

Feminism is a discourse that involves various movements, theories, and philosophies which are concerned with the issue of gender difference, advocate equality for women, and campaign for women's rights and interests. According to some, the history of feminism can be divided into three waves. The first wave was in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, the second was in the 1960s and 1970s and the third extends from the 1990s to the present. Feminist theory emerged from these feminist movements.It is manifest in a variety of disciplines such as feminist geography, feminist history and feminist literary criticism. Feminism has altered predominant perspectives in a wide range of areas within Western society, ranging from culture to law. Feminist activists have campaigned for women's legal rights (rights of contract, property rights, voting rights); for women's right to bodily integrity and autonomy, for abortion rights, and for reproductive rights (including access to contraception and quality prenatal care); for protection from domestic violence, sexual harassment and rape;for workplace rights, including maternity leave and equal pay; and against other forms of discrimination. During much of its history, most feminist movements and theories had leaders who were predominantly middle-class white women from Western Europe and North America. However, at least since Sojourner Truth's 1851 speech to American feminists, women of other races have proposed alternative feminisms. This trend accelerated in the 1960s with the Civil Rights movement in the United States and the collapse of European colonialism in Africa, the Caribbean, parts of Latin America and Southeast Asia. Since that time, women in former European colonies and the Third World have proposed "Post-colonial" and "Third World" feminisms. Some Postcolonial feminists, such as Chandra Talpade Mohanty, are critical of Western feminism for being ethnocentric. Black feminists, such as Angela Davis and Alice Walker, share this view. Since the 1980s Standpoint feminists argued that feminism should examine how women's experience of inequality relates to that of racism, homophobia, classism and colonization.In the late 1980s and 1990s postmodern feminists argued that gender roles are socially constructed,and that it is impossible to generalize women's experiences across cultures and histories.。

2.急需2篇 关于 女权 的英文文章

FeminismThey had jobs, but feminists weren't satisfied; every other woman had to get one too. So they opened fire on homemakers with a savagery that still echoes throughout our culture. A housewife is a "parasite," [Betty] Frieden writes; such women are "less than fully human" insofar as they "have never known a commitment to an idea." David Gelernter, Drawing Life, Surviving the Unabomber, Free Press, 1997, p. 95 Housewives, not men, were the prey in feminism's sights when Kate Millett decreed in 1969 that the family must go. Feminists do not speak for traditional women. Men cannot know this, however, unless we tell them how we feel about them, our children, and our role in the home. Men must understand that our feelings towards them and our children are derided by feminists and have earned us their enmity. Whether or not this understanding garners men's support, traditional women must defend ourselves because the feminist offensive is, most essentially, a breach of solidarity with us, a disavowel of the obligation to honor the Women's Pact [that religious celibates, professional women, and homemakers respect each other] that women in the movement owed to us. F. Carolyn Graglia, Domestic Tranquility, A Brief Against Feminism, Spence Publishing Company, Dallas, 1998, p. 97 "I am not the sort of woman who goes blonde," writes novelist Jane Smiley, before explaining how she did just that and, in the process, what sort of woman she discovered herself to be. A feminist intellectual and practical Midwesterner, Smiley had always "abjured vanity." She wore glasses and plain white cotton underwear, had a "short, masculine hairdo," and never, ever shaved her legs or underarms. Her looks reflected her convictions. "If I dyed my hair," she thought, "that would lead to makeup, and inevitably, to manicures, facials, panty hose, and the wholesale submission to the patriarchy." But that reasoning itself reflected the stereotypes of an earlier era, the idea that women must choose between intelligence and beauty, mind and body, substance and surface. In her early forties, Smiley discovered that her studied indifference to her appearance was sending unwanted signals and hiding important aspects of her personality. The man she was interested in didn't see her as a woman. She fretted to her therapist. The therapist sent her to his colorist. Thus began her new life of blonde hair and shaved armpits -- of new pleasures and new meaning. "Sometimes I stand in front of the mirror and simply admire it," she says of her caramel-colored hair. "It is a beautiful, layered, shimmering gold, soft and sparkly, a hair color that has no relation to me and no counterpart in the animal world. I would hate to give it up." 可以参考这个网址e particularly compelling.Soon,the game officially began.Although many events,may affect people to the number of the men's 800 meter race.Jill my class students also participated.Just listen to "Bang -" slamming,the game began,he heads held high,arm is so full of rhythm,the pace is so flexible,not rash,it seems best to wait beyond the time.Obviously the morning and with confidence,others to be outdone,followed,after all,although few athletes sweat,breathless,can still bite the bullet,struggling to catch up.Is the second lap,and Jill is still full of energy,not only did not slow down the speed,but faster.Several athletes after acute red eyes,and wait for them to give birth to a pair of wings,death-defying chase.With the end approaching,the cheerleaders cheer sound higher and higher,while overshadowed a while,there are only 30 meters,the unexpected happens,I saw a group of athletes was significantly accelerated,like a meteor to catch more than a blink of an eye on the general,but also more than a .has to keep pace with Jill,the only contest last more than ten meters,how who wins?At this time,cheerleader's mouth seems to be tape sealed a general,unable to pronounce the Christ.The hearts of the students are hanging to his throat,referees are also Dengyuan eyes.Finally,Jill a second out of the end.800 meters of runway,800 race,800 meters of the contest,this is not only power and not the show,it is perseverance and hard work,not only get medals,but also an honor.。

4.英语论文 女权主义运动对英语词汇的影响 该怎么写啊



如果你问的是女权运动后,社会状况改变而出现的词语,我能想到的,也暂时只有"DINK"这一缩写。Double Income No Kids(夫妻皆工作,无孩子)。还有如“House Husband”(家庭主父)这类的东西。









What is Feminism? Feminism is a belief that women are and should be treated as potential intellectual equals and social equals to men. The basic idea of Feminism revolves around the principle that just because human bodies are designed to perform certain procreative functions, biological elements need not dictate intellectual and social functions, capabilities, and rights. Feminism also embraces the belief that all people are entitled to freedom and liberty within reason--including equal civil rights--and that discrimination should not be made based on gender, sexual orientation, skin color, ethnicity, religion, culture, or lifestyle. Feminism is the belief that all people are entitled to the same civil rights and liberties and can be intellectual equals regardless of gender. However, you should still hold the door for a feminist; this is known as respect or politeness and need have nothing whatever to do with gender discrimination.。




7.要写毕业论文了 我写的是关于外国文学中的女性主义 高手看看该怎么





The Feminism Reflected in the Novel Forrest Gump The commercials for Forrest Gump make it look like the sort of movie described as "wonderful" and "heartwarming"; fortunately, it's better than that. I had read the book, by Winston Groom, and hoped the movie wouldn't lose the engaging voice of the novel -- the voice of Forrest Gump (IQ 75), a simple-minded, good-hearted Southern boy whose life is a series of whimsical, mildly satirical episodes. As it happens, Tom Hanks, as Gump, narrates the movie from a bus-stop bench and delivers many of Groom's best lines. The script isn't as funny as the novel -- the film's Gump isn't as much of a screw-up as the book's Gump -- but it's funny enough, and sometimes it hits daring notes. When Gump tells us that his childhood sweetheart Jenny is lucky to have a father who kisses and touches her and her sisters all the time, the line is funny because it's exactly what the innocent Gump would assume. But it's also not funny. It's these examples of Gump's trusting nature being utterly inaccurate that save Forrest Gump from being mush. The movie, directed by Robert Zemeckis (Who Framed Roger Rabbit), isn't meant to be taken literally; like many enchanting films, it falls apart under close scrutiny. Most people, though, won't have the heart to scrutinize it, and, aside from a few minor complaints, I see no need to, either. Its flaws don't do it any great harm; it's as comforting as an afternoon nap, but also as refreshing, and it's going to be a big hit. Forrest Gump creates its own floating reality, and the problem many critics have with this is that it deals, in large part, with actual historical events (much of the film addresses Vietnam and the peace movement). The movie is meant to be American history as seen through the eyes of a man who understands very little of what he sees. And he speaks for people who can't make any more sense of the last three decades than he can. In other words, Forrest Gump -- America considered through a folksy, satirical lens -- will annoy those who prefer their satire with a harder edge (i.e., satire that punctures the "correct" targets). The movie has drawn fire for being reactionary, and it may well become a favorite of conservatives, but I think that has more to do with what didn't survive the transition from book to movie (Groom's satire was more even-handed) because of time limitations. For example, the radical hippies of the peace movement are presented as slimy, predatory womanizers who slap their girlfriends around (one guy even does this and then blames it on "that goddamn Johnson"). But talk to some women who remember those days and they'll tell you this isn't far from the truth: The "sexual revolution" turned out to be a new, hip variation on the time-honored male ploy to get women to spread their legs, and we're still paying for it. The critics who want to be intellectually one up on the large, stupid wad of Americans who embrace this film are attacking the wrong movie for the wrong reasons. Forrest Gump, a proudly square fantasia, has much more to offer than a likable but coldly hip critics' darling like Four Weddings and a Funeral, and certainly more than the recent crop of hip movies that don't ask you to feel anything -- The Shadow, Wyatt Earp, The Crow, The Flintstones, and on and on. Almost 25 years ago, Pauline Kael wrote that the then-popular movie Joe (another counter-counterculture hit, all but forgotten today) could easily be turned into a Saturday-morning cartoon, and the episodic, virtually plotless Forrest Gump would also be ideal ("Gump Plays Football," "Gump Goes to Vietnam," "Gump Starts a Shrimping Business"). At two hours and twenty-two minutes, the movie is an epic ramble, with characters disappearing and reappearing as the story requires. Gump is a safe guide through the tumult of the '60s, the absurdity of the '70s, and the greed of the '80s. Jenny (played in adulthood by Robin Wright), on the other hand, seems to experience everything terrible about those decades: drugs, soulless sex, more abuse, more drugs, and one final pitfall that isn't in the book. Letting her pristine features collapse into numbness, Wright fleshes out Jenny's self-disgust. This masochistic woman isn't ready for Gump, who, in his infinite kindness, wants only to love her. She embodies American disillusionment, and she will probably make a lot of feminists foam at the mouth. I can't say I disagree; the book's Jenny certainly wasn't this self-hating (she was, in fact, more of a free spirit like Gump). Gump flies through the decades with nary a scratch, but a vague, doomy cloud hangs over poor Jenny, who。


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