Take breaks throughout the day. It will help clear your mind and relieve pressure. Something as simple as going to the water cooler for a drink may do the trick
Enroll in a noontime or an after-work exercise class. This will give you a chance to unwindand a way to relieve stress.
To help your workday go smoothly, try pacing your activities Do more demanding work in the morning, when your energy level is higher, and easier work later in the day, when you may be tired.
Try listening to music recordings, such as a pounding surf or songbirds to help you relax. Such tapes are sold commercially. Use headphones if you'll be listening to them in the middle of the workday.
Get to work early or stay late once a week. You may be able to accomplish more when you vary your routine.
If your stress comes from job insecurity, take stock of yourself. Update your resume, and remind yourself of your skills and strengths. Also, make sure you keep up with new developments in your field. This will make you valuable to employers.
摘要:基于硅光电传感的象限传感器广泛应用于激光的瞄准、制导、跟踪,搜索装置,精密测量,如激光微定位、位移监控、精密机床的光电控制等领域。传统的硅象限传感器主要采用四象限,八象限的结构,采用焊接的方式将分别制造的感光象限和电路结合在一起,不能实现感光象限与信号处理电路的单芯片集成,难以实现器件的微型化和系统优化;同时,传统象限传感器的感光象限单元数量较少,获取的目标信息有限,难以实现对目标的坐标位置获取、形状识别等功能。 在本研究中,将传统的象限传感器与当前迅速发展的CMOS图象传感器相结合,提出了使用有源传感阵列感光的256单元光电管阵列四象限CMOS光电传感器。该传感器的感光单元采用了CMOS图象传感器中使用的有源像素传感器(Active Pixel Sensor,APS)设计,在感光单元内部由光电信号预处理电路直接将传感产生的光电信号转化为幅度较大的电信号输出,避免了对微弱信号的处理,降低了噪声的影响。传感器应用阵列采集光信号,可以直接确定目标光源的坐标位置并实现一步到位的快速调整。传感器使用标准CMOS工艺制造,将传感阵列与信号处理电路。
中,英己送出A transducer is a device that converts one type of energy to another. The conversion can be to/from electrical, electro-mechanical, electromagnetic, photonic, photovoltaic, or any other form of energy. While the term transducer commonly implies use as a sensor/detector, any device which converts energy can be considered a transducer.Transducers are electric or electronic devices that transform energy from one manifestation into another. Most people, when they think of transducers, think specifically of devices that perform this transformation in order to gather or transfer information, but really, anything that converts energy can be considered a transducer.Transducers that detect or transmit information include common items such as microphones, Geiger meters, potentiometers, pressure sensors, thermometers, and antennae. A microphone, for example, converts sound waves that strike its diaphragm into an analogous electrical signal that can be transmitted over wires. A pressure sensor turns the physical force being exerted on the sensing apparatus into an analog reading that can be easily represented. While many people think of transducers as being some sort of technical device, once you start looking for them, you will find transducers everywhere in your everyday life.Most transducers have an inverse that allows for the energy to be returned to its original form. Audio cassettes, for example, are created by using a transducer to turn the electrical signal from the microphone pick-up – which in turn went through a transducer to convert the sound waves into electrical signal – into magnetic fluctuations on the tape head. These magnetic fluctuations are then read and converted by another transducer – in this case a stereo system – to be turned back into an electrical signal, which is then fed by wire to speakers, which act as yet another transducer to turn the electrical signal back into audio wavesOther transducers turn one type of energy into another form, not for the purpose of measuring something in the external environment or to communicate information, but rather to make use of that energy in a more productive manner. A light bulb, for example, one of the many transducers around us in our day-to-day lives, converts electrical energy into visible light. Electric motors are another common form of electromechanical transducer, converting electrical energy into kinetic energy to perform a mechanical task. The inverse of an electric motor – a generator – is also a transducer, turning kinetic energy into electrical energy that can then be used by other devices.As in all energy conversions, some energy is lost when transducers operate. The efficiency of a transducer is found by comparing the total energy put into it to the total energy coming out of the system. Some transducers are very efficient, while others are extraordinarily inefficient. A radio antenna, for example, acts as a transducer to turn radio frequency power into an electromagnetic field; when operating well, this process is upwards of 80% efficient. Most electrical motors, by contrast, are well under 50% efficient, and a common light bulb, because of the amount of energy lost as heat, is less than 10% efficient.What is the Difference Between Transducers and SensorsTransducers are machines used to change one type of energy into another. They can often be found as a component of more complex devices. Sensors are explicitly intended to measure and express levels of measurement. Quite often, sensors are composed of transducers; therefore, one can see how easy it can be to confuse the two.Generally, transducers come in basic varieties of which there are almost endless applications. The first variety is contact transducers. This type is categorized by a single point of contact used to detect energy. There is generally a coupling material, such as water or oil, employed in order to prevent distortion between the source of energy and the point of detection.Many sensors utilize contact transducers in order to detect energy levels and convert that into an electrical energy which would then influence a display meter. One type of contact transducer that was almost ubiquitous in the late 1980s and early 1990s were tape heads. These were found in any cassette player, touching the magnetic tape and reading the magnetic information that was on it. This information was then converted to an electric signal that was carried by wire to speakers or headphones and then converted back into sound waves.The second most common type of transducers is the immersion type. These are intended to work in liquid 。
1 微型化(Micro) 为了能够与信息时代信息量激增、要求捕获和处理信息的能力日益增强的技术发展趋势保持一致,对于传感器性能指标(包括精确性、可靠性、灵敏性等)的要求越来越严格;与此同时,传感器系统的操作友好性亦被提上了议事日程,因此还要求传感器必须配有标准的输出模式;而传统的大体积弱功能传感器往往很难满足上述要求,所以它们已逐步被各种不同类型的高性能微型传感器所取代;后者主要由硅材料构成,具有体积小、重量轻、反应快、灵敏度高以及成本低等优点。
1.1 由计算机辅助设计(CAD)技术和微机电系统(MEMS)技术引发的传感器微型化 目前,几乎所有的传感器都在由传统的结构化生产设计向基于计算机辅助设计(CAD)的模拟式工程化设计转变,从而使设计者们能够在较短的时间内设计出低成本、高性能的新型系统,这种设计手段的巨大转变在很大程度上推动着传感器系统以更快的速度向着能够满足科技发展需求的微型化的方向发展。 对于微机电系统(MEMS)的研究工作始于20世纪60年代,其研究范畴涉及材料科学、机械控制、加工与封装工艺、电子技术以及传感器和执行器等多种学科,是一个极具前景的新兴研究领域。
1.2 微型传感器应用现状 就当前技术发展现状来看,微型传感器已经对大量不同应用领域,如航空、远距离探测、医疗及工业自动化等领域的信号探测系统产生了深远影响;目前开发并进入实用阶段的微型传感器已可以用来测量各种物理量、化学量和生物量,如位移、速度/加速度、压力、应力、应变、声、光、电、磁、热、PH值、离子浓度及生物分子浓度等 2 智能化(Smart) 智能化传感器(Smart Sensor)是20世纪80年代末出现的另外一种涉及多种学科的新型传感器系统。此类传感器系统一经问世即刻受到科研界的普遍重视,尤其在探测器应用领域,如分布式实时探测、网络探测和多信号探测方面一直颇受欢迎,产生的影响较大。
2.1 智能化传感器的特点 智能化传感器是指那些装有微处理器的,不但能够执行信息处理和信息存储,而且还能够进行逻辑思考和结论判断的传感器系统。这一类传感器就相当于是微型机与传感器的综合体一样,其主要组成部分包括主传感器、辅助传感器及微型机的硬件设备。
通常情况下,一个通用的检测仪器只能用来探测一种物理量,其信号调节是由那些与主探测部件相连接着的模拟电路来完成的;但智能化传感器却能够实现所有的功能,而且其精度更高、价格更便宜、处理质量也更好。与传统的传感器相比,智能化传感器具有以下优点: 1.智能化传感器不但能够对信息进行处理、分析和调节,能够对所测的数值及其误差进行补偿,而且还能够进行逻辑思考和结论判断,能够借助于一览表对非线性信号进行线性化处理,借助于软件滤波器滤波数字信号。
此外,还能够利用软件实现非线性补偿或其它更复杂的环境补偿,以改进测量精度。 2.智能化传感器具有自诊断和自校准功能,可以用来检测工作环境。
4.智能化传感器既能够很方便地实时处理所探测到的大量数据,也可以根据需要将它们存储起来。存储大量信息的目的主要是以备事后查询,这一类信息包括设备的历史信息以及有关探测分析结果的索引等; 5.智能化传感器备有一个数字式通信接口,通过此接口可以直接与其所属计算机进行通信联络和交换信息。
中文名称:传感器 英文名称:sensor;measuring element;transducer 定义1:能感受规定的被测量并按照一定的规律转换成可用输出信号的器件或装置。 应用学科:机械工程(一级学科);传感器(二级学科);传感器一般名词(三级学科) 定义2:接受物理或化学变量(输入变量)形式的信息,并按一定规律将其转换成同种或别种性质的输出信号的装置。 应用学科:煤炭科技(一级学科);矿山电气工程(二级学科);煤矿监测与控制(三级学科)
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