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Since China joined the WTO in 2001, China's real estate market in this period of time within a relatively gradually prosperous development situation, and the situation of China's population, the big cities of the housing demand, more and more people concern, real estate investment in real estate, but, with China's entry into the world economy big melting pot, and the integration of the world economy more and more closely. In 2008, the subprime crisis caused by economic crisis sweeping the globe, China - the world's attention by a large market, also did not survive, and real estate of China in this time of economic crisis will inevitably face under a looming large shuffle, but the balance of China's real estate market in long-term accumulated inferior and disadvantages, also will spontaneously get market competition.。
1.The effect of life values and materialism on buying counterfeit products
Journal of Socio-Economics, Volume 36, Issue 5, October 2007, Pages 677-685
Adrian Furnham, Halldór Valgeirsson
2.Strategies for characterizing sildenafil, vardenafil, tadalafil and their analogues in herbal dietary supplements, and detecting counterfeit products containing these drugs
TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry, Volume 28, Issue 1, January 2009, Pages 13-28
Saranjit Singh, Bhagwat Prasad, Akash A. Savaliya, Ravi P. Shah, Vikrantsinh M. Gohil, Amandeep Kaur
The foreign exchange reserves of China rise up sharply in recent years. Meanwhile, beyond Japan, China has become the country which holds the most foreign exchange reserves in 2006. Up to the end of March in 2009, the scale of reserves has reached to 1953.741 billion dollars. Because of such a large scale of foreign exchange reserves and Chinese currency structure based on US dollar, Chinese foreign exchange reserves lost a lot when the subprime crisis appeared in the United States. The problem that portfolio and risk control of foreign exchange reserves caused widespread concern again in China. Particularly, as the reason that China has the world largest scale which has already surpasses the moderate level of foreign exchange reserves, how to solve the problem of investment portfolio and the risk control of foreign exchange reserves appear extremely important.This article comes from the actual situation of the Chinese foreign exchange reserves. In the views of US dollar, Japanese Yen, EURO and Pound, by using the Eviews and the SAS software, we build up the economic model and apply the model of property theory to carry on the two times programming mathematical model. By using the Eviews software, we can obtain the minimum proportion of forecast value of each currency. And then by using the SAS software, we can quantify the anticipated returns ratio and risk degree of foreign exchange reserves and finally get the three different optimal portfolios.By combining the theoretical analysis with the demonstration research, cooperating the economic software with the specialized statistical software, inosculating the latest monthly data and quantification data, this article has become innovative and has a great practical value. It also has a great affect on the income and risk management of the foreign exchange reserves. Finally, under the situation of financial crisis, this article provides some suggestions for the portfolio and risk control of foreign exchange reserves.。
Humans in the 21st century, the electronic age also makes synchronous communication possible. In international business communication, the speaker can master the language communication, is achieving the desired objectives. Business writing is essential to the communication channels, this way of communication through the process of writing communication of tone problems are analysed thoroughly, so as to improve the business cooperation.A, introductionHumans in the 21st century, economic globalization, international business activities more frequent intercourse, business communication has entered a new stage of development, more and more people show the trend of internationalization, the working environment is more and more diversified. The electronic age also makes synchronous communication, English as possible throughout the world common language in business, one in speech communication plays a compelling communication effect. In international business communication, the speaker can master the language communication, is achieving the desired objectives. In the process of communication, also can use business writing. Business writing is necessary in a communication channel by way of communication, business writing, you can ask others to pass accuracy, business information and good business writing is a kind of business etiquette, can give people leave a good impression.Second, the influence factors of tone1 words and construct sentences. First, sincere words to the communication or business life, sincere cooperation is the most important thing is the most basic, due to our partners to read every day, so the commercial electronic mail file should be concise wording, if use too much words one or two words can mean, obviously makes writing content and vague, drag will waste the time more readers. Regardless of such as in time at were now better, rather than the event is better. If. To use common words, avoid uncommon or spelling words. A word can express, don't use phrases. Use short sentences, because more easy to understand. With less ", "" and", "will", "" these make sentences nowadays become tedious conjunction. In the letter, don't use the same meanings of words. More than Because many use simple little can be more direct simple message and try to persuade the reader, and save time. Example is better than with which now. Avoid using the mean ambiguous words or phrases, the expression that readers will definitely affect misunderstanding, business communication. Therefore, business writing email should be specific, structure clear wording, content clearly. Moreover nowadays women in business, the role of not less than men, more and more women, especially the feminist movement to contain the words very sensitive sex discrimination. Avoid using business email has sex discrimination of communication, this words for both. The chairperson alternative chairman, etc. Finally, people often complain when used in anger or negative words or phrases, the expression of readers, often including criticism or blame, then against business communication. Business letters should adopt positive affirmation of the meaning of the words, avoid using negative expression. Even want to criticize each other, also should not be shown on the wording, should adopt positive tone and indirect or other language, in order to better acceptance. Because business communication purpose is not to blame each other, criticism or not intentionally let them feel guilty, the real purpose is to provide information or other beneficial to take action, to solve the problem.2 the language style. General language styles mainly from natural and whether formal whether such two angles appraisal. Martin Joos according to the degree of formal language use forward five variants: the grave style (half style), The formal style (formal style), The consultative style style (with), Casual style (the casual style), Close the style (intimate style). Business language is a formal language, however, with the increasing trade between business contacts with the trade relations between each other, to strengthen the understanding and communication, due to personal attachment, the trend into the content of electronic business English language style, the liberalization of tend to use language and concise. On one hand, electronic business English should save those polite words, excess leads directly to the consultation, the main theme is to be short and concise, easy reading. On the other hand, electronic data exchange and cable etc, the use of language and 。
4。1 公共产品的特征 在第三章我们已经讲过当市场缺乏外部交易时不会有效的生产足够的产品。
实际上,如果政府提供的许多产品,如国防等,能在市场上由个人进行买卖的话,会导致正面的外力作用。 但是,如国防等产品是不能象糖果那样轻而易举的就在市场上买卖,并是消费者个人得益。
而市场对这类除购买者外,还有其他人收益的产品的看法是,这类生产不可能导致有效大规模产出。 那类由消费者群体共同享用,且不能拒绝那些没有付款的人享用的产品被称为公共产品。
在许多场合,政府对公共产品的观念表示着这类产品须免费对所有个人开放,而不是在市场中买卖。 制造这类产品通常是通过税收来实现的。
当其他人打开电视机时,这些正在观看节目的人并没有因这人打开电视机而减少其享用量。 同样,国防服务的利益也是没有竞争对手的。
当国家的人口增加时,没有任何公民会因此而减少其所享有的国防(数量)。 那类有消费竞争的产品我们称为私有产品。
换句话说,使其他人得以享用一定量无消费竞争产品的边际效应是零。 所以,为无消费竞争产品定价是没有效率的。
同样的,道路的利益通常是非竞争性的,然而它可以通过实行缴纳通行费用来排除那些拒绝支付费用的人。 消费的非竞争性和非排他性的特征,在产品中是多样化的。
然而,关于有效提供产品这一问题的进一步调查,我们可以知道如何制造有效数量的同时具有在消费上有非竞争性和利益的非排他性的产品。 纯公共产品在消费方面对整个消费群体具非竞争性,而且它的利益又非排他性的特征。
一个纯私人产品在消费方面是竞争性的,而且很容易排除那些想要选择它却不愿支付市场价格的人。 纯私人产品的市场交换不会造成正面或负面的外部性。
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