

Tissue Engineering With Electric Fields: Immobilization of Mammalian Cells in Multilayer Aggregates Using Dielectrophoresis ABSTRACT: Positive dielectrophoresis can be used to create aggregates of animal cells with 3D architectures. It is shown that the cells, when pulled together into an aggregate by positive dielectrophoresis in a low-conductivity iso-osmotic solution, adhere to each other. The adherence of the cells to each other is non-specific and increases in time, and after 10–15 min becomes strong enough to immobilize the cells in the aggregate, enabling the ac electric field to be released, and the iso-osmotic buffer to be replaced by growth or other media. Cell viability is maintained. The new method of immobilization significantly simplifies the construction of aggregates of animal cells by dielectrophoresis, and increases the utility of dielectrophoresis in tissue engineering and related areas. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2007;98: 694–700. 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. KEYWORDS: tissue engineering; dielectrophoresis; 3D culture; immobilization; adhesion 你好,我有相关论文资料,需要的话请加我QQ,我发给你,497267666,谢谢。


Usage of transformer substation microcomputer protection deviceSummary: The transformer substantion microcomputer protection device has lots of advantage compare with tradition protective relay unit, it is the foundation for the further integrated automation development. microcomputer protection device provide fine foundation for the safety and stablility operation of transformer substation equipment, it provide a conveniences for daily perambulation and troubleshooting.key words: transformer substation, microcomputer protection, usage。


This design based on the actual production, the best operation in substation based system illustrates the basic methods and design of substation by steps, calibration, is to meet the actual production needs a set of optimal design. This design content involves the distribution of introduction, Electricity load calculation and the choice of transformer, The main electrical wiring, short circuit calculation and design of electric equipment of substation and calibration (including breaker, isolating switch, current transformer, busbar voltage transformer, etc), relay protection and substation configuration of the lightning protection, etc. Chapters in writing and large respectively, combined with practical parameters are calculated and drawing part is more intuitive to reflect and form design content.

Keywords: the main transformer, The wiring schemes, Short-circuit current calculation, Electrical equipment,


Electric Power Systems 电力系统 The modern society depends on the electricity supply more heavily than ever before. 现代社会的电力供应依赖于更多地比以往任何时候。

It can not be imagined what the world should be if the electricity supply were interrupted all over the world. 它无法想象的世界应该是什么,如果电力供应中断了世界各地。 Electric power systems (or electric energy systems), providing electricity to the modern society, have become indispensable components of the industrial world. 电力系统(或电力能源系统),提供电力到现代社会,已成为不可缺少的组成部分产业界的。

The first complete electric power system (comprising a generator, cable, fuse, meter, and loads) was built by Thomas Edison – the historic Pearl Street Station in New York City which began operation in September 1882. 第一个完整的电力系统(包括发电机,电缆,熔断器,计量,并加载)的托马斯爱迪生所建-站纽约市珍珠街的历史始于1882年9月运作。 This was a DC system consisting of a steam-engine-driven DC generator supplying power to 59 customers within an area roughly 1.5 km in radius. The load, which consisted entirely of incandescent lamps, was supplied at 110 V through an underground cable system. 这是一个半径直流系统组成的一个蒸汽发动机驱动的直流发电机面积约1.5公里至59供电范围内的客户。

负载,其中包括完全的白炽灯,为V提供110通过地下电缆系统。 Within a few years similar systems were in operation in most large cities throughout the world. With the development of motors by Frank Sprague in 1884, motor loads were added to such systems. This was the beginning of what would develop into one of the largest industries in the world. In spite of the initial widespread use of DC systems, they were almost completely superseded by AC systems. By 1886, the limitations of DC systems were becoming increasingly apparent. They could deliver power only a short distance from generators. 在一个类似的系统在大多数大城市在世界各地运行数年。



他们可以提供功率只有很短的距离从发电机。To keep transmission power losses ( I 2 R ) and voltage drops to acceptable levels, voltage levels had to be high for long-distance power transmission. Such high voltages were not acceptable for generation and consumption of power; therefore, a convenient means for voltage transformation became a necessity. 为了保持发射功率损失(我2 R)和电压下降到可接受的水平,电压等级,必须长途输电高。

如此高的电压不发电和电力消耗可以接受的,因此,电压转换成为一个方便的手段的必要性。 The development of the transformer and AC transmission by L. Gaulard and JD Gibbs of Paris, France, led to AC electric power systems. 在发展的变压器,法国和交流输电由L.巴黎戈拉尔和JD吉布斯导致交流电力系统。

In 1889, the first AC transmission line in North America was put into operation in Oregon between Willamette Falls and Portland. 1889年,第一次在北美交流传输线将在俄勒冈州波特兰之间威拉梅特大瀑布和实施。It was a single-phase line transmitting power at 4,000 V over a distance of 21 km. With the development of polyphase systems by Nikola Tesla, the AC system became even more attractive. By 1888, Tesla held several patents on AC motors, generators, transformers, and transmission systems. Westinghouse bought the patents to these early inventions, and they formed the basis of the present-day AC systems.这是一个单相线路传输功率为4,000公里,超过21 V系统的距离。


西屋公司购买了这些早期的发明专利,并形成了系统的基础,现在的交流。 In the 1890s, there was considerable controversy over whether the electric utility industry should be standardized on DC or AC. By the turn of the century, the AC system had won out over the DC system for the following reasons: 在19世纪90年代,有很大的争议或交流电力行业是否应该统一于直流。

到了世纪之交的,在交流系统赢得了原因出在下面的直流系统为: (1)Voltage levels can be easily transformed in AC systems, thus providing the flexibility for use of different voltages for generation, transmission, and consumption. (1)电压水平可以很容易地改变了空调系统,从而提供了传输的灵活性,发电用不同的电压和消费。 (2)AC generators are much simpler than DC generators. (2)交流发电。


This design for a three-phase multi-function meter involves voltage drop, measurement, communications control and so on. We use C8051F120 single chip microcomputer as the control center, use the structures of the voltage and current sampling circuit as the electrical parameter measurement module, and implement the design with self-made voltage boost circuit to transfer single chip microcomputer calculations. This work has the frequency, AC voltage, AC current, active power, reactive power, power factor calculations, phase sequence judgement and the display for the above measurements functions and the memory capacity for electric shock. SCM's primary role is to achieve frequency and phase tracking, the collection of electrical parameters, calculation, the display of relevant parameters and remote communication. The Scheme Features is to meet the requirements of the technical indicators with low cost, and the circuit is stable and reliable, easily promote and achieve again.Actual measurement of circuit indicators, the indicators demonstrate that good design goal achieved。


The graduation design based on the design plan descriptions of the construction of national economy and policy, the policy, technology, combined with the actual engineering prescribed line, ensure reliable power supply, scheduling, meet the technical requirements for flexible.

On the analysis of the original material, on the basis of 110 kv substations electrical design project of the connection mode of operation are analyzed, 110 kv substations is elected meet safe, reliable quality, and the economic operation of the requirements of 110 kv substations wiring way as the normal operation and auto-switch manner. For the main electrical wiring, short-circuit current calculation, to reasonably select the electrical equipment. Finally, according to the first part of the wiring and requirements of the relay protection, substation configuration, in order to ensure the safe and economic operation, prevent accidents or expansion, the safe and economic operation. Integrated substation automation are the second equipment (including substation measuring instruments, signal system, relay protection and remote device and automatic device etc) through the combination of function and the optimization design, the use of advanced computer technology, modern electronic technology, the communication technology and the signal processing technology, the main equipment of the transformer substation, power distribution lines and automatic monitoring and measurement, automatic control and microcomputer protection, and scheduling communication etc comprehensive automation function.


Substation, The main electrical wiring, Transformer, Circuit breaker, Isolating switch, Bus, Short-circuit current, Relay protection, Control and information.


The design is in ensuring the strength of radio and television media complex power system security, reliability, system maintainability, adaptability, such as the environment under the premise of performance, considering the strength of the advanced nature of power, practicality and scalability , combined with the characteristics of buildings, on radio and television media, complex lighting and lightning protection grounding system, fire alarm systems, integrated cabling system, TV monitoring system, such as the integrated design system。


The students trained in this major should have engineering technology foundation and certain professional knowledge in a wide range of fields, such as electrical technology, electronic technology, control theory, automatic detection and instrumentation, information processing, system engineering, computer technology and application, and network technology.

They can be trained in motion control, industrial process control, power electronics technology, detection and automation instruments, electronics and computer technology.

Senior engineers and technicians engaged in system analysis, system design, system operation, scientific and Technological Development and research in the fields of technology, information processing, management and decision-making.












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