2.高价求高人 做 一篇建筑给排水毕业设计
(1) 建筑资料
(2) 水源资料
1. 设计计算书一份,包括下列内容
(1) 分析设计资料,确定建筑内部的给水方式及排水体制。
(2) 考虑厨厕内卫生器具的布置及管道的布置与敷设。
(3) 室内外管道材料、设备的选用及敷设安装方法的确定。
(4) 建筑内部给排水系统的计算。
(5) 其他构筑物及计算仪表的选用、计算。
(6) 室外管道定线布置及计算(定出管径、管坡等数据及检查井底标高,井径,化粪池进出管的管内底标高等)。
2. 绘制下列图纸
(1) 各层给排水平面图(1:100)。
(2) 系统原理图。
(3) 厨厕放大图(1:50)。
(4) 主要文字说明和图例等。
4 管道的敷设及连接方式
5 洗涤盆和洗脸盆安装高度为0.8M,淋浴器安装高度为2M,低水箱坐式大便器水龙头安装高度为0.51M,洗衣机用水龙头安装高度为1.5M 。
四 设计计算
1 室内给水系统的计算
[1] [2] 下一页
本文来自: 一流设计吧() 详细出处参考:
The main elements of the design include: the design of building water supply system, fire fighting system design of building water supply and drainage system design, architectural design and building hot water system. Through this graduation design, can make oneself more system, complete the professional knowledge in practice, cultivate their ability of comprehensive ability and engineering practice and related knowledge. Water supply system using zoning method. The basement and one or two floors on the ground by the municipal water supply pipe network, using downfeed type. Three to twelve layer by the pool, the water pump and the tank joint water supply, using downfeed distribution. Through comparative analysis, drainage system, drainage system. Hot water supply system by hot water distribution network and a return pipe. Fire water supply safety and reliability requirements of the building, fire hydrant system and automatic sprinkler system independence. 求追分 打了我好久。
浅析建筑给排水质量通病及其防治 摘要 从施工角度分析建筑给排水工程中管道渗漏、管道穿越楼(地)板处的渗漏、管道沟槽开 挖后槽底泡水、施工过程中管道堵塞、管道支架不牢固、给水立管安装、给水系统消毒、卫生洁具安装 等问题产生的原因,并提出了防治办法。
关键词 建筑给排水 质量通病 防治 建筑给排水工程是建筑工程的重要组成部分,其质量的好坏直接影响着建筑工程质量,如当前建 筑工程中经常存在的地面渗漏、管道易堵等水卫设 备安装通病往往影响到整个工程的交付使用,所以,必须予以重视。笔者对上述质量通病做了些调查,就其产生原因及克服办法谈几点意见,仅供施工人 员参考。
1 管道渗漏问题 建筑给排水中管道漏水是常见的质量通病。原 因众多:一是所用材料不合格,如所选用的PPR及 PVC-U管质量达不到国家标准,管材阀门本体与 阀芯、阀盖之间密封性差等造成内漏和外漏,或以次 充好。
这样就要求把好材料选用关,要审查确定合 格供应商,按质量标准对进场材料严格进行复验,对 管材、阀门应逐一进行试压;二是管道连接操作不 当,如用螺纹连接时,加工的螺纹与配件不配套或螺 纹密封材料失效,或是连接不严密使用时容易发生 渗漏;三是把好连接的操作关,无论是螺纹、焊接还 是法兰承插式、热熔等连接,都应采用正确的操作方 法严格规范施工,达到质量标准。2 管道穿越楼(地)板处的渗漏问题 建筑给排水工程常用的管材主要有钢管、铸铁 管和塑料管。
按照《建筑给水排水及采暖工程施工 质量验收规范》(GB 50242—2002)的规定,铸铁管、塑料管一般采用直接穿越楼(地)板的方式施工,钢 管采用设置钢制套管的方式施工。铸铁、塑料下水管道常用的施工方法有随主体 一起施工和预留孔道以后穿管两种方法。
这两种方 法都存在管道与楼(地)板接触部分的严密性问题,如果施工处理不当而出现空隙,则势必造成漏水。较好的处理方法是:对于管道随主体一起施工的工 程,应在土建再做防水找平层之前涂抹防水涂料2 遍,然后土建做防水找平层及防水层;对于预留孔洞 的施工方式,应在管道固定时于管道周围25 mm范 围内用1∶2水泥砂浆灌严(砂浆应掺UEA微胀 剂),砂浆应灌注成八字形,土建所做面层应在管道 周围成20 mm高的台形(见图1);使用塑料管道穿 楼(地)板时,除注意上述问题外,还应注意将嵌在楼 板内的塑料管壁打毛,以利于管道外壁与混凝土的 粘结,减少裂缝产生的可能性。
给水工程和热水工程常采用穿套管过楼(地)板 的方法,为了方便施工,套管埋设一般采用预留孔洞 的方式,具体做法可参考排水立管预留孔洞穿楼(地)板的方法。套管穿楼板时除注意与楼板接触严 密外,还应注意:套管一定采用钢管,不得以镀锌皮 管代替,且套管直径应比所穿管道大两号,套管长度 应比楼板厚多20 mm,以保证安装时上端高出楼板20 mm,下端与楼板齐平。
另外,套管与管道之间的 缝隙应采用聚氨酯、沥青玛蹄脂等材料封严。3 管道沟槽开挖后槽底泡水问题 施工过程中由于各种原因,如:天然降水或其他 客水流进沟槽;对地下水或浅层滞水,未采取排降水 措施或排降水措施不力。
这样会造成槽基被浸泡 后,地基土质变软,会大大降低其承载力,引起管渠 基础下沉,造成管渠结构折裂损坏,对此施工中应采 取预防对策:①雨季施工,要将沟槽四周叠筑闭合的 土埂,必要时要在埂外开挖排水沟,防止客水流入槽 内。②下水道接通河道或接入旧雨水管渠的沟段,开槽应在枯水期先行施工,以防下游水倒灌入沟槽。
③在地下水位以下或有浅层滞水地段挖槽,应使排 水沟、集水井或各种井点排降水设备经常保持完好 状态,保证正常运行。④沟槽见底后应随即进行下 一道工序,否则,槽底以上可暂留20 cm土层不予挖 出,作为保护层。
如槽底已泡水时,应从两个方面采 取对策:①沟槽已被泡水,应立即检查排降水设备,疏通排水沟,将水引走、排净。②已经被水浸泡而受 扰动的地基土,可根据具体情况处置。
当土层扰动 在10 cm以内时,要将扰动土挖出,换填级配砂砾或 砾石夯实;当土层扰动深度达到30 cm但下部坚硬 时,要将扰动土挖出,换填大卵石或块石,并用砾石 填充空隙,将表面找平夯实。4 施工过程中管道堵塞问题 施工过程中,由于管道开口处封堵不当,极容易 造成水泥砂浆和其他建筑垃圾进入管道,很难清理,以致使用后经常出现排水管道堵塞。
对此,施工中 应从两个方面采取对策:一是封口的质量一定要保 证,如采用木塞或用薄钢板制成堵头,钢板上用石灰 砂浆而不用水泥砂浆封堵(水泥砂浆易破碎,进入排 水管后不易清除);二是在施工过程中不盖立管最下 部的排水检查口,在管内设置导物槽(见图2),这 样,立管内的杂物即可经导物槽排出,而不致进入底 部的排水横管。导物槽宜采用厚度大于3 mm的钢 板制作。
5 管道支架不牢固问题 目前工程中给水系统大多采用PPR管,由于其 刚性差,加之施工时不注意支架的安装,会造成管道 弯曲、变形,甚至出现渗漏现象。支架间距严格按照 规范规定设置;支架安装严格按照施工工艺要求进 行施工。
The multilevel residential housing is given and drains off water several questions designed Summary: This text give and drain off water on multilevel residential housing design supply water the exertion of the tubular product , Way of laying of pipeline, water gauge produce family set up, establishment and air conditioner condensation water of pot-type boiler discharge issue goes on the discussion , And put forward some concrete views. Keyword: Skyscraper, supply water the tubular product , the pipeline is laid, The water gauge, the solar water heater The skyscraper is simple with its auxiliary facility, the fabrication cost is low, the characteristic such as being convenient of estate management, Receive the welcomes of the real estate developer and vast resident of small and medium-sized cities very much. How project planning and design of inhabited region, scientific and technological industry of comfortable house, lead the request according to 2000, Improve the design level of the house, build out a comfortable living space for each household, It is each designers duty. As the heart of the house --The kitchen, bathroom, is that the function is complicated, hygiene, safe and comfortable degree are expected much, It is miscellaneous to build, the space expecting much in technology. So, the designer must consider synthetically with the idea and method of global design that the kitchen, bathroom give installation of the drainage pipeline and equipment, etc. Give and drain off water on skyscraper design supply water exertion, to lay pipeline of tubular product, water gauge produce family set up, establishment and empty of pot-type boiler now Transfer condensation water discharge issue discuss together with colleagues. ( 1), supply water tubular product select problem for use Traditional water supply tubular product adopt zinc-plated steel tube generally, because zinc-plated steel tube exchange the corrosion, Use short-lived , use for and send domestic water can satisfied with water quality sanitary standard shortcoming, Ministry of Construction is popularizing the application of the feed pipe of plastics energetically . A lot of districts and cities have already expressed regulations: Forbid designing and using the zinc-plated steel tube , use widely the feed pipe of plastics. The plastics supply water In charge of compared with metal pipeline, light, it is fine to able to bear the intensity of keeping, Send obstruction little liquid , able to bear chemistry better to corrode performance, it is convenient to install, The steel energy-conservation of the province, merit of having long performance life etc.. Supply water and use plastics pipeline: Hard polyvinyl chloride( PVC-U), high density polyethylene( HDPE), pay and unite polyethylene( PEX) , modify the polypropylene( PP-R, PP-C), gather butane( PB), aluminum mould and compound and in charge of and the steel is molded and compound and is managed etc.. Choice of tubular product economic comparative course of technology, technology should from pressure, temperature, environment for use, install method ,etc. go on and consider, Combine owners at the same time request and the house of grade, carry on and fix after being consider synthetically technology not economic. The above plastics supply water tubular product can supply water tubular product as house life. The economic and functional house conciliating Strand room in the face of the masses of with low- and medium-level incomes resident, can select for use hygiene grades of hard polyvinyl chloride in charge of as feed pipe mainly, In order to reduce the fabrication cost; Medium-to-high grade commodity apartment available aluminum Mould and compound and in charge of or other plastics supply water the tubular product as the feed pipe. House mix hot water temperature that water order exceed 600 C, so above-mentioned tubular product in charge of except hard polyvinyl chloride and aluminum plastics compound and in charge of( PE-AL-PE), Mostly the tubular product can be regarded as the hot water pipeline of the house.。
The multilevel residential housing is given and drains off water several questions designed Summary: This text give and drain off water on multilevel residential housing design supply water the exertion of the tubular product , Way of laying of pipeline, water gauge produce family set up, establishment and air conditioner condensation water of pot-type boiler discharge issue goes on the discussion , And put forward some concrete views. Keyword: Skyscraper, supply water the tubular product , the pipeline is laid, The water gauge, the solar water heater The skyscraper is simple with its auxiliary facility, the fabrication cost is low, the characteristic such as being convenient of estate management, Receive the welcomes of the real estate developer and vast resident of small and medium-sized cities very much. How project planning and design of inhabited region, scientific and technological industry of comfortable house, lead the request according to 2000, Improve the design level of the house, build out a comfortable living space for each household, It is each designers duty. As the heart of the house --The kitchen, bathroom, is that the function is complicated, hygiene, safe and comfortable degree are expected much, It is miscellaneous to build, the space expecting much in technology. So, the designer must consider synthetically with the idea and method of global design that the kitchen, bathroom give installation of the drainage pipeline and equipment, etc. Give and drain off water on skyscraper design supply water exertion, to lay pipeline of tubular product, water gauge produce family set up, establishment and empty of pot-type boiler now Transfer condensation water discharge issue discuss together with colleagues. ( 1), supply water tubular product select problem for use Traditional water supply tubular product adopt zinc-plated steel tube generally, because zinc-plated steel tube exchange the corrosion, Use short-lived , use for and send domestic water can satisfied with water quality sanitary standard shortcoming, Ministry of Construction is popularizing the application of the feed pipe of plastics energetically . A lot of districts and cities have already expressed regulations: Forbid designing and using the zinc-plated steel tube , use widely the feed pipe of plastics. The plastics supply water In charge of compared with metal pipeline, light, it is fine to able to bear the intensity of keeping, Send obstruction little liquid , able to bear chemistry better to corrode performance, it is convenient to install, The steel energy-conservation of the province, merit of having long performance life etc.. Supply water and use plastics pipeline: Hard polyvinyl chloride( PVC-U), high density polyethylene( HDPE), pay and unite polyethylene( PEX) , modify the polypropylene( PP-R, PP-C), gather butane( PB), aluminum mould and compound and in charge of and the steel is molded and compound and is managed etc.. Choice of tubular product economic comparative course of technology, technology should from pressure, temperature, environment for use, install method ,etc. go on and consider, Combine owners at the same time request and the house of grade, carry on and fix after being consider synthetically technology not economic. The above plastics supply water tubular product can supply water tubular product as house life. The economic and functional house conciliating Strand room in the face of the masses of with low- and medium-level incomes resident, can select for use hygiene grades of hard polyvinyl chloride in charge of as feed pipe mainly, In order to reduce the fabrication cost; Medium-to-high grade commodity apartment available aluminum Mould and compound and in charge of or other plastics supply water the tubular product as the feed pipe. House mix hot water temperature that water order exceed 600 C, so above-mentioned tubular product in charge of except hard polyvinyl chloride and aluminum plastics compound and in charge of( PE-AL-PE), Mostly the tubular product can be regarded as the hot water pipeline of the house. ( 2), pipeline lay problem 1. give and drain off water it set up there aren't one that in charge of 1)Will install it in the corner place of the kitchen, bathroom tomorrow. Adopting this kind of way of laying more in the design of house in the past, it is convenient for it to construct, But will reveal the pipeline and hinder the room beautifully tomorrow Watch, the households will mostly be hidden with the light quality material in the equipment two times. 2)Will install it in the overcast angle place of the outer wall of the building tomorrow. Way this suitable for southern weather 。