

Crime units abroad as corporate crime, units countries in the world against the harm to society are the characteristics of the crime independent of the natural system of legislation, Punishment and prevention of crime units to take most of the "double penalty system." Criminal liability for units with dual characteristics, and criminal responsibility for crimes unit features of the dual legal basis Theory sector was the existence of different understanding of "double penalty" in practice, there undue punishment of crimes. At present, the crime units in major criminal and economic cases in the form of pollution, "double penalty" in the application of which there are criminal penalties starting point is too high, the criminal justice unit and inconsistent sentencing procuratorial organ; instead, Sentenced to felony status. By diagnose specific crime unit "double penalty" of the legal merits -- statutory shared principles, China on the current "double penalty" deficiencies in the application, the proposed legislation lowering the unit appropriate criminal penalties applicable criminal starting point, criminal responsibility to adhere to the main unit, strict justice, the strengthening of supervision, improve supervision and prevention mechanisms at all levels, the "double penalty" truly curb crime units to protect the interests of the community an important tool.

Key words : crime units statutory criminal-penalty system


Crime units abroad as corporate crime, units countries in the world against the harm to society are the characteristics of the crime independent of the natural system of legislation, Punishment and prevention of crime units to take most of the "double penalty system." Criminal liability for units with dual characteristics, and criminal responsibility for crimes unit features of the dual legal basis Theory sector was the existence of different understanding of "double penalty" in practice, there undue punishment of crimes. At present, the crime units in major criminal and economic cases in the form of pollution, "double penalty" in the application of which there are criminal penalties starting point is too high, the criminal justice unit and inconsistent sentencing procuratorial organ; instead, Sentenced to felony status. By diagnose specific crime unit "double penalty" of the legal merits -- statutory shared principles, China on the current "double penalty" deficiencies in the application, the proposed legislation lowering the unit appropriate criminal penalties applicable criminal starting point, criminal responsibility to adhere to the main unit, strict justice, the strengthening of supervision, improve supervision and prevention mechanisms at all levels, the "double penalty" truly curb crime units to protect the interests of the community an important tool.Key words : crime units statutory criminal-penalty system。


法律专业论文中文摘要Chinese abstract of legal profession法律专业[法] legal profession ; 法律专业培养系统掌握法学知识,熟悉我国法律和党的相关政策,能在国家机关、企事业单位和社会团体,特别是能在立法机关、行政机关、检察机关、审判机关、仲裁机构和法律服务机构以及涉外、涉侨等部门从事法律工作的高级专门人才。

论文[lùn wén][名]paper; thesis; dissertation; treatise; discourse ; 中文:Chinese摘要[zhāi yào][名]abstract; (摘录下来的要点) summary; remark; tabloid; [动](摘录要点) make a summary; make an abstract ;。

4.法律论文摘要 翻译英文 专业高手进

Will people as commodity behavior, the prodect, with human trafficking in our criminal behavior has become a nuisance of social concern about China's present criminal law, though with a regulation, but along with the economic development, the widening gap between the urban and rural, judicial practice selling adult male (14 years old), sell the coolie cherished and trafficking LiangXingRen case also common occurance. In our criminal law in a concrete analysis about human trafficking crime legislation, we can see the trajectory of the criminal law on the crime human trafficking in legislation and regulations and exposed, should be perfected. DefectsI think our current trafficking women, children, the object has obvious limitation limits, no human trafficking sin. Legislative law should be strict, I hope our country criminal law can establish human trafficking and buying abducted population of sin, And the victim will against human trafficking as sin (except under the age of 14) is one of the components. Make women, children, other than the population also should be protected and judicial organs more favorable and control of any criminal activity human trafficking.。



Not legally distinct from the fact of the innocent, it includes absolutely innocent innocence andinnocence of questionable legal. Justly is the common ideal of the judicial workers, but in the face of the perplexing case, due to various subjective factors and other identification conditions, such a perfect ideal difficult to achieve. Happening of misjudged criminal cases,because the case was found guilty of doubt whether, or in the case of insufficient evidenceconvicted and identified as the miscarriages of justice. A case includes so many complicatedfactors, when the misjudged case occurred, the reasons for its formation and rational analysison fault degree, then the strict and impartial investigating criminal responsibility of thecontractor, is the defendant and plaintiff judge real responsibility.


Jury System as a national judicial organs absorption is not professional judges of the ordinary citizens to participate in the specific case of a judicial system, the world was adopted by many countries. However, with the continuous development of society, the jury system in China's judicial work is also applicable there is a growing number of issues, the judiciary on the jury system in China of waste and also have advocated. Therefore, this article from the perspective of the criminal justice system on the application of the jury conducted a preliminary study. The jury system has generated a long history, the world's two principal legal systems, common law and civil law adopted jury system. Now China's judicial system of jury trials in the people's courts in the application have different views, some in favour of retaining, and some advocated repeal. Below we in the criminal justice point of view of the jury system to talk about the views。

7.跪求法律英语高手翻译论文摘要 谢绝在线翻译

In the world are the historical trend to improve the administrative 程序法 today, we are also in hunan province, administrative procedures provided for the formulation of legislation marks the beginning of the administrative procedures of the trip. reasonable and legal principles of administrative procedures of the hot issues in 理论界 have reached extensive consensus, and i think the legislative process for establishing the legal rights protected 相对人 on the basis of the efficiency of the same principle should be heeded. the first to clarify efficiency connotation。


The state council promulgated in 2002 medical accident treatment regulations, and 1987 medical accident treatment than regulations, have made great progress, but at the same time also caused the Chinese medical disputes of the "culture" phenomenon. With the rapid development of our country's economy and society, the number of medical disputes and complexity has also increased. In the new situation, July 1, 2010 formally went into effect of the tort liability law in chapter 7, devoted to the length of the detailed regulations medical liability dispute processing method, completely abandoned the previous medical accident and medical treatment fault dispute to a different standard practice for compensation, united medical liability judgement and compensation.However, owing to the tort liability law "is a relatively new law, even in after formally went into effect, still have individual shall be based on the tort liability law case in the case in accordance with the law not, each district court, all experts and scholars on chapter 7 of part of the understanding and applicable differences still exist. At the same time the law has some legislation in the place of the not clear, needs further discussion and confirmation.This article from the tort liability law properly solve the contradictions of the original idea of the patient, comparison, classification, deduce and generalizations logic method, and combining with the civil substantive law and procedural law knowledge, a new law to the compensation system of medical treatment of content, the characteristic, the suitable, the dispute shall such as comprehensive analysis and review. Proposed by the law into effect after two is different case analysis and comparison, and puts forward the medical technology liability and medical ethics liability two major types of cases judge the application suggestion; Through leading in the process of law applicable mainly disputed point and the insufficiency, try to put forward to improve the tort liability law proposal.。


Consumer rights and interests of the People's Republic of China and law "is the common People's Daily life the most intimate relations with a law, which has been issued and implemented, the ego to protect consciousness awakens consumers' rights and interests, accelerate the legislation of our country market economy, promote the process of socialism with Chinese characteristics and legal construction plays a positive role. In the 21st century, with the development of market economy, the reform, especially after China's accession to the rapid development of economy, the arrival of economic globalization, globalization brings service in reform and opening up, because of today, many services are at the same time around the world. Only will more service recipients into categories of consumers, to more effectively promote consumer rights and interests protection work, so as to achieve the legal protection of our experienced from synchronous, according to the consumer can the protection of the rights and interests, and after a series of relevant legal system, perfected gradually. In today's world, no country in ten years time had such great and profound changes, and these changes our life rhythm, lifestyle, also changed our values and thinking mode. The protection of consumer rights and interests of many new situation, an often damage the lawful rights and interests of consumers, suggesting that still should strengthen the research on consumers, to protect the lawful rights and interests of consumers. This paper tries to present Chinese consumer rights and interests protects a hotspot and difficulty of complaints, and new and consumers in the laws and regulations of closely related to analyze, and proposes the corresponding viewpoints and Suggestions。


Investigators testify in court system in most common law countries has been established, but whether or not the system set up in China has been much debated. In recent years, after the first parts of exploring the practical experience proved that the system established in our country with its necessity and feasibility. With the continuous reform of the judicial system and the development, establishment and implementation of the investigators to testify in court system already has its legal basis, theoretical and practical foundation. And investigators to testify in favor exclusionary rule to protect the legitimate interests of the accused, efficiency of the proceedings, reflecting the procedural justice, therefore, in our system of building the investigators to testify in court seems imminent. Through access to common law and civil law systems for the detection of the relevant provisions of staff to testify in court, and the status of our investigators to testify in court, characteristics, and the reasons for this phenomenon to generalize, summarize, analyze in China Implementation of the investigating officers to testify in court system is the feasibility and necessity of the final proposal of building some of the recommendations of the system. In addition to legislative norms of witnesses investigators qualified to testify range, evidence procedures, this paper proposes for the refusal to testify in the punitive measures used by investigators to ensure the implementation of the system and help promote common witness Testify to form a good social atmosphere, and ultimately double the judicial process and the entity justice.。


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