

Any information system , the hidden trouble disregarding whose how perfect , working safe control function environment how safe, there existing safety in city. The main body of a book the characteristic according to network Accounting Information Systems , at present informationize union our country level, aspect such as having analysed main safe hidden trouble and the cause coming into being that the network currently in effect there exists in Accounting Information Systems, and having managed from personnel quality , technology way , legal system building , the inside has submitted the pertinency suggestion.Keywords: Network Accounting Information Systems; Safety snakes in the grass; Countermeasure。


[abstract] This is Changsha YuanGe residential area design, 【construction's long, wide】,(不知道是你写的不全还是怎么,有点不通,如果你要加数字,就用the length of construction is。the width of construction is。) a total of 12 layer, total building area is。, building height of principal part is。. Design content mainly includes the architectural design and structural design .

The part of architectural design Including the overall layout,the plane and vertical transportation, and the requirements of fire prevention and evacuation. Design mainly include

planar configuration, elevation and profile design and fire protection and evacuation design, etc., follow the principle of "safty,availability,economy,aesthetics" , satisfy people's demand for residential use function and aesthetic.

Design structure using short-leg

shear wall system, to adapt to the new housing concept of people. Combining with hand calculation and PKPM computing , including load calculation (gravity load, wind load),shear walls and floor slabs, the design calculation of beam and reinforcement.

Key words: short-leg shear wall; High-rise residential; The structure design



With the continuous development of information technologies and networks with the new wave of shopping become diversified, buying gradually integrated into people's daily lives. E-commerce as an emerging business model in recent years, the rapid development, occupies an important position in the Internet industry. In the case of e-commerce is hot, applying the traditional cake shops B2C business model for online sales, more flexible and easy to manage. Online cake shop system development using myeclipse8.5+SQL Server2005, developed based on JSP+web technology, is divided into front-end and back-office operations most. From the beginning of design to design to detailed design, are further broken down to the system at every step, into every detail. Many successful cases of e-commerce, the system tries to be able to make online sales site with its own style. This user friendly system to achieve a sales system, friendly interface enables users to easily browse cake information and purchase, giving administrators add/drop, such as cake and order processing routine admin functions. Through continuous commissioning and operation system to stable employment, better online sales system the basic functions.行么?。



on the challenging of lack of water resource and waste of agricultural water, a water saving system was designed to solve this problem. AT89C52 microcontroller was adopted as core part of MCU, the system was modularized designed and consists several modules, data acquisition and processing system, motor driving unit and alarming unit, LCD display module, etc., C language was used for coding, Proteus and Keil tools were utilized for simulation and testing. The results of testing and simulation proved that with this system, the real time data of temperature and humidity can be displayed and monitored, the water saving irrigation function can be realized, with some significant features such as lower cost, lower power consumption and robust design。.。


Abstract: Under the condition of market economy, the merits of the compensation system is directly related to business performance. Enterprises to retain talent, have market competitiveness must be provided to workers' wages, when carries on the compensation system design should be a relatively fair internally, external competitive compensation system. Based on the actual situation of luliang and embellish energy co., LTD as the background, through the analysis of the problems existing in the enterprise existing compensation system, the use of human resource management in the relevant theories of salary design, the Suggestions to improve the compensation system of enterprises, in order to the enterprise to attract talents, retain talents, improve the level of human resource management. Based on the salary survey, understand the external compensation levels, enhances the market competitiveness of the enterprise; By piece rate, the design of the post merit pay, bonuses and other compensation, make the employees' salaries are tied with the company's benefit and individual performance, improve the staff's work enthusiasm.Keywords: Compensation system, incentive, The sales staff。


The Design And implementation of Online-shopping Mall

Key Words: Internet, Electronic commerce, JPS online shopping mall


In today's highly developed internet context,People's shopping means and shopping behavior have been connected to the Internet. Thus, the System of Online-shopping Mall has became an essential carrier for e-commerce on the internet.This system use the JSP language to compile the website , which can completely implement the basic functions of an e-commerce web. Shoppers can make registation to be a VIP member of the web ,after logging onto their VIP account,they could realize their purchase. By the shopping cart,the VIP members can buy whatever at their own will, they can also add,delete as well as check out. Through the inner product management section, the system administrator can do many operations including adding ,deleting,modifying the goods on the website, as well as the relative information of the users'. Daily maintenance of the site can also be done.




In science and technology is highly developed today, economic globalization makes with regional features of culture gradually disappear. This paper introduces the concepts of the regional culture from China, analysis, and hotel indoor set with regional culture in the modern research of applied research design, the hotel, the case of comparison and thinking, summarizes the research and design gimmick, discusses the application of regional culture in the hotel the significance and historical inevitability. And through the analysis of the specific case to explore "time spirit" and "regional culture" dialectical unity feasible concrete principle and method. Think of new era "regional culture" is not a simple "reminiscence" and "returning to the traditional", but the spirit of the era, is the innovation. Keywords: regional culture hotel design era spirit。

8.毕业论文 摘要 英文翻译

The development of China's textile exports have been international textile trade system seriously, quotas, and increasing variety of Settings main varieties of quotas for our export strengths. According to the world trade organization WTO textile and apparel trade integrated treatment, including the United States, the European Union, Canada, Turkey set quotas of countries and regions of China were part of the export textile and clothing products category are cancelled quotas. Of course, the domestic existing appearance for the export products, system structure, product quality problem is serious influence our textile and clothing products export and development. But in the following two aspects: one is the market access, 2 it is competitive.

"Green barrier" in many cases, not on many of the products to the market, but through direct limit environmental standards set or improve the original environment standard, thus improving the product cost, weaken the international competitiveness of products. Compared with the market access of "green barrier" product competitiveness of more extensive and profound influence. Because of some environmental standards and influence of market access, often is the product of the individual, and because, "green barrier" and involves product competitiveness is common often.

China's textile enterprises in environment mark authentication is relatively backward, and appear to China textile and apparel production enterprise 7 million, is one of the world's biggest exporter, clothing production and authentication of such obviously not reasonable, also not congruent with.

China's textile enterprises should actively application environment, is the current standard of PPM enterprises to improve product competition environment, the important way.


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