

Importance of NursingHealth care has been identified as Canadians' number one public priority - and nurses play a central role in delivering health care. Nurses advocate for health promotion, educate patients and the public on the prevention of illness and injury, provide care and assist in cure, participate in rehabilitation, and provide support. No other health care professional has such a broad and far-reaching role. Nurses help families learn to become healthy by helping them understand the range of emotional, physical, mental and cultural experiences they encounter during health and illness. Nurses help people and their families cope with illness, deal with it, and if necessary live with it, so that other parts of their lives can continue. Nurses do more than care for individuals. They have always have been at the forefront of change in health care and public health. Nurses innovate. Florence Nightingale, regarded as the founder of modern nursing, is remembered as "the lady with the lamp" - yet she also collected data to prove that the main cause, by far, of fatalities in the Crimean War was not enemy fire, but infections attributed to improper sanitation. She was a pioneering statistician, probably the first person in history to use graphs and charts to persuade politicians to act. Today's university-trained nurses learn to trust their own first-hand observations to generate important research leads on significant topics. Nurses provide ongoing assessment of people's health. Their round-the-clock presence, observation skills, and vigilance allow doctors to make better diagnoses and propose better treatments. Many lives have been saved because an attentive nurse picked upon early warning signs of an upcoming crisis like cardiac arrest or respiratory failure.。


The nurse is called "angels in white"'ah by people being protecting people's body and mind health. Front emergency treatment job social nature has been strong to the emergency call nurse Er Yan , the yard , has given first aid treatment to each aspect using personal influence relating to society , has stepped out of the pure medical science field, except special field technology, synthetical quality has brought forward higher call for to the nurse. The character working strained , designs that the disease is various complicated, the scene gives first aid treatment to environment difference , the disturbance factor is many , manpower and material resources is limited, emergency treatment nursing job technology contents are high , special field is strong, require that relativity nursing team's is stable. With emergency call medical treatment system building-up and perfect , be because of the specially appointed the character working and intensity, the nurse has needed to bear the gigantic spirit , mentality pressure in the process of yard front emergency treatment sometimes , has affected it's the mass physically and mentally healthy and working thereby. Among them the most outstanding problem is human relations sensitive-rization , body-rization , extremely anxious , hostile. The source analyses 1 pressure That 1.1 stays in the first ding-dang is that amount of work is very big , change shifts many, amount of work is saturated. The night shift makes circadian rhythm chaos , the long range stay up late , is short of the rest and sleep, bring about human body physiology disorder, and strain easy to happen, the nerve behavior effect to person is also very grave. 1.2 prolongs with protecting age's , work experience of a lot of nursing staff increases by also with that , on-time worries about that the error accident appears more as being longer but,; When guiding to protect a life, be afraid that problem appears but produce mentality pressure. 1.3 comes from the incomprehension nursing the director , doctor and colleague; Nurse's pursuing advanced studies the chance is few , welfare benefits and social position are not tall , make oneself nurse's value and reality contradiction happened. 2 answers way Incline that 2.1 gives human resources, appropriate increase section inner nurse manning quotas , lighten whose work load; Improve a work environment at the same time , adopt a personnel alternating system , relieve actuating pressure when necessary. Macroscopic view the head nurse is responded to be ready for a nurse mix, arrange an order rationally. "Principle is a basis as far as possible in the job with person" , being ready for "the people-oriented " administration , nurse is "to show solicitude for person " , is also that person is shown solicitude for at the same time". 2.2 reinforces psychological quality training , improves psychological quality and mentality being able to bear by the force. The nurse responds to an institute unhurried face pressure , adopt actively to loosen artifice, creating a cushy job atmosphere for self , help body and mind health to raise working efficiency.有点语法错误,请谅解。




【摘要】 目的 提高护理人员的急救技能和护理质量。方法 将头脑风暴法应用于死亡病例的护理讨论中,充分发挥各护理人员的智慧,提出问题,解决问题。结果 头脑风暴法充分调动了护理人员的积极性,有效地提升了护理质量。结论 将头脑风暴法引入死亡病例的护理讨论中,有利于规范护理行为,保障护理安全,提高急救、护理质量。

【关键词】 头脑风暴法;死亡病例;护理讨论

Brain storming in nursing discussion of dead cases in emergency section

ZHOU Jianying.

Nursing Section,Songjiang District Central Hospital of Shanghai,Shanghai 201600,China

【Abstract】 Objective to improve the first

4.护理毕业论文摘要 怎麽中英对照翻译

【Key words】 Cerebral infarction; acute; Care

Hypothalamic blood flow in acute cerebral infarction is a barrier to brain tissue ischemia and hypoxia caused by softening of the brain, the condition is relatively heavy 〔1〕. In addition to actively cooperate with treatment, do a good job-based care, to prevent further infarction, have an important role in the prevention of complications, if the nursing care may not be implemented, will directly affect the patient's treatment and prognosis. By January 2004 ~ October 2006 in our hospital 106 cases of acute cerebral infarction care, I understand the psychological, safety, condition observation, prevent complications, limb function training, language training, diet and discharge from the guide, etc. care in improving the quality of life of patients and promote the rehabilitation of great significance, should arouse enough attention.

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6.护理专业 英语作文

Many Chinese who pursue traditional concepts will be astonished by the appearance of male nurses. As a matter of fact, however, gender is no longer a barrier hindering Chinese men from joining the nursing field.

I'm Xu Lingzhi ,17-year-old,is studying nursing at Harbin's Secondary Health School. When I was in primary school and middle school, boys and girls accounted for 50% respectively in class, but now only two out of 50 students in my class are boys. This made me feel uneasy when I just started my study here and many of my relatives and friends regard male nurse strange.


Objective To study the self-designed triangular stand up pillow role in the prevention of hip fractures in patients with pressure sores. Methods orthopedic hip fracture hospitalization 70 patients in our hospital from June 2010 to May 2011, were randomly divided into observation group (35 cases) and control group (35 cases). Observation group, our department designed and commissioned manufacturers triangle emancipated the pillow wrapped towel support patients with low back buttocks assist patients stand up; control group using a common type pillow to support patients with low back hips to help patients stand up. Local skin stress scenarios to assess the two groups were observed in both groups of patients hospitalized for 3 weeks to turn over pillow degree of pain and satisfaction rate. Results comparing the two groups of patients the degree of pressure on the skin and the degree of local pain, the observation group was significantly better than the control group, the difference was statistically significant (P <0.05); patients using different the emancipated pillow after satisfaction rate, the observation group was significantly higher than that in the control group , (P <0.05). The conclusion triangle stand up pillow to maintain effective supine improve patient comfort; effectively prevent and reduce the occurrence of pressure sores in orthopedic patients with hip fracture; improve nursing satisfaction rate.Keywords: triangle stand up pillow, hip fractures, pressure sores, prevention。

8.英文作文 关于护士的

Nurse is the most beautiful occupation in the world. They take good care of patients regardless of the mess and fatigue. They always show their enthusiasm and patience with bright smile to other people. They give their support to those patients and make them feel warm and helpful. With their scrupulous and thoughtful cares, the patinet's condition gets well gradually and become more and more healthy. I want to bring my support to those patients who need it and spread my warmth like those nurses. I believe I will be a nurse who can help patients to relieve their pain not only physically but also mentally.



Many Chinese who pursue traditional concepts will be astonished by the appearance of male nurses. As a matter of fact, however, gender is no longer a barrier hindering Chinese men from joining the nursing field.

I'm Xu Lingzhi ,17-year-old,is studying nursing at Harbin's Secondary Health School. When I was in primary school and middle school, boys and girls accounted for 50% respectively in class, but now only two out of 50 students in my class are boys. This made me feel uneasy when I just started my study here and many of my relatives and friends regard male nurse strange.


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