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Research on the construction safety management of Civil Engineering In recent years, the construction accident in civil engineering in our country often occur. This not only caused casualties, also caused great loss of national property, and resulting in a very bad social influence. Therefore, in our country, the construction units in the civil engineering construction projects, shouldstrengthen the construction safety management, all aspects ofsecurity control for engineering, to prevent dangerous accidentsin the end it all. The cause of the civil engineering constructionaccidents are in many aspects. In order to enhance security,should be combined with the characteristics of construction projects and the enterprise's internal and external conditions, the rational allocation of production factors, optimization of management process. In order to realize the construction safetymanagement, construction units should establish a safety management system of a project, it should be carried out from the following aspects:A construction safety consciousness, cultivate the modern safety science theory, occurrence of unsafe human behavior causedcasualties. To implement safety management, it should becombined with psychology, behavioral science to strengthen the education and training of employees in production safety,improve the consciousness of safe production, so as to guide the safety production behavior of employees. For the construction enterprises should strengthen safety awareness and educationproject personnel, developing the regular safety education to the construction personnel involved in the project, and to carry outsecurity work. Three level education to the new participate in the work of the operating personnel; often transform types of employees, should be safety training for new types of work, makeoperation personnel matters needing attention can be familiar with the safe operation of the. In order to make safe win support among the people, enterprisemanagement personnel but also in engineering project, using a variety of promotional tools to start a variety of education,cultivate the construction personnel safety consciousness. Andin the management of enterprises, the production safety systemthought to. Leaders at all levels and enterprises in issuing the project production task, should also carry out safety productionmeasures. Such as the production safety requirements to the construction personnel, so conducive to safe thought into the production of management, let each employee has consciously in the psychological sense of security.Two, the establishment of management system for safety in production in addition to strengthen production safety education and awareness of construction project staff, should alsoestablish a safety management system, protect the system from the construction enterprise safety in production of. In order toavoid the frequent occurrence of sudden accident, the construction enterprise should according to the project, to develop a comprehensive, the system of safety management,and invest the necessary manpower and funds to ensure the implementation of the project. Ensure the production safetyconstruction from the system implementation, the project section of construction enterprises should establish the safety inspectionsystem, and regularly to the project construction of the security check. Make a clear record of project construction process,record the dangerous post, and regularly check the work. Self evaluation and construction team every week to organize asafety activities, the project department to make regular safetyevaluation for project production. Construction enterprises in theconstruction of civil engineering, in order to establish a safety management system, need to make corresponding technical measures for safety management system, a standard for project.Therefore, the safety work of construction enterprise project technical measures should be prior to commencement of works.As for engineering and technical measures should be strict examination and approval, the approval before implementation. If the design changes during construction, corresponding safety technical measures should be coordinated with the adjustment,will follow. The safety technical measures enacted personnel andparticipation, should fully understand the project as the construction scheme, construction environment, the actualoperation has, and combined with relevant laws and regulations or the security policy to establish safety technical measures,which can ensure the safety 。


The timing of the reform with clubs and countermeasures Abstract: since the 2003 in China since the reform of rural credit cooperatives, and implementation of various business has achieved great development in China, as in hainan province, the reform has already caused when reform social attention. The author analyzed in hainan financial ecological environment change background, promote the reform of rural credit cooperatives hainan favorable conditions and needs to solve problems, and put forward the corresponding countermeasures. Keywords: the reform of rural credit cooperatives, and measures China's rural credit cooperatives reform since 2003, the pilot since the implementation of business development by leaps and bounds, and made great achievements in China, and hainan provinces last for reform of rural credit cooperatives, when entering the substantive reform, has aroused wide attention of the society. The author believes that in the hainan financial ecological environment upheaval circumstance, seized an opportunity to promote hainan province, it is urgent to reform of rural credit cooperatives. Now, a push the reform of rural credit cooperatives hainan favorable conditions 1 the other provinces rural credit cooperatives reform can provide demonstration effect of hainan province. China has 29 provinces implemented the reform of management system of rural credit cooperatives, the figures show that the reform has made some progress. By the end of 2005, the total assets of financial institutions in rural cooperative 37206 billion yuan, one for each loan balances 22008 million yuan at the end of 2002, more than 8070 billion yuan, increasing growth 57.9%. Total liabilities 35553 billion yuan, including the balance 32626 billion yuan (the total financial institutions at the end of 2002), more than 10.8 percent increase 12751 64.2 billion yuan, up. At present, China's rural credit cooperatives has become the first four deposit breakthrough 30,000 billion yuan of financial institutions, the owner's equity has reached 1653 billion yuan, the end of 2002 add 1927 billion yuan. More than two years of reform of rural credit cooperatives over 10 consecutive years of losses, to raise capital adequacy ratio of 8%. [1], apparently, in other cities and provinces rural credit cooperatives reform can promote reform of rural credit cooperatives for hainan provide successful experience, such as reforms, increase endowment spread, digestive historical burden, the start-up capital, institutional setup and team building, coordinating the relationship problems can be using the experience of the reforms and brother provinces. 2 new socialist countryside construction to hainan for rural credit cooperatives reform brings opportunities. Construction of new socialist countryside is a major decision, it will make the implementation of rural areas of hainan reproduction, great changes. Agricultural intensification and commercialization of hainan province with the increase of agricultural structure adjustment, and raise the level of farmers' income, the rural financial resources will be further expanded. Therefore, the province of rural credit cooperatives, dump only as managing mechanism and perfect, can get used to accelerate the reform of socialist new rural construction, the need to better perform its functions. 3 the reform of rural credit cooperatives in hainan province has certain basis. In September of 2005, hainan's rural credit cooperatives reform officially approved by the state council on pilot provinces, though not enter the stage of reform, but with substantial operation of rural credit cooperatives reform of rural credit cooperatives, hainan province has achieved a preliminary results. Deadline of September 2006, the balance of rural credit cooperatives, 93 million yuan, nearly three years deposits increased 32 million yuan, 52% increase. In loans and record of September, 2006, the loan balances 51 billion yuan, nearly three years accumulative total issue of "agriculture, countryside and farmers" loan 40 billion yuan. Rural credit environment construction is the key step by step, and the end of September 2006, rural credit cooperatives altogether create credit village 89, the letter, user 3.3 support a large number of agricultural market, effectively help the increase in farmers' income. [2] in hainan province in recent years, rural credit cooperatives are in bad still-decent decreased year, internal system and mechanism and construction team, staff in the intense desire for reform. Above all, public confidence of rural credit cooperatives in hainan province is restored, rural credit cooperatives reform for the。


去百度文库,查看完整内容> 内容来自用户:秦园园 毕业设计说明书英文文献及中文翻译班级:学号:姓名:学院:软件学院专业:指导教师:2014年6月英文文献出自《IBM System Journal,2006,44(2):33-37》作者:Malcolm DavisStruts——An Open-source MVC ImplementationThis article introduces Struts, a Model-View-Controller implementation that uses servlets and JavaServer Pages (JSP) technology. Struts can help you control change in your Web project and promote specialization. Even if you never implement a system with Struts, you may get some ideas for your future servlets and JSP page in grade school put HTML pages on the Internet. However, there is a monumental difference between a grade school page and a professionally developed Web site. The page designer (or HTML developer) must understand colors, the customer, product flow, page layout, browser compatibility, image creation, JavaScript, and more. Putting a great looking site together takes a lot of work, and most Java developers are more interested in creating a great looking object interface than a user interface. JavaServer Pages (JSP) technology provides the glue between the page designer and the Java developer.If you have work。


14.4.2 外文文献各类外文文献的文后参考文献格式与中文示例相同;为了计算机检索方便,建议题名的首字母及各个实词的首字母大写,期刊的刊名等可用全称或按ISO 4规定的缩写格式。

为了减少外文刊名引用不规范所造成的引文统计及链接误差,建议以(SXXXX-XXXX)格式在刊名后加ISSN号。例:[24]JONES R M.Mechanics of Composite Materials[M].New York:McGraw Hill Book Company,1975.[25]Marcel Merle.Sociologie des Relations Internationales[M]. 4th ed. Paris: Dalloz,1988.[26]CHERNIK B E. Introduction to Library Services for Library Technicians[M]. Littleton,Colo.:Libraries Unlimited,Inc,1982.[27]International Federation of Library Association and Institutions.Names of Persons:National Usages for Entry in Catalogues[M]. 3rd ed.London:IFLA International Office for UBC,1977ر[28]Klaus Hildbrand.Das Drite Reich[M].Müchen:Bund-Verlag GmbH,1979.[29]Григорян С В.Рудничная Геохимия[M].Москва: Недра,1992。


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