countermeasures and suggestions with a view to strengthen and improve the enterprise's human resources management, strengthen the core competitiveness of enterprises to provide a reference.



in this paper, scholars from home and abroad on human resource management discourse about, compare and learn from foreign human resources management, particularly the united states and japan, human resource management model. at the same time, combining the development of human resources management in our country the specific environment, especially against the current economic situation, human resources management under the new environment, analyzing the status of human resources management and development trends. at this stage, human resources management in china has been booming development, human resources management concept of people, business-to-human resources management attention to an unprecedented extent, but compared with developed countries, china's various types of enterprises in human resources management that there are still many problems. for how to improve the human resources management, give full play to human resources efficiency in the use of human resources in order to achieve sustainable development, the author of china's human resources management combined with the actual situation, which put forward some proposals. the author believes that in china the development of human resources deserves everyone's thinking, first of all should have chinese characteristics, suited to their national conditions. as for how to develop, we should see its strengths and shortcomings, learn the advantages of foreign and discard the dross, drawing hundreds of long, forming its own characteristics.。


Human capital of a country or region are the most important foundation of wealth, but also a significant source of development of the country (world bank, 1997). In the modern economic society, a country's economic strength and competitiveness, not only in the country owned by the quantity and quality of material, but also the country's human capital depends on the quantity and quality. With the advent of the knowledge-based economy, human resources are the primary resources, human capital is the first capital of the concept of progressive people. Advocates of human resources to human capital has not only become the consensus of scholars, but also become the industry policy. But in terms of human resources to human capital issues, for different industries, but also necessary in the theory and practice to further explore and research. In this paper, focusing on human resources to changes in human capital issues, focus on human resources and the concept of human capital, human resources and human capital differences between contact and human resources to human capital changes in the need for our country human resources to human capital change the status quo proposed to speed up human resources to human capital strategies, eventually come to think of human resources of human capital changes are inevitable trend of social development this conclusion.。


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