Singapore Ajit Prabhu. International Tax Review. London: Sep 1999. pg. 77 The Singapore government launched an Electronic Commerce Plan in 1998 to spur the growth of e-commerce, and to strengthen Singapore's position as an international e-commerce hub. The target is to have S$4 billion ($2.4 billion) worth of products and services transacted electronically through Singapore, and 50% of businesses using some form of e-commerce, by the year 2003. The plan has five main thrusts: * Develop an internationally linked e-commerce infrastructure: Include an efficient settlement system for internet transactions between businesses, covering international trade and multi-currency payments and a well-connected logistics infrastructure. Singapore will also be positioned as a centre of e-- commerce infrastructure development. * Jump-start Singapore as an e-- commerce hub: Focus on the sectors in which Singapore has an inherent advantage as a hub, such as a stable and excellent financial infrastructure, a transport and logistics infrastructure that is well known for its efficiency, and strong telecommunications connectivity and e-commerce infrastructures, especially in business-- to-business services. * Encourage businesses to use e-- commerce strategically: Education and other support programmes will be put in place to help businesses exploit e-commerce to enhance their productivity and competitiveness. * Promote use of e-commerce by the public and businesses: Enable Singapore citizens and businesses in Singapore to enjoy the benefits of e-commerce, and at the same time, create an e-commerce savvy culture. * Harmonise cross-border e-commerce laws and policies: Enable businesses to trade confidently with overseas partners. Besides putting in place legislation that is internationally consistent, Singapore will work with its major trading partners to align each other's e-commerce laws. The plan will be implemented through specific programmes and projects. A key supporting programme is Singapore's efforts to be a thought leader on the emerging and dynamic e-commerce scene. TAXABLE PRESENCE Singapore operates a territorial and receipt-based tax system. Income tax is charged only on income accruing in or derived from Singapore, or received or deemed to be received in Singapore from outside Singapore. Income tax is levied on, inter alia, gains or profits from any trade, business, profession or vocation, and any gains or profits of an income nature. If the operations of a non-resident person in Singapore give rise to gains or profits of an income nature in the hands of that non-resident in Singapore that can properly be said to accrue in or be derived from Singapore, those gains or profits will be taxable in Singapore. The main issue to be addressed in the e-commerce context, therefore, is whether income is accruing in or derived from Singapore (ie sourced in Singapore). Unfortunately, the Singapore Income Tax Act (ITA) does not define the words "accruing in or derived from," nor does the ITA lay down guidelines for determining in which locality income is sourced. Although judicial definitions exist, the determination of the actual source of income is a question of fact. Factors that will be taken into account in determining whether income is sourced in Singapore include: * Where the contract of service or sale is made; * Where services are rendered or where the sale takes place; * Where the invoice is raised; * Where the establishment is located to which income can be attributed; * Where proceeds are collected; * Where the cost of operations is incurred/charged; and * Where title to goods passes. When all or most of the above activities are carried out in Singapore, there is very good reason (in the absence of special circumstances leading to an opposite conclusion) for treating the income as properly derived from Singapore. Accordingly, income so derived would be subject to Singapore tax. Conversely, if all of the above activities are carried out outside Singapore, the income would be considered sourced outside Singapore on which no Singapore tax is exigible unless it is received or deemed to be received in Singapore. The maintenance of a computer server in Singapore that merely provides advertising or the storing of data for a non-resident enterprise in Singapore in respect of goods sold by that enterprise generally should not cause the non-resident enterprise to derive any Singapore-- source income from the sales of such goods. However, if that server is able to perform order processing, approval and fulfilment, and invoicing 。
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