









商务英语专业毕业论文参考题目 一、1、商务英语的特点及翻译技巧2、商务英语函电翻译技巧3、商务英语信函的语体分析3、浅谈商务信函的文体特征4、商务英语学习方法探究5、商务英语学习中跨文化交际能力的培养6、国际商务谈判中应注意的文化因素7、商务谈判中的跨文化冲突8、试论普通英语与商务英语的差异9、商务谈判中的语言艺术10、商标名称的翻译与策略11、广告英语的分类与分析12、试论文化因素对商务活动的作用13、商务英语听力策略研究14、商务英语写作问题研究15、商务英语考试技巧研究16、电子商务对国际贸易的影响及对策17、The Ways to Increase the Competitiveness ofChina's Export Goods18、TheAdvantages and the Disadvantages of China's Cheap Labor in Its Foreign Trade19、Multinational Corporations Help ChinaDevelop Its Economy20、Export and Import Are Equally Necessary toChina 二、1、初析英文广告句式结构及修辞的功能2、从文化视角比较中英文广告语言3、国际商务英语信函话语分析4、商务英语发展现状浅祈5、商务英语翻译技巧6、商务英语函电中的文化因素初探7、商务英语专业人才培养模式改革与实践8、试论文化导入在商务英语教学中的作用9、中英文广告标题的共同点10、中英文广告传播之语言特色及跨文化问题11、商品译文的品牌形象对商务英语翻译教学的启示12、商务英语翻译标准初探13、试论商务英语写作的简洁礼貌原则及写作技巧14、我国在国际贸易中实施反倾销的应对策略15、现代商务英语书信的写作风格和语法特点16、英文广告的特点及翻译17、从修辞方面浅探商务英语的语言特色18、浅议国际贸易的几点理论创新19、高职高专商务英语专业教学模式探讨20、商务英语翻译技巧21、商务英语书面语篇词汇特点分析22、礼貌原则在商务英语信函写作当中的应用 三、1、商务英语的特点及翻译技巧 2、商务函电翻译的用词技巧 3、商标名称的翻译与策略 4、商务谈判中的语言艺术 5、商务谈判的文化障碍 6、商务英语课程设置的探讨 7、商务谈判中英语的重要性 8、商务英语学习中跨文化交际能力的培养9、商务谈判中的跨文化冲突10、商务英语阅读研究 11、商务英语写作问题研究 12、商务英语考试技巧研究 13、商务英语听力策略研究 14、商务英语考证口语考试技巧研究 15、商务英语交往中的礼貌原则 16、如何翻译好日常商务文书 17、商务英语信函的语体分析 18、浅谈商务信函的文体特征 19、英语商务信函和合同中被动语态的语用意义及其翻译 20、商务英语汉英翻译中从句的运用技巧 21、商务谈判的艺术性 22、跨文化的商务谈判 23、商务英语的特征与翻译 24、商务英语写作中的错误与商务英语写作教学之间的关系 25、汉译英中遇到新词语的译法问题 26、浅谈涉外合同英语特色27、商务英语背景知识与商务英语28、广告英语的分类及分析 29、国际商务谈判中的“文化壁垒”30、英语口语或语法在商务领域中的应用 四、1、论文化因素对英汉翻译的影响 2、商务英语的特点及翻译技巧 3、商务函电翻译的用词技巧 4、商标名称的翻译与策略 5、商务谈判的艺术性 6、跨文化的商务谈判 7、美国英语习语与文化 8、中美日常交际中的文化差异 9、TheCultural Comparison in Business Activities 商务活动中的中西方文化差异 10、商务英语交往中的礼貌原则 11、如何翻译好日常商务文书 12、商务英语信函的语体分析 13、浅谈商务信函的文体特征 14、英语商务信函和合同中被动语态的语用意义及其翻译 15、商务英语汉英翻译中从句的运用技巧 16、论跨文化因素对商业广告英语翻译的影响 17、跨文化商务交际中的语言和非语言因素 18、浅谈英语告示语的语言特色与翻译 19、商务英语信函的用语特征分析(An Analytical Term Features ofEnglish Business Correspondence ) 20、商务英语学习方法 21、跨文化交际与中西文化冲突 22、国际商务中的跨文化交际问题 23、商务谈判中的跨文化冲突 24、国际商务谈判中应注意的文化因素 25、国际商务谈判中的“文化壁垒” 26、广告英语的分类及分析 27、商务英语背景知识与商务英语Business Knowledge and Business English 28、虚拟语气与商务英语表达Subjunctive Mood and Business English 29、跨文化交际在商务英语学习中的运用Utilization of Cross-culture Communication in BusinessEnglish Learning 30、商务英语学习中跨文化交际能力的培养Developing Cross-culture Communication Skill in BusinessEnglish Learning 31、商务英语在国际营销中的作用The Role of Business English in International Marketing32、礼仪在商务谈判中的作用 33、Etiquettein Business Activities 商务活动中商务礼仪 五、1、商务英语信函的写作特点2、商务谈判中的跨文化冲突3、商务英语中的委婉策略4、商务英语书信翻译的特点5、商务英语听力理解障碍分析及对策6、网络与商务英语学习7、商务活动中的中西方文化差异8、商务英语专业毕业生就业岗位之探讨9、礼仪在商务谈判中的作用10、影响高职学生口语能力的因素及对策11、浅谈高职学生英。



TOPIC: "Culture and International Business"

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in language, patterns of perception, reasoning and thought processes, and. Culture and International Business. Rosalie L. Tung, FRSC. The Ming & Stella Wong Professor of International Business. Faculty of Business Administration 。

文章下载:petence, based on work of Geert Hofstede. Central office in Sweden (before Holland), world-wide franchises.

文章下载:panies around the globe. Their importance can be primarily illustrated by the huge development of the derivatives exchange markets in the most developed countries, with banks usually being at the centre of trading of these powerful financial tools. The very essence of their importance lies to the fact that companies can use them to reduce uncertainty or risk that stems from entrepreneurial activities. Financial managers use derivatives to understand the risks that their firms are exposed to daily and thus are able to pursue higher returns, given the fact that higher returns impose higher risks. The management of high risks enables companies to reduce the danger of financial losses and in the same time achieve higher returns. The extended use of derivatives can also attribute further benefits to the financial position of firms by improving several other corporate actions like cheaper borrowing, tax planning and ensuring safer loan payback. However, derivatives' trading has been a cause for huge corporate losses for many companies, the financial management of which ignored the high risks involved in the use of those financial instruments. This essay will attempt to examine the ways in which companies can use derivatives to modify their financial position.A derivative (or derivative security) can be defined as a tradable asset whose intrinsic value depends on or derives from the value of an underlying asset (like shares or bonds), a commodity (like oil or gold) or an abstract measure (like interest rates or indexes). This dependency of the derivatives' value is the reason why they are also called contingent claims. This last definition of derivatives describes accurately their nature of being an exercisable right or obligation rather than a tradable good. This right or obligation is the exact legal contract that acquires value like a real asset, and therefore can be traded. People have implemented derivatives, as legal contracts, since ancient times, although their systematic use and trading began in the late nineteenth century. However, the past thirty years witnessed a massive growth in the volume of derivatives' trading. Nowadays, derivative markets account for a significant amount of the world financial exchange system, and their types and use keeps developing and adapting to the different financial needs of the various industries. Common types of derivatives are options, futures, forwards, forward rate agreements and swaps, while other less common types are caps, floors, exotic options, Over-The Counter (OTCs) and exchange-traded derivatives. A brief description of the most common derivatives is given below.An option is a contractual agreement that the gives the right and not the obligation in one party to buy or sell an underlying commodity or asset at a given price anytime during a pre-specified period of time. At the end of the pre-specified period this right can be exercised or not, according to the option's holder needs, thus the name of the derivative. If an option gives the buyer the right to purchase an asset (a number of shares for example) at a given price during a time period, this option is called call option. By the end of the period the right expires and after that date the option loses its value. On the contrary, if a similar contract gives the buyer the right to sell an asset (at an agreed price and up to a given date), it is then called put option. Call and Put options enable their holders to make profits, reducing the uncertainty of the future value of the underlying asset because they can be tradable at any time before the expiry date. If the underlying asset is a share index like FTSE 100, S&P 500 etc. then the purchased right is called index option.Futures are also contractual agreements between two parties to buy or sell an asset at a specific time and a pre-specified price. However, a future represents an obligation, not a right, to proceed in the specific transaction, thus neither of the two parties can back away once the agreement is made (or the future is purchased). Thus a holder of a future buys the obligation of the other party and not the right, as in options. However, futures are tradable derivatives and are exchanged in a regulated market, like options. This characteristic allows their holders to change their position, according to the change of the underlying asset value through time before the date of the contracted transaction. However, they are very standardised and so they might not be very attractive to companies with specific financial needs. A future having as underlyin。


Derivatives, as financial instruments, have gained an increasingly important role to the financial status of big companies around the globe. Their importance can be primarily illustrated by the huge development of the derivatives exchange markets in the most developed countries, with banks usually being at the centre of trading of these powerful financial tools. The very essence of their importance lies to the fact that companies can use them to reduce uncertainty or risk that stems from entrepreneurial activities. Financial managers use derivatives to understand the risks that their firms are exposed to daily and thus are able to pursue higher returns, given the fact that higher returns impose higher risks. The management of high risks enables companies to reduce the danger of financial losses and in the same time achieve higher returns. The extended use of derivatives can also attribute further benefits to the financial position of firms by improving several other corporate actions like cheaper borrowing, tax planning and ensuring safer loan payback. However, derivatives' trading has been a cause for huge corporate losses for many companies, the financial management of which ignored the high risks involved in the use of those financial instruments. This essay will attempt to examine the ways in which companies can use derivatives to modify their financial position.A derivative (or derivative security) can be defined as a tradable asset whose intrinsic value depends on or derives from the value of an underlying asset (like shares or bonds), a commodity (like oil or gold) or an abstract measure (like interest rates or indexes). This dependency of the derivatives' value is the reason why they are also called contingent claims. This last definition of derivatives describes accurately their nature of being an exercisable right or obligation rather than a tradable good. This right or obligation is the exact legal contract that acquires value like a real asset, and therefore can be traded. People have implemented derivatives, as legal contracts, since ancient times, although their systematic use and trading began in the late nineteenth century. However, the past thirty years witnessed a massive growth in the volume of derivatives' trading. Nowadays, derivative markets account for a significant amount of the world financial exchange system, and their types and use keeps developing and adapting to the different financial needs of the various industries. Common types of derivatives are options, futures, forwards, forward rate agreements and swaps, while other less common types are caps, floors, exotic options, Over-The Counter (OTCs) and exchange-traded derivatives. A brief description of the most common derivatives is given below.An option is a contractual agreement that the gives the right and not the obligation in one party to buy or sell an underlying commodity or asset at a given price anytime during a pre-specified period of time. At the end of the pre-specified period this right can be exercised or not, according to the option's holder needs, thus the name of the derivative. If an option gives the buyer the right to purchase an asset (a number of shares for example) at a given price during a time period, this option is called call option. By the end of the period the right expires and after that date the option loses its value. On the contrary, if a similar contract gives the buyer the right to sell an asset (at an agreed price and up to a given date), it is then called put option. Call and Put options enable their holders to make profits, reducing the uncertainty of the future value of the underlying asset because they can be tradable at any time before the expiry date. If the underlying asset is a share index like FTSE 100, S&P 500 etc. then the purchased right is called index option.Futures are also contractual agreements between two parties to buy or sell an asset at a specific time and a pre-specified price. However, a future represents an obligation, not a right, to proceed in the specific transaction, thus neither of the two parties can back away once the agreement is made (or the future is purchased). Thus a holder of a future buys the obligation of the other party and not the right, as in options. However, futures are tradable derivatives and are exchanged in a regulated market, like options. This characteristic allows their holders to change their position, according to the change of the underlying asset value through time before the date of the contracted transaction. However, they are very standardised and so they might not be very attractive to companies with specific financial needs. A future having as 。


On the Way to School this morning,my father took me to school by bike.i sat at the back of the bike,eating a banana.after i ate it up,i threw the skin onto the street randomly. sooner had i done this than i realized that i had done something bad to our environment.and maybe someone would step on it and tumbleover.i must pick it up.thinking of these,i asked father to stop.i jumped offthe bike and ran back to pick up the banana skin and threw it into a roadside dustbin.seeing this,father praised me and i felt very happy. in future i will protect the surroundings more consciously and think more about others。

10.正在写英语论文 题目是 论商务英语翻译 求一个引言还有英文摘要 在线


in our country,there is high demand for China's low-pressure micro-wave ovens。Please let us know which are the models you can supply us,and please quote competitive pricings。

Thank you 2。self introduction :our company is a major importer dealing with surgical equipments。

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