
1.我想写一篇关于学前儿童英语教育的毕业论文 什么题目好呢

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幼儿英语教育中值得注意的几个问题【摘要】:正 随着改革开放的不断深入,我国的经济、文化与西 方发达国家的交往逐渐增多,英语的重要性日益为人们所认识,英语教育的起始阶段也随之由原来的中学提前到了幼儿园。


现就我所了解到的情况与几年来从事幼儿英语教育的体会,将这些问题归纳如下,希望引起大家的重视。【关键词】: 幼儿英语教育 值得注意 幼儿园 文化背景知识 学习英语兴趣 英语知识 幼儿学习 兴趣的培养 语音知识 问题归纳 【正文快照】: .+着改革开放的不断深入,我国的经济、文化与西腱方发达国家的交往逐渐增多,英语的重要性日益为人们所认识,英语教育的起始阶段也随之由原来的中学提前到了幼儿园。

目前在我国的一些幼儿园正兴起一股幼儿英语热。这固然是好事,但也出现了一些值得注意的问题,这些问题如不解决…… 参考文献1 高月梅 ,沈琴芳 ,陈宪;幼儿学习英语效果的评析[J];心理发展与教育;1987年03期 2 陈雅筠;重上课轻游戏的原因[J];幼儿教育;1988年Z1期 3 黄志林;;对儿童进行英语早期启蒙的实验(一年总结)[J];江西教育科研;1988年01期 4 王志龙;;家庭中幼儿的早期外语教育[J];早期教育(教师版);1989年02期。


"The game is the basic activities of kindergarten, this means that game in kindergarten activity plays an extremely important role. The children in the game development skills and master symbols of imagination, understand human behavior, recognize relationships between people. The game applied to teaching activity, children can increase the interest in learning, obtain better learning effect. Therefore, English teaching should be to let kindergarten children take language learning activities as a game, through various games, let children in the movement, the expression and language form to participate in activities that they're moving body, and the activity of English saying, using English.Types of games in children is varied, the commonly used in English teaching is puzzles, performance and sports games, music game. These games can be applied to teaching, alone can mutual tolerance. But in whatever form, are applied to teaching should follow the following principles:A, EnglishThe kindergarten teaching English now there is a common phenomenon that some teachers in organizing game, often because of its own English grasp or worry about children cannot understand and use Chinese organizations, a variety of practices is detrimental to the baby to study English. Studies show that children learn language follow "-- -" in order to read. Their language learning and speaking from the development, especially from obedient. Obedient So the teacher in the game as possible should use English (when necessary action video&), with the children in which to take full advantage of the listening practice, then encourage children to boldly with English, body language express their feelings. But for the English class just contact preschool teachers can be appropriately to Chinese children, easy to understand and grasp game. For infants became familiar with pure English game, organizing game activities.Second, concisenessDue to the low level of understanding, children and the master of English, so when the rules of the game too complex, will cause cheeper cannot understand the rules of the game, which cannot grasp game, cannot play.Third, suitabilitySo-called suitability, contains two aspects of meaning. One is to select appropriate teaching contents according to the game. 2 is the degree of difficulty to play with your child's skill level.There are different types of games, but not every game is used in teaching content. Such as "puzzle" is only suitable for learning some objects, but is not suitable for nouns, verbs, song song of learning. If the game may choose not appropriate, the wasted effort, although the process on the surface, in fact not teaching goal. Suitable for use on the only game teaching contents, teaching purpose, can purposefully efficiently the completion of the teaching task.In addition, the difficulty of the game with the ability to children. Only the degree of difficulty for game, children can grasp the game in which the children to succeed, interested in game, actively participate in games. If the game after hard or easy, it may be, does not fear or despise children to participate in games, teaching failure.4 and fairnessIn the process, teachers often pay attention to English mastery of good study, high level of those children, they play the game to obtain the praise than other children of the chance to several times. But those introverted, language ability of poor children often ignored by teachers, participate in the game to unfair. In the long run, will be exacerbated by the polarization, make slighted children to learn English when the audience, lose the confidence and enthusiasm. Therefore, the teacher in the organization of the game process, must pay more attention to those introverted, language ability of poor children, give them a lot of chance to participate, timely encouragement, praise them, so that all the children make progress together.“游戏是幼儿园的基本活动”,这意味着游戏在幼儿园的活动中扮演着极其重要的角色。


因此,幼儿园英语教学应尽量让幼儿把学习语言活动作为一种游戏,通过组织各种游戏活动,让幼儿以动作、表情和语言等形式参与活动,使他们在动身体、动手、动口的活动中感受英语、运用英语。 游戏的种类多种多样,在幼儿英语教学中常用的有益智游戏、表演游戏、体育游戏、音乐游戏几种。

这些游戏既可单独运用于教学中,也可相互包容。但不论以何种形式运用于教学,都需遵循以下原则: 一、英语性 现在的幼儿园英语教学普遍存在一种现象,那就是一些教师。


SOME DIFFERENCES BETWEEN CHINESE AND WESTERN EDUCATION Education must meet the challenges of a changing world, and in doing so, no student must be left behind. We teach our students for the world that will be, not the world that was and will not come again. Please do not think I am critical of China, there are so many things I admire and respect in China but as a westerner I firmly believe we all learn from each other when we talk about our differences, as good friends should. Today I will speak on four main subjects of western education:- 1, A General Introduction to the Western Educational Environment 2. Teachers and Teaching Beliefs in Western Countries 3. The Differences between Chinese and Western Students 4. The Changing ClassroomWhen Chinese teachers talk about western education they think it is all the same in every western or foreign country but education is very different in England from America while Australia is different again from England and America and South Africa is very different again with its heavy teaching of African culture A GENERAL INTRODUCTION TO THE WESTERN EDUCATIONAL ENVIRONMENTSouth Africa is considered to have one of the best educational systems in the world and since 2005 has focused heavily on literacy, mathematics and the African culture of art, history and music The Australian educational system prepares students for adult life and makes sure that all students have knowledge and a very clear understanding of the world we all share. Meanwhile the English educational system prepares students for opportunities, responsibilities and the experiences of the adult life they will have in the future.The American educational system is considered one of the worst in the world with very badly paid teachers. The man collecting garbage in the streets earns more money than American teachers. There are very over crowded classrooms and some schools do not have enough money to look after their students properly. Further more, American teachers have eight weeks summer holidays each year but do not receive pay for all this time. Many are forced to find work as waiters or serve in a shop to support their families or themselves during this time.Many excellent American school teachers now work in foreign countries such as China where education and teachers are respected.TEACHERS AND TEACHING BELIEFS IN WESTERN COUNTRIES Most teachers of the world teach with books, in a classroom with a blackboard but it is the communication skills and culture of each country all over the world that creates the differences in our classrooms, and yet in many ways, we are all the same.We believe our Western teachers must have a kind heart, be very patient with a strong generosity, endurance and strength. Further more, in our class room the student is the most important person not the teacher. We are there to help, advise and encourage students on their journey to adulthood.We do not believe in shouting at a student if they get an answer wrong, it is not a terrible crime because next time, or the time after that, or the time after that they will get it right if you encourage and guide them along. We firmly believe in the west that you, as a teacher set students on the path for success. If you shout at a student enough they will lose heart and never get it right. Surely a teacher encourages, helps and inspires students to do better not only for themselves but for their parents and China We all need to ask ourselves how many good students have been lost to us, and our countries, because of bad teaching both here and in the west.The bond, and communication, formed between a teacher and student is very important to us, in fact, we consider this one of the most important responsibilities we have. We become friends of a kind and this friendship, and guidance continues long into adulthood. When my students achieve in adult life they come and tell me and I fell so proud and happy for them.As western teachers we constantly move around the classroom and try, every lesson, to talk to each individual student. I also make direct eye contact with students because in the western culture we believe that you are not a good person unless you look a person directly in the eye when speaking to them. My students are encouraged to get up and walk over to me when they have a question or need help.I teach English so my class room is very noisy because we believe that students must talk in English for the entire class to me or to each other. How else will they learn to speak English? I talk for only 20% of my class time and the st。




1. Teaching methodologies for different age groups

2. Continuity of children's language acquisition - provision of pedagogical continuity between pre-primary, primary and

secondary sectors

3. Parental involvement in children's English learning

































幼儿钢琴教学中学习兴趣培养1.1万字 11页 目 录 中文摘要…………………………………………………………………………… 英文摘要…………………………………………………………………………… 绪 论 ……………………………………………………………………………… 一)、导致幼儿钢琴学习中兴趣缺乏的主要原因 ……………………………… 二)、幼儿钢琴学习中兴趣培养的重要作用 …………………………………… 第一部分 创设优异的音乐环境诱发幼儿学习音乐的兴趣 …………………… 一)、适时适地为幼儿欣赏经典音乐作品 ……………………………………… 二)、采用多种趣味教学形式使幼儿感受音乐培养直接兴趣 ………………… 三)、搭建表演平台让幼儿体验成功的乐趣 …………………………………… 第二部分 幼儿钢琴教材的选用 ………………………………………………… 一)、选用有形象有标题趣味性强的钢琴教材 ………………………………… 二)、选用幼儿熟知的中外儿歌改编的钢琴教材 ……………………………… 三)、选用中国民歌改编的钢琴小曲 …………………………………………… 第三部分 突出教学情趣培养幼儿学习钢琴的兴趣 …………………………… 一)、教师要注重语言艺术性和趣味性 ………………………………………… 二)、把技能技巧的学习融合到音乐情境之中 ………………………………… 三)、采用新颖的授课形式 ……………………………………………………… 四)、在赏识教育中培养幼儿的自信心 ………………………………………… 第四部分 结论 …………………………………………………………………… 参考文献…………………………………………………………………………… 后 记……………………………………………………………………………… Exlore The in Terest Training and Teaching Method of Piano For Kids Abstract:The elegancy piano sound can bring enjoy to kids to let them have interested in study at the beginning. But the interest at the beginning is not stable. They can easily feel bother while big amount of basic exercises coming letting them fade of the interest of beginning. Actually each kid has enough capacity. We, as a piano teacher, are look forward to teaching the kids in the course of enjoy and happiness. Except love, our education should be with good measure so that continuing to push, improve their interest in the field of study and letting them to study piano enjoyable and happiness just like playing game.The article force on how to improve the music and play interests, music environmental and text choosing during education for little kids. Would like to get a result what most important function for study interest in field of the piano study of kids and show clearly that the study interest is key for kids and try to find the best way and measure to improve the piano education for kids.Key words: Kids; Training; Music interest; Teaching method;Music environmental 参考文献 [1]尹爱青.当代主要音乐教育体系及教学法[M].长春:东北师范大学出版社 [2]张凯.音乐心理[M].重庆:西南师范大学出版社 [3]周广仁.钢琴演奏基础训练[M]. 北京:高等教育出版社 下载地址 /0l3Hlh。


1、赵寄石.谈谈幼儿园的“英语热”[J]幼儿教育,1994:4. 2、赵寄石.再谈幼儿学英语[J]幼儿教育,1995:.

3、邵瑞珍.教育心理学[M].上海:上海教育出版社,1997:252一256. 4、靳洪刚著.《语言获得理论研究》,中国社会科学出版社,1997:176.





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论学前教育回归生活世界 摘 要:生活世界是教育世界的现实基础和意义之源。

学前教育与生活世界的内在关联使其向生活世界的 回归成为可能。本文试图以“生活世界”理论为契机,分析学前教育和儿童生活世界的联系,并探讨当今学前教 育所存在的现实问题,由此得出“生活世界”理论对学前教育的启示。

关键词:生活世界;学前教育;生活教育 一、“生活世界”理论提出的背景 “生活世界”是现象学大师胡塞尔晚期思想的中心范 畴之一。胡塞尔在《欧洲科学危机与超越论的现象学》中 说:“在十九世纪后半叶,现代人的整个世界观惟一受实证 科学的支配并且惟一被科学所造成的‘繁荣’所迷惑,这种 惟一性意味着人们以冷漠的态度避开了对真正的人性具有 决定意义的问题。

单纯注重事实的科学,造就单纯注重事 实的人。”[1]因而,人被科学化、数学化、机械化。

人生的意 义与价值被遗失了。胡塞尔觉察到了这一巨大隐患。

他认 为正是这种思想倾向使得欧洲科学彻底遗忘了它的源头, 人性在这种遗忘中也陷入了危机,因为万能的科学“却恰 恰解决不了那些最令人关心的涉及世界与人生意义的问 题,而这些问题正是与人的主体性方面内在相关的。”[2]所 以,为了解决科学危机、重寻生命存在的意义,胡塞尔认 为必须重新追寻生活世界的价值与意义,找寻富有本原性 意义的世界———“生活世界。”

也许只有这样,才能让我们 另辟蹊径,从一个新的角度反思学前教育,而我们首先需要 澄清的就是学前教育的归属问题。 美国著名教育家杜威曾说过“教育即生活”、“教育不 是生活的预备”。

教育,作为一种培养人的社会活动,与受 教育者的生活发生着密切的联系。教育者和受教育者之间 的交往,其实也是一种生活的过程。

卢梭曾说过,我们的 教育是同我们的生命一起的。教育的起点是人的生命。

在 教育中,生活是教育的本源,教育来源于生活。胡塞尔的 生活世界理论是一个包括一切特殊形式的总和。

在我们的 现实生活中,与教育相对应的生活世界有两种:成人生活 世界和儿童生活世界。以这两种生活世界为归属的教育有 着不一样的教育理念和教育方式。

以成人生活世界为归属 和对象的教育,是指教育的对象是成人或把教育对象成人 化,一切教育活动、教育内容等都按照成人的特点和需要 来安排。因此,在课堂上,所教的知识是系统的、严密的、理性的,目的是使学生掌握一系列的教育内容,并在不久 的将来将其运用于实际。

而以儿童生活世界为归属的教育 则是以儿童为教育对象,按照儿童的特征去安排一切教育 活动的。在幼儿教育中,教育的对象是一群孩子,一群注 重形象思维、有着自己独特生活世界的孩子。

要使孩子们 理解所教的内容、在愉快的氛围中学习,教育者必须把孩子 看成孩子,以儿童生活世界为教育归属,根据他们的年龄 特征和个性差异去安排教学以及一切教育活动,教育内容 也必须贴近孩子们的生活世界,直接在幼儿的生活世界中 取材。幼儿从呱呱落地起,他所接触和面对的便是眼前看 得到、摸得着的活生生的“生活世界”,每个人最初所接受 的教育都是这种可感可观的直接与周围环境相接触的教 育。

在“生活世界”教育中,孩子们眼前的世界是具体的、形象的、一切都以他们自身的生活为基础。针对幼儿的年 龄特征,我们应该以孩子们现实的日常生活为本源对孩子 进行可感可观的形象教育。

当然,对其进行适当的科学教 育也是幼儿教育中一个不可或缺的内容,但对幼儿进行的 科学教育一定要以孩子的生活世界为基础,以孩子的日常 生活方式显现,使孩子易于理解和接受。在这里,很显 然,以儿童生活世界为归属的教育是更符合生活教育理论 的。

二、学前教育面临的困境 之所以提出学前教育要回归生活世界,出发点是学前 教育偏离和遗忘了生活世界。原初状态下学前教育与生活 世界合为一体,基本的生产劳动和社会交往既构成了人们 的生活世界,也提供了主要的学前教育资源和学前教育方 式。

随着生产的发展和社会的进步,学前教育通过公共化、体制化、专业化和规模化而逐步独立出来。学前教育与生 活世界的分离提高了学前教育资源的使用效率和知识传递 的速度,推动了社会发展,是人类文明和进步的标志。

但当 前学前教育的困境在于现代性境域下,学前教育被封闭于 科学世界而偏离和遗忘了作为自己现实根基和意义源泉的 生活世界。学前教育问题的实质是学前教育所面临的现代 性困境,学前教育走出困境的可能道路也是走出现代性的 困境,回归现实生活世界。

具体言之,学前教育面临着如下 现代性困境。 成人世界对儿童世界的简单替代是当代学前教育面临 的突出问题。

自从有了人类以来,儿童世界与成人世界似 乎就没有和平过。由于幼儿相对成人来说,其身体较柔 弱。

在日常生活的各个环节中,都少不了成人的搀扶和帮 助。因此,成人也就理所当然的主控了儿童的生活世界, 并为他们安排好一切。

杜威认为,儿童的身体是未成熟 的,必须依赖成人的抚育和帮助。而正是这种未成熟的状 态有着生长的可能性,有着发展的潜力。

杜威曾说:“一 般动物出生不久即能啄食和行路,儿童则需长期。


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本文主要为您介绍上海大学孙运军毕业论文,内容包括毕业论文范文,上海大学博士(文科)在读期间需要发几篇论文才能申请学位,求一本科生毕业论文致谢,100字左右,简单明了。论文之家 http://www.91qikan.com 优秀论文杂志 http://www.interpapers








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本文主要为您介绍上海大学孙运军毕业论文,内容包括毕业论文范文,上海大学博士(文科)在读期间需要发几篇论文才能申请学位,求一本科生毕业论文致谢,100字左右,简单明了。论文之家 http://www.91qikan.com 优秀论文杂志 http://www.interpapers