


"Little Prince" is a literature work which has a special status in the European literary palace in 20th century.It expressed the writer's rational thinking about the reality and human's inner world by telling a wise and humanity fairy tale.The rich warmth and innocent writting style deeply infuented generations.It is not an ordinary fairy tale, but rather a philosophical fairy tale which contains the author's thinking of love,responsibility and life.It has deep philosophical meaning and aesthetic significance. Based on the author's analysis of the historical background, I will explore to depth in aspriations and interpretations for love which the auther tried to express,analyze the persuing spirit for innocent humanity represented with "love" in "Little Prince".

Key words:Little Prince,love,responsibility,innocence










3.关于《小王子》的英文论文 在线等

呵呵,你看看合适不合适 The Little Prince – A biased review The little prince by Antoine De Saint Exupery is perhaps the most loved and most widely read book after the Bible. The story of a boy in love with a rose, the novelette is much more than just a story, and the author of the article tries to explain why. "Once upon a time there lived a prince in a planet far, far away" This is how the novelette "The Little Prince" did not start. True, there is a little prince in the book, and he does live on a planet far, far away. But this is a story for the grown ups, and grown ups need to be explained about the realities of Boa Constrictors and Elephants inside Boa Constrictors, and therefore, the story goes thus: "Once when I was six years old I saw a beautiful picture in a book about the primeval forest called "true stories". It showed a boa constrictor swallowing an animal." "The Little Prince" (Le Petit Prince for the puritans) is the story of a child whose innocence carries the wisdom of a million miles and a million years. It is the story of a boy who sets out on an unknown adventure in search of, of all things, a sheep. Yes, a sheep, so that it could eat away little baobabs before they grew too big. A little complicated, is it? But of course, you are only a grown up after all. Our author is a grown up, too. But somewhere, deep inside, he retains that shrunk down, child-like heart, and therefore the questions of the little prince only amaze but never confound him. Our author goes by the name of Antoine de Saint Exupery, the aviator. He has done big things as all grown ups do – flew planes, rescued doomed pilots in the desert, pioneered the mail route from France to South America – the things that bring money, fame and prestige. He has also done the little things that all little ones do – sketched pictures, understood the simple things like love and sorrow, scribbled crazy words on crazier sheets of paper – and he did all that when he was a grown up. Somewhere down the line he also scribbled down "Le Petit Prince". The story of the little prince first occurred to Saint Exupery when he was downed in an air crash over the Sahara desert – for years later he doodled pictures of a blond child with tussled hair, his comforter flowing in the breeze of some distant planet. And in 1943, the Prince emerged in our planet archives, as a little more than a book, and a little less than the Holy Bible. It is more than a book, inasmuch as it does not take recourse to high-flown verses and yet has a story to tell, a tale to weave that can perhaps move the coldest heart. It is also less than the bible, inasmuch as it does not speak of ritualistic spiritualism; it dwells instead on the strength of hope that lingers within the mortal spirit. So when the prince says, "Water may also be good for the heart…" we know that he speaks of a heart that is independent of cholesterol and fatty acids. And when he utters "The men where you live grow five thousand roses in the same garden…and they do not find what they are looking for.." one begins to understand the sorrow that each one of us feels but cannot comprehend. The novelette barely stretches to a hundred pages, but what a fantastic hundred pages they are. As one flips through the words, watching the prince ridicule the foundations of the modern era namely power, wealth, fame and despair through his innocence, one begins to realize the hopelessness of hope itself, for our hopes are pinned on those very foundations which, unfortunately, hold little meaning to a naïve, vain rose who lies in wait somewhere for her hero to return home. Andthat is when one begins to respect responsibilities; not the crudely defined responsibilities towards oneself, but the selfless responsibility towards those that one has "tamed". As the prince did: "I'm beginning to understand', said the little prince. 'There is a flower… I think she has tamed me…' ………….The fox became silent and gazed for a long time at the little prince. 'I beg of you…tame me!' he said. 'Willingly,' the little prince replied, 'but I haven't got much time. I have friends to discover and a lot of things to understand.' 'One can only understand the things one tames,' said the fox, 'Men have no more time to understand anything. They buy ready-made things in the shops. But since there are no shops where you can but friends, men no longer have any friends. If you want a friend, tame me!'" And that is how it goes. Little nuggets of wisdom delivered in an offhanded fashion, told through the words of a child, for it is a child who understands and values the absolute truth, the truth that goes beyond boundaries and beyond 。




5.关于《小王子》的英文论文 在线等

呵呵,你看看合适不合适The Little Prince – A biased reviewThe little prince by Antoine De Saint Exupery is perhaps the most loved and most widely read book after the Bible. The story of a boy in love with a rose, the novelette is much more than just a story, and the author of the article tries to explain why. "Once upon a time there lived a prince in a planet far, far away" This is how the novelette "The Little Prince" did not start. True, there is a little prince in the book, and he does live on a planet far, far away. But this is a story for the grown ups, and grown ups need to be explained about the realities of Boa Constrictors and Elephants inside Boa Constrictors, and therefore, the story goes thus: "Once when I was six years old I saw a beautiful picture in a book about the primeval forest called "true stories". It showed a boa constrictor swallowing an animal." "The Little Prince" (Le Petit Prince for the puritans) is the story of a child whose innocence carries the wisdom of a million miles and a million years. It is the story of a boy who sets out on an unknown adventure in search of, of all things, a sheep. Yes, a sheep, so that it could eat away little baobabs before they grew too big. A little complicated, is it? But of course, you are only a grown up after all. Our author is a grown up, too. But somewhere, deep inside, he retains that shrunk down, child-like heart, and therefore the questions of the little prince only amaze but never confound him. Our author goes by the name of Antoine de Saint Exupery, the aviator. He has done big things as all grown ups do – flew planes, rescued doomed pilots in the desert, pioneered the mail route from France to South America – the things that bring money, fame and prestige. He has also done the little things that all little ones do – sketched pictures, understood the simple things like love and sorrow, scribbled crazy words on crazier sheets of paper – and he did all that when he was a grown up. Somewhere down the line he also scribbled down "Le Petit Prince". The story of the little prince first occurred to Saint Exupery when he was downed in an air crash over the Sahara desert – for years later he doodled pictures of a blond child with tussled hair, his comforter flowing in the breeze of some distant planet. And in 1943, the Prince emerged in our planet archives, as a little more than a book, and a little less than the Holy Bible. It is more than a book, inasmuch as it does not take recourse to high-flown verses and yet has a story to tell, a tale to weave that can perhaps move the coldest heart. It is also less than the bible, inasmuch as it does not speak of ritualistic spiritualism; it dwells instead on the strength of hope that lingers within the mortal spirit. So when the prince says, "Water may also be good for the heart…" we know that he speaks of a heart that is independent of cholesterol and fatty acids. And when he utters "The men where you live grow five thousand roses in the same garden…and they do not find what they are looking for.." one begins to understand the sorrow that each one of us feels but cannot comprehend. The novelette barely stretches to a hundred pages, but what a fantastic hundred pages they are. As one flips through the words, watching the prince ridicule the foundations of the modern era namely power, wealth, fame and despair through his innocence, one begins to realize the hopelessness of hope itself, for our hopes are pinned on those very foundations which, unfortunately, hold little meaning to a naïve, vain rose who lies in wait somewhere for her hero to return home. Andthat is when one begins to respect responsibilities; not the crudely defined responsibilities towards oneself, but the selfless responsibility towards those that one has "tamed". As the prince did: "I'm beginning to understand', said the little prince. 'There is a flower… I think she has tamed me…' ………….The fox became silent and gazed for a long time at the little prince. 'I beg of you…tame me!' he said. 'Willingly,' the little prince replied, 'but I haven't got much time. I have friends to discover and a lot of things to understand.' 'One can only understand the things one tames,' said the fox, 'Men have no more time to understand anything. They buy ready-made things in the shops. But since there are no shops where you can but friends, men no longer have any friends. If you want a friend, tame me!'" And that is how it goes. Little nuggets of wisdom delivered in an offhanded fashion, told through the words of a child, for it is a child who understands and values the absolute truth, the truth that goes beyond boundaries and beyond 。


毕业论文参考文献规范格式 一、参考文献的类型 参考文献(即引文出处)的类型以单字母方式标识,具体如下: M——专著 C——论文集 N——报纸文章 J——期刊文章 D——学位论文 R——报告 对于不属于上述的文献类型,采用字母“Z”标识。

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最后他来到了地球。在这里他遇到了一只狐狸,这只狐狸给他解决了那朵娇气的小玫瑰给他带来的对爱的疑惑,使他明白,爱意味着责任,意味着慈悲,有了爱(广义的爱)生活里的一切才有了意义。狐狸告诉他:“对于你使之驯顺的东西,你永远有责任。你要对你的玫瑰尽责。” “如果你使我驯顺了,我的生活就会充满阳光,欢快起来。我将会听出一种与众不同的脚步声。…….你有着一头金发,于是,一旦你使我驯顺了,这将变得妙不可言!金色的小麦将使我回想起你来。于是我就会爱上穿行麦浪的风声……”爱使人懂得了忧伤和痛苦,同时使人摆脱了孤独寂寞,使生活变得有充满情趣和意义。正象小王子对“我”说的:“这就象花一样。如果你爱上了一朵生长在一颗星星上的花,那么夜间,你看着天空就感到甜蜜愉快,所有的星星上都好象开着花。”于是作者明白,这世界上,一只小绵羊吃掉一朵花儿,是没什么大不了的事,但对于小王子来说,“那就如同所有的星星顷刻间都熄灭。”



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