Since the introduction of computer-chip technology in society, in every field in a wide range of applications.Running light control systems, the microcontroller is replaced by the gear regulating the delay time of old growth rate in future in the heart of this system.Due to the MCU has several benefits: small size, light weight, a single power supply; features, low power consumption and low; and the data transfer, one finds in SCM internal, run fast, uding, high reliability, so single-chip is widely used in measurement and control system, data acquisition, instrumental, Mechatronics product, smart interface, computer communications, as well as single-chip multilevel system, etc.This article is primarily deals with a subject name is single-chip-chip, flowing water and light control, which enables we learned how to use the SCM control our lives in the application of the facility.The design of this subject at a later time, introduced me to many aspects of the SCM.This topic describes in detail by the MCS-89C51 manifold programming the control circuit, it completed the single-chip flowing water and light control features, and gives specific hardware circuits and the appropriate program.This kind of control circuit reliability, flexibility, use the wide-ranging especially suitable for medium-sized cities of traffic lights, neon lights, etc.Rather, it on other similar system has certain significance.。
Since the introduction of computer-chip technology in society, in every field in a wide range of applications.Running light control systems, the microcontroller is replaced by the gear regulating the delay time of old growth rate in future in the heart of this system.Due to the MCU has several benefits: small size, light weight, a single power supply; features, low power consumption and low; and the data transfer, one finds in SCM internal, run fast, uding, high reliability, so single-chip is widely used in measurement and control system, data acquisition, instrumental, Mechatronics product, smart interface, computer communications, as well as single-chip multilevel system, etc.This article is primarily deals with a subject name is single-chip-chip, flowing water and light control, which enables we learned how to use the SCM control our lives in the application of the facility.The design of this subject at a later time, introduced me to many aspects of the SCM.This topic describes in detail by the MCS-89C51 manifold programming the control circuit, it completed the single-chip flowing water and light control features, and gives specific hardware circuits and the appropriate program.This kind of control circuit reliability, flexibility, use the wide-ranging especially suitable for medium-sized cities of traffic lights, neon lights, etc.Rather, it on other similar system has certain significance.。
【版权】Copyright(C)铁牛电子 All Rights Reserved
#include<reg52.h> //52单片机头文件,一般不要改动,里面包含特殊功能寄存器的定义
#define uchar unsigned char //将unsigned char定义为uchar,简化输写。提高编程速度
#define uint unsigned int //将unsigned char定义为uint,简化输写。提高编程速度
uchar code table[]={0xfe,0xfd,0xfb,0xf7,0xef,0xdf,0xbf,0x7f}; //定义八个灯的工作状态。
void delay(uint time)
while(--time); //当time的值为非0时,执行空语句。当time为0时,跳出while语句。
void main()
uchar i; //定义一个无符号字符变量。
while(1) //做一个死循环,让程序永远在while下面的大括号里面运行。
for(i=0;i<8;i++) //for语句判断条,i<8成立时,执行大括号里面程序
P2=table[i]; //P2口对应取值,八个灯的状态
delay(10000); //延时子程序调用
实现8个LED流水灯汇编语言源程序 liu01.asm
;----- 主程序开始 -----
START: CLR P1.0 ;P1.0输出低电平,使LED1点亮
ACALL DELAY ;调用延时子程序
SETB P1.0 ;P1.0输出高电平,使LED1熄灭
CLR P1.1 ;P1.1输出低电平,使LED2点亮
ACALL DELAY ;调用延时子程序
SETB P1.1 ;P1.1输出高电平,使LED2熄灭
CLR P1.2 ;P1.2输出低电平,使LED3点亮
ACALL DELAY ;调用延时子程序
SETB P1.2 ;P1.2输出高电平,使LED3熄灭
CLR P1.3 ;P1.3输出低电平,使LED4点亮
ACALL DELAY ;调用延时子程序
SETB P1.3 ;P1.3输出高电平,使LED4熄灭
CLR P1.4 ;P1.4输出低电平,使LED5点亮
ACALL DELAY ;调用延时子程序
SETB P1.4 ;P1.4输出高电平,使LED5熄灭
CLR P1.5 ;P1.5输出低电平,使LED6点亮
ACALL DELAY ;调用延时子程序
SETB P1.5 ;P1.5输出高电平,使LED6熄灭
CLR P1.6 ;P1.6输出低电平,使LED7。余下全文>>