

Enterprise manages up current our country real estate in the field of enterprise cultural advancement even though the already get certain achievement , more enterprise high-rise director throws energy into corporate culture. But still being having a few problem and miss area. Being disjointed with practice , not having combined with oneself condition including ascertaining difficulty, and so on. Our country real estate industry eighties begins to develop, until having enterprise to begin to develop self's corporate culture just now in 1993. Real estate corporate culture develops time shortly , relevance system is not mature , does not form corporate culture easyly. The cause that the therefore above-mentioned problem and mistake there exist in area is in every real estate enterprise process building in sharpening corporate culture mainly, and has not been tied in wedlock real estate enterprise self characteristic, however the corporate culture having drawn other industries build method or be only the experience having copied middle successful enterprise enterprise of the same kind. Therefore, the main body of a book self's characteristic sets off from real estate enterprise , suggest that structuring our country real estate corporate culture approach, corporate culture provides some place of being able to draw lessons and study to our country real estate enterprise construction. The main body of a book the primo introduces real estate industry characteristic, corporate culture theory connotation and structural analysis, corporate culture and core competition relation, reaches corporate culture having what is active meaning to enterprise lifting core competition; Consult and then successful enterprise of our country case , reach experience and the enlightenment out of , bring forward the approach building our country real estate corporate culture finally. Corporate culture , enterprise core competition theory , marketplace compete for theory and Principles of Management and method waits for it's relevance theory that the main body of a book has been synthesized, method adopt a norm to study appearance combines with case study, from the angle improving enterprise core competition comes to investigation and discussion the approach structuring our country real estate corporate culture.。


Enterprise culture is the enterprise software, is the enterprise the soft strength. Enterprise culture on ascension staff quality and enhance competitiveness, improve internal competitiveness have important role. This article through to the enterprise culture analysis, further expounds enterprise soft power plays in enterprise development unique role. And points out how to cultivate enterprise soft strength enterprise competitiveness 关键词 企业软实力(Enterprise soft power) 企业文化(Enterprise culture ) 企业团队(Enterprise team )。


An enterprise's core competence refers to the key factors that correlate closely to its survival and development including certain techniques, skill and management mechanism, etc. It can be also defined as a combination of both soft and hard approaches and may be intangible as well. For an enterprise to enjoy consecutive success, core competence is essential. However, core competence could collapse unless it is nurtured, reinforced, stabilized and updated consistently. Therefore how to maintain the core competence has been the crucial issue in the management of enterprises. The concept of core competence was firstly introduced in an Harvard Business Review article.According to the authors," In the short term,the competence of a corporation is determined by quality and performance of its products,but in the long run, the core competence that forges and strengthens the corporation is the decisive force".The concept is soon widely accepted by both academic circle and corporate world, moreover, it is also highly valued by entrepreneurs. The paper focuses on four aspects of core competence,namely,the connotation, origin,features,cultivation and promotion of it.

Key Words: Competitive Advantage, Competence, Core Competence, Innovation, Technological Innovation


Gary Hamel and C. K. Prahalad, "The Core Competence of the Corporation", Harvard Business Review, vol. 68, no. 3, May-June 1990, pp 79-93.


merce management personnel should possess the the three elements of the economy of China's economy when coming to enter a new stage. Facing the international and domestic market and business competition two problems, for today's management talents will be of a huge challenge, also determines the human resources of the competition. In this paper the authors put forward our country industry and commerce administration talents should have of knowledge, ability and quality. Key words: the industry and commerce management knowledge ability quality。


The new economic era, known as the corporate image of the human, material and financial resources beyond the "fourth resource", the competition among the enterprises of products from the local competition, price competition, resource competition, competition for talent, technology to the development of competition The integrity of corporate competition, that is, the image of competition. Create good corporate image, not only a modern market economy is an inevitable trend of development, but also enterprises face the increasingly fierce market competition and the success of winning a major magic weapon. For large enterprises, corporate image planning has been relatively mature. While many small and medium enterprises because the road taken the low-cost, how cost-competitive promotion to the quality of competition, and even brand competition, or unable, based on this understanding of SMEs, from corporate image recognition system in the concept of identification system Behavior recognition system, visual recognition systems of the three constituent elements of perspective, the current image of the planning for SMEs on the existence of several major problems, propose solutions to the measures, so that small and medium enterprises based on domestic and international trend of a number of simple Discussion.。


Nowadays, our domestic private enterprises have developed, and successively emerge a number of large and medium-sized private enterprise with abundant strength, and private enterprises in absorbing employment personnel, increase the fiscal revenue plays an increasingly important role. At present, however, the overall competitiveness of domestic enterprises is weak, plus a foreign-capital enterprise after China's entry into wto, China's entering domestic enterprises, especially private enterprises are faced with severe tests. How to improve the private enterprise of domestic enterprises, especially the synthesis competitive ability, the dilemma that has become a top priority. Now a general consensus of enterprises, the competition between enterprises is essentially the enterprise brand competition, promote enterprise's brand value, completes the brand strategy to improve the competitiveness of enterprises is one of the essential factors.

Based on the combination of theory with case analysis method, different from the Angle of private enterprise of brand positioning and brand strategy, analyzes the problems faced by private enterprise of the form and the problems and solutions, and ultimately selected for different levels of strategy, and then give the private enterprise strategy of brand positioning and the research provides a reference.

The letter divides into three parts, the first part of this enterprise and brand strategy: the second part of a concrete analysis of private enterprise and brand strategy: the third part of the above problems are summarized and realistic meaning of the comments and Suggestions.


Abstract 20th century since the 90's, as China's socialist market economic system gradually established enterprises become stronger and stronger cost management aware of the importance of the work, many companies the actual situation of the unit and take the cost of help to strengthen management and improve the cost-effective management. Some enterprises in this regard to explore new, and have achieved remarkable results. But there is still a part of the cost of management of enterprises is relatively backward. This paper analyzes the cost of the management of electronic manufacturing defects exist, the cost of management need to focus on the macro, short of an overall consideration, the content management theory and rigid means of aging, over-reliance on the existing cost accounting system, cost information, a serious distortion. As well as the reasons for the formation of defects, and revealed the importance of cost management and come up with strategies. Cost Management for the Electronics Manufacturing healthy development of a number of his or her views. Key words: Electronic manufacturing, cost management, cost control。


The study describes the total course for web shopping. It introduces the develop vironment and tools. It also describes the detail of design idea and design course. After it, for the database create idea and the relationship of them are described. The study tell us how to carry out the function with block picture those clearly show us the design idea, program disign and detail realize.Base on actual requirement, web shopping system designed with block. In the OS of Windows XP, Tomcat5.0 is set up. The program language is JAVA which can realize dynamic and alternating function with WEB servor.The function mainly include goods show, goods buying in interface and goods manage, members manage,class manage, order form manage and so on.The system have below function: At first, the alternating between members and administrator. After it, the manage functions are micromesh especially for class management which make it useful for buniness and fit with electric shopping system develop requiment。

9.毕业论文 英文摘要

Today's rapid development of information technology, the society needs more and more diverse, real estate management information is also more and more important, the management of operation data and property data information becomes more and more important.How to use the standard of management information system and smooth information query input for modern city, the house property intermediary business, so I found a easy application and design of the property management system records inquires are necessary.Paper discusses "property management system" the theoretical basis and the design thought, system development process and according to the function of the system to achieve the main discusses database management software development process. Major in software engineering theory as the theoretical basis of system development, client/server model in a relational database as the background, professional development of language as a means of realizing database of database management software development process analysis and theoretical research.。


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