

NC technology development trends1 NC system developments at home and abroad With the rapid development of computer technology, the traditional beginning of a fundamental change manufacturing, the industrial developed countries spent huge sums of money on the modern manufacturing technology research and development, to create a new model. In modern manufacturing systems, CNC technology is the key to technology, which combines microelectronics, computers, information processing, automatic detection, automatic control, such as the integration of advanced, a high-precision, high-efficiency, flexible automation, and other characteristics, the manufacturing industry Flexible automation, integrated, intelligent play the pivotal role. At present, NC technology is undergoing a fundamental change, from a special closed-loop control mode to general-purpose real-time dynamic open all closed-loop control mode. In the integrated on the basis of the CNC systems ultra-thin, ultra-light; on the basis of the intelligent, integrated computers, multimedia, fuzzy control, neural network and other technical disciplines, NC system to achieve high-speed, high-precision, Efficient control, automatic processing can be amended to regulate compensation and the parameters for an online intelligent fault diagnosis and treatment of the network based on the CAD / CAM and CNC systems integration as one machine network, makes the central government centralized control of the group control processing. For a long time, China''s CNC system for traditional closed architecture, but only as a non-intelligent CNC machine controller. Process variables based on experience in the form of pre-fixed parameters, processing procedures before the actual processing by hand or through CAD / CAM and automatic programming system prepared. CAD / CAM and CNC have no feedback control link, the entire manufacturing process CNC is a closed ring-opening implementing agencies. In a complex and changing environment under the conditions of processing tool in the process of composition, workpiece material, spindle speed, feed rate, tool path, cutting depth, step, allowance and other processing parameters, not at the scene circumstances under external interference and real-time dynamic random factors, not by random amendment feedback control link CAD / CAM settings volume, in turn, affect the work of CNC machining efficiency and product quality. Clearly, the traditional fixed CNC system that controlled mode and closed architecture, limiting the CNC to the development of more intelligent control variables, can no longer meet the increasingly complex manufacturing process, therefore, the CNC technology in the potential for change inevitable.。





























机械的资料 .sg/books?hl=en&id=LmAV8q_OOOgC&dq=Mechanics&printsec=frontcover&source=web&ots=cG5UPfTZht&sig=----------------------- 华文版本 passes the movement of all matter in the universe under the four fundamental interactions (or forces): gravity, the strong and weak interactions, and the electromagnetic interaction.Mechanics also constitutes a central part of technology, the application of physical knowledge for humanly defined purposes. In this connection, the discipline is often known as engineering or applied mechanics. In this sense, mechanics is used to design and analyze the behavior of structures, mechanisms, and machines. Important aspects of the fields of mechanical engineering, aerospace engineering, civil engineering, structural engineering, materials engineering, biomedical engineering and biomechanics were spawned from the study of mechanics.Classical versus quantum The major division of the mechanics discipline separates classical mechanics from quantum mechanics.Historically, classical mechanics came first, while quantum mechanics is a comparatively recent invention. Classical mechanics originated with Isaac Newton's Laws of motion in Principia Mathematica, while quantum mechanics didn't appear until 1900. Both are commonly held to constitute the most certain knowledge that exists about physical nature. Classical mechanics has especially often been viewed as a model for other so-called exact sciences. Essential in this respect is the relentless use of mathematics in theories, as well as the decisive role played by experiment in generating and testing them.Quantum mechanics is of a wider scope, as it encompasses classical mechanics as a sub-discipline which applies under certain restricted circumstances. According to the correspondence principle, there is no contradiction or conflict between the two subjects, each simply pertains to specific situations. Quantum mechanics has superseded classical mechanics at foundational level and is indispensable for the explanation and prediction of processes at molecular and (sub)atomic level. However, for macroscopical processes classical mechanics is able to solve problems which are unmanageably difficult in quantum mechanics and hence remains useful and well used.Einsteinian versus Newtonian Analogous to the quantum versus classical reformation, Einstein's general and special theories of relativity have expanded the scope of mechanics beyond the mechanics of Newton and Galileo, and made small corrections to them. Relativistic corrections were also needed for quantum mechanics, although relativity is categorized as a classical theory.There are no contradictions or conflicts between the two, so long as the specific circumstances are carefully kept in mind. Just as one could, in the loosest possible sense, characterize classical mechanics as dealing with "large" bodies (such as engine parts), and quantum mechanics with "small" ones (such as particles), it could be said that relativistic mechanics deals with "fast" bodies, and non-relativistic mechanics with "slow" ones. However, "fast" and "slow" are subjective concepts, depending on the state of motion of the observer. This means that all mechanics, whether classical or quantum, potentially needs to be described relativistically. On the other hand, as an observer, one may frequently arrange the situation in such a way that this is not really required.Types of mechanical bodies Thus the often-used term body needs to stand for a wide assortment of objects, including particles, projectiles, spacecraft, stars, parts of machinery, parts of solids, parts of fluids (gases and liquids), etc.Other distinctions between the various sub-disciplines of mechanics, concern the nature of the bodies being described. Particles are bodies with little (known) internal structure, treated as 。


NC technology development trends1 NC system developments at home and abroad With the rapid development of computer technology, the traditional beginning of a fundamental change manufacturing, the industrial developed countries spent huge sums of money on the modern manufacturing technology research and development, to create a new model. In modern manufacturing systems, CNC technology is the key to technology, which combines microelectronics, computers, information processing, automatic detection, automatic control, such as the integration of advanced, a high-precision, high-efficiency, flexible automation, and other characteristics, the manufacturing industry Flexible automation, integrated, intelligent play the pivotal role. At present, NC technology is undergoing a fundamental change, from a special closed-loop control mode to general-purpose real-time dynamic open all closed-loop control mode. In the integrated on the basis of the CNC systems ultra-thin, ultra-light; on the basis of the intelligent, integrated computers, multimedia, fuzzy control, neural network and other technical disciplines, NC system to achieve high-speed, high-precision, Efficient control, automatic processing can be amended to regulate compensation and the parameters for an online intelligent fault diagnosis and treatment of the network based on the CAD / CAM and CNC systems integration as one machine network, makes the central government centralized control of the group control processing. For a long time, China''s CNC system for traditional closed architecture, but only as a non-intelligent CNC machine controller. Process variables based on experience in the form of pre-fixed parameters, processing procedures before the actual processing by hand or through CAD / CAM and automatic programming system prepared. CAD / CAM and CNC have no feedback control link, the entire manufacturing process CNC is a closed ring-opening implementing agencies. In a complex and changing environment under the conditions of processing tool in the process of composition, workpiece material, spindle speed, feed rate, tool path, cutting depth, step, allowance and other processing parameters, not at the scene circumstances under external interference and real-time dynamic random factors, not by random amendment feedback control link CAD / CAM settings volume, in turn, affect the work of CNC machining efficiency and product quality. Clearly, the traditional fixed CNC system that controlled mode and closed architecture, limiting the CNC to the development of more intelligent control variables, can no longer meet the increasingly complex manufacturing process, therefore, the CNC technology in the potential for change inevitable.。


机械的资料.sg/books?hl=en&id=LmAV8q_OOOgC&dq=Mechanics&printsec=frontcover&source=web&ots=cG5UPfTZht&sig=-----------------------华文版本passes the movement of all matter in the universe under the four fundamental interactions (or forces): gravity, the strong and weak interactions, and the electromagnetic interaction.Mechanics also constitutes a central part of technology, the application of physical knowledge for humanly defined purposes. In this connection, the discipline is often known as engineering or applied mechanics. In this sense, mechanics is used to design and analyze the behavior of structures, mechanisms, and machines. Important aspects of the fields of mechanical engineering, aerospace engineering, civil engineering, structural engineering, materials engineering, biomedical engineering and biomechanics were spawned from the study of mechanics.Classical versus quantumThe major division of the mechanics discipline separates classical mechanics from quantum mechanics.Historically, classical mechanics came first, while quantum mechanics is a comparatively recent invention. Classical mechanics originated with Isaac Newton's Laws of motion in Principia Mathematica, while quantum mechanics didn't appear until 1900. Both are commonly held to constitute the most certain knowledge that exists about physical nature. Classical mechanics has especially often been viewed as a model for other so-called exact sciences. Essential in this respect is the relentless use of mathematics in theories, as well as the decisive role played by experiment in generating and testing them.Quantum mechanics is of a wider scope, as it encompasses classical mechanics as a sub-discipline which applies under certain restricted circumstances. According to the correspondence principle, there is no contradiction or conflict between the two subjects, each simply pertains to specific situations. Quantum mechanics has superseded classical mechanics at foundational level and is indispensable for the explanation and prediction of processes at molecular and (sub)atomic level. However, for macroscopical processes classical mechanics is able to solve problems which are unmanageably difficult in quantum mechanics and hence remains useful and well used.Einsteinian versus NewtonianAnalogous to the quantum versus classical reformation, Einstein's general and special theories of relativity have expanded the scope of mechanics beyond the mechanics of Newton and Galileo, and made small corrections to them. Relativistic corrections were also needed for quantum mechanics, although relativity is categorized as a classical theory.There are no contradictions or conflicts between the two, so long as the specific circumstances are carefully kept in mind. Just as one could, in the loosest possible sense, characterize classical mechanics as dealing with "large" bodies (such as engine parts), and quantum mechanics with "small" ones (such as particles), it could be said that relativistic mechanics deals with "fast" bodies, and non-relativistic mechanics with "slow" ones. However, "fast" and "slow" are subjective concepts, depending on the state of motion of the observer. This means that all mechanics, whether classical or quantum, potentially needs to be described relativistically. On the other hand, as an observer, one may frequently arrange the situation in such a way that this is not really required.Types of mechanical bodiesThus the often-used term body needs to stand for a wide assortment of objects, including particles, projectiles, spacecraft, stars, parts of machinery, parts of solids, parts of fluids (gases and liquids), etc.Other distinctions between the various sub-disciplines of mechanics, concern the nature of the bodies being described. Particles are bodies with little (known) internal structure, treated as mathematical po。


Dear Sir or Madam: I gladly recommend my student Mr. Yi to you for his application to your graduate school program. Mr. Yi enrolled in my courses of "Digital Control System" and "Optimization Theory" during his senior year. In the former, he got a good score of 86/100 and ranked within top 5% of the class. In the latter which was opened for graduate students, he was one of the only three undergraduates who took this course. Throught the period of instruction, I found him an inquistive and attentive person. He always concentrated on my lectures and absorb knowledge profoundly. Although some of the assignments were somewhat difficult to the average students, he could solved them completely and correctly owing to his logical and analytical thinking and the clear conception to the theory.He also impressed me in the final project developing a program to resolve the free variable optimal problem. He thought deeply and did it skillfully, so the program could work very well even for the special cases (like cycling。

) but still economically and easy to read. So I gave him the good score and was better than many graduate students. Besides, He also took a cluster of courses in Control and Systems Theory in his junior and senior years and always got good scores.Upon my observation, Mr. Yi has been fully prepared to undertake a Master in your institute in the control and system fields. I am confident that with the ingenious learning ability and diligent attitude that he has shown in the courses, he will be able to perform outstandingly even in a highly vigorous program. I have no hesitation in recommending him and hope that you will consider his application favorably.。

7.数控刀具论文摘要 英文翻译

Abstract: In recent years, the rapid development of CNC machining technology to promote structural basis for the numerical control tool of scientific research and new product research and development. The world's major manufacturers of CNC machine tools with a knife type, size range, a huge number of often dazzling, but to no avail. Now science knowledge related to CNC tool and cutter materials, numerical control in recent years, structure, application areas such as new products, technology status and development trend on its incisive, in this brief is set out in order to understand the relevant NC Tool The new product information points. Keywords: CNC Tool: Status: Production: Development。

8.谁能帮 写一篇英语论文,内容数控加工一个产品介绍、过程,800单词

Many machining jobs meet these conditions. The machined workparts are metal, they are specified in many different sizes and shapes,nad most machined parts produced in the industry today are made in small to medium size lots sizes. To produce each parts a sequence of drilling operations may be required ar aseries of turning or milling operations. The suitability of NC for these kinds of jobs is the reason of tremendous growth of numerical control in metal working industry over the last 25 years. Basic components of NC system An operational numerical control system consists of the following three basic components: 1. Program of instructions. 2. Controller unit, also called machine tool unit. 3. Machine tool or other controlled process. The program of instructions serves as input to the controller unit, which in turn commands the machine tool or other process to be controlled. Program of Instructions. The program of instructions is the detailed step by step set of instructions which tell the machine what to do. It is coded in numerical or symbolic form on some type of input medium that can be interpreted by the controller unit. The most common one is the 1-inch-wide punched tape. Over the years,other forms of input media has been used,including punched cards, magnetic tape, and even 35mm motion picturefilm. There are two other methods of input to the NC system which should be mentioned. The first is by manual entry of instructional data to the controller unit. This is time consuming and is rarely used except as an auxillary means of control or when one or a very limited no. of parts to be made. The second method of input is by means of a direct ling with the computer. This is called direct numerical control, or DNC. Controller Unit The second basic component of NC system is the controller unit. This consists of electronics and hardware that read and interpret the program of instructionsand convert it to mechanical actions of the machine tool. The typical elements of the controller unit include the tape reader, a data buffer, signal output channels to the machine tool,and the sequencecontrols to coodinate the overall operation of the foregoing elements. The tape reader is an electrical-mechanical device for the winding and reading the punched tape containing the program of instructions. The signal output channels are connected to the servomotores and other controls in machine tools. Most N.C. tools today are provided with positive feedback controls for this purposeand are referred as closed loop systems. However there has been growth in the open loop systems which do not make use of feedback signals to the controller unit. The advocates of the open loop concept claim that the realiblity of the system is great enough that the feedback controls are not needed. Machine Tool The third basic component of an NC system is the machine tool or other controlled process. It is part of the NC system which performs useful work. In the most common example of an NC system,one designed to perform machining operations, The machine tool consists of the worktable and spindle as well as the motorsand controls necessary to drive them. It also includes the cutting tools,work fixtures and other auxillary equipment needed in machining operation. Application of NC NC has been used in a variety of applications. Acomplete list of application is probably not possible but such a list would have to include the following。


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