

Financial management problems research In a market economy, the management is to determine the importance of enterprise survival and development. In recent years, due to ideological bias in understanding and some historical reasons, the objective reasons why the number of internal financial management system is not sound financial management to cause confusion, resulting in some lack of internal oversight mechanisms, occurring false accounts or accounts peripherals account. A direct result of confusion in financial management and poor efficiency of enterprises. This is the proof from experience. Therefore, the strengthening of financial management, establish a sound internal financial management system has become a business imperative. First, enterprises should establish a sound system of internal financial management. (A) The establishment of internal financial management system is to adapt to the socialist market economic system, the objective requirements of Enterprises to survive in market competition, and development, we must follow the requirements of market economy norms financial behavior. That must be in accordance with the requirements of market economy financing, use of funds and distribution of benefits, improve production and operations, improve the economic efficiency of enterprises, thereby enhancing their competitiveness in order to achieve economic growth, to change the way companies adapt to market economy objective requirements. (B) Establish a sound internal financial management system is an inherent requirement of enterprise management 1、Financial management is the basis for all management activities, is the central link in enterprise management. Internal financial management of the company's funds management activities and the form of value, mainly based on cost management and capital management as the center, through a form of value management, to physical form of management. Therefore financial management is the basis for all management activities, the central link in enterprise management.2、Financial management throughout all aspects of production and operation and the entire process. According to its meaning, we can summarize the four main elements of financial management, including fund-raising management, investment management, working capital management and profit distribution management. (C) financial management and business management all have extensive contact In business activities, financial management of the tentacles stretched to every corner of business, each department will be serviced through the use of funds into contact with the financial sector, each sector should in the rational use of funds, to save money and so accept what Department guidance, subject to the constraints of financial systems in order to ensure the improvement of economic efficiency of enterprises. (D) Fast Company's financial management reflects the company's production operations. All production and business activities of enterprises, are ultimately reflected in the financial results up through the accounting, analysis, comparison, you can check the implementation of enterprise production and business activities, and finding problems, find solutions to the problem. In particular financial results reflect the number and circumstances of the authoritative. In business management, regardless of whether the appropriate decision-making level of technology, production and marketing is smooth and other areas can be quickly reflected from the financial indicators. Second, internal financial management system is difficult to establish the main reason (A) Of the market economy on the business impact of internal financial management system As the market economy further, some units of one-sided emphasis on corporate ownership and management rights, to relax the internal financial management, resulting in varying degrees of accounting based on the work of the weakening, landslides and even chaos. In particular in: 1、According to state regulations, prepare accounts of the financial system does not require the construction, prepare accounts but the accounts Though some confusion; 2、Account or accounts peripheral false accounts, concealing the true financial condition and business economic results; 3、Violation of financial discipline, unauthorized retention, transfer of national income, "little treasuries"; 4、Violation of the financial accounting system, mob unjustified costs, free to write off the cost, reduce profits or increase any loss, severe distortion of accounting 。


Financial management problems researchIn a market economy, the management is to determine the importance of enterprise survival and development. In recent years, due to ideological bias in understanding and some historical reasons, the objective reasons why the number of internal financial management system is not sound financial management to cause confusion, resulting in some lack of internal oversight mechanisms, occurring false accounts or accounts peripherals account. A direct result of confusion in financial management and poor efficiency of enterprises. This is the proof from experience. Therefore, the strengthening of financial management, establish a sound internal financial management system has become a business imperative. First, enterprises should establish a sound system of internal financial management. (A) The establishment of internal financial management system is to adapt to the socialist market economic system, the objective requirements of Enterprises to survive in market competition, and development, we must follow the requirements of market economy norms financial behavior. That must be in accordance with the requirements of market economy financing, use of funds and distribution of benefits, improve production and operations, improve the economic efficiency of enterprises, thereby enhancing their competitiveness in order to achieve economic growth, to change the way companies adapt to market economy objective requirements. (B) Establish a sound internal financial management system is an inherent requirement of enterprise management 1、Financial management is the basis for all management activities, is the central link in enterprise management. Internal financial management of the company's funds management activities and the form of value, mainly based on cost management and capital management as the center, through a form of value management, to physical form of management. Therefore financial management is the basis for all management activities, the central link in enterprise management.2、Financial management throughout all aspects of production and operation and the entire process. According to its meaning, we can summarize the four main elements of financial management, including fund-raising management, investment management, working capital management and profit distribution management. (C) financial management and business management all have extensive contact In business activities, financial management of the tentacles stretched to every corner of business, each department will be serviced through the use of funds into contact with the financial sector, each sector should in the rational use of funds, to save money and so accept what Department guidance, subject to the constraints of financial systems in order to ensure the improvement of economic efficiency of enterprises. (D) Fast Company's financial management reflects the company's production operations. All production and business activities of enterprises, are ultimately reflected in the financial results up through the accounting, analysis, comparison, you can check the implementation of enterprise production and business activities, and finding problems, find solutions to the problem. In particular financial results reflect the number and circumstances of the authoritative. In business management, regardless of whether the appropriate decision-making level of technology, production and marketing is smooth and other areas can be quickly reflected from the financial indicators. Second, internal financial management system is difficult to establish the main reason (A) Of the market economy on the business impact of internal financial management system As the market economy further, some units of one-sided emphasis on corporate ownership and management rights, to relax the internal financial management, resulting in varying degrees of accounting based on the work of the weakening, landslides and even chaos. In particular in: 1、According to state regulations, prepare accounts of the financial system does not require the construction, prepare accounts but the accounts Though some confusion; 2、Account or accounts peripheral false accounts, concealing the true financial condition and business economic results; 3、Violation of financial discipline, unauthorized retention, transfer of national income, "little treasuries"; 4、Violation of the financial accounting system, mob unjustified costs, free to write off the cost, reduce profits or increase any loss, severe distortion of accounting 。




但由于这时企业对资本的需要量并不是很大,筹资渠道和筹资方式比较单一,企业的筹资活动仅仅附属于商业经营管理,并没有形成独立的财务管理职业,这种情况一直持续到19世纪末20世纪初。 筹资财务管理时期 19世纪末20世纪初,工业革命的成功促进了企业规模的不断扩大、生产技术的重大改进和工商活动的进一步发展,股份公司迅速发展起来,并逐渐成为占主导地位的企业组织形式。



Enterprise Financial Management about originated in the late 15th century early 16th century. Western capitalist society is in the embryonic period, the Mediterranean coast of the many commercial cities by the public shares of the business organizations, shares of the shareholders are businessmen, royalty, ministers and citizens. Commercial shares economic development objectively requires enterprises reasonable forecast capital requirements, the effective raising of capital. However, when business is not very capital requirements, fund-raising channels and relatively simple means of financing, corporate financing activities only in business management subsidiary, and did not form an independent financial management career, which continued until the late 19th century In the early 20th century. Funding period financial management 19th century and early 20th century, the Industrial Revolution for the success of the enterprise scale continues to expand, significant improvements in production technology and the further development of industrial and commercial activities, the rapid development of the joint-stock companies, and gradually became the dominant form of business organization. Shares of the company's development has not only caused demand for the expansion of capital, but also the ways and channels of financing for a major change, and the enterprise fund-raising activities has been further strengthened, and how to raise capital to expand operations, become the focus of attention of most enterprises. Therefore, many companies have set up a new management sector - financial management, financial management from the beginning separated from enterprise management, as an independent professional management. At that time the company's financial management functions of the projected funding requirement of the necessary funds and financing companies, financing was the company's financial management theory on the fundamental task. Therefore, during this period known as the financing period of financial management or financial management funding period.。


盈利能力分析[财务相关中英参考文献]Analyzing Profitability

Any analysis of profitability would have to begin with a discussion of what profit is, where one can find it reported, and how one can measure it. Profit is viewed as the same thing as net income, which is the bottom-line result on the income statement. Net income is calculated as revenues and gains less expenses and losses. Most of the information on an income statement is related to operations and can be used to assess and understand how the business is performing.





但由于这时企业对资本的需要量并不是很大,筹资渠道和筹资方式比较单一,企业的筹资活动仅仅附属于商业经营管理,并没有形成独立的财务管理职业,这种情况一直持续到19世纪末20世纪初。 筹资财务管理时期 19世纪末20世纪初,工业革命的成功促进了企业规模的不断扩大、生产技术的重大改进和工商活动的进一步发展,股份公司迅速发展起来,并逐渐成为占主导地位的企业组织形式。



Enterprise Financial Management about originated in the late 15th century early 16th century. Western capitalist society is in the embryonic period, the Mediterranean coast of the many commercial cities by the public shares of the business organizations, shares of the shareholders are businessmen, royalty, ministers and citizens. Commercial shares economic development objectively requires enterprises reasonable forecast capital requirements, the effective raising of capital. However, when business is not very capital requirements, fund-raising channels and relatively simple means of financing, corporate financing activities only in business management subsidiary, and did not form an independent financial management career, which continued until the late 19th century In the early 20th century. Funding period financial management 19th century and early 20th century, the Industrial Revolution for the success of the enterprise scale continues to expand, significant improvements in production technology and the further development of industrial and commercial activities, the rapid development of the joint-stock companies, and gradually became the dominant form of business organization. Shares of the company's development has not only caused demand for the expansion of capital, but also the ways and channels of financing for a major change, and the enterprise fund-raising activities has been further strengthened, and how to raise capital to expand operations, become the focus of attention of most enterprises. Therefore, many companies have set up a new management sector - financial management, financial management from the beginning separated from enterprise management, as an independent professional management. At that time the company's financial management functions of the projected funding requirement of the necessary funds and financing companies, financing was the company's financial management theory on the fundamental task. Therefore, during this period known as the financing period of financial management or financial management funding period.。

6.求一篇英文财务论文 最好中英都有的那种


Finance is the science of funds management.[1] The general areas of finance are business finance, personal finance, and public finance.[2] Finance includes saving money and often includes lending money. The field of finance deals with the concepts of time, money and risk and how they are interrelated. It also deals with how money is spent and budgeted.

Finance works most basically through individuals and business organizations depositing money in a bank. The bank then lends the money out to other individuals or corporations for consumption or investment, and charges interest on the loans.

Loans have become increasingly packaged for resale, meaning that an investor buys the loan (debt) from a bank or directly from a corporation. Bonds are debt instruments sold to investors for organisations such as companies, governments or charities [3]. The investor can then hold the debt and collect the interest or sell the debt on a secondary market. Banks are the main facilitators of funding through the provision of credit, although private equity, mutual funds, hedge funds, and other organizations have become important as they invest in various forms of debt. Financial assets, known as investments, are financially managed with careful attention to financial risk management to control financial risk. Financial instruments allow many forms of securitized assets to be traded on securities exchanges such as stock exchanges, including debt such as bonds as well as equity in publicly-traded corporations.

Central banks, such as the Federal Reserve System banks in the United States and Bank of England in the United Kingdom, are strong players in public finance, acting as lenders of last resort as well as strong influences on monetary and credit conditions in the economy

The main techniques and sectors of the financial industry


。 。 Secondly, from the perspective of financial management, family business finance activities, investment activities, management activities and incentive mechanism to analyze the main problems; Finally, from a family business to improve the financing environment, and guide the family business for the right investment decisions improve the financial management system and establish an effective incentive mechanism is proposed in four areas of financial management improvement measures family business 。 。



Progress in Developing and Implementing Business Enterprise Architectureand Transition Plan:The Army's enterprise architecture is aligned with the Department's federated approachto business system modernization. We established business area domains in conformance withthe Department's overall domain structure. Each domain is responsible for developing abusiness system transition plan and a systems architecture that aligns with the Department'sEnterprise Transition Plan and Business Enterprise Architecture. Mature architectures have beendeveloped for the financial management and logistics fields. We are adopting the DoD-widehuman resources solution in the form of the Defense Integrated Military Human ResourcesSystem.Under oversight of the Army's Chief Information Officer, we implemented a disciplinedportfolio management process that requires each business domain to perform a completeinventory of all business systems within its purview and to register the systems in a single Army-wide portfolio. According to the Army's Chief Information Officer, the portfolio managementeffort enabled the Army to reduce the total system inventory by 1,500 systems from 3,200 to1,700 systems. An additional 300 Army-wide business systems have been marked forretirement, pending the development and implementation of modern replacements.By adopting the Department's business domain construct and federated approach tomodernizing business systems; creating business system transition plans; aligning architectureswith the Business Enterprise Architecture; and managing business systems investments through adisciplined portfolio management process, the Army will be able to comply with Section 332 ofthe Fiscal Year 2005 National Defense Authorization Act. We already have scrutinized morethan 100 major business system modernization efforts and received approval from the DefenseBusiness Systems Management Committee (DBSMC) to continue these programs.The Deputy Under Secretary of the Army is responsible for ensuring effective executionof our enterprise architecture and modernization efforts across all business domains. This seniorofficial also is the Army's Defense Business Systems Management Committee representative.Governance at the Deputy Under Secretary level enables the Army to implement sustainablebusiness process improvements and to develop compliant business systems.In this context the Army has developed and is implementing a comprehensive financialimprovement and audit readiness plan to guide financial modernization activities. Thisintegrated plan outlines 1,947 specific actions needed to improve financial accountability andreporting, and assigns responsibility for completion of these tasks to 20 organizations within theArmy and DoD. We have completed 673 of these tasks with independent verification by theArmy Audit Agency. The Army's financial improvement plan is a component of the DoDFinancial Improvement and Audit Readiness Plan and the Enterprise Transition Plan.The Department's Inspector General reviewed our audit readiness plan and found that theplan sufficiently captures all actions necessary to resolve problems in obtaining an audit opinion.The plan provides a foundation to improve accountability and financial reporting within theArmy, and has yielded tangible, sustainable results. The Inspector General reviewed our auditplan and identified areas needing improvement. We have substantially resolved the InspectorGeneral's concerns, and are currently awaiting their final report, which we expect will reflectfavorably on the efficacy of our plan. The plan provides a foundation to improve accountabilityand financial reporting within the Army, and has yielded tangible, sustainable results.For example, we anticipate, based on preliminary reports, that the Army Corps ofEngineers will receive a qualified audit opinion of its fiscal year 2006 Civil Works financialstatements when the Inspector General releases its opinion in March 2008. Civil Works is alarge financial entity within the Army comprising $5.9 billion in annual appropriations, $44.5billion in total assets and $26.7 billion in total property, plant and equipment. The Army Corpsof Engineers has the largest property, plant and equipment asset base of any agency within theExecutive Branch receiving a favorable audit opinion, and is the seventh largest in terms ofannual appropriations. We have corrected the conditions linked to the qualified opinion of thefiscal year 2006 financial 。


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