1.毕业论文 用英语怎么说
毕业论文的英文翻译是thesis,音标是英 [ˈθi:sɪs] 美 [ˈθisɪs] 。
1、There is no empirical evidence to support his thesis.
2、How well does this thesis stand up to close examination?
3、He has finished his thesis.
4、She's finished writing her thesis.
5、Please write an abstract of this article 〔 thesis 〕.
The article has a clear-cut thesis and arguments, but lacks reasoning.
2.毕业论文 英语翻译
Fourth, related party transactions of listed companies standardize recommendations China's listed companies on disclosure of related party transactions, and would only require disclosure of related party transactions, related party transactions of the content, quantity, the amount of the transaction, as well as the impact of the company, but the lack of a basis for pricing of related party transactions. The lack of an independent third party (independent director or financial advisor) for the transaction is fair and reasonable opinions. China's related party transactions of the imperfect system of information disclosure, non-normative transactions that can be boring legal loopholes. First, to improve the disclosure of related party transactions of the accounting standards. China's "Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises?? Related parties and its easy to disclosure" provisions of the disclosure of related party transactions should be guided by the principle of importance, but because of the importance of the application of the principle, and more to rely on professional judgments, only the contents of the disclosure guidance, so that there are some companies for some of the more sensitive the disclosure of related party transactions not disclosed. Disclosure standards in determining when the amount of transaction is often used as the basis, rather than related party transactions of an enterprise's financial situation and operating results to determine the extent of the impact that these issues need to be refined system. Associated pricing policy is a key issue, the guidelines only suggest that the pricing policy should be disclosed, but what it does not spell out the pricing policy, some listed companies in the purchase and sale prices are usually linked to disclose "price in accordance with the price of the implementation of the agreement," but the price What is the number of investors still do not know. Therefore, the transaction should continue to improve the relevance of accounting standards, so that rule-based information disclosure. Second, the norms of market intermediaries, intermediary organizations to play a supervisory role. Related party transactions in the most critical factor is the price of related party transactions, capital occupation fee, asset-price factors, such as assessment of prices. And the information disclosed by the end of Certified Public Accountants and other social auditing agency. However, many accounting firms do not regulate the operation, accounting firms from auditing listed companies, often to meet the unreasonable demands of listed companies, listed companies with collusion and reduces audit quality, in order to make use of related party transactions of listed companies transfer profits to open the door. Should further standardize the accounting firms and assets assessment of the operation of firms, to do a good job auditing, assets evaluation of the work of the social intermediary clearance, to ensure the authenticity of information disclosure, the legitimacy and integrity. Third, strengthen law enforcement. Did not comply with the guidelines on disclosure should be punished, on the actual damage has resulted in severe punishment in particular. Controlling shareholder of the corresponding sanctions in the absence of constraints, the use of control over the manipulation of related party transactions, will be more inclined against the interests of the company, causing damage to the interests of small shareholders. To this end, the accounting law: When the company's shareholders forced the company acts contrary to normal business conditions, loss of interest to a third party, the act should bear the responsibility of the consequences. Can learn from international practice, formulate corresponding shareholder derivative litigation system and the controlling shareholder compensation system to protect the interests of small and medium investors. Fourth, the normative relationship between related enterprises. As a result of the development of China's securities market is one of the purposes of service of state-owned enterprise reform, many enterprises listed subsidiary of Holdings listed on the use of such "spin-off market" and associated enterprises do not regulate their own behavior, so that large listed companies with controlling shareholders or a major shareholder of related party transactions between the high frequency. In order to avoid the use of related party transactions of listed companies to manipulate profits, listed in the enterprise restructuring process, should regulate the relationship between related enterprises, the enterprises listed before the。
毕业论文的写作要求、流程与写作技巧 广义来说,凡属论述科学技术内容的作品,都称作科学著述,如原始论著(论文)、简报、综合报告、进展报告、文献综述、述评、专著、汇编、教科书和科普读物等。
主要谈的是论文写作中容易发生的问题和经验,是论文写作道德和书写内容的规范问题。 一、论文写作的要求 下面按论文的结构顺序依次叙述。
行政领导人一般不署名。 (三)论文——引言 是论文引人入胜之言,很重要,要写好。
(四)论文——材料和方法 按规定如实写出实验对象、器材、动物和试剂及其规格,写出实验方法、指标、判断标准等,写出实验设计、分组、统计方法等。这些按杂志 对论文投稿规定办即可。
(五)论文——实验结果 应高度归纳,精心分析,合乎逻辑地铺述。应该去粗取精,去伪存真,但不能因不符合自己的意图而主观取舍,更不能弄虚作假。
废弃这类数据时应将在同样条件下、同一时期的实验数据一并废弃,不能只废弃不合己意者。 实验结果的整理应紧扣主题,删繁就简,有些数据不一定适合于这一篇论文,可留作它用,不要硬行拼凑到一篇论文中。
(六)论文——讨论 是论文中比较重要,也是比较难写的一部分。应统观全局,抓住主要的有争议问题,从感性认识提高到理性认识进行论说。
论文的讨论中可以提出假设,提出本题的发展设想,但分寸应该恰当,不能写成“科幻”或“畅想”。 (七)论文——结语或结论 论文的结语应写出明确可靠的结果,写出确凿的结论。
(八)论文——参考义献 这是论文中很重要、也是存在问题较多的一部分。列出论文参考文献的目的是让读者了解论文研究命题的来龙去脉,便于查找,同时也是尊重前人劳动,对自己的工作有准确的定位。
因此这里既有技术问题,也有科学道德问题。 一篇论文中几乎自始至终都有需要引用参考文献之处。
如论文引言中应引上对本题最重要、最直接有关的文献;在方法中应引上所采用或借鉴的方法;在结果中有时要引上与文献对比的资料;在讨论中更应引上与 论文有关的各种支持的或有矛盾的结果或观点等。 一切粗心大意,不查文献;故意不引,自鸣创新;贬低别人,抬高自己;避重就轻,故作姿态的做法都是错误的。
又如 科研工作总是逐渐深人发展的,你的工作总是在前人工作基石出上发展起来做成的。正确的写法应是,某年某人对本题做出了什么结果,某年某人在这基础上又做出了什么结果,现在我在他们基础上完成了这一研究。
Global environmental consequences of tourism Abstract In 2000, almost 700 million international tourist arrivals were counted worldwide. Even though a global activity of this scale can be assumed to have a substantial impact on the environment, its consequences have never been assessed and quantified. In this contribution, five major aspects of the leisure-related alteration of the environment are investigated: (1) the change of land cover and land use, (2) the use of energy and its associated impacts, (3) the exchange of biota over geographical barriers and the extinction of wild species, (4) the exchange and dispersion of diseases, and (5), a psychological consequence of travel, the changes in the perception and the understanding of the environment initiated by travel. r 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: Biodiversity; Climate change; Energy; Sustainable tourism; Travel 1. Introduction Ecosystems provide services essential to humanity, which in short can be described as supporting life, supplying materials and energy, absorbing waste products, and providing culturally valuable assets (cf. Daily, 1997, 2000). Maintaining ecosystem integrity must thus be a primary human goal, which is nevertheless difficult to achieve because little is known about the temporal and spatial scales over which ecosystems should be safeguarded, the limits to replace their functions, or the levels of stress they can endure as complex, interacting, and interdependent systems (Costanza, 2000). In the light of these uncertainties, it is important to understand the contribution of human activities to ecosystem change, and how these activities might reduce the ecosystems' capacity to maintain a continuous flow of services. Tourist activities impact directly and indirectly on ecosystems. Coral reefs, for instance, can be damaged through trampling, buying, or collecting reefs species (a 你好,我有相关论文资料可供参考,需要的话请加我QQ,我发给你,497267666,谢谢。
从最基本的说起,其实和语文的议论文一样, 有introduction,body and conclusion。
Introduction- topic, point of view(optional),a breif introduction that the student will mention in the following paragraph (1st para of body). Body- a thesis statement + supportive examples + a summary of the thesis(optional) NB: one thesis (idea)/para. Conclusion- rearrangement of introduction. REMEMBER students have no idea! That's the whole idea of academic writing. Thus there is a very IMPORTANT tip you need to tell your students- REFERENCES. References need to appear in introduction,body and conclusion of the whole acticle. Academic writings are usually expositive, hence you need tell your students to use passive languages. Active words are ONLY used in Creative Writing students. 这些是我在澳洲读大学时写报告的基本要求,万变不离其宗,希望可以帮到你。
Through the city image of xiangfan visual identification system research and discusses the future image of xiangfan prospects, in order to build a harmonious and orderly, the beautiful city of homes, outstanding features, the historical and cultural cities, customs and artistic taste, city status of urban culture reflects charm, aesthetic, artistic and technological level.Urban image visual identification system management and decision-making is a city or area of the degree of civilization, developed degree, citizen quality and culture. Secondly, the image of the city is also a kind of environment function, it can bring to public life, work and study of convenient, practical and efficient. In addition, the image of the city and environmental benefits. The success of the image of the city will promote the urban image and brand value, urban investment, production, tourism, exhibition and push related benefits the development of industry。